Not Getting COVID Vaccine

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I'm pretty impressed with the civility so far on this thread. Hoping that continues!

I am trying to teach my kids to be intentional with their health; to make life-long investments in their bodies and choices; and to research and develop pre-emptive and preventative relationships and strategies for their health. NOT to trust politics, internet "influencers", or bullies. So, when people ask about their status, I've advised them to say with a smile "my health choices are private" or "I'm following the advice of my doctor". You wouldn't (or maybe your would) believe the totally sh$%# things adults have said to them when berating them about "when are YOU getting vaccinated". It's terribly sad.

We were with a family member recently who kept bringing up vaccinations. Her comment was "I can't wait for everyone of the crazy-XXX people who refuse to be vaccinated to just die. I hope they all suffer and die..." and more comments in that general vein. And meanwhile, my kids are just standing there, listening to their aunt wishing their suffering and death. That was awesome.

Are we in the same family???

Vaccines have NEVER been private medical information. You need them to go to school and to go to certain countries. That is not in good faith. Knowing someone's vaccine status is not a new phenomenon.
Right. But I think it’s rude to ask people just to do so (Not referring to schools, workplaces, or businesses). It’s not my aunt’s business, or a coworker’s business...

I‘m not vaccinated because I have antibodies and have a history of moderate vaccine reactions. HOWEVER, as a nurse, I’m sure it will be mandated at some point, as was the flu vaccine. When it comes to that, I’ll get it.
I find it amazing how people who blindly follow advice from those who have been wrong about EVERYTHING are also willing to attack anybody who believes differently than their overlords.
See, it’s statements like these that make it impossible to have any sort of real conversation. Why do you do this on every thread? I may not agree with the OP’s position, but she deserves to be able to have this thread.

Also, you’re incorrect. So I could ask you the same question How to people deny the facts right in front of them?
I am for the vaccine but I believe if you have had it then you maybe do not have to. My dad had it, my brother, my SIL, they all got the vaccine also but I was wondering if it was necessary. I wish we could get straight answers. Just like this poster even tho she says she had and that is why she isn't, I have seen her endlessly posting about Covid and seems she is against no matter what. Anyway I do believe if you have had Covid you may not have to get vaccine and if I had had it I may not have. But I wish we could get clearer info on it.
Yes, this is the frustrating part. There is a LOT of evidence that COVID infection gives you immunity. I wish the CDC would get on that and give guidance out those who have had the illness already. They make it harder for everyone by staying silent on this when the studies are out there.

I have a relative who said they he didn’t need the vaccine because he already had it and supposedly had tested positive for antibodies over winter. Then he got it again in April and ended up in the ER, so... curious to see what he’ll do now.

Anecdotally, I know more people who have had covid twice (6) than people who got it after getting the vaccine (1). But to be fair, the vaccine is newer.
So sorry to hear that. It does happen and it is more likely the older you are (especially over 65). But the truth is the numbers don't really justify this being a large amount of people. I have known at least 20 people who have had COVID and not one had any serious illness and none have been reinfected. So it is hard to know when you are just looking at your own group of people. But the data doesn't support it being an issue really.

Since the current news is that this virus is now possibly not naturally occurring, the scientific community is gonna struggle much more with getting any certainty, b/c nothing about previous naturally formed viruses can be 100% presumed to continue for man-made ones...

So, as has been the default since the beginning, the scientific community is in a "better safe than sorry" stance...vaccines have so little risk, that it's safer for everyone to get them than to try to spend the money, time, and energy going through each person's previously infected Covid case to see what level of immunity they might have against which variants...I mean, vaccines are VERY cheap and effective care, especially when given by the millions...and with millions of previously infected getting vaccines, they've shown there's no higher risk for those folks than unvaccinated ones in getting the shots...
But there are side effects and serious ones for people. Additionally if you have had COVID before you are more likely to have adverse effects from the vaccine. So it isn't a placebo you are taking. There are risks to everything and just ascribing a one size fits all approach when there is very good evidence that natural immunity occurs is crazy.

Vaccines have NEVER been private medical information. You need them to go to school and to go to certain countries. That is not in good faith. Knowing someone's vaccine status is not a new phenomenon.
All medical information is private and none of anyone's business. You have exemptions for schools as well as the option of some private schools or homeschooling. Also there are VERY few countries that require vaccinations to go there. And they are not very popular countries so they are easy to avoid. Please stop acting like this is something that we should be enacting going forward.

US is doing pretty good and cases are crashing but not as good as Israel where 80% are vaxxed and cases are approaching zero. On the other hand Japan is a total mess and they are way behind in vaccines.

Never seen so many people against something that is working so well.
That is what I think people don't understand about those of us not getting the vaccine. We support your right to choose to take it. We just don't want it forced on us.

