Please list other high end tour operators, trying to compare prices and trips

I have just gotten started researching all the great info everyone here has provided. I have been impressed so far with Thompson Family Adventures. I really like it that they are geared to families, they have a pen-pal program for kids where they get to meet their pen-pal, and that they offer opportunites to volunteer (on some trips), and dine with local familes. They also offer return customer discounts, child and tween discounts, and a discount for ordering their brochure and doing a survey, plus additional discounts based on number in group, travel insurance included in the price, and max group size of 24. Their tour of Egypt is about $1000 pp less than Disney with the option for it to go lower with all the above mentioned discounts. I don't think the hotels are as high end, but are still nice. To me they look like they want your business, where with Disney, I think the guides are wonderful, but the company doesn't really seem to be trying as hard. NO loyalty discounts or discounts for early booking anymore. Again, thanks so much to everyone for all the new info. I know I will really enjoy looking at all the options, even though I won't get to go on all the trips.

Beachbunny, your trips sound amazing. I am jealous!:goodvibes
To me they look like they want your business, where with Disney, I think the guides are wonderful, but the company doesn't really seem to be trying as hard. NO loyalty discounts or discounts for early booking anymore.

I think you've summed up perfectly. Last year, around this time, ABD was watching these boards. I wonder if they've seen this thread?
I don't know if they are watching the boards (I know they do from time to time), but it would be great to see them do some of the things that some other companies are doing as far as discounts, etc. I am planing to continue to research others. A& K are next on my list, and I will update as time allows what I find out.
I don't know if they are watching the boards (I know they do from time to time), but it would be great to see them do some of the things that some other companies are doing as far as discounts, etc. I am planing to continue to research others. A& K are next on my list, and I will update as time allows what I find out.

Perhaps their 2010 results have proved that they don't have to offer these loyalty discounts to fill their trips and be profitable. I'm thinking in the earlier days (WAY back in 2007/2008!), they were trying to build that loyal following. Now perhaps they feel like they have enough of a base of people who are willing to pay for the trips at the increased cost, and may lure new customers or stragglers with special offers.

For me, after a very positive experience on Tauck Bridges this year, I am willing to try other companies for a very similar family vacation experience. ABD is no longer the only vendor I consider due to their pricing. I'm not saying I'll never take another trip - I would really love to - but it isn't a no-brainer like it was for two years with early booking discounts and lower pricing.

I'd sure be interested in hearing people's experience with Thomson or Classic Journeys family trips - I hope we have someone who tries them out!
Perhaps their 2010 results have proved that they don't have to offer these loyalty discounts to fill their trips and be profitable. I'm thinking in the earlier days (WAY back in 2007/2008!), they were trying to build that loyal following. Now perhaps they feel like they have enough of a base of people who are willing to pay for the trips at the increased cost, and may lure new customers or stragglers with special offers.

For me, after a very positive experience on Tauck Bridges this year, I am willing to try other companies for a very similar family vacation experience. ABD is no longer the only vendor I consider due to their pricing. I'm not saying I'll never take another trip - I would really love to - but it isn't a no-brainer like it was for two years with early booking discounts and lower pricing.

I'd sure be interested in hearing people's experience with Thomson or Classic Journeys family trips - I hope we have someone who tries them out!

