Nick & Nancy's DFTW - July 11,2012 *6/5 -Featured on Carly's Blog!*

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YAY for a TR for a PS!
I'm going next week for mine so this couldn't have come at a better time!
I can't wait to hear all about it! popcorn::

First off, I forgot to vote for a tie. I really like the first one.

Second, what a mixed bag of a first day.
* The resort sounds terrible. Sorry about that.
* Ouch on the face plant! :sad2: Glad it didn't affect your photos the next day.
* Sorry you didn't win at Buzz. I usually beat Paul on that and on Toy Story, so when he beats me it's a huge deal for the rest of the trip. :goodvibes
* That stinks about Dumbo. We are upset that Big Thunder Mountain is down when we go in April, so I totally understand.

Can't wait to read the rest.
-The check in people at that hotel sound horrendous. Cool room keys though!
-No, the swamp water is just a Florida thing haha.
-I’m sorry you didn’t feel safe!
-I love my TiW card. It is kind of my best friend.
-I love your little “what did we learn” recap! Are you going to do this every day? I hope so!
So I saw your report today and read through the whole thing - you have done a lovely job planning all of the details :). I am particularly impressed by how much fun you seem to be having planning gifts and surprises for your guests and attendants -- very sweet.

I hope that your recent trip improved, I am looking forward to the rest of the details.

My son and I often stay at resorts on the boardwalk and I always love seeing bridal parties milling around, taking pictures and just generally looking so happy --- my very best wishes to you and Nick.:flower3:
Yay, another TR to follow along with. Sorry to hear about the jerk at check in and the annoying sales pitch. We've stayed off property before too and it just doen't feel the same. I'm sorry you didn't love your room.

Oh no about the face plant! That is totally something that would happen to me. At least from what I can tell from the picture you didn't cut your face up, that would have really been awful!

I love the nighttime castle. I must have a million different pics of it. It never gets old.

Can't wait to hear more about the trip!

Thanks for the sympathy :) lol Could you IMAGINE if I had to take my e-pics with a black eye or something :scared1: lol

Glad you're ok, which is why I can admit I had a good chuckle at your description of your "save everything!" fall style, lol. Excellent lesson to have learned, thanks for sharing....I know I'm going to benefit from it greatly, I'm one of those goobers that'll walk right into a curb because they don't notice where it starts.

Glad I could give you some tips Norma! Remember me next time you fall! lol

Yay! You started on your TR! Can't wait for more!

Don't worry! it's coming!

Nancy day one sounds so much fun. I can not wait to hear more :)

It was pretty fun!

YAY for a TR for a PS!
I'm going next week for mine so this couldn't have come at a better time!
I can't wait to hear all about it! popcorn::

I will try to put everything in before you leave!


First off, I forgot to vote for a tie. I really like the first one.

Second, what a mixed bag of a first day.
* The resort sounds terrible. Sorry about that.
* Ouch on the face plant! :sad2: Glad it didn't affect your photos the next day.
* Sorry you didn't win at Buzz. I usually beat Paul on that and on Toy Story, so when he beats me it's a huge deal for the rest of the trip. :goodvibes
* That stinks about Dumbo. We are upset that Big Thunder Mountain is down when we go in April, so I totally understand.

Can't wait to read the rest.

Thanks! I was so mad that I didn't win at Buzz lol ...we are very competitive!

-The check in people at that hotel sound horrendous. Cool room keys though!
-No, the swamp water is just a Florida thing haha.
-I’m sorry you didn’t feel safe!
-I love my TiW card. It is kind of my best friend.
-I love your little “what did we learn” recap! Are you going to do this every day? I hope so!

What did we learn will FOR SURE be on every day! lol I am glad I am not the only one who had issues with the water lol

So I saw your report today and read through the whole thing - you have done a lovely job planning all of the details :). I am particularly impressed by how much fun you seem to be having planning gifts and surprises for your guests and attendants -- very sweet.

I hope that your recent trip improved, I am looking forward to the rest of the details.

