need advice for first meal


I'm a loser
Jul 29, 2002
Ok , here is my dilemna.

background - We will be arriving in Orlando around 9:30 am. We are taking Mears transportation to the AS movies.

dilemna - My DBF will be starving. I was wondering what time to make a ps and where would you suggest eating.

more info - I promised DBF that we would go to MGM as soon as we got there. He loves RNR.
Should we make a PS somewhere in MGM or do you think the Boardwalk or Epcot( since they are nearby)
Leaving time to store our luggage, check in and get transportation to where we end up eating, what time should I make the ps?? Oh, also we a doing gold dreammaker pkg, our meals are included, so we are not interested in counter service.

Help.....I have been pondering this since we booked our flight !!
MGM has some of the best restaurants, so I would go there. Personally, I would try to get early lunch PS at 50's PrimeTime Cafe. The food is good homecooked food, and plenty of it. The servers are quite entertaining, as well!
If you are heading over to MGM, you may as well just have lunch there. We went to Hollywood and Vine on our most recent trip. We made an 11:10 reservation for the character lunch, and we actually got there early enough to get a plate from the breakfast buffet as well (which we chose not to do). We just ate from the lunch buffet, and the food was quite good, and it had a nice, varied selection.

The first time my DH and I went to WDW we had the same first day schedule that you do. Are you going soon? At this time of year, the parks are not crowded at all. We were surprised by how quickly we were at the parks that first day. I think we were at Epcot by 11:30 am!! We ate at the Tangierine Cafe in Morocco for our first meal at it has become one of our favorite places to eat. It is considered a counter service restaurant but they have almost the exact same things that Marakkesh has, but the cost is much more reasonable. We ended up doing our entire Epcot itinerary in just a few hours since the park was almost deserted!! You could still have plenty of time at MGM even if you started at MGM. Personally, I think MGM is the weakest of the parks in terms of food. Epcot is a good option since you can get basically anything you want in World Showcase.
What time considering check in and transportation do you think would be a good time for a ps??

disneyvoice - we will be leaving march 5th....which is kinda soon...but not soon enough
The AS have excellant bus service. So getting to the park should be 30 minutes ro less.

The weak link in your plan is Mears. They can be VERY slow to get you where you are going and sometimes they stop at other hotels. It can take up to an hour or more (sometimes 2) to get to your hotel.

(This is an aside, but have you considered a towncar to get to the hotel? For about $80 R/T you can be picked up at the airport, have a 30 minute grocery store stop, and be at your hotel. It is a great way to start off a trip and the service is awesome! Plus the grocery store stop can allow you to pick up snacks and water)

Barring that, with Mears I would make the ressie for 12:30-1:00. Off season you can usually get in earlier. Lunch time in the parks often starts getting really busy after 1:00. Good luck!
I tried to talk dbf into a towncar, but since we had a great experience with mears last time, he won't hear of it.
I know we probably just got lucky last time, but he doesn't quite understand that.
But thanks for the advice !!!!:smooth:
I am leaning towards a 12:30 ps for 50's primetime.
Keep the suggestions coming though !!!


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