P.O.T.C. On Stranger Rides! The Missing Chapter,,Final Thoughts,, Preview Thoughts.

It's like this:
I've been going to the same Liquor Store for a long time now, and over the years the main clerk, "Luke" has gotten to know me a bit, at least by face and what I usually buy.

Beer, whiskey, vermouth and sometimes vodka.

That is, until the other day, and that day gave me the opportunity to use a line I did a few years ago there, only with a different clerk back there then. That time I just got a dirty look after I used my line, but undaunted, I had to try it again.

It was busy that day, I stood in line with my shopping cart waiting for my turn and people soon were lining up behind me.

As I got up to the front, Luke glanced at me, then looked into the cart as I started to unload it.
Unload the 30 pack of beer, the whiskey, vermouth, rum, vodka, wine coolers, Margarita bottle, Hot Sex bottle, Dreamsickle bottle, Mai Tai bottle, second bottle of whiskey..... etc, etc, .

His eyes got big as saucers when he looked back at me with a quizzical smile on his face, and I couldn't resist:

"Hey, it's for my wife."
"She's pregnant and she says she's drinking for two now."

Good old Luke just kind of chuckled a bit and started ringing it all up.......

But what made my day was the very audible "GASP!" that came out of at least two women behind me in line. :rotfl2:

(Yeah, I thought that was REALLY FUNNY!)
Alrighty now, I mentioned a few days ago that I wanted to share a "humorous antidote" with you.

It was no big thing, more of a "had to be there", but it did make me laugh, and a few people gasp.

It's like this:
I've been going to the same Liquor Store for a long time now, and over the years the main clerk, "Luke" has gotten to know me a bit, at least by face and what I usually buy.

Beer, whiskey, vermouth and sometimes vodka.

That is, until the other day, and that day gave me the opportunity to use a line I did a few years ago there, only with a different clerk back there then. That time I just got a dirty look after I used my line, but undaunted, I had to try it again.

It was busy that day, I stood in line with my shopping cart waiting for my turn and people soon were lining up behind me.

As I got up to the front, Luke glanced at me, then looked into the cart as I started to unload it.
Unload the 30 pack of beer, the whiskey, vermouth, rum, vodka, wine coolers, Margarita bottle, Hot Sex bottle, Dreamsickle bottle, Mai Tai bottle, second bottle of whiskey..... etc, etc, .

His eyes got big as saucers when he looked back at me with a quizzical smile on his face, and I couldn't resist:

"Hey, it's for my wife."
"She's pregnant and she says she's drinking for two now."

Good old Luke just kind of chuckled a bit and started ringing it all up.......

But what made my day was the very audible "GASP!" that came out of at least two women behind me in line. :rotfl2:


Priceless. Absolutely priceless. I actually love the fact that they thought you were serious!
[quote Nebo]I know, you go to Universal![/quote]

That would be cool, but I've never even been to a Universal Park, LOL

Cute anedote, and good for Smidgy about holding her ground about the tires.
But what made my day was the very audible "GASP!" that came out of at least two women behind me in line. :rotfl2:

:worship:This is why you and my DH got along so well...similar humor....When I was first pregnant with our first we went to a lamaze class. First, when we had to go around and introduce ourselves my DH goes "Oh, who me? Oh that's not mine....I'm here just to hang out with this guy" and pointed to the total stranger next to him. (They are still friends 16 years later.)

Then the women and men separated into two groups to discuss the pros and cons of pregnancy. :3dglasses Let the show begin....I could hear my DH across the room "con - the fridge is always empty, pro - she's to fat to catch you when you piss her off". Lovely, yes I married this.

The finale was when our daughter was born and his first comment was "she looks like the mailman". :sad2:

However, now I am getting even telling him that no one get's his jokes anymore - he's just to old.

You and Smidgy have to be so excited! We are a little under 5 weeks and I have the suitcases out already.

Be nice to Smidgy as you prepare and don't forget your bag!popcorn::
DH and I have begun to use the ever so popular Eviction Notice phrase outside Disney limits. Anytime we stay at a hotel, we peek our head out the door on the last day to see whether we are being "evicted a la Nebo and Smidgy". See what you do to us...we are all brainwashed and think of you even when Disney is not involved! :eek::laughing:

spiffy! just spiffy! now we are connected with eviction notices. not exactly thinking of pixie dust and smiles when you think of nebo and smidgy!!!

well, now that I think of it, guess winks and laughs are more in tune with us than pixie dust and smiles....
Nebo, I really hope and pray that your "adventures" do not result in any pain. You really do deserve a trip that is free from any physical harm.

I am so glad you got new tires for the Santa Fe! It might be a little too much even for you to mix aging tires and one eye driving. I am seriously going to have to give Hyundai a close look the next time we buy a vehicle.

Watch out with the karoake! There could very well be an attack of "Kung Fu Fighting" and once it happens there is no escaping it.

