My side of the Gay Day Story 2008

I opened this thread thinking it was one of Ricks funny stories and then I kept reading the thread . I hope one day my Grandchild will see the day when people will no longer be labeled:sad2:

If you dont want your children exposed to other ways of life you have to keep them at home all the time . My kids are 20 and 22 and were raised around my Best Friend who is a gay man , guess what they are normal and well adjusted. I figured out early that kids listen and watch everything you do . When my DD was 4 she came down the stairs playing with a Ken doll dressed in Barbies wedding gown . When I asked her why he was wearing a dress she said matter of fact " Mommy this is Drag Queen Ken"
By the way, you're judging everyone else on the GLBT portion of the DIS as if that were their actual real world personality. There'a a whole world out there. Interract with it. You've even used the term "popular" more than once. This isn't highschool. You're 20 now. You have even compared the GLBT community to a sitcom. You absolutely need to turn off the TV and go outside. A

I truly hope you do get out more and understand one day just how incredibly immature, insulting and disrespectful you're being right now. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, good, bad or indifferent. But you are being incredibly condescending when stating your opinion, hence the reactions.

Mr.R. Before you pass judgment, I don't even watch tv, maybe on a rare occassion, but I spend most of my time reading/studying and furthering my education. You act like I've never been beyond my own realms in Ohio, quite the contrary I travel often. Because I disagree with the idea of celebrating gay days in Disney world Im all of a sudden a close-minded person, and because I called a majority out, Im immature...condescending and whatever else you've "labled" me as. This is just going in a circle and starting to get boring, I gave my opinion, alot of people didnt like it, and always have to have an explanation of why I see it the way I do, I dont mind explaining myself.

You only see the stereotypical gay men and women that fit that stereotype because you are blind to everything else.

No I see more than that, Im talking about @ Gay Days and gatherings similar to it, its like a Pride parade usually a similar bunch.

So im the blind one because I can't see it any other way but my own? Im going to have to reverse that back to you and say thats the vibe Im getting from alot of people on this thread.

For the last time I will explain, I do not need a parade, gathering, or celebration of any kind to justify that I am different. I believe in celebrating differences, but I also believe in just being. It isnt a fun idea to go to gay days, and or other events focused on gays to me. I dont need a pride flag or bumper sticker or anything of that matter to tell people I'm different nor do I have to dress/act a certain way to do so, It's really that simple, and all this extra heat thats being added to this discussion is not needed.

If you dont want your children exposed to other ways of life you have to keep them at home all the time

:sad2: Your not getting it, it isnt about the difference itself, its about how its portrayed.
I opened this thread thinking it was one of Ricks funny stories and then I kept reading the thread . I hope one day my Grandchild will see the day when people will no longer be labeled:sad2:

If you dont want your children exposed to other ways of life you have to keep them at home all the time . My kids are 20 and 22 and were raised around my Best Friend who is a gay man , guess what they are normal and well adjusted. I figured out early that kids listen and watch everything you do . When my DD was 4 she came down the stairs playing with a Ken doll dressed in Barbies wedding gown . When I asked her why he was wearing a dress she said matter of fact " Mommy this is Drag Queen Ken"

:thumbsup2 You're my kind of Mom!
Why is it that when I read Zspa<3ariel's posts I hear the words being spoken in my head in the voice of Henery Hawk? :rotfl2:
Shortly her children came off the ride laughing and shouting to her “We are going to go again”. The kids clearly were having a great time and wanted to go back into line immediately. The mother spoke to her children in a tone only a Mother can when she is pissed and sad “We are leaving, I can’t believe they let these people in here”. The kids ask why they had to leave and the Mother grabbed one by the arm and drug her down the path towards the exit with the others following. As they got further down the path the kids were crying and trying to figure what they had done wrong to make them leave the park. They did not understand why they had to leave.

Don, that is sad and it is terrible and I am so sorry you had to hear that. :hug:

Reading your post made me cry. Short story: I have a friend who is gay. She was married to her husband for 1 year, they got pregnant, he left and she met a woman she loves and they have been together ever since. He threatened to take her to court and take her daughter from her unless SHE paid HIM child support....this was because she is gay. This was 18 years ago. That is a mean, terrible, hateful and just plain ugly thing to do. Your story reminded me of that because I see her ex saying something EXACTLY like that.

