Playstation xbox and Wii Friendly chat thread

Maleficent2 said:
Please play nice.

All gamers have their preference, mine just happens to be the Wii. Unless you have played it you have no and I mean NO idea how awesome a system really is.

there are 151 Wii games coming out by the first quarter of next year.

My DH who never plays games....
Plays the Wii!

what does DH mean.. :confused3
shadow pirate said:
Did you read my post at all? Yup i did and i posted that i won't break unless you abuse it

Also, I'm gonna go with PA and call out anyone who plays by sitting on hte couch flicking their rists. Toolbox. The point of the Wii is to get into it, otherwise you can pick up any console and play it just the same as flicking your wrists. And carpletunnel.did you know unlike the Xbox and PS3 the wii can acctually get you a excercise now because you have to get up and move to play ( so it acctaully better for you then the other systems)

I have played the Wii, made an idiot of myself at a Best Buy. Very fun, I will give you that, but I get annoyed by people who present little to no evidence of why this console deserves 1,000,000 threads, especially one saying that, because someone enjoys the console, it's so crazy important that everyone, regardless of whether or not one already has a perfectly good console at the moment, should drop it off a cliff (with flaming spikes at the bottom strewn across and mine field) and go out and buy the Wii.are you getting a little overboard here?

Also, did anyone actually look at the site I posted? People, as in more than two, have had their property damaged because of the wrist strap breaking off. Nintendo is not at fault here,no kidding ( i bet the people were abusing the control by swinging it around) but wouldn't they realize that maybe, on a console that has you flicking the controller around, they should attach the wrist strap more securely than it is? IT is tied down and has it knoted through a plastic cover and you can tighenen it to your wrist size so that it can't go off your wirst Maybe, since this actually has you moving more than other consoles, some peoples hands get sweaty? not really (but it depends on the person) And maybe, by some strange serieses of coincidences, as someone goes for a tennis serve or a bowl, after much playing of this game, the controler may slip out of their sweaty palms and, with enough potential force, break the flimsy little cord that attaches the wrist strap to the WiiMote. you aren't supposed to go as hard as you can it is a slow movement. it is accuaraccy that matters. And maybe, by some other strange coincidence, this happened to many people, all of which have picture evidence of it snapping.then can easyly have a picture of the Wii mote but they don't have a movie of it happening. and if they do i would bet it was planned because why would somebody film somebody playing games.

I'm really frustrated right now, mostly because I'm tired of nobody actually reading postshow could i be answering all these questions if i didn't read your post. of someone who's been labeled a "Sony fanboy"(nobodys labled anybody)we are just pointing out points that we find wrong. (you should only care what you think, but listen to others opinions. because I had the first, got the second for backwards compatibility and the great game library, and got suckered into getting a PSP for the nice graphics. But if anyone actually payed attention to what I've postedi have been if you haven't noticed rather than shrugging it off,i am reading now then maybe I wouldn't have to post gigantic posts explaining my stand.nobody said you had to

Thank the lord I am done with this post.why i was reading it.. oh right nobody reads your posts i forgot. sorry

I edited my opions in red up above feel free to coment "Sony fanboy" as you call yourself.

It doesn't matter what system you play as long as you like what you play.

This is just to discuss (not argue) about the systems

Alphawazup said:
I edited my opions in red up aboveYour coments restate the same thing. And you appear as though you just hunted for parts you could bash me on. Is that all you do? feel free to coment "Sony fanboy" as you call yourself.You are blind. Labels are all over the place, but you are blinded by your "supperiority" to actually care. And apparently you misunderstand me, as I didn't call myself a Sony Fanboy, just pointed out others have.

It doesn't matter what system you play as long as you like what you play.You contradict yourself. You have constantly said that the Wii is the ultimate console. You constantly tell EVERYONE who hasn't said that they don't have a Wii must buy this thing.

This is just to discuss (not argue) about the systemsUntil this point I haven't argued. But now I am fed up with this blindness you apparently have.

I've posted my opinions in Royal Blue, as it seemed to be the most visible shade of blue.

You, my friend, have unleashed a maelstorm. I will not let it loose here, but it is definitly there. And almost everytime you post it grows.

You are blind to facts. The majority of your posts are based on fallicies and opinions. Once again, you do not actually go and see what I'm talking about, rather restate that these videos and people(which, even though you haven't actually seen, have abused this Wiimote, [SARCASM]oh omniscient Alpha[/SARCASM]) were using it incorrectly.

People record videos to post them on the internet for gameplay.

Yes, nobody said I had to. I choose to. Did I say that I was tired of posting.

My second paragraph was an exxageration to show truth. They work.

You're right, it is tied down. But that's not what I've been saying. I'm saying that tie that holds the strap to the WiiMote snaps. Read before you post.

Yes, in tennis your supposed to serve sloooooowly. If the ball hits the net that makes you a winner!

They have a picture of it snapped in two. Not cut. Snapped. It's not a clean cut.

I do not care what others think of me. I got over that a long time ago. I just pointed out, once again, that people have called me a Sony Fanboy.

And yes, you are reading. Or are you just glazing over it? Did you even look at what I said? Or did you just read it and immediatly forget it? Your comments contradict that you actually read it.

