Picture ID?


DIS Veteran
Oct 16, 2000
Just looking at our passes from last year and they state that they require picture ID. We were not asked for this last year and I never carry my ID around with me in the parks.

Has anyone ever been asked for this? Were off in a couple more days. :)

What type of pass are you refering to?

If you have one of the old Paper Seasonal/Annuals I have seen them ask for ID.

If you have a old one, exchange it for a Credit Card Style One. (Usually Free) This acts as Photo ID.

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
Sorry, meant the 3 day pass. Friends and our family are swapping one day of Universal for one day on thier hopper. Yes, I know your not suppose to. But if they sometimes ask for picture ID, we may not chance it.

Sometimes Universal will put your name on a 2 or 3 day Escape ticket. That's the only time I can think of when they will check for an ID. If you have a Flexticket, your ID may be checked as well.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards


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