I think it is perfectly fine for people to disagree with homosexuality, but it is 100% not okay for people to be ugly, hurtful, say rude things or even look at somebody like they are from a different planet. I would much rather be at Disney (or anywhere) with a person who makes choices (of any kind) I disagree with than to be anywhere on this globe with somebody who is mean, ugly and is going to display hatred in front of me.

I hope their father is not that ugly inside.

Don, I am so sorry and I really hope that you do not let that terrible experience linger in your heart. :hug:
Mr.R. Before you pass judgment, I don't even watch tv, maybe on a rare occassion, but I spend most of my time reading/studying and furthering my education. You act like I've never been beyond my own realms in Ohio, quite the contrary I travel often. Because I disagree with the idea of celebrating gay days in Disney world Im all of a sudden a close-minded person, and because I called a majority out, Im immature...condescending and whatever else you've "labled" me as. This is just going in a circle and starting to get boring, I gave my opinion, alot of people didnt like it, and always have to have an explanation of why I see it the way I do, I dont mind explaining myself.

No I see more than that, Im talking about @ Gay Days and gatherings similar to it, its like a Pride parade usually a similar bunch.

So im the blind one because I can't see it any other way but my own? Im going to have to reverse that back to you and say thats the vibe Im getting from alot of people on this thread.

For the last time I will explain, I do not need a parade, gathering, or celebration of any kind to justify that I am different. I believe in celebrating differences, but I also believe in just being. It isnt a fun idea to go to gay days, and or other events focused on gays to me. I dont need a pride flag or bumper sticker or anything of that matter to tell people I'm different nor do I have to dress/act a certain way to do so, It's really that simple, and all this extra heat thats being added to this discussion is not needed.

:sad2: Your not getting it, it isnt about the difference itself, its about how its portrayed.

You're the one that made the sitcom reference, hence I brought it up.

Seems your tactic is to raise a ruckus and when another DIS'er points it out, you get upset. That's another example of a need for growth and maturity. Much like your vehemence and arguing with everyone because you felt none of us should have any opinions of Stephenie Meyer, a children's and young adult authoer, unless we've read her work. Yet, you do the very same with Gay Days at Disney World. You have opinions, all of which are negative and disparaging, yet you have never been during that time.

I typically do have respect for another's opinion and I honestly enjoy point and counter point. I think a number of other's here on this board can attest to that based upon my interractions on the CB. Yet, that respect is diminished when you go against your own written word.

It's clear you are not fond of gay folks even when you're gay yourself. Not sure why you would continue to post unless it's merely to stir the pot. If that's the case, you are going against DISboard guidelines.

As a mod, both Mike and I ask everyone to be respectful, whether we agree with you or not. That goes for all posters on this board.
Ok, I tried to hint I was tired of going in circles with you guys, but I dont think it got through. You have made several attacks on how "immature" I am, so to show Im not the one responding to your antics Im taking higher ground and will no longer argue with you on this thread, yes I know its a let-down, but Im sure you'll find other entertainment.

Ok, I get the debate aspect ,but please do not talk down to me like you have some seniority given right to do so.
Ok, I get the debate aspect ,but please do not talk down to me like you have some seniority given right to do so.

Um, there is an FAQ for this forum found here.....

In it, it says that the mods follow the rules of the DIS found here at which has the following to say about the Mods and their "given rights".

MODERATORS: The DIS has a wonderful group of Moderators who have volunteered to assist our visitors and monitor the boards. Part of their responsibilities is ensuring that our guidelines are followed which may require that a thread is edited, deleted, closed or moved. If these decisions impact you, we ask that you respect them. Should you have any questions, please direct them to Any discussion about a Moderating decision that takes place on the boards could result in an infraction.
I have had many situations were I have gotten the stereotype "GAYS" escorted out of the park and I have also Punched and broken the nose of a man that TOTALLY DISRESPECTED ME infron of my g/f and other guests and I am very happy to say that HE DESERVED IT!!!!!!!

