"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

E has been on solids for a bit. Doctor said start him when I wanted, and he was about 3 1/2 months when I did. So far he has only had rice cereal, and bananas. DH bought me a big sweet potato yesterday, so I am going to make that up for him tonight.
Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't been around lately. Summer's here and I feel busier than ever! Plus we put our house on the market last week, so we're constantly cleaning things up to be ready for a show. Hope everyone is doing well!
Emma has been eating since she was around 4 months. We started with just rice cereal and formula, but she hated the taste. Then we mixed in some apples and she inhaled it! So we did that for a week then tried bananas (loved 'em!) then sweet potatoes (liked 'em). We're trying avocados this week. So far, not too crazy about it.
Welcome Kristin!
Plus we put our house on the market last week, so we're constantly cleaning things up to be ready for a show. Hope everyone is doing well!

Good luck selling your house!!!

Welcome Kristin!!!!! I love the name Myers! how cute!

My cousin came over with 2 of her 3 boys today. It was bedlam!!!! She doesn't supervise them at all. Carys was taking her afternoon nap and they wanted to go in and see her. The youngest one screamed, waking her up, and then proceeded to pull the pacifier out of her mouth!!! I got her calmed down and she fell back asleep again, but it was the longest hour and a half of my life!!!
Hi everyone. I've been out of town for the past few days. Tomorrow is Natalie's first birthday and we are having her party on Saturday. :banana::yay::banana::cheer2::banana: It will be so hard to say I have a one year old. Just crazy.

Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Summer:thumbsup2
It is going by too fast. Katie is 13 mos now!

She started a new daycare today, and did really well. I teach, and I left her in the old one until school was out 3 wks ago. I just haven't felt comfortable with it in months, and I vented on this thread about it several times. The new daycare is more expensive ($100 a week vs $85 a week/$50 yrly registration vs. $40/$35 drop in fee for summers vs $20 (per day)). But I think it is going to be worth it.

I'm just planning to take her once a week so she can get used to it, and I can get some things done! I dropped her off at 8:30, there was no screaming (child or adult) inside-it was peaceful. She reached for the lady in the nursery and started talking to her, and waved to me when I left. I picked her up at 4:00. They said she cried once, at naptime, and ate a huge lunch. When I walked in she started jabbering and pointing to everything in the room.
It is going by too fast. Katie is 13 mos now!

She started a new daycare today, and did really well. I teach, and I left her in the old one until school was out 3 wks ago. I just haven't felt comfortable with it in months, and I vented on this thread about it several times. The new daycare is more expensive ($100 a week vs $85 a week/$50 yrly registration vs. $40/$35 drop in fee for summers vs $20 (per day)). But I think it is going to be worth it.

I'm just planning to take her once a week so she can get used to it, and I can get some things done! I dropped her off at 8:30, there was no screaming (child or adult) inside-it was peaceful. She reached for the lady in the nursery and started talking to her, and waved to me when I left. I picked her up at 4:00. They said she cried once, at naptime, and ate a huge lunch. When I walked in she started jabbering and pointing to everything in the room.

Glad you feel good about your decision! Daycare costs are so much less where you are. I pay $145 for 3 days and that is CHEAP around here! I would die for what you pay especially since it looks like we will have 2 in daycare next year. I am 9 weeks preggers with our 2nd and due on January 21st. It came a little quicker than I thought-but I am very happy. Caution to those who are breast feeding or have just stopped- my midwife warned me that my fertility was high because I had just stopped breast feeding about 2 months before we stopped using protection and there you go- I got pregnant without even really trying! Too bad it wasn't that easy the first time!
Congratulations! It was easy for me all 3 times. ;) I'm still breastfeeding, but I got a tubal so shouldn't be having any little surprises! At 37, I need to be through!

Cost of living is low here, but of course, so is pay! I read these teacher bashing threads and I'm in awe at what teachers make in some parts of the country! I'll be making $42,000 next year, but that is with 13 yrs experience and my masters.
Wow, that is a good price on daycare. The one DS went to was $258 per week!! We got it for free b/c I taught there, but since I got laid off (which is a long awful crazy stupid story) there is no way I could afford to go back to work. I would probably make about $40,000 if I went back into the public schools, but with 2 kids in daycare I would hardly break even!
I'm in Washington, DC and I worked at a daycare while in grad school (so until 2004). For a 1yo it was $1400/month! I can't even imagine $100/week!
Hey!! How is everyone doing? Me, Dh, and DS are going to turkey at the end of summer beinning of fall most likely in oct. DS will be about 8 monthes its alooong plane ride about 12hrs!!:scared1: I'm very excited to go but nervous about traveling with a baby. Has anyone ever traveled over sea's with a baby? What are your tips? Thanx!! Hope everyone is great!! :flower3:
Hey!! How is everyone doing? Me, Dh, and DS are going to turkey at the end of summer beinning of fall most likely in oct. DS will be about 8 monthes its alooong plane ride about 12hrs!!:scared1: I'm very excited to go but nervous about traveling with a baby. Has anyone ever traveled over sea's with a baby? What are your tips? Thanx!! Hope everyone is great!! :flower3:

