Packagesv/s separate


DIS-CON Commando
Oct 13, 2000
Help please i have PMS{post Mickey Sydrome} We were just there in Dec. but my DH and I can'timagine waiting another another full year or so to get there. We were thinking if we really cut back and he works bunches of overtime an I can learn from you allwe might be able to swing an October trip. Still warm hopfuly in the begining of the month.Anyway is it better to book a package with my DC dicount or should we book the room and do a AP, since we usually stay 9 nights? We have always did the package with flexfeature, pin, and length of stay pass. I know its to early to get airfair booked but usually United runs a 220/per.person. This last trip in December i know we over spen, it was 3100 for 8 nights 9 days pins flex and lenght of stay passes and air. We stayed at PO. We have always stayed there but Iam more than willing to try AS if it meanscheaper and even off site. BUT this last trip we got in one day early to do Discovery Cove and tried the Holiday Inn Family Suites on Lake Buena Vista and NEVER again 89 a night and it was awful. Maybe it was just bad luck on our part but I'll nevver try there again.Anyway how cheap do you all think 10 days would cost? It isn't worth flying for short visits. Thanks bunches Lisa
We were there in dec 00 also at CBR. We have the bug & need to go back in 2001 probably 2001. I have checked all the figures & doing everything seperate is much cheaper than any package. I am budgeting for 7 nites at ASMo, 5 day hopper passes, & coach amtrak tickets. We don't fly (going from PA - will not drive do not want to arrive tired). There are 3 of us (me, DH, & 5 /12 yr old DD).

$ 650 - coach Amtrak
$ 630 - 7 nts ASMo
$ 582 - 5 day hoppers (B4 price increase)

** I get paid 24 times a year & have a savings club taken directly from my check $75 pay directly into bank totals $1800

$1000 -$125 day for 8 days food

** I am taking $40 a pay or $80 mo to TDS & getting Disney $$ to put away for trip. That will give me $960 in DD for food & souviners.

The only other expenses we have are souviners & $75 Tiffany transfer from Amtrak to Disney.

** we are throwing all our change in coffee cans & will save xmas money & birthday money to contribute to fund.

$2000 budget for 8 days for family of 3 (NOT BAD)

** if I can manage to squeeze a few extra dollars out ($370 or get a great deal we would try to stay at moderate probably CBR) But can't really justify money just happy to get to WDW.




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