I still do not want to start a fight here. But I will defend my honor.
Nanoer said:
Bad taste? Yeah so I'd so go out and buy a xbox 360 or PS3 which are just computers with custom built video cards. I could just go to frys and buy that.

Yea but you wouldn't have the LIVE experience that no other company has matched with there game system yet.
Mnementh said:
I'm as big a gamer as anyone here, but here's the way I look at it:

All three have less than 20 games, and all the games are boring.

360 vs. Wii vs. PS3... Winner = none of the above. They're all duds.

I'll wait till they're cheaper and have more games. I used to prefer PS2 until I realized they all play video games, and most games are out for all three systems, so I've kind of become console neutral.

Boring? Maybe you should grab a nice group of friend jump on Live and play some old school Halo 2 or GOW or COD3 or Rainbow Six. Nothing like playing with friends around the globe and blowing stuff up!
macntosh said:
Yea but you wouldn't have the LIVE experience that no other company has matched with there game system yet.

I call it the INTERNET. My argument is more towards the similarities of Xbox's products and Playstation's products to computers than Wiis.
shadow pirate said:
I've posted my opinions in Royal Blue, as it seemed to be the most visible shade of blue.

You, my friend, have unleashed a maelstorm. sorry then... I will not let it loose here, but it is definitly there. And almost everytime you post it grows. does that mean it is getting bigger now?

You are blind to facts. likewise The majority of your posts are based on fallicies and opinions. no they aren't.. seei have a wii unlike you so i get to experiance it every day. and i bet you it breaks maybe 1-15000 ppl (if even that) Once again, you do not actually go and see what I'm talking about, rather restate that these videos and people(which, even though you haven't actually seen, have abused this Wiimote, [SARCASM]oh omniscient Alpha[/SARCASM]) were using it incorrectly.

People record videos to post them on the internet for gameplay.yea but they do it for just the screen normally you hardly ever see a movie with a control in it.

Yes, nobody said I had to. I choose to. Did I say that I was tired of, why?

My second paragraph was an exxageration to show truth. They work.I aggree

You're right, it is tied down. But that's not what I've been saying. I'm saying that tie that holds the strap to the WiiMote snaps. Read before you post.I thought that is what you meant at first but then you said sweaty hands so i thought you meant it would fly out of your hands and your wrist out of the wrist teather.

Yes, in tennis your supposed to serve do we now agree that swinging Harrrrrrrrd, is abuse to the control. If the ball hits the net that makes you a winner!

They have a picture of it snapped in two. Not cut. Snapped. It's not a clean cut.

I do not care what others think of me. then why did you post "sony fanboy" when nobody has called you that at all. everyvody has a system they prefer, yours's happens to be sony, I don't care what ppls favorite systems are. I just always vote for the one i like. I got over that a long time ago. I just pointed out, once again, that people have called me a Sony Fanboy. I do not see it on this board so where is it, or do you mean in real life?

And yes, you are reading. yes Or are you just glazing over it? Did you even look at what I said? no Or did you just read it and immediatly forget it? [SARCASM]Yup of course[/SARCASM} Your comments contradict that you actually read it. Ok then but i know i read it fully through twice before i even started typing it in and it made clear sense to me, and i never said anything opposite accept I repeted that i had read your posts. That was it.

I still do not want to start a fight here. Bravo But I will defend my honor.we aren't in a sword fight, isn't that a little over the edge.

yes, i am restating myself, know why, because the things i say are correct.

Labels aren't all over the place nobody is calling anybody anything.

Ppl play different systems we all get that. I have friends in real life that play x-box and playstation, it doesn't mean i am not there friends. I have acctually gotten made fun of for buying the Wii, but that doesn't bother me.

so now you're saying i don't care about other systems. Wow do you think i am just so big un thoughtfull jerk that likes to sit at the computer and yell at ppl.

I understand the differences and other stuff about the systems, but like i stated above, I will go for my system over others and post about it to get more ppl into it. (my cousion has an x-box he played this and thought he would want to get one) I just do it to spread the fun.

You have been arguaing with me since the first post you made here. don't deny it.

And i don't contradict myself (maybe repete) but not contradict.

*I will countiue this post when I get home*
Ok First off all Alpha wow swing the wii remote lightly. You play tennis IRL and try to swing it slow you'll soon find the your balls will meet the net every single time!
And I belive Shadow Pirate was refering *TO be Continued*
yo yo 700 said:
*I will countiue this post when I get home*
Ok First off all Alpha wow swing the wii remote lightly. You play tennis IRL and try to swing it slow you'll soon find the your balls will meet the net every single time!
And I belive Shadow Pirate was refering *TO be Continued*
i know you aren't done yet but i will respond to what you have typed as in the quote above.

I know what he said, but if you just flick your wrist you will find out it has the same affect in the game.


P.S. I am not sure if this is true for you but i don't think anybody should talk bad about the Wii controler unless they have used it and tried out how the games play.
just played dbzbt2 and well the wii version is easier then ps2 version becuase of the remote
This is going to be short.

We aren't in a sword fight, correct. But honor is important to me, and I will defend it still. Not over the edge at all.

