Our delicious Deluxe Dining Adventures! Lots of pics! Final thoughts - All Done!!

I loved Raglan Road too! I didn't have a bad thing when I was there. I could go for that pudding right now, that's for sure.
Great review of RR, we LOVE that place!:love:

Glad you enjoyed the review! We love it too!

Oh, that bread pudding is so wonderful! Too bad on our next trip I didn't make ADRs for RR. We'll have the kids along and they are picky eaters so I just didn't think they would enjoy the food. Plus, the noise would be a bit too much for them :confused: , BUT it's ok because we are trying O'hana for the first time so I get me some bread pudding anyway!! YAY! :cool1:

Yay, you're off to 'Ohana!! I think your kids would have been okay at Raglan Road though - it wasn't that noisy, and the kids' choices look great to me!

Thanks for the Raglan Road review. I'm hoping to get over there for lunch one day. I've had my eye on that chicken and wild rice pie, too. ;)

Ooh, the chicken pie was great! You totally should go! Not long to go now until your trip!! :cool1:

I've been lurking but had to sign on to tell you I'm lovin your reviews! :thumbsup2
Raglan Road is on my must-do list for next trip. Anybody know what time the band and dancers start? And is all the entertainment "teen-appropriate"?

Thanks for popping in! I'm not sure what time the band and dancers start... We were there at 7.30 and the band played the whole time we were there. I'm quite sure the entertainment would all be teen-appropriate! It is Disney, after all! :thumbsup2

We loved Raglan Road too! I had the Shepard's pie and the Bread Pudding!:thumbsup2 Great Review and pictures! I wish I could go there for lunch today!

Ooh, we had the same meal! :banana: I wish I could go there for lunch today too! Waaaaaaah!

What wonderful reviews! Thank you very much for sharing!:thumbsup2 :)

No worries! I'm glad you're enjoying them!

I loved Raglan Road too! I didn't have a bad thing when I was there. I could go for that pudding right now, that's for sure.

Raglan Road definitely seems pretty consistent in their great meals! :thumbsup2 Mmmm, pudding!

Thanks for reading along, everybody! There's plenty more to come!! :yay:
Whoops, I mustn't miss these replies!!

I have to agree with the size of the meals here-too much! I would love to pay less and have the option of smaller portions.
I will say that seeing all the large meals has actually helped me plan a trip to Disney in May and book fewer restaurants. My 22 year old daughter and I will do some meal sharing,take our own snacks-pretzels, nuts and raisins, and just book one meal a day to relax and enjoy. No meal plan for us!

I think that's a very smart option! We'd definitely do something similar if (or when!) we go back to Disney.

It sounds like the Doh bar is like having a deep fried Mars bar. Looks a little different, but same premise I guess. Glad to hear you liked it. I may have to try it out on our next trip. So many goodies, so little time when at Disney! ;)
The drinks look great...although I think I would have wanted booze in mine!

Hehehehee, we were going to have alcoholic versions of those drinks, but it was a bit too early in the afternoon for us! Plus we knew we'd have a few drinks later on that night at Raglan Road.
I've never tried a deep fried Mars bar either! Where do you find them?
After our fabulous dinner at Raglan Road, we decided we just hadn't enough food so we decided to go to Goofy's Candy Co!

Hehee, I kid. Of course we'd had enough food! We'd had more than enough and were totally full. But who can go to Downtown Disney without popping into Goofy's Candy Co to use up some snack credits!? Woohoooooo!!

This was our second time visiting Goofy's - we popped in during our 2006 vacation too. Both times I've been amazed at how long it takes to create these candy masterpieces!! That's okay though, it just gives us more to explore the rest of the candy bits and bobs! :thumbsup2

So DH decided to order a marshmallow rod, covered with M&M's and crushed peanuts...


And I ordered two things!!! :rolleyes1

But don't worry... I didn't eat them both that night!

My first creation was 3 pretzel rods. The top one is coated with Reese's Pieces, the second is M&M's, and the bottom one is smothered with Oreo crumbs, and they're all topped with caramel drizzle...


And secondly, I went for a massive big fudge cookie, covered with sprinkles and drizzled with white chocolate...


