nick studios


Earning My Ears
Jan 25, 2001
i am planning a trip with my 8 year old neice to universal studios and she loves nickelodeon and i was wondering how we go about getting tickets to see one of the shows taped. she likes all that and amanda
Moving this to the Universal discussin board.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
I think they hand out tickets the mornings of tapings at guest services on a first come/first serve basis. The taping schedule was on Universal's old (better) web site. I can't find it now. Looked at Nick's site too with no luck.
Nick Studios is alot of fun but it is a time consuming process. Call 2 weeks in advance to see what and if they are filming while you are there. (I'm sorry I just don't have the number handy - if you do a search you'll find it on these boards). The day you want to see the show you must start getting on line for tickets early. Tickets are distributed between 1:30 and 2pm (at least they were in the fall) but people lined up at 12 noon. All members of the party must be there to get a ticket for them. You alone may stay there for the bulk of the time but everyone must be present when the tickets are distributed.
If they are filming inside, there are alot less tickets available for distribution so your wait could be in vain....and no one seems to know in advance if they are filming inside or outside.

Your ticket will have a call back time on it. For Slime Time Live (the "show" we saw) there were 3 call back times. We waited in line prior to entering the stage set for about 45 minutes. Because it was taped outside, we were able to see the previous taping which was also fun. Once we entered the set, we had to turn all clothing with emblems around, inside out or backwards - so watch what you are wearing. We actually sat on the stage set for 45 minutes to 1 hour with live segments being filmed periodically. All in all, this took up an entire afternoon with a quick lunch at Hard Rock in between. For us, it worked. You may have reservations about the time spent - it's a long and boring wait. We were just really burnt out from all the attractions so it was kind of a relief for us. Also, our son got "pied" and he'll never forget the experience.


[This message was edited by gina2000 on 01-26-01 at 01:01 PM.]


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