My son and I often stay at resorts on the boardwalk and I always love seeing bridal parties milling around, taking pictures and just generally looking so happy --- my very best wishes to you and Nick.:flower3:

Thanks so much for your kind words!!!


Day 2 - Meeting the Reverend, Hair & Makeup trial, and E-pics!

So we slept pretty good that night (you know, because of the awesome pillows! lol). We had to be at Starbucks just down the road from our resort for 10am to meet Rev. Ferguson. It was literally 7 minutes down the road, but traffic was so crazy it took us twenty minutes to get there!!!! When we finally met him we fell in love! He is such a HOOT! He was so much fun to talk to and I am so excited to have him marry us! He gave us a homework assignment to each write him an email telling him why we love each other. He said if there are people who are not crying by that point....they will be lol. He also said I am going to be a mess :lmao: and I am ok with that!

We spent about an hour with him and then we had to head out to Orlando to LeJeune's location (I was still peeved that we had to travel to them but ah well) to get my hair and makeup trial done. We were a little early so we walked around and went to get something to eat at the corner store (mmm 11:30 am gyros lol) WE ate while walking back and Patricia was just getting there. Let me just say, she is so AWESOME! She was so much fun to talk to and I quickly got
over the travelling thing (ok maybe it still irks me a little bit :rotfl2:) and she talked to me a little bit while taking some notes and then she got started. One funny thing that happened was that she wanted to know if I wanted to try two different looks on the two eyes to see which one I like best and I told her I really like the plum so she said, and I quote, "ok we will just do one eye then". In my head I had this vision that I was going to come out of there looking like this:


I didn't say anything until she was half way done my hair. I piped up and said you're going to do my WHOLE face right? And she just busts out laughing! :rotfl2: She said why wouldn't I do your whole face...I explained my reasoning and she lost it lol So, in the end, my hair and WHOLE face was done and here's how it looked:



I love it! She then took it down after and curled it really nice for the engagement pictures. I <3 her!

We went back to the hotel and relaxed for a bit. I ironed our clothes and waited for the Arndt's who picked us up at 4:45. We had a BLAST with them! We took pictures at Wilderness Lodge (we had never been there before and both our jaws dropped when we walked in! That place is amazing!) and at the Poly! David was giving us random factoids about Disney and about the resorts which entertained us a lot! I don't think Nick and me have ever looked at each other that much before or kissed for that long before lol. They were just so much fun to work with! I can't wait to see the pictures. Vicki posted this little teaser on Facebook today:

I love it! I can't wait to see more! Because our wedding shower is in May and my aunt wants to make a guest book for us, David and Vicki are going to pit a rush on the 25 best so I should have them for you guys soon!

After we took our engagement pictures, they dropped us off at our "resort" and we high tailed it to Epcot to make it for our dinner reservations at 8:20 in Japan. Well, we were late. Very late. But, it worked out pretty awesomely because we got a table right next to the window and, here was our view during dinner:


It was perfect! Before he saw it, Nick was like, I've seen fireworks before (we always have a HUGE display around Independence Day/Canada Day on the river because we are right on the border with Detroit and it's pretty awesome)...but he was in awe the whole time!

Dinner was really good and we had the nicest waitress ever! We walked back to the entrance and got this picture taken:


*This was not my outfit for the e-pics lol, just wanted to bum around Epcot lol

We then grabbed a handful of maps for our welcome bags and off we went to the resort to go to bed. We had a long day the next day!


1)Traffic is crazy in Florida
2)Cajun people are hilarious (Rev. Ferguson & Patricia are both from New Orleans)
3)If you book with Lejeune, she will do your WHOLE face lol
4)If you kiss long enough, you can get a picture with fireworks in the background.
5)Apparently I look like Snow White lol
6)It's ok to be late for dinner in Epcot....sometimes it's for the best!

Anyways, I will write more tomorrow. I have updates on the invitation front and Nick's suit has been bought so I will post on that too!

Hi Nancy!

Just catching up, love all your plans so far! Especially the color choices -- we used the same ones for our VR in Feb!

It also made me smile to see your pics inside Metro Airport....I grew up in the Metro Detroit area (I live in the UK now) and have spent many many days there going back and forth before DH and I were married!