Please don't let a 14 year old disintegrate your argument. All you do is insult me and post the same thing over and over again. And yet, you still contradict yourself and appear to stay blind to it.

And I have used the WiiMote. On more than one occasion. Just because you own the console doesn't mean you instantly understand the controller far more than anyone, even those who have used it on multiple occasions.

Defending my honor, one post at a time.
shadow pirate said:
This is going to be short.

We aren't in a sword fight, correct. But honor is important to me, and I will defend it still. Not over the edge at all.

Please don't let a 14 year old disintegrate your argument. All you do is insult me and post the same thing over and over again. And yet, you still contradict yourself and appear to stay blind to it.

And I have used the WiiMote. On more than one occasion. Just because you own the console doesn't mean you instantly understand the controller far more than anyone, even those who have used it on multiple occasions.

Defending my honor, one post at a time.

ok i will keep my response short also. 1st off i will congragulate you for argueing as well as you have and only being 14.

I know you have tried the wiimote you have said that.
I know i have more experience with it though because there is no way you have played over 50 hours with it.

Also you always say i say the same thing, when all you ever say to me is. "you still contradict yourself and appear to stay blind to it."

That is the end of a lot of your paragraphs you type.

I mix it up and say differnet things to prove my point. you are the one repeting yourself.

Sorry if you feel that you need to fight me for your honor, somehow. (still don't get that, maybe you mean dignity)

birdman94 said:
just played dbzbt2 and well the wii version is easier then ps2 version becuase of the remote

what game is that (dragon ball z?)

you want to know the best game console out there?


yes 1986 Sega Master System...jk...LOL

but truely back then it was the bomb!, lol my dad got it in 1987 lol we had it until 1990 and then i don't know what happen to it...

well i own a ps2...

why i am not get the wii because what is it? i have never seen it advertise until last month.. at least last year i knew the ps3 was coming out!

i absolutely love guitar hero one and two, awesomely fun! and GTA Vice City...sweet as ice...

well i did own a gameboy quite several... but i was never into nintendo.

but now i have my psp <3 :goodvibes
cough -360 is the best- cough cough
Oh, you'll have to excuse me i'm just getting over a cold..
X-BOX FEVER that is!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I must tread lightly here as to avoid getting into this little "battle royale". I have never played a Wii. Dang stores around here are verrry hoard-like with their WiiMotes. None for the display. I have played both a PS3 and a 360. I would say the 360 is the best out of the three but that would be called bias, my friends. (and this is coming out of a person who has grown up with Nintendo's mouth)

I have only played one demo on a PS3, hated it. Didn't feel natural. I have played MANY, AND I MEAN MANY 360 demos. Love the controller, light and not so easy to drop because of sweaty palms, and the fact that Sam's Club in my area is offering a sale. $450 for a premium 360, plus an extra wireless controller with a rechargeable battery kit is also great.

I think this technically isn't a war, it pretty much weighs upon what you intend to do with it. So there is no reason to brag about which is better, cause opinions always clash.
jazstar87 said:
you want to know the best game console out there?


yes 1986 Sega Master System...jk...LOL

but truely back then it was the bomb!, lol my dad got it in 1987 lol we had it until 1990 and then i don't know what happen to it...

well i own a ps2...

why i am not get the wii because what is it? i have never seen it advertise until last month.. at least last year i knew the ps3 was coming out!

i absolutely love guitar hero one and two, awesomely fun! and GTA Vice City...sweet as ice...

well i did own a gameboy quite several... but i was never into nintendo.

but now i have my psp <3 :goodvibes

I know ppl that are really into the systems and get magizine have been seeing adds and getting info on both new systems for around a year in a half.

I found out in EGM (electronic gaming monthly) and mybrothers nintendo power.

Do it has been advertised, just not as much. Also Nintendo know when their console is over 2 times cheaper then compition they don't need to advertise as much.

you said you don't know what it is, I will tell you.

It is the BOMB. It is so sweet. (and easier to get then playstation 3)

Dragonlord11_7 said:
Sorry, I must tread lightly here as to avoid getting into this little "battle royale".LOL :rotfl: I have never played a Wii. Dang stores around here are verrry hoard-like with their WiiMotes. None for the display. I have played both a PS3 and a 360. I would say the 360 is the best out of the three but that would be called bias, my friends. (and this is coming out of a person who has grown up with Nintendo's mouth)

I have only played one demo on a PS3, hated it. Didn't feel natural. I have played MANY, AND I MEAN MANY 360 demos. Love the controller, light and not so easy to drop because of sweaty palms, and the fact that Sam's Club in my area is offering a sale. $450 for a premium 360, plus an extra wireless controller with a rechargeable battery kit is also great.

I think this technically isn't a war, it pretty much weighs upon what you intend to do with it. So there is no reason to brag about which is better, cause opinions always clash.

exactly well put.

It only maters what you think is best not what others say.

Hope you get the chance to play the Wii.

If you want i know that most EB games stores have them to try if you go to one around you somewhere.

I know my wal-mart didn't have any out either but EB Games did.

Hope you get the chance to play an awesome system. (IMO)



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