Smidgy, do what you can to keep him out of trouble!
spiffy! just spiffy! now we are connected with eviction notices. not exactly thinking of pixie dust and smiles when you think of nebo and smidgy!!!

well, now that I think of it, guess winks and laughs are more in tune with us than pixie dust and smiles....

Just think of it this way...You know you are always in our thoughts, even on the depressing days of our evictions, we can still smile when we think of you and Nebo! :):love:
Don't you just hate that when you have this huge list left, but it's too early to start doing it?

Ah yes, the horror of having to go, yet again, to the most magical place on earth. I feel for ya buddy, I really do. Truly. :rolleyes1

It's Kaylee's 3rd B-day, and no, she didn't want to skip it this year, I asked.

Kids are funny that way aren't they? Oh, who am I kidding. When it come's to Bdays, I take the cake (pun intended). "Dad, what do you want for your Birthday?"
"Dunno, but make it really huge and extravagant, 'kay? :dance3:"

Then Diane offered to bring Sloppy Joes for dinner.
Then she offered to bring hot dogs to grill also for dinner.
Then she offered to bring Pepperidge Farm cakes, (2) for desert.
Or is it dessert?

Dunno, but your place will be dessserted.

So glad I married such a generous woman.
(insert smiley as you believe I meant that last statement.)

You got it!

They saw rust, and spent 5 hours replacing everything, it would have cost over 2 thousand dollars.
They also had to replace the power steering lines that were leaking, that was 250 that I had to pay for.
They also found a leaking differential seal that was still under the original warranty and replaced that too, for free.
Hyundai amazes me, this car is almost 9 years old now!

That's actually pretty impressive.

I have also done something I'm not proud of.

so I went and bought two rolls of 35 mm film for my old Canon Maybe Shot.

Oh, the humanity! :faint:

Anybody have any ideas for an interesting short video?

I do! I do! Ummm... then again you may not want to hear it as it involves pain on your part. Smidgy'll probably laugh, though.

If we do end up at the Swan and doing Karoake, that would be a good example, but that may fall in the "against the Geneva Convention category for cruel and unusual punishment."


"Hey, it's for my wife."
"She's pregnant and she says she's drinking for two now."

Good old Luke just kind of chuckled a bit and started ringing it all up.......

But what made my day was the very audible "GASP!" that came out of at least two women behind me in line. :rotfl2:

Nope! You didn't have to be there. Classic. :lmao: Closest I come to that is when I run to the store and take the dog, she likes to pop over to the driver's seat. If anybody's around when I get back to the car, I'll usually say something like, "No! Move over! You drove here and we almost got in an accident, now move over!"

Nobody's bought it yet, but I'm nothing if not optimistic.

I guess that about does it for now.
I can't stand it, I'm ready to take off right. this. minute.
I'm still a little concerned about our timing..... never left in the middle of a holiday weekend before, nothing frustrates me more than having another 5 hundred miles to cover yet today and you are sitting in traffic, not moving.

adios, nebs

It'll be here before ya know it. And remember, if you are stuck in traffic, just keep repeating, "I'm going to Disney World. I'm going to Disney World..."
Well, it's only two days away. You are soooooo lucky! I have a year and two weeks and that's if we don't push it back to october to do food and wine. Because if we don't do it finally, my DH will whine!

Have a great trip!!! !:wizard:

Don't hurt yourself! :sick:

We will be waiting here for all the details.

Peace, Carrie
spiffy! just spiffy! now we are connected with eviction notices. not exactly thinking of pixie dust and smiles when you think of nebo and smidgy!!!

well, now that I think of it, guess winks and laughs are more in tune with us than pixie dust and smiles....

Sure we are. It's because of Nebo's and Smidgy's Disney reports that we've come to think of eviction notices. We don't think of you back in Chicago, we think of you at Disney. :hug: pixiedust:
I'm a little late but I'm in! And I made it before you left for Florida! Yay!

Wow! 2 weeks in Disney. That is so awesome! DH and I are talking about that for next year. Not sure we can swing it money-wise with DD in college this year but we'll see.

I'm envious of you too as we are normally there at the same time you're going to be there. We would be doing Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party next week. I will miss it. :sad:

But I can't wait to start reading the goodness/hilarity that is Nebo and Smidgy trip report. Bring on the jocularity!
"for desert.
Or is it dessert?"

