Opening Someone Else's Mail by Mistake?

We get other peoples mail all the stinking time one is a former co worker of mine who has same number but diff street as ours so I just bring hers to her other one is some guy who must work out of home and has same first name as dh and lives on street our mailbox is on ( we live in rural area and are only house on street, so po made us put our box on main rd) and we ocasionlly get neighbors grandmas mail too but I figure that is a it got stuck to something mistake.
Although I wouldn't be upset if a neighbor got and opened my mail, I always check ours before opening anything. My husband and I have been married 25 years but we do not open mail addressed to one another.
I actually got some other family's Disney travel documents once -- luggage tags, the works.

Their trip was a week before ours, but obviously I was expecting the same package, so I opened it up happily, and noticed a different hotel. Then I looked more closely.

Called the woman on the phone, apologized for opening it without looking, and drove over and dropped it off. My documents came a few days later.
We get our neighbors mail and vice versa way too often here. I wouldn't be happy if they got that and opened it.
