New Moderator Assignments Announced


<font color=blue>Caught Smuggling Jello Shot Syrin
Oct 9, 2000
I am very pleased to announce the addition of Disneymad and Obi-Wan Pinobi to the DIS Tech Team! LisaTx, JCricket and MaryJo have been putting in a lot of overtime lately and doing a great job! Penny and Matt will make a wonderful addition to the team.


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Just curious... How are moderators picked? How many boards does each Moderator supervise? What exactly do Moderators do? I figure they ensure that proper ettiquite is followed, anything else? Do they get paid? Do moderators help solve technical problems or is there a special techie that does that?
Just curious... How are moderators picked? How many boards does each Moderator supervise? What exactly do Moderators do? I figure they ensure that proper ettiquite is followed, anything else? Do they get paid? Do moderators help solve technical problems or is there a special techie that does that?

The Moderators are chosen by the Webmasters of the DIS. Duties are varied and include moderating the discussion and trip planning boards for content, seeing that the DIS Posting Guidelines are adhered to by all, answering and screening Reported Posts and emails from posters, and many of the mods also host chat hours in the DIS Chat Room. The number of boards taken on by the mods varies greatly. I have had up to four boards at one time, and adjust my assignments according to how much free time I have at any given point in my life.

It is a volunteer position and the mods are a very dedicated and devoted group who love what they do and enjoy the DIS very much. Our Technical Board would be the place to post regarding any techie questions and the mods there will be able to help with any tech issues.

Thanx for your interest in our Moderators! They are a wonderful group and devote many hours and free time to seeing that the DIS and its large population are provided a comfortable and informative place for folks to visit!! :) :)
Carol Ann

Please extend my thanks to the other moderators of DIS. They are a wonderful crew (although sometimes forgotton). They respond quickly with great advise.

THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
All the moderators are wonderful. I read many boards and they are all very knowledgeable.

My question is where do they get this first hand information from? Is it from their experiences or is it from Disney itself? A combination of both?

Thanks again to all the moderators for a job well done!!



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