Answer: My 5th grade English teacher taught me the that a desert is only a place you want to go to one time, so it only gets one s. On desserts, you always want seconds, so there's 2 s's.
desert: hot, dry & sandy.
dessert: sweetness I can't get enough of.:thumbsup2
The only problem with that is the constant "Your being evicted, Your being evicted" chant that runs through my head (think, Stilwell from "A League of Their Own" chanting in his sing-song nasally voice, "Your gonna lose, Your gonna lose.") when I see it on someone else's door. Once you get the notice on your door, you wonder who else is doing the same thing to you, and now your noticing everyone else's face who's checking in, trying to catch them singing/chanting out loud or bobbing their head to the tune. :sad2:

Hey, TM'sW, I'm concerned about you, have you concerned getting professional help for your difficulty in handling these notices?
I'm beginning to think that if you worked at a Disney resort you'd become a serial eviction notice hander outer.

(Yeah, I thought that was REALLY FUNNY!)

yeah, sometimes itj's the simple things in life that make it so entertaining, and you can always count on somebody to look for the worst in people and not see the obvious joke.

Priceless. Absolutely priceless. I actually love the fact that they thought you were serious!

I would have loved to hear what was said to Luke after I left. :happytv:, but from the little bit I can tell about him, he would have just played along, maybe even telling the women that he's going to call DCFS. :rotfl:

[quote Nebo]I know, you go to Universal!

That would be cool, but I've never even been to a Universal Park, LOL

Cute anedote, and good for Smidgy about holding her ground about the tires.[/QUOTE]

Ok then, Sea World? You don't seem like the Gatorland type.

But what made my day was the very audible "GASP!" that came out of at least two women behind me in line. :rotfl2:

:worship:This is why you and my DH got along so well...similar humor....When I was first pregnant with our first we went to a lamaze class. First, when we had to go around and introduce ourselves my DH goes "Oh, who me? Oh that's not mine....I'm here just to hang out with this guy" and pointed to the total stranger next to him. (They are still friends 16 years later.)

[COLOR="blue" Yep, we did that too, I remember it well, but it wasn't Lamaze we went to, but another similar program called "Gamper". Oh, I can't believe I pulled that one up, dang, I'm good!
Just don't ask me if I'm still working on my "shelf breathing."[/COLOR]

Then the women and men separated into two groups to discuss the pros and cons of pregnancy. :3dglasses Let the show begin....I could hear my DH across the room "con - the fridge is always empty, pro - she's to fat to catch you when you piss her off". Lovely, yes I married this.

[COLOR="blue"]Or course you did, and you're still glad you did, as I"m sure he is also.[/COLOR]

The finale was when our daughter was born and his first comment was "she looks like the mailman". :sad2:

I used the same line myself, even went so far as to say, "look, he's even got his name on the birth certificate, MALE.

However, now I am getting even telling him that no one get's his jokes anymore - he's just to old.

Wow, and how many times has Diane said that exact same thing to me?

You and Smidgy have to be so excited! We are a little under 5 weeks and I have the suitcases out already.

Be nice to Smidgy as you prepare and don't forget your bag!popcorn::

Yes dear.

Nebo, I really hope and pray that your "adventures" do not result in any pain. You really do deserve a trip that is free from any physical harm.

I am so glad you got new tires for the Santa Fe! It might be a little too much even for you to mix aging tires and one eye driving. I am seriously going to have to give Hyundai a close look the next time we buy a vehicle.

Honestly, I have always tried to buy American, but as of last info, the most "American" car you can buy today is the Honda Civic, it has the most American made parts in it and is built and assembled here, so I gave up and just buy what I think is the best deal FOR ME.

Watch out with the karoake! There could very well be an attack of "Kung Fu Fighting" and once it happens there is no escaping it.

You know, I don't believe I have ever heard that song at a karaoke fest. But I always want to kill the person who puts in for all 8 minutes of American Pie.

Smidgy, do what you can to keep him out of trouble!

Ah yes, the horror of having to go, yet again, to the most magical place on earth. I feel for ya buddy, I really do. Truly. :rolleyes1

Ah yes, I remember once before walking into the Ponzi World of Sarcasm when it comes to Disney complaints.

Kids are funny that way aren't they? Oh, who am I kidding. When it come's to Bdays, I take the cake (pun intended). "Dad, what do you want for your Birthday?"
"Dunno, but make it really huge and extravagant, 'kay? :dance3:"

Wow, we need to switch kids, I'm still waiting for at least a Father's Day card.

Dunno, but your place will be dessserted.

Nice play

You got it!

Nice smiley too. Did I ever tell you about the time early in my career here, when I tried to do an entire chapter in just smileys?
After 2 hours of work I was finally up to two paragraphs, THEN I found out you can only include a maximum of 25 smileys or images in a post.

I do! I do! Ummm... then again you may not want to hear it as it involves pain on your part. Smidgy'll probably laugh, though.

Ok, give, what is it? What am I missing?

Nope! You didn't have to be there. Classic. :lmao: Closest I come to that is when I run to the store and take the dog, she likes to pop over to the driver's seat. If anybody's around when I get back to the car, I'll usually say something like, "No! Move over! You drove here and we almost got in an accident, now move over!"

Nobody's bought it yet, but I'm nothing if not optimistic.