Totally agree. ABD probably has built a loyal base, but they haven't really been able to expand though, and you would think that would be their goal - not necessarily offering more destinations, but offering more dates. When they did that for 2009, they ended up cancelling a lot of trips (mine included). We are just a small group here, but they lost several loyal customers from our ranks this year and I'm nearly certain we'll be traveling with another company in 2011, as well. I don't know if we Diser's are a representative sample - I tend to think we would be more enthusiatic and loyal to ABD than the average guest. Of all the comments that we've made on this board, it seems that the only one ABD took note of was that the $100 loyalty discount wasn't sufficient incentive to book early or at all, so they dropped that too. We'll most likely be going with National Geographic for our next vacation and I would really like to give Thomson a shot after that. I haven't totally abandoned ABD, but they are no longer my automatic choice.
totally agree. Abd probably has built a loyal base, but they haven't really been able to expand though, and you would think that would be their goal - not necessarily offering more destinations, but offering more dates. When they did that for 2009, they ended up cancelling a lot of trips (mine included). We are just a small group here, but they lost several loyal customers from our ranks this year and i'm nearly certain we'll be traveling with another company in 2011, as well. I don't know if we diser's are a representative sample - i tend to think we would be more enthusiatic and loyal to abd than the average guest. Of all the comments that we've made on this board, it seems that the only one abd took note of was that the $100 loyalty discount wasn't sufficient incentive to book early or at all, so they dropped that too. We'll most likely be going with national geographic for our next vacation and i would really like to give thomson a shot after that. I haven't totally abandoned abd, but they are no longer my automatic choice.

Bob912 - we, like you were pretty disgruntled by ABD last year and decided not to go for our 3rd trip and explored on our own this year instead.
Having decided that for 2011 we wished for another adventure we started looking at other options - for both Peru and Galapagos. In my opinion each tour operator has to be viewed seperately for each destination. I loved Thompsons pen pal scheme and itineraries but when compared to ABD on peru its $500 pp more and one complete day less.

When we looked at Galapagos most tour operators were on the ships for seven days which I felt for an 8 year old was too much the ABD 4 days with an experience of Equador was far better suited to our needs.

So i think what I am trying to say is that the research that we all seems to do pays off but it needs to be done for each destination as each company varies.
We have ended up booking Peru with ABD as it seems the best value (Tauck bridges doesn't do it by the way) and we couldn't justify the extra $6000 ABD wanted for the 3 of us to go to Galapagos. I guess we all have limits and that will pay for 3 weeks additional touring of the carolinas for us!!!
One interesting comment though on Tauck bridges and the children - Bob912 do you think that having two ABD guides helps bring the children together? as our 2 previous trips it seemed that the guides were definately child focused and helped achieve that joining very early on in the trips.
Having an only child that for us has made the ABD adventures so special and we were seriously considering trying Tauck but I am now a little reluctant.
So despite all my hot air and disappointment last year we are returning to the ABD fold and just hoping it lives up to expectation!!
Bob912 - we, like you were pretty disgruntled by ABD last year and decided not to go for our 3rd trip and explored on our own this year instead.
Having decided that for 2011 we wished for another adventure we started looking at other options - for both Peru and Galapagos. In my opinion each tour operator has to be viewed seperately for each destination. I loved Thompsons pen pal scheme and itineraries but when compared to ABD on peru its $500 pp more and one complete day less.

When we looked at Galapagos most tour operators were on the ships for seven days which I felt for an 8 year old was too much the ABD 4 days with an experience of Equador was far better suited to our needs.

So i think what I am trying to say is that the research that we all seems to do pays off but it needs to be done for each destination as each company varies.
We have ended up booking Peru with ABD as it seems the best value (Tauck bridges doesn't do it by the way) and we couldn't justify the extra $6000 ABD wanted for the 3 of us to go to Galapagos. I guess we all have limits and that will pay for 3 weeks additional touring of the carolinas for us!!!
One interesting comment though on Tauck bridges and the children - Bob912 do you think that having two ABD guides helps bring the children together? as our 2 previous trips it seemed that the guides were definately child focused and helped achieve that joining very early on in the trips.
Having an only child that for us has made the ABD adventures so special and we were seriously considering trying Tauck but I am now a little reluctant.
So despite all my hot air and disappointment last year we are returning to the ABD fold and just hoping it lives up to expectation!!