I do have to say that due to the "GAYS" that disrespect others and their space is the reason that gays get bad names.

now I am not saying that I have a thing against gays b/c I do have many gay friends whether it be guys or girls but when they cross the line they get what's coming for them. WHAT THEY EARNED!!! and unfortunately those situations cause bad names overall for the rest.
Really? So any heterosexual that behaves badly is the reason all heterosexuals have a bad name? Huh. Thank you for that insight.

You see some of us missed that point. Some of us have the ability to see the behavior of a PERSON and realize that that PERSON is the one with the behavior issue, not the group to which that individual may belong.

Being proud of committing a violent act on someone which resulted in bodily harm is a pretty unacceptable act within my frame of reference.
Really? So any heterosexual that behaves badly is the reason all heterosexuals have a bad name? Huh. Thank you for that insight.

You see some of us missed that point. Some of us have the ability to see the behavior of a PERSON and realize that that PERSON is the one with the behavior issue, not the group to which that individual may belong.

Being proud of committing a violent act on someone which resulted in bodily harm is a pretty unacceptable act within my frame of reference.[/QUOTE]

:thumbsup2 :worship:
I have had many situations were I have gotten the stereotype "GAYS" escorted out of the park and I have also Punched and broken the nose of a man that TOTALLY DISRESPECTED ME infron of my g/f and other guests and I am very happy to say that HE DESERVED IT!!!!!!!

I do have to say that due to the "GAYS" that disrespect others and their space is the reason that gays get bad names.

now I am not saying that I have a thing against gays b/c I do have many gay friends whether it be guys or girls but when they cross the line they get what's coming for them. WHAT THEY EARNED!!! and unfortunately those situations cause bad names overall for the rest.

What is a stereotypical gay.....and why did you have them escorted out of the park?

And why does somebody deserve to be punched in the face? I can't imagine what we be so terrible that you wouldn't have called a CM over if it was problem to have them escorted out.

Since I don't know those answers, I can't make a specific opinion on what happened, but I will say as a whole that I am not comfortable with people who bring violence into Disney Theme Parks. I don't know why in a place where there are kids all over the place where that would be acceptable...not attacking you, just commenting on the behavior in general - including people who hit other people with ECV's, Wheelchairs, or Strollers just to get through to something quicker, or people who beat up on the characters.
On a nicer topic...

I have a 4 year old princess who is just starting to become aware of the world around her, although she seems to be developing an excellent gaydar where she spends her time flirting with any gay waitstaff:hippie:

So far we have told her it is perfectly ok to have 2 mummies, 2 daddies or a mum & a dad and it is ok whatever arrangement she ends up in.

Thankfully a lot of Australian legislation and community seems to be more accepting than that in the USA with same sex couples having "virtually" the same rights as hetero couples - finance, IVF, custody, superannuation, health benefits and many prominent community leaders are members of same sex couples.

my question - As a hetero family, if we were in WDW around gay days - is there some way we can show our support for the LGBT community being able to express affection with their life partners. Rainbow pins? Colourful t-shirts??
Really? So any heterosexual that behaves badly is the reason all heterosexuals have a bad name? Huh. Thank you for that insight.

You see some of us missed that point. Some of us have the ability to see the behavior of a PERSON and realize that that PERSON is the one with the behavior issue, not the group to which that individual may belong.

Being proud of committing a violent act on someone which resulted in bodily harm is a pretty unacceptable act within my frame of reference.

if someone violated your space so far that it pushed you off the ledge. how would you react? would you let the person violate you?

OK! Cuban's for example are known for being loud. so automatically when someone sais they are cuban everyone assumes they are going to be loud.

well, I don't think anyone on here has this problem but when you have been placed in situations in which a group of men are stalking you and starring at you OBVIOUSLY! then they come up to you and not only violate you, your privacy, your family, and your own space that is very disrespectful.

the first incident I had was during the flower & garden festival I was walking down one of the side walks where the gardens are located and there were 2 men walking toward me STARRING!!!!! and I mean STARRING at me(I was 17yrs old at the time) they were walking towards me and when they got next to me they stopped looked at me up and down, started making noises and saying DAMN!!!! your good looking. one of the 2 men went to touch me and I punched him! I can understand if you wanna check me out check me out! but dont start making nooises infront of my family and walking around me and looking at me. they crossed the line and I made sure they knew the line was there. they were escorted out and I got a Gift for the inconvinience due to the audience they had made due to the way they were acting. and I had many more situations like these but I was older and just had them get removed from the parks.

it's plain and simple I have nothing against gay people but when they cross the line, enough is enough.

and im sorry but I don't need to see "people" meaning everyone!!!! making out! MOSTLY if it's 2 guys making out erotically in the middle of main street. I am sorry but thats just downright disrespectful. I don't do that!!!
Since I asked.....