Can't wait to hear how things progress!
I don't think I've posted before but I love all of your plans! I'm really enjoying your TR, too. I love the "what we learned" thing. Super cute! Excited to read more :)
I am in loooove with that teaser picture! It sounds like y'all are having so much fun. :lovestruc Can't wait for more!
Hooray for your TR!

Day 1:
*wow that sounds like an amazing place to stay. remind me to stay there and I will ask for the jerk to help me.
*I am so sorry that you had to deal with that and I am glad you like the pillows. I am going to have to ship my pillow to the hotel for the honeymoon and wedding.
*I absolutely love the room keys! but of course I would
*I have tripped on the curbs before but never fallen. although I bet that would have been great fun to see not at your expense but just because I laugh at myself when I fall.
*wow at least the guy got the castle in focus
*I am HORRIBLE at buzz lightyear but Greg freakin loves it
* that does stink that dumbo was closed but the bright side is that the next time there will be 2
Day 2:
*so all of your comments are making me want to use patricia but oh well I already got great communication back from Veronica with Beaute and I am getting to request Laine so I will just go with them.
*I know that engagement pictures can be hard. I have never kissed greg so many times in one time period. It was fun looking at him though he kept making faces at me which brought out my real smile and laugh which I think makes pictures more genuine. I hope that happened with you
*your teaser makes you look like snow white I agree and I think it is fantastic
*your view at dinner was awesome!
*I do like what patricia did with your hair! I hope you liked it.

Can't wait for more

wow, i love your hair and makeup! That pic of you does look like snow white, its really pretty! Glad that being late to your ADR worked out for the best,looked like you had a great view! :goodvibes
Hi Nancy!

Just catching up, love all your plans so far! Especially the color choices -- we used the same ones for our VR in Feb!

It also made me smile to see your pics inside Metro Airport....I grew up in the Metro Detroit area (I live in the UK now) and have spent many many days there going back and forth before DH and I were married!

Can't wait to hear how things progress!

I love the colours together! They just feel so breezy! You must be familiar with the fireworks on the river then....Nick thought the Disney ones were better lol
Thanks for following along!

I don't think I've posted before but I love all of your plans! I'm really enjoying your TR, too. I love the "what we learned" thing. Super cute! Excited to read more :)

Thanks for following along!!


I am in loooove with that teaser picture! It sounds like y'all are having so much fun. :lovestruc Can't wait for more!

I love it too!!! I can't wait until she posts more pictures! I am constantly checking on Facebook lmao

Hooray for your TR!

Day 1:
*wow that sounds like an amazing place to stay. remind me to stay there and I will ask for the jerk to help me.
*I am so sorry that you had to deal with that and I am glad you like the pillows. I am going to have to ship my pillow to the hotel for the honeymoon and wedding.
*I absolutely love the room keys! but of course I would
*I have tripped on the curbs before but never fallen. although I bet that would have been great fun to see not at your expense but just because I laugh at myself when I fall.
*wow at least the guy got the castle in focus
*I am HORRIBLE at buzz lightyear but Greg freakin loves it
* that does stink that dumbo was closed but the bright side is that the next time there will be 2
Day 2:
*so all of your comments are making me want to use patricia but oh well I already got great communication back from Veronica with Beaute and I am getting to request Laine so I will just go with them.
*I know that engagement pictures can be hard. I have never kissed greg so many times in one time period. It was fun looking at him though he kept making faces at me which brought out my real smile and laugh which I think makes pictures more genuine. I hope that happened with you
*your teaser makes you look like snow white I agree and I think it is fantastic
*your view at dinner was awesome!
*I do like what patricia did with your hair! I hope you liked it.

Can't wait for more


I laughed so hard when I fell lmao. I am pretty bummed about our first castle pic being out of focus...ah well. You WOULD love the card :goodvibes I gave it to my nephew and said it was his Jedi ID....he LOVED it! I can't wait for Dumbo to open back up! Hopefully it's up and running come July! Maybe you guys can meet up with us when you are on your Honeymoon! We are going to MK on my birthday...the 12th!