pipch, DS and I have done 3 group tours so far and our ABD last year was the only one where he really bonded with another child. On the other two trips (one ABD to Costa Rica, one Tauck to California) he hung out with me sometimes and the other kids sometimes. He had a good time with the other kids, but didn't form the inseparable bond he had on the Alaska trip. Oddly enough, I think one reason for the different experience was that on the Costa Rica and California trips there were lots of kids, but on the Alaska trip there were only 5 kids total. I thought that would be a bad things, especially since the other 4 kids were girls, but I think DS is a child who likes to pair up with one other kid rather than being a part of a large group. And in Alaska he happened to find a little girl that he clicked with. Because the ABD guides are so much more a part of the group, I think the kids tend to bond with the guide more on the ABD trips than with Tauck. But I think they both do a great job bringing the kids and families together, and my impressions was that Tauck maybe puts even more effort into it (although that may be different depending on the tour director). For instance, on the bus ride to Tenaya Lodge, our TD made the rounds asking which restaurant and what time we wanted dinner (we were on our own that evening), and based on our responses paired us up with other families for dinner (with our approval, of course). And she had lots of activities for the kids on the bus and several contests throughout the trip. The kids on our Tauck trip sat in the back of the bus together and sat at their own table at meals, just like on our ABD trips. I honestly don't think you can go wrong with either company.

My decision not to go with ABD to the Galapagos (well it's almost a decision, since I haven't booked yet) really has more to do with the intinerary than anything else. My DS is really interested in animals (we just go the BBC Life series on DVD and he watches those over and over again) and I think he will enjoy a longer cruise than the one ABD offers. So the National Geographic itinerary that goes to more of the islands appeals to us more. I'm hoping later we can visit Peru and take in some culture of the South American continent that we'll miss by spending the majority of this trip sailing the islands.
I totally agree you have to look at each company, and see what they offer in each destination. I too will not give up on ABD, but am glad to have other quality companies to look at.

I only have one of my kiddos still at home. So, I want to be able to take 2 or 3 major trips (I define that is out of the USA and for more than a week or so) in the next 6 years that we have him at home. I know how quickly the time goes, and they are grown up before you know it. So, I want to make some great memories of interesting far off places for him and for us. I really do think that being able to give your chldren a chance to see different places, and meet different people is a great gift to them.

I am planning to study each and every trip with an open mind, and really compare places, companies, and cost. Right now ABD has not done it for me because of price and general overall lack of customer loyalty programs. But, you never know in the future!
..... Right now ABD has not done it for me because of price and general overall lack of customer loyalty programs. But, you never know in the future!

All this discussion triggered me to dig up my records to really validate ABD's price changes. In August 2008, I booked our ABD 2009 trip to Alaska. For my then 9 year old daughter and myself, we paid $5688 (getting the EBD & return customer discount). If we were to book today for Alaska in 2011, we would pay $7288. That's a 27% price increase! Can't blame that on the $/Euro exchange rate. The trip is exactly the same as it was in 2008 (although I did notice that the storyteller had returned to the description for the first night in Denali! It was mysteriously missing from our adventure.)

I'm afraid to even dig up my records from our 2008 trip to Germany - I think the increase there is even more substantial.
Does anyone know of any operators that offer a Germany tour similar to ABD's? Most of the tours I've found are longer and include a river cruise, which I'm not interested in. I only want to go to southern/southwestern Germany. Thanks!
All this discussion triggered me to dig up my records to really validate ABD's price changes. In August 2008, I booked our ABD 2009 trip to Alaska. For my then 9 year old daughter and myself, we paid $5688 (getting the EBD & return customer discount). If we were to book today for Alaska in 2011, we would pay $7288. That's a 27% price increase! Can't blame that on the $/Euro exchange rate. The trip is exactly the same as it was in 2008 (although I did notice that the storyteller had returned to the description for the first night in Denali! It was mysteriously missing from our adventure.)

I'm afraid to even dig up my records from our 2008 trip to Germany - I think the increase there is even more substantial.

I kept looking for that storyteller and he never showed. :) The itinerary also still mentions the "mysterious Giant Pacific Octopus" at the Alaska Sea Life Center. The most mysterious thing about him was how to find him. DS was looking forward to seeing him and when we couldn't locate him, I asked and was told that he was no longer among the living.

