My trip report website

Are you a podotrist? Just kidding! :D

I visited your did a great job on it.
I enjoyed it very much. Your pictures were very good as well.

Loved the tip about taking off socks and sneakers...something I would not have thought to do. I think I will take an extra pair of socks in our back pack and just take off my sneakers so I don't slip. Thanks for sharing!

"Tootles", uneamie,creator of:"Poetry Parlor", a romantic poetry reading room...come see!

when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, but if ya wanna discount ya better live in Florida!

You have an awesome website and a nice looking family. You have really done a good job with your website. Maybe I need to try my hand at this too...Thanks for sharing your experiences. It really makes me look forward to our trip in June.


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