I flew about 14 hrs with DD when she was 5 months old. Yes, it was LONG, and I flew alone!!!!! :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: I flew from HI to FL. (HI to LA to DC to FL, ugg!) The way there wasn't bad, it was an overnight flight. Get one of those if you can!! She slept most of the way to FL. I did hold her the entire way. (insert tired smiley LOL) The way back was harder, she was awake nearly the whole time and fussed quite a bit on the leg from LA to Honolulu (6 hr).

Basically I always requested a window, since I was nursing, so I could have privacy. I changed her right before we boarded, nursed her and played with her during the layovers. I nursed at take-off and landing if I could. I brought a backpack to use instead of my diaperbag, because I did also bring her carseat and gate checked it to reduce the risk of it getting lost. I used an umbrella stroller in the airport (maclaren) that I could fold 1 handed. I boarded the plane towards the end.

Good luck!
Just when I think that I am in a semi routine with Carys she throws me for a loop. She had been sleeping pretty well through the night. Some nights wouldn't wake up at all, but some nights maybe once to get her pacifier back or to get a diaper change. The past 3 nights she has been waking more and more. Last night it was 9 times! I'm so tired... it was frustrating because she wasn't crying, just fussing and she was raising her legs up and then putting them down (she sleeps swaddled). I tried putting my hand on them to settle her down but she kept doing it. I thought it might be gas but she wasn't crying at all. I tried turning the fan on in her room, then I would turn it off an hour later, pacifier, no pacifier, blanket around her legs, no blanket. I'm exhausted! Any ideas what I could have done? :confused3 My biggest thing is that I never know if she is too hot or too cold.

My sister in law is coming over this morning with my niece who is 2. I don't feel like having company at all but I know if I cancel she will get annoyed. She already thinks that I don't want to see her. Which I have no idea why. She never asks me to do anything! :laughing:
Just when I think that I am in a semi routine with Carys she throws me for a loop. She had been sleeping pretty well through the night. Some nights wouldn't wake up at all, but some nights maybe once to get her pacifier back or to get a diaper change. The past 3 nights she has been waking more and more. Last night it was 9 times! I'm so tired... it was frustrating because she wasn't crying, just fussing and she was raising her legs up and then putting them down (she sleeps swaddled). I tried putting my hand on them to settle her down but she kept doing it. I thought it might be gas but she wasn't crying at all. I tried turning the fan on in her room, then I would turn it off an hour later, pacifier, no pacifier, blanket around her legs, no blanket. I'm exhausted! Any ideas what I could have done? :confused3 My biggest thing is that I never know if she is too hot or too cold.

My sister in law is coming over this morning with my niece who is 2. I don't feel like having company at all but I know if I cancel she will get annoyed. She already thinks that I don't want to see her. Which I have no idea why. She never asks me to do anything! :laughing:

Hi I am a long time lurker but have not posted(used to be on the mom's to be thread from time to time!)I saw your post and just wanted to say that I had the same problem with my ds(6 months tomorrow).He would be up 10 or more times a night and not really crying just fussing.He was always lifting up his legs and putting his hands up on his head and rubbing his forehead.I started swaddling him again around 4 1/2 months and he did great for the first 3 nights and then figured out how to get out of it and that was the end of that.I asked my doctor and he said to let him cry it out but he wasn't crying-and he had no trouble go down for the night but a few hours later he would start waking up.I would give him the pacifier and that would be good for a few minutes but then he would start again.Finally around 3 weeks ago he started rolling onto his belly to sleep and now he sleeps great-little butt in the air and he doesn't kick the feet or rub his face.The last 2 nights he was up a few times for his pacifier though but he is teething really bad right now-you can see them right at the surface.So I don't have any advice for you but I wanted to say that I know your pain!I thought I would go crazy from only getting like 20 minutes of sleep at a time!I am hoping he is done with those nights but I also know things can change.Good luck I hope she sleeps better
Just back from the pediatrician and DS is doing great. She want's me to try some solid food starting with cereal on him and see how he does. He is still not sleeping thru the night though. He wakes up at least twice a night eats, a change and then right back to sleep no fuss. I need to figure a way to help him sleep longer. May try a cereal bottle. Anyone know how much I should add to his night time bottle?
Hey!! How is everyone doing? Me, Dh, and DS are going to turkey at the end of summer beinning of fall most likely in oct. DS will be about 8 monthes its alooong plane ride about 12hrs!!:scared1: I'm very excited to go but nervous about traveling with a baby. Has anyone ever traveled over sea's with a baby? What are your tips? Thanx!! Hope everyone is great!! :flower3:

I have flown from DC to Hawaii and NYC to Spain (then Paris back to NYC), but my kids were a little older at the time. Hawaii we just had our oldest and she was 1.5yo. Europe my son was 11 months and daughter was 3yo.

