
For me it's mild forms of social anxiety..

- I don't like people whispering or laughing around me. When I don't know what it's about, I tend to think it's about me.
- I hate eating in front of people I don't know well.
- Being the center of attention (most of the time..)
- When I'm talking in class and it suddenly gets quiet.
- When people look over my shoulder when I'm reading, writing, or on the internet.
- Talking on the phone with other people around.
- Walking into a class late and everyone stares at you.
- Eating lunch alone at school (that's my biggest fear at school). It happened to me once in 9th grade, it felt horrible..
- I'm extremely paranoid around clowns (thank-you Pennywise..)

I have to sleep with covers on, even if it's really hot outside.
- I do that too! It's a weird protection issue with me..I feel safe with something covering me.

- My weirdest one is that I always sleep with my ear covered. Whether it's by the sheet or the hood on my sweatshirt, it has to be covered. When I was little I watched something with a vampire that bit you behind the ear. It freaked me out and now I can't sleep without it being covered.
I always make a lot of noise when I'm going down the stairs or doing something. Normally it's when I'm alone. I don't know why I do it I just do.

I lock the bathroom door whenever I go in. I could be all alone or I could be in a house full of people. I lock the door.
-If I'm alone, I have to make sure all the doors are locked. I'll also look in closets to make sure there's not...a mass murderer hiding. Heh, you never know.

-I can't stand when I run XC and people cheer me on.

-I can't stand my skylight in my room because sometimes I THINK I see people staring at me in my windows. O_O
I hate things in costumes, it freaks me out. BAD experience at Halloween this year.
dont like Halloween.
I dont like being outside at dark without people.
I always lock my doors. Alot of my friends and their families dont even bother.
Wet Towels freak me out for some reason.
Glass dolls always seem to be looking at me.
there are probably more that i just cant think about...

TheBellhop said:
-If I'm alone, I have to make sure all the doors are locked. I'll also look in closets to make sure there's not...a mass murderer hiding. Heh, you never know.

-I can't stand when I run XC and people cheer me on.

-I can't stand my skylight in my room because sometimes I THINK I see people staring at me in my windows. O_O

same here... :scared1: lol
AllyGirlie said:
For me it's mild forms of social anxiety..

- I don't like people whispering or laughing around me. When I don't know what it's about, I tend to think it's about me.
- I hate eating in front of people I don't know well.
- Being the center of attention (most of the time..)
- When I'm talking in class and it suddenly gets quiet.
- When people look over my shoulder when I'm reading, writing, or on the internet.
- Walking into a class late and everyone stares at you.
- Eating lunch alone at school (that's my biggest fear at school). It happened to me once in 9th grade, it felt horrible..
same for me. I never really thought about them like socail anxiety or as being paranoid before. :confused3
TheBellhop said:
-If I'm alone, I have to make sure all the doors are locked. I'll also look in closets to make sure there's not...a mass murderer hiding. Heh, you never know.
I am the total opposite. I never lock doors. any doors. I hate locks and keys and the whole nine yards, so I just don't fool with them, and it is probably a clostrophobia issue too. I don't like the feeling of not being able to get out of a house because of locks or anything like that.

I'm really paranoid about 3 things...

- One - My food on my plate CAN NOT touch - if it does I have to scrape the parts that touched off my plate. (Like if my peas run into my mashed potatoes or something -- *shudders*)
- Two - The sound that a flip knife makes when someone flips it open... long story - but I flinch everytime.
- Three - The volume on the TV has to end on a 0 or 5... which really screws my boyfriend up because for him it has to end in a 7. but he always lets me win because im REALLY OCD about it
I don't like high elevators. High being like five or six stories. That also goes along with roller coasters....I know, I'm a whimp.

I don't like being the center of attention, or being praised.

I really hate murky or deep water. The deepest water I can go into without freaking out is like five feet. For some reason my feet just need to be able to touch the ground. Also If I can't see where I'm going (like if it's really murky), I start freaking out. Quarries are about how murky I can go.
- When my cell phone rings when im home alone.. My ring tone is The Twligth Zone..

- When People are in the room while im on the computer

- Walking in the Dark Alone
I'm paranoid...

A) When it's dark and I'm the only one awake that the TV is going to turn on and the girl from the Ring is going to come out :rotfl: (can you say traumatized???)
B) That something scary is going to be up the stairs, in my bathroom, or in my bed (when it's dark)
C) That people are talking behind my back
I'm paranoid about quite a few things, and I'll probably come up with more later...

*I hate it when people stare at me. My face goes blood-red, and for some reason I start to smile....
*Being in the dark alone
*Snakes. I don't like snakes. They bug me a lot.
*Being in my house alone at night, all the doors have to be open, and all of the lights have to be on. I avoid windows if at all possible.


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