You will look back at this and laugh, trust me.
a few years ago when DDs were 12, 31/2 and 18 month, they were playing chase all over the house. The two younger ones ran into the bathroom and DD3.5 climbed on her step stool and locked the latch. DD12 in all her adolescent wisdom decides she is going to bust the door open. Well, of course that didn't work. I hear the noise and come running. I am trying to tell Dd3 to unlock the latch. I knew she knew how, she had done it before. She keeps saying she can't. I keep asking her what her sister is doing. "putting your washcloth in the toliet!!"
"Ohmigoodness! don't let her flush it. Don't let her flush it!" "open the lock honey, mommy's not mad!" "I can't" "Try, baby, I'll give you a cookie!" "I cant" "What's your sister doing now?" "pouring daddy's powder on the floor." "Sierra, stop that" (Very hard to discipline on the other side of a door!).
So, I couldn't think what to do so I call DH in tears, I don't handle things like that too well and he tells me to call the FD. I do and they show up in no time as the firehouse is on the next block. There are three of them. I tell them what's going on and they proceed to try to coax DD to unlock the door. Okay......she wouldn't open it for her momma so I doubt she would open it for a strange man. I think this scared her because she starts crying. I am now trying to calm her down. Because I have watch too many movies, I tell her to stand back and expect one of the firefighters to go outside and grab their battle ax and chop down the door and save my babies! Thank goodness they had more sense then I did and went around to the back of the house and opened the window! Now the baby starts howling because she has stranger anxiety under normal circumstances, never mind a stranger crawling through a window! I am trying to calm both of them down still through the closed door. Finally, he was able to pry the lock which had bent when DD aka She-Ra slammed against the door. I think 10 gray hairs sprouted that day!
Sorry to steal the thread, your story just reminded me of that time. That's why I say you will laugh, because it's been almost 3 years and I can crack a smile!!