So... yum!!! We really just nibbled on these throughout the next few days. They were all great, although my favourite was definitely the fudge cookie. My least favourite was the pretzel rod covered with Reese's Pieces - I couldn't work out how to eat it properly without all the Reese's Pieces falling off everywhere!! :lmao:

I was a bit sad that this time we didn't get little white boxes to put our creations in, like last time! Instead they were put in paper bags, which is why the caramel drizzle is all wonky and messy on my pretzel rods! :sad1:

Nevertheless, they all looked the same gobbled up in our tummies!!

Ew, gross...

Next up... Breakfast at Crystal Palace!
Can't wait to hear about your BF at Crystal Palace. I just made an ADR there for our trip next month and I was able to get 8:05 AM!! :cool1: I was so happy that we'd be able to get into the park early. With only one month away I thought for sure only odd times would be left.
I love the goofy's creations! I love to get marshmallows or pretzels dipped in dark chocolate and covered in pecans and oreo cookie crumbs then drizzled with milk chocolate. YUM!
My first creation was 3 pretzel rods. The top one is coated with Reese's Pieces, the second is M&M's, and the bottom one is smothered with Oreo crumbs, and they're all topped with caramel drizzle...


So, it appears as though the pretzel rod was just a big sticky candy holder. :lmao: It looks delicious! And, especially on vacation but really in most circumstances, there is ALWAYS room for dessert!
Can't wait to hear about your BF at Crystal Palace. I just made an ADR there for our trip next month and I was able to get 8:05 AM!! :cool1: I was so happy that we'd be able to get into the park early. With only one month away I thought for sure only odd times would be left.

Yay! That's great news about your Crystal Palace ADR! We went at 8.05am too. :thumbsup2 I'll tell you all about it soon!

I love the goofy's creations! I love to get marshmallows or pretzels dipped in dark chocolate and covered in pecans and oreo cookie crumbs then drizzled with milk chocolate. YUM!

Yum, sounds great! If only the store was a little bit closer to home!!

So, it appears as though the pretzel rod was just a big sticky candy holder. :lmao: It looks delicious! And, especially on vacation but really in most circumstances, there is ALWAYS room for dessert!

Yep, a big stickey candy holder is a great way of describing those pretzel rods!! And of course there's always room for dessert, but we'd already had dessert! Heh! I guess there's always room for 2 desserts! :banana:

Your goodies from Goofy's Candy Co look absolutely yummy. :teeth:

They were very yummy! :thumbsup2

Great Report and I'm only on page 2!!! Looking forward to catching up today.

Welcome!! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy!

I'll have the next review up later on today! popcorn::
The next day was our first full day at Magic Kingdom! Yay!! :goodvibes To start our day with a smile, we had an 8.05am ADR for... Crystal Palace!


Crystal Palace was a restaurant I knew I really wanted to try this time - especially the Puffed French Toast! Plus it would be fun to meet Pooh and the gang! Piglet always looks so cute and pink in photos. Hehee.

I was also really excited to get an 8.05am ADR time - before I discovered that Magic Kingdom had Early Magic Hours that morning, so Magic Kingdom was open at 8am anyway! Bummer! I really wanted one of those "early morning in the Magic Kingdom with nobody in the background" photos!! :sad2:

So we arrived at Magic Kingdom at around 7.45am, and there were already big crowds waiting to enter the park. We wondered if we'd be allowed to enter the park before 8am, so we could get to Crystal Palace on time. And also to get that "empty park" photo, of course!! We asked one CM, who snapped at us in a most un-Disney-like manner - "No. You'll have to wait with everybody else." Hmm, okay!

We eventually found a lovely CM who took us to front of the crowds and let us enter the park early, for our ADR. Woohoo!! So it definitely pays to ask a couple of different CMs if you're ever in that situation!!

So did we get our "early morning Magic Kingdom" photos? You betcha!! There's still a few people in the background, but I still like them! The only problem was that we had to take each other's photos, since there was hardly anyone else around to ask to take our photo! Hehee!



It was very chilly that morning! Can you tell!? Brrrrrr!!

So we headed over to Crystal Palace, and found a big crowd of people waiting for the restaurant to open. We checked in, and waited for 8am to tick over before they started calling people's names. We waited for around 10 minutes for them to call our name, and we taken inside to the warmth! Nice!

The restaurant is really just so pretty. Lots of big windows and white furnishings, it's lovely and airy. We met our server, who was very nice. A bit like a nice old Aunt you'd visit for morning tea. She said she'd let us know each time a character was coming around, so we could prepare ourselves. Hehehheheeee. Mental and physical preparation is important for meeting Pooh.