That is not what I was referring to. There have obviously been vaccines with long term side effects for a tiny percentage. The point, if you read my original post and don't just cherry pick a phrase, is that these side effects always show up within a couple months of vaccinations. There are no vaccines where years down the line new side effects have shown up. At this point, we are past that amount of time of new side effects showing up.
We also don't look for long term side effects. We have no idea if cancer or other auto-immune diseases we have now are from vaccination or not. It is very difficult to determine as in our lives we have so many other factors that could cause these outcomes as well but it is foolish of us to say that there is absolutely no long term issues in any human on the planet just because we don't know if there is.

Thank you for your kind words. I am not well versed in the legal aspects; I was just certain that the way it was handled was completely inappropriate. Sadly, this teacher is one of the best in our (very underperforming) district. My oldest kid had her three years ago and the difference is stark. I believe she is one of the many for whom FEAR has crippled her formerly kind nature. The teacher has a child who is a health care worker, and shares often on social media how unvaccinated people will "kill" her child. Not exactly rational at this point.

I have a pretty good dialogue with the principal, who seems to understand the severity of the situation. The whole situation is a disaster - over 1/3 of the Senior class isn't graduating; and almost 1/2 of the kids in the school are failing.

Our last day of school is tomorrow. What a awful time for kids.
Hang in there! And yes, this is what I was saying before the fear is so real and affecting even the most rational of people. It doesn't mean we should excuse it but we can react with empathy. I truly hope we can move away from the fear propaganda now. The US numbers are excellent and will likely just keep dropping. We are going to be out of this in no time at all.

I always ask conspiracy believers why. Why would the government microchip everyone? Are we that important? And so on.

I am vaccinated and I am glad. I will not ask anyone why they decided against it though even if I am curious.
Why if you are choosing not to take the vaccine are you a conspiracy believer? Truly asking... I have cited peer-reviewed studies here to support my rationale for why I don't believe I need a vaccine. And I don't think anyone on this thread has mentioned anything about micro-chips or anything else. We all seem to have valid reasons.

Most other vaccine threads have been closed due to the misinformation being posted.

PLEASE recognize that the DIS is a Disney related, family oriented, travel planning website. This Community Board is provided as a release from the usual topics but is NOT immune from moderation as evidenced in the past.

This thread is on its last leg already from the information and expert opinions already offered and is NOT immune from the fate of prior vaccine topics (which were inhabited by mostly the same posters).

Fair warning.
Real question - What misinformation has been posted on this thread? I truly want to know as I haven't seen anything posted that was seriously telling anyone misinformation. Thanks!

Sorry, but I feel like "common sense manners and decorum" goes out the window when it's a matter of a public health crisis. Sort of like Disney's Four Keys. Courtesy is absolutely one of them. But they go in order: Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. If there's a Safety issue, addressing it is imperative even at the expense of the other three Keys. If I would like to spend time with you (or have you as a customer at my business, or whatever), I'm going to ask your vaccination status. Because public safety is more important to me than "decorum."
And herein lies the issue with society right now. There is no clause in the constitution that suspends our rights due to a public health crisis. Especially one that is about to be over. There is no reason for people to be rude & bullying to people over a vaccine. The numbers don't support that there are so many people not taking the vaccine that we won't be out of this in a matter of weeks to months.

Personally, I do respect the hesitancy of some people because of the whole "long term effects aren't known" thing.

However, it also somewhat bothers me that those people are willing to let "others" bear the risk while they ride along on the coattails of things opening up and life going back to normal. (I am not talking about people who were advised by doctors not to receive the vaccine, so don't come at me with stories)
What risk are you bearing? If you have taking the vaccine then you aren't taking any risk. The unvaccinated person is taking the risk. Also as has been mentioned numerous times there is little to no risk if you have already had COVID. I don't understand this statement or thinking.

My reasons for not getting the vaccine (or at least waiting) were mostly because of its newness and the unknown. Coupled with my willingness to continue to distance, mask, etc. I was "low risk" in that I was mostly staying home expect for work & early morning shopping trips. I felt my risk of getting COVID and therefore the unknown long term effect of the disease were low. That the risk of the unknown side effects of the vaccine were not something I wanted to chance.
Thanks for sharing! That is definitely a valid reason for not getting it or waiting to get the vaccine.

So a quick question for those who are choosing not to get the vaccine and have not had a diagnosed case of Covid are you continuing to mask up and social distance? Also if your child's college makes it mandatory to attend in person classes are you prepared to get the vaccine or will your child transfer schools? If a vaccine is required for a concert or travel or any other life events are you alright skipping those things? I am really wondering about this. I have a Facebook friend who is up in arms about concerts requiring vaccines and she is against getting it. She says her rights are being trampled on. In my opinion you can't have it both ways.