We too paid $5688 for the Alaska trip in 2009. Our July, 2008 trip to Costa Rica was less than $7000 including the price of the trip, insurance and air fare (which was around $1500). In 2011 just the trip alone for the two of us would be $7938.
The itinerary also still mentions the "mysterious Giant Pacific Octopus" at the Alaska Sea Life Center. The most mysterious thing about him was how to find him. DS was looking forward to seeing him and when we couldn't locate him, I asked and was told that he was no longer among the living.

I think this was the guy. He was actually quite active when we were there, and moving all over the place. I've never seen anything like it. Not to make you feel bad, but it was the highlight of our evening at the Alaska Sea Life Center. (I've never tried to upload photos before, so hopefully this works!)
Does anyone know of any operators that offer a Germany tour similar to ABD's? Most of the tours I've found are longer and include a river cruise, which I'm not interested in. I only want to go to southern/southwestern Germany. Thanks!

I've never seen a family tour of the "Romantic Road" area of Germany similar to ABD's, but there are surely adult tours. Austin-Lehman offers a family tour to Germany, but it is not at all like ABD's. I will have to say that the ABD Germany trip may be worth it, as it was truly magical. It brought storybook Germany to life!
I think this was the guy. He was actually quite active when we were there, and moving all over the place. I've never seen anything like it. Not to make you feel bad, but it was the highlight of our evening at the Alaska Sea Life Center. (I've never tried to upload photos before, so hopefully this works!)

I wonder why they told us he was dead. Maybe they got a new one after we were there. Thanks for the pics. I don't feel bad. We've seen one just like him at the Georgia Aquarium.
I've never seen a family tour of the "Romantic Road" area of Germany similar to ABD's, but there are surely adult tours. Austin-Lehman offers a family tour to Germany, but it is not at all like ABD's. I will have to say that the ABD Germany trip may be worth it, as it was truly magical. It brought storybook Germany to life!

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. And thanks for your opinion on the ABD Germany trip. It sounds awesome!
I wonder why they told us he was dead. Maybe they got a new one after we were there. Thanks for the pics. I don't feel bad. We've seen one just like him at the Georgia Aquarium.

Don't know about the old one I think they said it passed.They have a smaller one now that was brought in by someone who found it in a tidal pool.The one we saw was maybe two foot or two and a half foot.
As, I have mentioned I am trying to do research on other higher end companies. I have been looking at Ambercromie and Kent. They are slightly ahead of ABD in most prices, but they do have some very nice things. They have a Marco Polo Club for those who travel often, for a $300 pp fee that is good for 3 years you are allowed to go on special MPC trips, and the price of the trips are discounted enough that you more than get your money back. They do run specials. However, I can't find any info about return customer discounts. Someone also posted they sometimes have auctions of trips, with the price dropping every so often until they are filled. They have some family trips to Morocco Israel, as well as Belize, The Amazon, Antartica, etc. that you won't find with Disney. Basically lots more trips and options. They also seem to focus on learning local arts and crafts, and cooking classes from the locals. Accomodations are top notch, and they are know for great service.

I also wanted to add to what someone posted earlier about ABD having one of the best trips to Peru, after looking at several companies. I will give ABD kudos for this one. Seems the best price and itinterary.
Classic Journey's sent out am offer for $200 per person airfare credit on some Oct trips. None of them are their family trips, but I know we have a lot of folks who travel without kids, so thought I would post it in case anybody is interested. Here's the link
I got some brochures and an offer in the mail today from Tauck and it is exactly the kind of offer I would like to see from ABD (or any other company). The offers are for their small ship cruises to Antarctica and to Panama Canal & Costa Rica. It's not the destinations that are of interest, although I would love to go to Antarctica but it would require an whole new wardrobe. :) The ships are new and the staterooms look very nice too...but I digress. The offers were for reduced airfare and 2 free hotel nights. Antarctica RT airfare is $890and 2 free nights in Buenos Aires. Costa Rica is RT airfare $500 and two free nights either in San Jose or Panama City or one night in each. With prices like that for airfare I could afford to take more trips!


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