OT: Not Dead Yet

First, good on you for actually going for check ups! Not enough people do (and I've been known to fall off that wagon from time to time), so you at least know what you're working with.

The other thing to remember is that how you approach fitness and nutrition can impact on how your kids will to. I know this is one of my main motivators when the junk food is calling my name. It also gives you a good excuse to get out with them more, ride a bike, walk the zoo, go for a hike, (bringing a camera along of course) and just have some fun.

Stay strong :thumbsup2
This is way off topic, ... I had a physical over the summer and got back some rather bad results.
Is your avatar you? If so, are you into underwater photography and have places you can go to get good underwater pictures? Then you can do your exercise and hobby at the same time!

(Not for me. Can't swim, and get seasick on glass bottom boats.)

Digital camera hints: http://members.aol.com/ajaynejr/digicam.htm
That is so awesome!!:thumbsup2 You have a lot to be proud of! Keep us posted on how it's going and you know you have a great group here to keep you encouraged!! :grouphug: Now, to get off the computer and get active myself!! (It's easy to preach, much harder to do!;) )
Thanks for giving me an example of Normal People can do this...I hope your health stays this good.

:cheer2: :cheer2: Yeah Mark!!!:cheer2: :cheer2:
Congratulations - from a cardiac nurse. :thumbsup2 It takes an "event" for many to do this. You're a shining example for all of us (as usual)!
good work mark although from your photos i always thought you must be an "exerciser" since they seemed to be a hike from civilization ;) but guess now you will be able to get some even more remote shots

But forget the lens. If knowing you have a better chance to be around family (and disney) for even just a few more years is not enough reward then nothig will be. Awww, who am I kidding get the lens. Hehehehehee

Thanks for the support. I won't be getting a new lens anytime soon, though. I did get $75 in gift cards to a sporting good store from our company nurse. The lens, however, would have to come from my own money and I don't see room in the budget for that right now.

That said, I wouldn't mind a Canon 400mm f/2.8 IS, if anyone has one that they don't want.
One other thing I thought of, since I know you like playing video games with your kids - if you still have a non-Wii system in the house, try picking up a Dance Dance Revolution game and a couple dance pads. Now that can be some serious exercise... my wife's been doing it a good amount lately as a main part of her workout routine. She and her sister will go at it for an hour or so and they're always exhausted and sweaty afterwards - it can be a real workout!

We used to do it on the PS2, now we use StepMania (a free DDR clone for the PC and other platforms) hooked into the projector so they can do it on the giant screen in the basement. Works great!
One other thing I thought of, since I know you like playing video games with your kids - if you still have a non-Wii system in the house, try picking up a Dance Dance Revolution game and a couple dance pads. Now that can be some serious exercise... my wife's been doing it a good amount lately as a main part of her workout routine. She and her sister will go at it for an hour or so and they're always exhausted and sweaty afterwards - it can be a real workout!

We used to do it on the PS2, now we use StepMania (a free DDR clone for the PC and other platforms) hooked into the projector so they can do it on the giant screen in the basement. Works great!

This is one heck of a workout. I don't think I have seen my DD and niece ever sweat that much even on the hottest day of the summer. They are beat when they are done playing it. Of course, you can set it from easy to hard, so it won't kill you the first time out if you keep it on easy for a bit.

Maybe I should get that for myself, then I won't dance like a fool at weddings! :dance3:
There is even an exercise mode, where it counts the calories you're burning. Granted, it's not going to be super-accurate, but it is at least a mode specifically designed for exercise.

Having two pads helps a lot, adding some competition can really help motivate you to keep exercising a little bit longer! And if you're really feeling lively, you can have one person working both pads - that involves a lot of jumping back and forth. Pretty funny to watch and kind of fun to attempt.

We're using some fairly affordable foam-filled pads that I found on eBay - much, much better than the flimsy cheapo ones that I originally bought locally.
One other thing I thought of, since I know you like playing video games with your kids - if you still have a non-Wii system in the house, try picking up a Dance Dance Revolution game and a couple dance pads. Now that can be some serious exercise... my wife's been doing it a good amount lately as a main part of her workout routine. She and her sister will go at it for an hour or so and they're always exhausted and sweaty afterwards - it can be a real workout!

We used to do it on the PS2, now we use StepMania (a free DDR clone for the PC and other platforms) hooked into the projector so they can do it on the giant screen in the basement. Works great!

I seconf DDR Dance Dance Revolution :thumbsup2 it is great for the kids and adults alike :yay:
Great job Mark. Now if I can get myself in that same frame of mind and drop about 70lbs I'll be able to get my Dr of my back.

It is hard. Very hard to change. Gezz, I look back 7 1/2 years ago when I got married and I was 230lbs, but could bench 300+ lbs and could military press just under 200lbs sitting down. Now I'd be luck to get up 135lbs 5 times and by that I mean bench press 135.

I've been going though a bunch of older pictures and scanning them onto the computer. These are back in the day when I was 210-220lbs and in excellent shape. Well, I'm in shape now, but round doesn't really cut it.

That being said, I'm going to go put my sneakers on and do 20 minutes on the stair climber and catch up on some DVR shows.
Congratulations Mark on your new healthy lifestyle! After all that hard work you deserve a new lens at least:thumbsup2
Congratulatlions to you on your new healthy lifestyle. That means we'll be enjoying your pictures for many years to come. It's a hard thing to do. I've always struggled with my weight, and have lost 40 pounds, but have about 20 more to go. It's been slow, but will I want to be around a long time for my son, and will not give up. I have lucky charms once in a while as a snack when I'm hankering for something sweet. Why are they so good?
Congratulatlions to you on your new healthy lifestyle. That means we'll be enjoying your pictures for many years to come. It's a hard thing to do. I've always struggled with my weight, and have lost 40 pounds, but have about 20 more to go. It's been slow, but will I want to be around a long time for my son, and will not give up. I have lucky charms once in a while as a snack when I'm hankering for something sweet. Why are they so good?

Because they are "magically delicious"!


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