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PO3 I'm like you..can't seem to find built in time.. So, when my kids are at soccer practice, I walk the perimeter... by the time I'm done.. I have done 3 laps which is 2.5 miles according to DH and several of the other dads... There are several moms that do it so it's usually more of a social session so we don't usually realize we have done all 3 laps when someone tells us thats "3"!
Today is a light day so I plan to finish the load of towels and than work on some scrapbooking and try to walk a bit today before the kids get home from school...
thanks for the ideas guys! i'll give them a try. no soccer tonight, so maybe i'll try to make it to the track field (different from soccer field) and do a few laps. and maybe i'll try my water again! (blech~ yuck-o~)
Let's see.. today we have a CC meet.. so that will be a 1/2 mile for mom walking the sides to see them run...their 1.9 miles.... than back home to the soccer fields where I will get my 2.5miles in while one of my CC runners has soccer practice..
ok, I need to get started today... lots to do and I can't get motivated.. time to go motivate!
Do you stay at the soccer field with him? You could walk around the field while he is playing. This way you are still there with him and getting your exercise in. Have you tried the flavored waters? My eldest does NOT like plain water, but will drink the fruit2O stuff. No calories or bad stuff in it, so I count it as daily water to drink.

I hate plain water, too. But, I love Fruit-2-0!! I get it by the case at Sam's Club. Costco carries it by the case, too. So that's how I get my 8 glasses (or equivalent) in each day. And, while I'm singing at rehearsals, I drink a couple of bottles in a 3 hour session.

I started back exercising regularly about 3 weeks ago to get into better shape and tone. Because of a torn tendon in my ankle last fall, I'm not supposed to do the treadmill or long-distance walking (yeah, what about Disney?) so I'm doing about 5 miles on the exercycle each day. I can do other stuff, read, plan, whatever while I'm doing it.

Buffy, I did curves all year last year until I hurt my ankle. I didn't continue because it would have been a waste of money to just use the upper body machines. But, it is a really good program and you don't get bored because you're changing machines and activities every 30 seconds. Like you say, though, the problem is that they don't allow kids in there.
ok, I need to get started today... lots to do and I can't get motivated.. time to go motivate!

If you need help getting off the DIS, just let me know, a few points can shut you down real quick!:teeth: Okay if that won't work, how about bribe your self with DIS time when you have accomplished something you need to do!:thumbsup2
If you need help getting off the DIS, just let me know, a few points can shut you down real quick!:teeth: Okay if that won't work, how about bribe your self with DIS time when you have accomplished something you need to do!:thumbsup2

OH ya thanks!!! See if been being good and keeping quiet about some issues so I don't get any points..and you are offering them up to me.. Could you imagine what a panic some of these gals would go into if I got points? :rotfl2:

I've been in and out today.. and doing a drive by check in because I have to get the kids off the bus, get kids ready for meets and practices, get myself all prettied up to sweat outside watching their events..

and prepare a mommy lecture about "the reason mommy wants to know where you are at at all times".. WE had an attempted abduction this weekend of a friend's now everyone is very leary.. They all use to tell me that I was too cautious and too protective... but I can say I'm glad that I am.. NOT that I would want that to happen to anyone..but some of the ones who were telling me I'm too protective are now rethinking their outlook!
I walked this morning, was about 0930...H U M I D!!! I was watching my friend's hair curl before my eyes. Who knew that girls with the really curly hair would be jealous of mine...flat and straight :confused3

Anyway, talk about being wilted when I got back, but we did the mile, and I was really proud of us.

She doesn't want to go to WW tomorrow now. Bad timing for her. My DH is against my doing it right now too, so I'm thinking that I'll keep up the walking and start WW later...

I drank my water today too, but still not close to the recommended amount. I'm thinking I'm going to need a catheter to get it all in and still be able to participate in my life...
OOOOHHH Nancy's gettin' points!!!!!!

Can I just say it's the guilty conscience in me, everytime I see PM's I think I did something wrong and I'm getting points. LOL

Good for you Nancy for being protective. I'm pretty lax on hovering but I do have eyes in the back of my head. I am constantly checking where they all are.

I'm with you Deb, I need potty next to the table.

I did one lap today, it starting misting a little to hard and DD was not happy. No walk in the AM tomorrow either, Chiro Appt at 10 and it's supposed to rain. YAY!!! Nicer weather is to follow.
Well, today was a lazy day. I only did my .5 miles this morning. I planned on walking during the soccer game. But eldest is sneezy/runny nose boy today and I don't know if it is allergies not affected by his meds or a cold. So I stayed home and didn't even think about the tread mill until, right about now. And it ain't happening right now. :lmao:
Guess what I learned today?
You don't out grow shin splints.
I used to suffer them terribly in high school. Stopped running cross country and had to take up STATS to finish earning my Varsity letter because of them.
I must have been pounding too hard on the treadmill, so after they don't hurt anymore, I'll have to just have bite the clock and take my time doing it instead.
My BFF and I got 1/2 mile this morning...POP...there goes my knee...crackle...CRACKLE...CRACKLE... :scared1: rut ro...

She said I was favoring it from the start...I didn't realize... now I gots a boo-boo, and I have to go to work tonight... Looking for the ibuprofen...

But I did lose 5 lbs since last week though :teeth:
Congrats on the five pounds!:thumbsup2
Okay, I'm in guys. I got back from Disney got on the scale and realized I've put on 15 lbs in the past 2 years. May not seem like a lot but I had gone from 189 to 125 and I'm very angry with myself. I was never a gym person but that's about to change along with getting my tush back to WW meetings.
:teeth: thanks!

I think I'm off walking for a bit REALLY sucks to get old!!! Work wasn't too bad though, so I was able to keep off of it a bit. I'm not sure if I should ice it down or use heat, I can't remember what the doc said when I first injured it...again, lost my memory, it SUCKS to get old!!!
ice for swelling, heat for pain. you can alternate 20 minutes ice 20 minutes nothing 20 minutes heat 20 minutes nothing. DH does this for his back. Wet heat might make it feel better too not just a heating pad. Get a towel really hot with water (don't burn yourself) wrap it around the leg and then wrap it with another towel to hold in the heat.
Thanks Buffy! I did heat last night, and today still swollen, but not as bad. Did I mention it sucks to get old? :laughing:

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