News About Nate Page

Andy -

thanks so much for taking our messages to the Page family and updating us on Nate's condition. We are anxiously awaiting a full report upon your return. Have a safe journey home and God Bless.

We arrived home a short while ago. I still have all my photos to edit, but I wanted to post this photo. This photo is of Verandah Boy taking a nap, on Verandah Man's lap, this past Saturday. We had a wonderful time with the Page Family.

Thanks Eric, Chris, Nick, Nate, Nash, and Grandma Debbie for helping us to make lifetime memories!!!

Welcome home VM Andy! I agree...what a great picture!!!

Ginny & Andy
Andy, What a great pic.

I praise God for Nate and his family and add them to my list of things to be thankful for this year.

I'm so glad you and your family got back home safely. Thank you for posting that beautiful picture of you and Nate :sunny:
Thank you for the picture Andy. The Page house is never far from my thoughts. Ave'
Thanks Andy for taking the time to post the picture. Glad to see Nate resting peacefully. We still keep them all in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Verandah Man for the updates and great picture. What a pair of handsome men:D I was wondering if there is anything you noticed the Page family might need. With the holidays approaching and Nate in less-than-great health, I would love to send an appropriate gift. I know how much Christmas cards mean to this family and I have their address to sent one.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Nate's brothers also. As a sibling of a disabled child, I would really like to include the big boys in my well wishes for this incredible loving family.

Please feel free to pm me if you prefer.


The picture of Nate is so heart-warming, especially in view of the fact that when this post started 12 days ago, the doctor's best hopes were to survive for 4 days.
Well, the Walters family left today. We hope they had a really good time! We are very flattered that they would want to come all the way from New Jersey to see us!
I wanted to post an update about Nate. He seems to be doing a lot better. "I" didn't want to post anything about his being better until he had started to eat again and we could be sure he was going to tolerate it. His doctor was really nervous that it would all start again. I didn't want to say "Nate is doing great!" and then have to follow it by "Nates in bad shape again." At any rate, he is eating and things seem to be going o.k. We are still struggling with his body temp. When this happens he has trouble breathing too. His nurse has suggested some oxygen and perhaps a monitor to check his oxygen levels in his blood to see how it reacts to the temperature drop. We are thinking it over.
We know a great many of you are friends with Andy and so you pm him to see how Nate is doing. We are really thankful to Andy for fielding some of these questions for us. However, it's not fair to put all of that on him. So, I finally figured out how to work the pm box and cleared it out. We can get pm's again! Please feel free to pm or email us directly instead of Andy. He and I have joked that he is our secretary, and I know he doesn't mind the messages, but really, they should be directed to us since we are Nate's family. His condition can be somewhat confusing and Andy may not be familiar with all the details. I know some of you are afraid that we are too busy for the messages. Well, sometimes that's true, and we might not be able to get back to you right away, but we love to hear from all of you. So, please, don't hesitate to write us.
Plus, then Andy doesn't have to be concerned with posting something that Eric and I might not want posted. In light of all the weirdness on the board in the past few weeks, we think it would be best if WE do the posting about US. Eric feels, and I agree, that unless info about our family comes from us, then it is just gossip. We don't enjoy being gossiped about anymore than you do.
By the way, some of you have been way too kind to us. (You know who you are!!!!) We have been very touched by your thoughtfulness! I wish I were half the person you guys are!
(Karen R. they are STILL going, can you believe that?!?!)
Thank you for the update. I'm so glad to read Nate is feeling better. What wonderful news.
Thanks for the update. That's very good news. Your family continues to be in my prayers.

Happy to hear that the Page and Walters' families had a great time together. It really is heartwarming.
Chris that is wonderful news.We'll keep praying that things stay positive. It was so nice for the Walters to visit and for you to welcome them into your home and lives. I am glad you have that special friendship. Give all the boys a big hug from us.

I tried deleting the double post but I am not authorized.Moderators feel free to do so. THanks.
Chris that is wonderful news.We'll keep praying that things stay positive. It was so nice for the Walters to visit and for you to welcome them into your home and lives. I am glad you have that special friendship. Give all the boys a big hug from us.
Wonderful news! I will continue to lift you all up in prayer. You have such a strong and courageous little boy. God bless!
What a great update on Nate. Thank you SO much! We'll continue to pray for him and your family. :)
Chris, Thank you for the update. And I enjoyed the rest of your post as well. Glad!!!! to know that you are not allowing some mean people to take you and your family away from us.:grouphug:
God Bless,
Thanks Chris for taking the time to update us. I feel Nate is such a part of "our family".

Many hugs,


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