New DVC Member Cards


Pin Trader Extraordinaire
Sep 3, 1999
We received new DVC Member Cards in the mail today. The information is "raised" like a normal credit card, but without a magnetic strip on the back. Pretty much the same design as before.
I am so very frustrated with Member services. I have contacted them at least three times about getting a replacement card and still no luck. I'm going to have to give it another shot this week. What a pain. This is the only encounter I've had with Member services which has turned into 100% frustration! I'm glad to know the new cards are nice. I hope I get one!
I hope I get new cards soon. I have paper ones they sent to me. They are a wierd size to, won't fit iin my wallet. Are the new ones plastic like a credit card?
We got cards about a month ago. Just like "regular" credit cards. Interestingly, we got two sets for one of our contracts, with the same number but a different date indicating when we became members. I haven't bothered to call about it, since I can't imagine it would matter in the long run.
Sharper....we received the same thing for the new cards we received from our resale....different "member since" dates for me and my wife! :confused:

I agree with really doesn't matter. But DW enjoys telling me that she has been a BWV member longer than I have! :p

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