Nick was doing the same thing with the faces when we were looking at each other. lol I couldn't stop laughing! It was fun! We really lucked out at dinner,....when I saw them clearing off the table and our buzzer went off I am pretty sure I squealed lol

I'm glad you're liking everything!

wow, i love your hair and makeup! That pic of you does look like snow white, its really pretty! Glad that being late to your ADR worked out for the best,looked like you had a great view! :goodvibes

Thanks for all the kind words!!! It was an awesome experience!


Day 2- Stuff I forgot to tell you!!!

So in between the hair and makeup trial and our engagement photos we decided to go to the boardwalk and check it out and go to Sea Breeze Point. WE LOVED it there! It was totally perfect for our wedding and we were really excited to know that in 4 months it's going to be us in there.

Funny thing happened, when we went to Sea Breeze Point, there was a sign for a rehearsal but there was only the Reverend and some DFTW ppl getting stuff ready.


We walked in and asked to look around and the Reverend was Rev. Tim!!! I felt like I was meeting a celebrity lol. He took our picture and cracked a few jokes with us. He was super nice! And he takes nice pictures:


Sea Breeze Point was a lot smaller than it looks in pictures (something I came to realize a lot later on the next day lol)

That's what I missed on Day 2...moving along....

Day 3 - Planning Session and Menu Tasting!!! AKA the GOOD stuff!

So we woke up super early that morning and left the hotel at 7:30....Nick was NOT impressed lol. We headed to the GF for breakfast but, when we got to the MK gate, we didn't go to the right like you're supposed to and we totally got lost in Cast Member Parking lmao....We saw this building that said "Chip and Dale costuming" and it kinda ruined the magic a little....not gonna lie.

We finally got to the Grand and walked there with all the Cast Members who were on their way to work. I fell in love with their uniforms and I knew the GF was going to be AMAZING! I was totally right! That place is stunning! I really want to stay there one day!

We got in line for our reservation at 1900 Park Fare. It was funny because there was this lady in front of us with her son who didn't reserve but said she did and she made this huge deal about it and she started talking to us and her son was trying to get her attention. She turns to him and was like "Would you STOP interrupting me??!?!!" and then turned back all sweetly to us....Nick and I just looked at each other and I'm pretty sure we had this telepathic conversation that went like this:

-Me: Holy crap....did that just happen??
-Nick: I know right....she reminds me of those dinosaurs who's heads flare out when they're angry.
-Me: I hope we don't have to sit near her for breakfast.
-Nick: Me too (P.S. you're awesome!)
-Me: I know ;)

lol ....well...we were seated near her...:headache: But it was so busy that we didn't even notice.

We went to get plate was soooo full! and it was delicious!

Nick's was half as full and only had fruit. I was pretty upset with him for that. I made these reservations and am paying big money so he could get really full for our planning session on some really good food...and all he has is FRUIT! (insert head flaring dinosaur here)

Then, the awesomeness....Winnie the Pooh and Tigger came out!!! I gasped! Nick looked at me and was like "seriously"! I don't know why I got so excited to see them but I did. They took forever to get to our table, the waitress (who was from Michigan just an hour away from where we live and said she used to come to Canada to drink all the time when she was younger lol) kept saying they would be there any minute...then they LEFT! Alice, Mad Hatter, and Mary Poppins were there...but really...I want to see Pooh and Tigger! lol They came back just as we were paying our bill and we got these:



Nick takes the worst pictures...but I am really happy that I got a good one of him and Tigger...I texted his mom right away with the picture and she was so happy!

So we paid the bill and walked over to Francks...and guess's WAY smaller than I thought it would be! It was really pretty in there though and Jose, the guy at the front desk was really nice and got us waters and had us wait a few minutes for Pam.

Pam was quite simply the nicest planner I could have asked for! I am so happy we have her. I was worried at first because it's always her assistant who answers my emails but she was on top of things and complimented me on my organization and she was in LOVE with the cake we chose (which I don't think I ever posted on here:


Anyways, it went by pretty quickly. We got to taste some cake and we chose lemon/raspberry, red velvet/cream cheese, and Nick chose marble and buttercream for the top lol...He really liked that combination and I really liked lemon/raspberry so I compromised and let him choose the top lol.