I like it!
I have one more I'll include at the end.

It'll be here before ya know it. And remember, if you are stuck in traffic, just keep repeating, "I'm going to Disney World. I'm going to Disney World..."

Well, it's only two days away. You are soooooo lucky! I have a year and two weeks and that's if we don't push it back to october to do food and wine. Because if we don't do it finally, my DH will whine!

Have a great trip!!! !:wizard:

Don't hurt yourself! :sick:

We will be waiting here for all the details.

Peace, Carrie

Thanks, Okittysquared, we shall do our best to follow your instructions!

Sure we are. It's because of Nebo's and Smidgy's Disney reports that we've come to think of eviction notices. We don't think of you back in Chicago, we think of you at Disney. :hug: pixiedust:

T Man, look at this report, it's ALL of us that make this a fun thing to check everyday, I got really lucky to get the best contributors to make doing this easy.

I'm a little late but I'm in! And I made it before you left for Florida! Yay!

Wow! 2 weeks in Disney. That is so awesome! DH and I are talking about that for next year. Not sure we can swing it money-wise with DD in college this year but we'll see.

I'm envious of you too as we are normally there at the same time you're going to be there. We would be doing Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party next week. I will miss it. :sad:

But I can't wait to start reading the goodness/hilarity that is Nebo and Smidgy trip report. Bring on the jocularity!

Yeah, scrappy's back too! Great to have you back.

And I do love that word, jocularity.
I'm curious, does that word make you think of a certain tv character, or is it just me? I know Ponzi will answer it, Ponz, see if anybody else does befor you blurt it out.

Oh, car story.

One time we were meeting Diane's family at a restaurant for dinner.
As I was parking, I saw Diane's sister pulling up behind us with dad in the car also.
At the time we had a Mazda 626, and it had a feature that was relatively new at the time, the back seats could fold down and give you inside access to the trunk, so I told our oldest, Todd to pull the back of the seat down and climb into the trunk, he was about ten years old at the time.

As we got out of the car, Smidgy's family is getting out of their car right behind us and we started walking into the restaurant when her sister said, "where's Todd?"

"Oh, that's right, I almost forgot" I said, "he's being punished." And I went and opened up the trunk and said he better listen to me from now on, as he climbed out.

Even sister in law and dad took a bit before the realized we were pulling there leg.
Todd thought it was hysterical though.

Ok now, I'm not sure If I'm going to be able to post again before we leave, tomorrow is really busy, so, if I don't, everybody take care, we're going to miss you all again.

By the way, feel free to use this thread any way you see fit.
Tell stories, whatever, I like having stuff to read when I get back. hugs, nebo and dobby :lmao:



Oh dear, what is that in Smidgy's hand?


You know how everyone does the vacation count down ticker? Nebo's gift to his readers should be a return ticker ~ he wouldn't have to see it and we would know when our fun is scheduled to begin!

Have An Extra Magical Time!
DH and I will be in Disney World some of the same days (11th-18th) as you and Smidgy! We are staying at POR. I will be sure and say hey if I see you guys since I know what you guys look like! :rolleyes1

I was cracking up reading the story of your DS in the trunk!! :lmao:

CONGRATS on NO SMOKING!!! :cheer2: :banana: :thumbsup2

Have a safe trip!
If you see this, have a fabulous trip, Nebo and Smidgy!

Looking forward to your adventures (hopefully without dentist stories)


PS: I HAVE been to Seaworld and Gatorland, hah!!
Have a safe and fun trip! Looking forward to the aftermath... I mean trip report:)
OK, so I've been to WDW a handful of times, but my home resort is Disneyland (check my location). Can't contribute fun names to your WDW list, but there's one that's ubiquitous on the DLR boards. I can't take credit.

In California Adventure, Mickey's Fun Wheel is a large ferris wheel with cages that hold 6 people each. There are two flavors of cages -- fixed ones that stay attached and just rotate a little bit when the wheel stops. And ones that ride on rails, and start swinging wildly back and forth on those rails when it stops. It's very, very unnerving.

If you find yourself on the left coast of the DISboards, just use the acronym MFWoD. Everyone will know what you're talking about.

Oh yeah, what's it stand for? Mickey's Fun Wheel of Death :)

o my goodness! GB has that one right on the money. what about the mailpuker it was one of those rides that catapulted riders up and then bounced them a few times and then came back down. you know this is going to have profound reactions on your stomach when they have pexiglass across the front that cm's will say is for kids who spit (yeah right):sick:
safe trip guys
I will sit here and read the old trippies try not to laugh too hard. (had all the teeth pulled yesterday)
I know the time is getting close. Just want to wish each of you a safe and happy trip. We'll try to keep this thread going so the mods don't close it. Can't make any promises though. Have fun. Wish we were going to. Looking forward to hear about your Disney experience not smoking.


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