only???13 more sails till sept 14 wonder??

Bye everyone!! We don't actually fly out until tomorrow but we are leaving this morning to meet up with the rest of our group! I am up unusually early for a day off but I just couldn't lay in bed any more!!!
The bags are packed, and if we don't have it we aren't bringing it!! I have my green mickeys (thanks again Gail!) set aside in a safe place and look forward to meeting you all next weekend!
Have a great week and travel safe!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
The SAGA begins............
Have a great time Athene. See you in a week + a wake up.

Everyone must be busy getting ready:p
I just got the suitcase down from the attic, I will start putting stuff into it on Thurs.

Only 7 days to wait, then going to football game on sat. fly out on sunday am. Then let the fun begin ::jester: :jester: Let the Thong watching begin, everyone needs a hobby:smooth: :smooth: :smooth:
Well, here we are at the 1 week mark. This week will definately fly by since we have a ton of things to do (of course nothing cruise related - except packing).

We are getting really excited:bounce: :Pinkbounc

Can't wait to meet everyone next week!!!

The Wonder is in port! Just 1 more sailing after todays and we will ALL be there!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I hope everyone is having a good weekend and getting all their final details wrapped up.
Coleen just bought a new dress ( $5.70:eek: ) at Carson Piree Scott. So she should be set.
I am working today and then only one more 24hr shift on Weds!
I will probably do my final checkin Friday night, Saturday will be WAY too busy and we fly out at 06:50am on Sun.

See you all then!

Been enjoying all the posts over the past couple of weeks. Have not had a chance to post myself, but wanted to get one in before the chaos of the last week ensues.

Even with the serious stuff we're all dealing with - weddings, family illness & death of a spouse (my thoughts go out to the poster whose friend is going through this), it sounds like we will still be able to create some great memories on this trip. I can empathize the need to sprinkle a little magic in the realities of daily life, as my own mom is battling lung cancer. It helps to know that we have such an understanding group on board.

Now, to the fun stuff. Thongs, moontans, rum, nail polish - sounds like it'll be a great cruise. BTW, fireplug, I took your advice and ordered some Amarosa cigars for DH. Didn't know what I was doing and ordered the presidente ones...uh, I guess they're big enough to cut in half and share with a friend, but he said they're decent. Thanks for the tip!

I've been planning for this trip so long, but I'm now semi-panicking about not having everything ready. Currently at work today trying to meet this week's deadline (think it's going to be close).

DH has to go to Vegas for work this week - will be flying back to Portland Friday at 11pm. He will make our Sat 9am flight to Orlando, right? Either way, he'll have to get himself there, cuz I'm getting on that boat no matter what! ;)

Oh, here's our group:
jillte - Jill (34...OK, 35 after this Friday)
DH - Troy (36)
DD - Kalea (4)
Troy's parents: Lillian & Grant

I may not have time to pick up those Green Mickeys before I leave, so I'll keep my eye out for them. I, too, will try to keep everyone's name straight (I keep thinking one of the 2 Gails is having the wedding, but it's Stacey, right?)

Everyone, safe travels and look forward to meeting you in ONE week. Let's cross our fingers for good weather!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc jill
I'm sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a bargain shopper to boot:) -- can't wait to see everybody on the ship -- less than a week away.

See you all soon.

Coleen:Pinkbounc :bounce:
Sounds like we're all starting to get excited. I had unexpected company this weekend...SIL Margie, she needed to come to the city to do cruise shopping. My feet are killing me! Anyway, haven't had a chance to get online, and today when I tried, I had lost my internet connection! Finally called AOL and got on. Was beginning to panic....needed my cruise "fix". We did catch the last half of the Travel Channel DCL story. Jay and I were transfixed, and Margie was getting sooo excited. That finally got me really excited. I had been too tired to care, but now I am READY!!
I keep telling anyone who will listen (the dog) things like "One week from today, we'll be at ......"
This week will go really fast. Still lots to do. Flying out Saturday, arrive at the Hyatt at about 6 p.m.
Now that I've seen the ship I just can't stand it...I can't wait!!!
Yes, Jill, we are the ones with the wedding. Bride has been pretty calm, and all is well on that front. The girls did their "practice" hair styles at the salon yesterday, and Margie & Ruthie had their hair cut & colored. We were there from 9 am to 5 pm. Then to the mall, and finally closed Wal-Mart at 11 pm. We had a ball. Megan and Jordan wore their tiaras all over town and looked like a couple of prom queens.
I wanted to see the ship in port today, wish I could've gotten online! Oh well, will look Thursday, and walk on Sunday! See you soon! Have a great exciting week!!! Stacey
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
okay its MONDAY and we are into the FINAL WEEK of waiting:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I am going to start putting a few things into a suitcase on Tuesday just so I can say I have started packing;)

Jill, glad you got some cigars. Its tough to be on thong watch without your smokescreen:smooth:

:teeth: FIVE DAYS!!!!! Do you believe it??? YIPPEE!!!!!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I can't take much more waiting!!!! This will be the longest airline flight in history!
:( Well, I guess at the very least, it will be interesting. I have found that in all of our travels, whenever I worried about something happening, it never did. And, when I wasn't worried at all, something was bound to happen. It has never been anything horrible, and we've always had a great time no matter what.
I'm not even going to think about the "H" thing. We can't change it, we will still sail to somewhere...remember, "It's not the destination, but the journey".

We'll have a great time no matter what!! Disney will see to that!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

There still are too many options for Isabel.

Remember the captain will not take that ship into the path of that type of storm. We can be very certain that this storm is being watched carefully by the cruise line and crew and we will not be put into danger. Not that our life's are worthless, but that ship cost $350 Million and I'm sure that Disney is in no hurry to have it destroyed by some hurricane.

They can take me where ever they want - just let me on the ship!!!!!!!

The big countdown is here!!!!!

pixie dust guys
350 people losthier jobs at my work and the next cuts are this friday and next..
ds mil has been fighting breast cancer 9 1/2 years she was having trouble with her vision and they found 6 spots in her brain. starting radiation today last resort
i guess the hurricane doesnt look sco scary anymore!
i need this cruise.
cant believe its almost here..
When we went on our first ever cruise 10 yrs ago we returned to have Coleen "be replaced" at work. Hopefully this won't happen to you.
As for your DS's MIL we will say a prayer or two for her too.

Now lets get on that SHIP and have a great time:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Tammy: Lots of prayers and good wishes for your son's MIL!
Prayers for you, too. Kind of like the storms, nothing we can do but ride them out. Hoping for you that no matter how your job turns out, that it is what is best for you....could be something better on the horizon!


Is it really true? FOUR days only!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I'm packing today!!! Must be going somewhere!

See you all sooner and sooner :Pinkbounc :bounce:
its gonna be here real SOON!

Tammy, let's hope you keep your job, we will pray for your si MIL, that the doctors will find a treatment.

I am not quite finished with the matching dresses...mine's doen, here's isn't.

Wash on Thursday, pack on Friday.

Gotta work to be able to afford this cruise! I am thankful, my studio is jammed to capacity!

Look out Isabel, here we come! Maybe we'll end up in Canada!

thanks for the support guys..
i plan on having a great time..job or not! no party pooper here(can i say that?)
but really i would hate to say i went on a tropical cruise to Canada:( .. nothing against canada my moms family is settled all over there..
i want my palm trees!! even if they are swaying 140 mils an hour!
i cant beleive its so close!!:bounce:


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