Like I said before, I am not a fan of violence at the park, but you were 17 and it was a strange situation. Let's just say I understand, and I would think some other people would too. Not praising your actions, but I can understand what might have been in your head - especially since in this case, it wasn't just verbal but someone (anybody - gay, straight, young, old) was reaching out physically when it was not invited.

I am glad that if you have a problem with anyone that you don't handle it that way anymore.

The only thing that concerns me is when you said that there was "nothing against gay people" as opposed to anybody. For me, I don't care if someone is gay, straight, bi, what nationality they are, religion, age or whatever - if they do something stupid then I will call them on it. It does not mean that everybody else is like that that is in the same "group".

Just my 2 cents.
Since I asked.....

Like I said before, I am not a fan of violence at the park, but you were 17 and it was a strange situation. Let's just say I understand, and I would think some other people would too. Not praising your actions, but I can understand what might have been in your head - especially since in this case, it wasn't just verbal but someone (anybody - gay, straight, young, old) was reaching out physically when it was not invited.

I am glad that if you have a problem with anyone that you don't handle it that way anymore.

I do admit I was young and naive but I was and am happy that i punched that guy due to the circumstances. but it was my way of reacting when I was young.

The only thing that concerns me is when you said that there was "nothing against gay people" as opposed to anybody. For me, I don't care if someone is gay, straight, bi, what nationality they are, religion, age or whatever - if they do something stupid then I will call them on it. It does not mean that everybody else is like that that is in the same "group".

Just my 2 cents.

I don't care about the person either but I was just saying that b/c of the certain situations ive ended up being in. unfortunately, usually if someone of some nationality, religion, or age does something bad then the rest get a bad label. I know it sucks but thats how society is now. which really sucks!
Well. How nice that we live in a society where people get what they deserve! That is useful information. Even if maturity, common sense, and courtesy have to be thrown out, we should all definitely get what we deserve.
On a nicer topic...

I have a 4 year old princess who is just starting to become aware of the world around her, although she seems to be developing an excellent gaydar where she spends her time flirting with any gay waitstaff:hippie:

So far we have told her it is perfectly ok to have 2 mummies, 2 daddies or a mum & a dad and it is ok whatever arrangement she ends up in.

Thankfully a lot of Australian legislation and community seems to be more accepting than that in the USA with same sex couples having "virtually" the same rights as hetero couples - finance, IVF, custody, superannuation, health benefits and many prominent community leaders are members of same sex couples.

my question - As a hetero family, if we were in WDW around gay days - is there some way we can show our support for the LGBT community being able to express affection with their life partners. Rainbow pins? Colourful t-shirts??

The parks sell a rainbow striped Mickey head pin. The Gay Days crowd usually wears red shirts, or you could browse some T-shirt sites for something appropriate. We belong to HRC (Human Rights Campaign) and they have a shop on their website with T-shirts, caps, and so forth. :)

Even if you aren't wearing something like that, just being friendly is a good way to show your support. Chat with folks in queues or whilst waiting for parades.

I am straight, so hopefully some of our GLBT frieds will have some more suggestions for you! :thumbsup2
Really? So any heterosexual that behaves badly is the reason all heterosexuals have a bad name? Huh. Thank you for that insight.

You see some of us missed that point. Some of us have the ability to see the behavior of a PERSON and realize that that PERSON is the one with the behavior issue, not the group to which that individual may belong.

Being proud of committing a violent act on someone which resulted in bodily harm is a pretty unacceptable act within my frame of reference.

Well. How nice that we live in a society where people get what they deserve! That is useful information. Even if maturity, common sense, and courtesy have to be thrown out, we should all definitely get what we deserve.

You both get a big :thumbsup2 from me. I am holding my response. I don't want to get labeled as the mouthy "Rosie O'Donnell" type. ;)


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