OKW better price direct


Sep 22, 2012
While looking at the resells there is a OKW 2042 smaller point contracted listed for $120 with no points until 2019. If you purchase direct you receive current year forward, lower closing cost and prorated dues. The direct points would expire 2057.

If I am looking at this correctly the direct pricing would be a bargain.
What are you seeing for a direct price?
While looking at the resells there is a OKW 2042 smaller point contracted listed for $120 with no points until 2019. If you purchase direct you receive current year forward, lower closing cost and prorated dues. The direct points would expire 2057.

If I am looking at this correctly the direct pricing would be a bargain.
The contract listing is out of line for OKW, if that were the standard and OKW were worth that much anyway, retail would be the way to go. But OKW isn't worth that much even 2057 and the resale contract is way overpriced.
I see many OKW contracts listed below $80, that $120 price is way out of line. Keep looking.
I paid $100 two months ago for a 50 point OKW extended and at the time I thought I was crazy. Since then the 25, 50 and 75 points have been going up and up. However at 120 Id start considering direct unless I already owned.
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I'm waiting for ROFR on a 25 point contract, paying $95 per point. If it wasn't a small contract, I'd held out for $85.
I saw that listing. If you add closing costs of 500, you're pretty much at buying direct. Looks like someone made an offer on it. I guess a hundred saved is still money saved.
I'm seeing a lot of similar pricing in other resorts though. Pricing that makes it to where you might as well just buy direct. I think some folks who are selling are not understanding why people buy resale and apparently they also aren't being educated by the agents.
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Yea prices are getting crazy. The contracts below 100 points are getting to the point where your better off buying direct.
Glad we jumped on our OKW resale! We got 100 pts at 65.00 loaded contract! KEEP Looking and jump at one that pricing and points looks like it meets your needs

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