After that, we still had 45 minutes until we met with Heather for our floral so we went for a walk. There was a wedding that just finished at the WP so we couldn't go in there just yet. We walked to the Poly, and back, then to the Grand, and back. Finally, 45 minutes went by and Heather was right there waiting for us when we got back.

Floral planning went by really quickly. I think because we already have our personal floral and really want simplicity for our ceremony. I am really excited to see our Floral BEO! I think we really over budgeted...but we will see lol.

When we were done with Heather...she said we had another 2 HOURS before our menu tasting! :scared1: What the heck were we supposed to do for 2 hours? Well, we walked to Poly, and back. Then we walked to the Grand, picked up the rest of the park maps from the front desk (they weighed a TON in my bag along with my binder! I was so sore!). Then we wanted to dip our feet in the pool or something but Nick had jeans on and he thought it would look weird if we just sat there with all our stuff and hung our feet into the pool lol. So we wanted to ride the monorail for a bit BUT....if you are not aware yet...apparently Monorail maintenance HAS to be done from 11:30 to 6:30 now EVERY DAY! :headache: So we walked back outside to the boat dock and waited for a boat to take us to MK. the time the boat got there, it was too full for us, so we waited for the next one. With that one we had about a half hour left so we said screw it and just took it to the Poly. We walked back to Francks from the Poly. Not before I took this though:


Tee hee!

The wedding was gone in the WP so we went to check it out. I think it's so funny how the knob for the WP deadbolt is on the OUTSIDE of the building lol...the doors were locked but we just unlocked it and walked in.

Nick was impressed with the view of the castle....It really is a beautiful location! If it wasn't for construction the week of our wedding we would probably be getting married there. But, as fate would have it, they had to move our ceremony venue and so we chose SBP....and we both like it there a lot more!

We went back to Franck's where we were still 10 minutes early. Nick sat on the couch (more like laid on the couch) and watched Walking Dead on Netflix on my phone lol. Jaime, our menu tasting lady showed up right on time. We loved her!! She is just an intern with DFTW and is leaving in June. This made me sad because she was really awesome and funny! She said we still had TONS of time so we took our time to get to Epcot. Backstage Epcot....not that fancy lol. We parked in a dirt parking lot and she brought us backstage in Canada and took our picture in front of the waterfall:


We then went to the kitchen at Epcot and stood in front of the freezer door...that was was really hot outside!

They were finally ready for us with the cutest setup!


I let Nick pick the napkin....he picked the "fortune cookie" one lol I don't know how else to describe it. The chefs, Joe and Tom, were awesome and our waitress Teresa was really sweet too. Now it was time for the food! (I know ya'll have been waiting for this!)

First off was the seasonal lettuce blend:

There were candied pears, endamame, walnuts, and raspberry vinaigrette. It was PHENOMENAL!!! We chose that along with a caesar salad for the salad portion of our buffet. Nick loved it too! and he hates Raspberry dressing!

Next was the Canadian Beer Soup and Mashed Potato Action Station:

Obviously it was SO good! Nick loved the soup and we really liked the idea of having an action station for the mashed potatoes.

Third was the Crab topped Mahi Mahi with yellow curry sauce and the lobster Mac and Cheese!

Those chunks of lobster were HUGE! and the Mahi Mahi was delicious! We were pleasantly surprised to learn that we both really like yellow curry lol

Last entree was the parmesan crusted chicken and the champagne risotto:

We LOVED the chicken...the flavour just keeps coming! We weren't too keen on the risotto but that's ok because we chose potatoes as a starch anyways.

Finally, we HAD to try the white chocolate slipper:

It was good....really good. But not worth the price if you ask me. Plus we are having a cake, and a DP so that's enough. The thing with gold flakes (real gold flakes) was really good too! But I bet it's expensive.

We told Jaime we basically wanted everything except the deserts and the risotto. She was impressed that we knew exactly what we wanted. It was really an easy decision when the food tasted THAT good!