So we both ordered some orange juice and decided to hit the buffet. There was lots to choose from, and everything looked good. Here's my first plate...


From top left - Breakfast pizza, Puffed French Toast :-)banana: ), cheese cubes, breakfast potatoes and bacon in the middle. I know there's not really much there - we were still feeling pretty stuffed from our dinner at Raglan Road the night before!! Deluxe Dining was definitely catching up with us.

So everything was good, but the Puffed French Toast was definitely the best! Basically, it tasted like a really airy warm, cinammon donut. So what's not to enjoy!? I enjoyed the cheese cubes too. A girl needs her dairy!!

Here's DH's plate...


In there somewhere is - corned beef hash, scrambled eggs, donut holes, fruit, and pancakes on top. I think he enjoyed it all and ate most of it, but we really weren't hungry so it was a bit of a waste!! :confused3

As we were eating, our server came over to us to announce that Pooh was on his way. Feeling very prepared for his arrival, we finished what we were eating, and voila! There he was! Hi Pooh!


Our server was lovely and took our photo with most of the characters. This never happened anywhere else, so we liked her! :thumbsup2

Next came Eeyore, who I was excited about meeting. I was wearing an "Eeyore University" shirt, which our server pointed out to Eeyore. I got all embarrassed, and so did Eeyore! He covered his face and shook his head and looked very Eeyore-ish. Hehehee.


Somewhere along the line, I went for more food. I hadn't eaten everything on my last plate, but I just wanted little tries of some other yummy delights!


From top left - banana bread, pineapple, watermelon, donut holes and a chocolate croissant. Again, these were all good but I really only nibbled a little bit from each one. I wish I could go back there now and enjoy the food properly!

Tigger came along next, who decided he wanted to rest his head on my head...


And last of all, cute little pink Piglet!


I think DH was a bit full by this stage, and decided against standing up!!

The characters were all friendly and fun, and the whole breakfast was actually pretty relaxed and easy! I was expecting it to be a bit rushed and chaotic, since it was such as early ADR time, but it was quite the opposite. We had a nice time there. Nothing amazingly exciting or different, food-wise, but still a lovely way to start off a Magic Kingdom day.

We gave Crystal Palace 4 smiley men out of 5! :) :) :) :)

Next up... Lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern!
I'm so bummed that you didn't get your goodies in paper, wrapped in more paper, placed in a white box, with a Disney sticker, and then had the box wrapped and finally placed into your bag like last time. :sad:

Our goodies weren't quite as pampered as yours last time, but I stood in Goofy's while the CM was working on ours and I seriously could not stop laughing because of how you described the process. I felt so bad! The guy was obviously a perfectionist and really cared about my pretzels. But he didn't really have to do sound effects when he put on a sticker on my bag! :lmao:
What fantastic and fabulous food porn!!!!!!!!!!! Yummmm! I will be going to several of the same places (but not all) in May. I am even more excited now! Thank you for sharing your pictures and memories!!
We haven't been to CP the past few trips and now I'm wondering why. Everything looks really good. I love your Eeyore shirt-too cute! That was a bummer that nobody was really out to take a pic of the two of you in front of the castle, but you got great shots anyway, just solo. Its so cool when the park is empty like that first thing in the morning. :cool1:
fab reports, you went to a lot of places we're going too.
all the food looks fab and youve answered a few questions i wanted more info on eg whats in a lapu lapu and what is Tonga toast!
husband cant wait to try them now.
seems like you had the same experience as us at the California Grill, im sure we spent about 3 and a half to 4 hours there. with a 4 year old it was a joke. i hated the wishes experience from there too. worst thing is that it was our last night so felt like our holiday ended bad. this time we're spending the last night at MK to watch wishes there.

yummy pics.xx
glad you enjoyed CP. I love pooh and gang- your photo's with them are fab:thumbsup2
Yay! CP looks great . . . you have me very excited to eat there next month!
Great reviews and photos as always. :) I'm feeling a strong urge to visit my kitchen now, but sadly, I know I will not find any puffed french toast, donut holes or pancakes in there! :guilty: :rolleyes1

I'm looking forward to visiting CP and CM even more now that I've seen your piccies! :cool1:


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