My best advice to you is to buy your son a seat, bring on his carseat, and he will likely sleep most of the flight. At least my son did flying to/from Europe at 11 months. The flight there was overnight, and I am guessing yours would be too, so I put his carseat in his seat, rearfacing like I would in a car, then I draped a blanket from the top of his carseat over the top of his plane seat. This made a dark little tent for him to fall asleep in. Didn't hear a peep out of him the entire flight! Oh, and the rearfacing seat, not sure that it is necessary on a plane like it is in the car, but I did it to create the tent. If I had him forward facing the blanket would have been right on his face.

Exceptions to this would be if you can get the bulkhead with the little bassinet attachment, as I think they would sleep better in this.

We leave July 2nd for London with all 3 kids, Scarlett will be 5 months old, so when we get back I'll let you know how it went! We tried to get the bassinet for her, but it wasn't working based on our flight (that aircraft has a different set up), so we got her a seat and I am really hoping I can master the same setup. Scarlett really prefers sleeping in a bed to her carseat though, so not sure it'll fly so well with her. There's simply no way I could hold her the entire flight though, so lap baby was not an option. And she doesn't like to be held while she sleeps anyway, so it wouldn't have helped.

Our friends have family in Turkey so they go out there every other summer. I can ask them about it and how the flights went when their kids were babies.
Just back from the pediatrician and DS is doing great. She want's me to try some solid food starting with cereal on him and see how he does. He is still not sleeping thru the night though. He wakes up at least twice a night eats, a change and then right back to sleep no fuss. I need to figure a way to help him sleep longer. May try a cereal bottle. Anyone know how much I should add to his night time bottle?

My first did not sleep through the night after starting solids, so I wouldn't bank on adding cereal to the bottle helping him sleep better.

What I would try though, and I think I may have mentioned before, is to not change his diaper overnight. If he takes a pacifier I would offer than in place of feeding him too. Some babies just take longer than others to sleep through the night. He's still only 4 months old so I would give it time.

I would start with giving him cereal on a spoon, a few spoonfuls of it, and see how that goes. Then you'll get to giving him breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a few spoonfuls each time.

There's nothing wrong with adding it to the bottle, I just don't want you doing it with the thought that he'll start sleeping all night because of it.
Just when I think that I am in a semi routine with Carys she throws me for a loop. She had been sleeping pretty well through the night. Some nights wouldn't wake up at all, but some nights maybe once to get her pacifier back or to get a diaper change. The past 3 nights she has been waking more and more. Last night it was 9 times! I'm so tired... it was frustrating because she wasn't crying, just fussing and she was raising her legs up and then putting them down (she sleeps swaddled). I tried putting my hand on them to settle her down but she kept doing it. I thought it might be gas but she wasn't crying at all. I tried turning the fan on in her room, then I would turn it off an hour later, pacifier, no pacifier, blanket around her legs, no blanket. I'm exhausted! Any ideas what I could have done? :confused3 My biggest thing is that I never know if she is too hot or too cold.

My sister in law is coming over this morning with my niece who is 2. I don't feel like having company at all but I know if I cancel she will get annoyed. She already thinks that I don't want to see her. Which I have no idea why. She never asks me to do anything! :laughing:

My basic rule is that if they're not crying, let them be. Scarlett does that too, the leg kicking, and it usually wakes me up because she sleeps next to me. In an attempt to get sleep, I do sometimes take her into my bed, feed her, and let her sleep with me after that, but if I am slightly less groggy I can remind myself to leave her alone and she'll go back to sleep. Sometimes she starts talking to herself which definitely wakes me up, but as long she's not crying I figure she's fine.
My basic rule is that if they're not crying, let them be. Scarlett does that too, the leg kicking, and it usually wakes me up because she sleeps next to me. In an attempt to get sleep, I do sometimes take her into my bed, feed her, and let her sleep with me after that, but if I am slightly less groggy I can remind myself to leave her alone and she'll go back to sleep. Sometimes she starts talking to herself which definitely wakes me up, but as long she's not crying I figure she's fine.

Ditto, actually what she said exactly! :teeth:

I did want to add that Lily sleeps WAAAY better on her tummy. I think she started doing that around 4 months? It seems like FOREVER ago.:confused3
Well, Elliott LOVES sweet potatoes!!! And I was surprised how easy it was to make for him. I think next week we will try peas.
All of mine liked sweet potatoes too. Now, dd10 won't touch them, but ds12 still eats them with me. I throw mine in a crockpot and cook all day-nothing easier!


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