The chefs presented us with a little whisk that says "whisked away" on it. SO cute! We thanked them and we left.

Our ride back was really quiet. I am pretty sure Nick fell asleep lol.

After that, we headed back to the "resort" and went to bed (yes at 4pm we were in bed). Our flight was super early the next day and we had to be out of the hotel for 4am!!!


1) Places at Disney are smaller than they look in pictures
2) It takes you approximately 7 minutes to walk from Franck's to the Poly.
3) Apparently Disney doesn't have the budget to hire a night time maintenance staff for the monorail.
4) Don't try to interrupt your mom when she is talking to an engaged couple from Canada....she will rip your head off!!
5) Pooh and Tigger totally trump Mary Poppins, Alice, and the Mad Hatter. Sorry guys! lol
6) 40 park maps and a binder weigh more than a small child.
7) Francks has free Wi-Fi :)

I think that's all ladies and gents! It was a VERY quick trip but it was chock full of amazingness and magical moments. It really put me at ease about our wedding planning and I cannot wait until July! Hopefully we can get our BEO's soon so I can update you guys some more! We are getting together tonight with my mom and Nick's mom and my MOH to put together the invitations for the wedding and the shower to mail those out and I have little updates here and there that I will save for later! Hope you all enjoyed the TR!


Hey! Yes, I am totally familiar with the Fireworks.....only ever watched them on TV though as going to the city just wouldn't work with my overprotective mother!! Maybe I'll have to trek over one summer and go now that I'm a grown up :D

I love that the waitress was talking about drinking in Canada....that is only something people from MI would get! The last time I was in Windsor it was a baby shower at Danny's it still there? And yes it was an actual baby shower...long story!

I love your food choices! What is on top of the champagne risotto? Is it shredded chicken? I so want the potato martini bar for our VR, it's just so different and unique. And that cake is gorgeous!!
It sounds like ya'll had a blast and got lots of stuff accomplished! We switched from the WP to SBP too and I just love it there. Your food looks so yummy...almost makes me want to add the cheddar soup, but I think we already have too much food, lol.

Can't wait to see more as it gets closer...
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your hair and makeup!! Sooooo pretty! I'm totally jealous of your tasting, too!!

Sounds like you had an awesome time!
Ohhhh you just made me miss my tasting session SO hardcore! I want some of that chicken now! And I gotta ask: do they actually have the Canadian Beer Cheese soup in Canada?!

Your Planning Session sounded fun and efficient. Your cake is super pretty!!

This is all out of order, I'm sorry. I'm sleepy! I'm glad you got to meet Pooh and Tigger. :)

And I think SBP is a perfect wedding venue... but I'm a lil biased.
Hi Nancy!

Just joining in on your PJ...everything looks great! I LOVE your colors, that's going to look great by the water that time of year!

We have our planning session on Friday and I have to say, I am most excited about the menu tasting part, and the pics of your food don't help at all! We're not serving soup at our reception but DF LOVES the cheddar soup and insisted we try it anyway since it's been ages that we've had any :rolleyes1

And you looked absolutely beautiful for your trial, I'm so glad she did your whole face! You had me rolling though with that pic from The Other Sister.

Can't wait to see how the rest of your planning goes, only a few short weeks left:hug:
*your planning session seems like it took all day. That is crazy! I am glad that you got everything done though.
*I would love to do a tasting of our menu but because of when we can get down there I know that it won't happen but that is ok.
*Hooray for tigger and pooh I love getting to see them as much as possible but I have to admit I wish eeyore was at more place than just the crystal palace
*I wish your trip could have been longer!

I can not wait to hear more and cute sand heart picture :)

Nancy!!! Your trip sounded amazing! When Vicki posted the teaser on Facebook I screamed outloud. You look so beautiful and just like Snow White. I love the Wilderness Lodge, I'm excited to see more of your pictures. The planning session also sounded great! Hooray for lemon/ raspberry cake! The stock image of the cake you are having was one of my favorites too from the knot. I love mums, so it's pretty cute :) Oh my, I'm so excited to hear more about your plans! Yayyyy, it's getting closer!!!!

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