For those of you who feel confident that your child will not have any complications, we know 3 college athletes who are still dealing with heart issues from covid. None of them had issues before getting Covid (all 3 were required to have an ekg before returning to campus in the fall). All 3 had very mild cases and really the only way they knew they had covid was because of routine testing. Two of the 3 are making progress toward returning to play and the third may never be cleared to play again.
I only mask where required and that is about to go away soon too. So no, I will not be masking at all when not required as I am not at risk to anyone based on the science.

There is the nail in coffin that gets this thread closed due To misinformation.
Please cite what misinformation you are referring to as I haven't seen any misinformation provided.

First of all, I wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your severe medical condition.

Speaking specifically to the issue of blood clots and strokes, DW suffered a pretty severe stroke five years ago (she's finally back to working part-time). As some folks may know, having a first stroke greatly increases the risk of subsequent strokes. She desperately did want to get the vaccine, and I was insistent that we speak to her cardiologist, neurologist, and PCP before getting it. They all signed off on it and even recommended no adjustments to her medications before taking it. They also voiced the opinion that the risk of blood clots and stroke was less from the vaccine than from COVID itself.

We also happened to be in to see her rehab specialist around the same time, so we asked her about it, too, and the interesting thing to me was that they had been offering extra doses at the end of the night to their in-patient rehab patients who had suffered a stroke as well. (I think they were offering Pfizer, IIRC.)

I completely appreciate what others are saying about working with medical advice about whether to take the vaccine in specific situations, and I would not suggest replacing the contents of this post with the advice of medical personnel. But for those who have a specific concern about stroke who maybe haven't had that consultation, I figured I'd share what we have heard from our medical team.
Thanks for sharing your information as I may help someone else struggling with this decision. You did the right thing going to all of your DW's doctors and weighing your risks and benefits. That is all I want for everyone.
See, it’s statements like these that make it impossible to have any sort of real conversation. Why do you do this on every thread? I may not agree with the OP’s position, but she deserves to be able to have this thread.

Also, you’re incorrect. So I could ask you the same question How to people deny the facts right in front of them?
You have to admit that with the information coming out on Fauci and on some of the other politicians it is hard to trust what we are being told. Just like I post scientific journal studies here and consistently get told I'm posting misinformation. There is a lot our scientist and politicians don't know or don't want to admit that make it very difficult to trust them.
All medical information is private and none of anyone's business. You have exemptions for schools as well as the option of some private schools or homeschooling.
There are businesses that require their employees to get vaccinated (see hospitals). Businesses have the right to deny service to anyone for any reason (unless the reason is because the customer is a member of a "protected class").
I'm in Canada :) I have never ever heard of colleges or universities requiring vaccinations, that is news to me. When I went to college I was never asked to prove I had been vaccinated. In the province I am in specifically, it is not required for kids to attend school of any kind and I have never travelled to a country that requires my vaccine record. :confused3

Thank you for asking where I am from. It goes to show that many of our opinions about this topic can vary widely simply depending on where you live. Not always, but perhaps in this case. To me, asking someone if they are vaccinated or planning to vaccinate is absolutely SHOCKING. But the only time I have been asked about my kids vaccination records was when my DS was in hospital when he was 3 years old and the doctors thought he had a virus that was common in unvaccinated children. But to others, I guess this is standard information that is willingly shared between people? It's so bizarre to me but obviously I have a different opinion.
Here you need proof of vaccinations for daycare, public school, and many universities. My seniors have an appointment for their second meningitis vaccine with is required along with the rest. Ds will have to upload his covid card in order to live on campus and take in person classes, Dd is going to college in the south so needs to upload her card in order to go anywhere maskless.
You have to admit that with the information coming out on Fauci and on some of the other politicians it is hard to trust what we are being told. Just like I post scientific journal studies here and consistently get told I'm posting misinformation. There is a lot our scientist and politicians don't know or don't want to admit that make it very difficult to trust them.
No, because I read past the headlines and understand the context of those emails.

But there is disagreeing and then there are inflammatory statements that include things like overlord. And you asked in your last post, what misinformation has been said. That statement in it’s entirety. If your thread gets shut down, you know where to look because the warning went out.

Like I said, I disagree with everything you post about the vaccine and Covid, but I do believe you have the right to this thread, so it’s disappointing when the same poster(s) come on and do that.
Yes, this is the frustrating part. There is a LOT of evidence that COVID infection gives you immunity. I wish the CDC would get on that and give guidance out those who have had the illness already. They make it harder for everyone by staying silent on this when the studies are out there.

So sorry to hear that. It does happen and it is more likely the older you are (especially over 65). But the truth is the numbers don't really justify this being a large amount of people. I have known at least 20 people who have had COVID and not one had any serious illness and none have been reinfected. So it is hard to know when you are just looking at your own group of people. But the data doesn't support it being an issue really.

But there are side effects and serious ones for people. Additionally if you have had COVID before you are more likely to have adverse effects from the vaccine. So it isn't a placebo you are taking. There are risks to everything and just ascribing a one size fits all approach when there is very good evidence that natural immunity occurs is crazy.

All medical information is private and none of anyone's business. You have exemptions for schools as well as the option of some private schools or homeschooling. Also there are VERY few countries that require vaccinations to go there. And they are not very popular countries so they are easy to avoid. Please stop acting like this is something that we should be enacting going forward.

That is what I think people don't understand about those of us not getting the vaccine. We support your right to choose to take it. We just don't want it forced on us.

We also don't look for long term side effects. We have no idea if cancer or other auto-immune diseases we have now are from vaccination or not. It is very difficult to determine as in our lives we have so many other factors that could cause these outcomes as well but it is foolish of us to say that there is absolutely no long term issues in any human on the planet just because we don't know if there is.

Hang in there! And yes, this is what I was saying before the fear is so real and affecting even the most rational of people. It doesn't mean we should excuse it but we can react with empathy. I truly hope we can move away from the fear propaganda now. The US numbers are excellent and will likely just keep dropping. We are going to be out of this in no time at all.

Why if you are choosing not to take the vaccine are you a conspiracy believer? Truly asking... I have cited peer-reviewed studies here to support my rationale for why I don't believe I need a vaccine. And I don't think anyone on this thread has mentioned anything about micro-chips or anything else. We all seem to have valid reasons.

Real question - What misinformation has been posted on this thread? I truly want to know as I haven't seen anything posted that was seriously telling anyone misinformation. Thanks!

And herein lies the issue with society right now. There is no clause in the constitution that suspends our rights due to a public health crisis. Especially one that is about to be over. There is no reason for people to be rude & bullying to people over a vaccine. The numbers don't support that there are so many people not taking the vaccine that we won't be out of this in a matter of weeks to months.

What risk are you bearing? If you have taking the vaccine then you aren't taking any risk. The unvaccinated person is taking the risk. Also as has been mentioned numerous times there is little to no risk if you have already had COVID. I don't understand this statement or thinking.

Thanks for sharing! That is definitely a valid reason for not getting it or waiting to get the vaccine.

I only mask where required and that is about to go away soon too. So no, I will not be masking at all when not required as I am not at risk to anyone based on the science.

Please cite what misinformation you are referring to as I haven't seen any misinformation provided.

Thanks for sharing your information as I may help someone else struggling with this decision. You did the right thing going to all of your DW's doctors and weighing your risks and benefits. That is all I want for everyone.

Easy. WHO, the CDC and Fauci have not been wrong about everything. That is misinformation. The end.
Here you need proof of vaccinations for daycare, public school, and many universities. My seniors have an appointment for their second meningitis vaccine with is required along with the rest. Ds will have to upload his covid card in order to live on campus and take in person classes, Dd is going to college in the south so needs to upload her card in order to go anywhere maskless.

Yeah, my kids college went mandatory covid shot after final deposits were due...although you can do all online classes at home if you want to take a pass...

Needless to say, my DD was VERY happy she beat the line and already had the vaccine done b/c you have to start the series by July 4, or they will still not let you attend this fall...
I have very litt
You have to admit that with the information coming out on Fauci and on some of the other politicians it is hard to trust what we are being told. Just like I post scientific journal studies here and consistently get told I'm posting misinformation. There is a lot our scientist and politicians don't know or don't want to admit that make it very difficult to trust them.

The scientific process is about trial and error. You know... experiments, where we try things to see what happens, and then build on that information. This was a novel virus, meaning NO ONE knew about it, how it functioned, how it was transmitted. Of course the experts and scientists were going to make mistakes. I do not understand the expectation that everyone would know everything from day 1.

Yes it is true, information about Covid changed over the last year +... yes, some public safety guidances also changed ...why? Not because of some nefarious conspiracy or lack of aptitude on the part of experts... but because this was a brand new virus and no one knew about it. So yes, as more information became available as more and more people studied it, saw the effects, saw the outliers, the exceptions.. the usual situations.... recommendations and treatments changed.

Covid is the scientific process in real time. The inability by so many people to allow the scientific process to play out has been one of the more obnoxious parts of this pandemic...
So a quick question for those who are choosing not to get the vaccine and have not had a diagnosed case of Covid are you continuing to mask up and social distance? If a vaccine is required for a concert or travel or any other life events are you alright skipping those things? I am really wondering about this.

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