My side of the Gay Day Story 2008

And there is no greater feeling of unity that I've ever experienced than that at Magic Kingdom on the first Saturday in June looking out onto the sea of red shirts. It's empowering.

Very true indeed. It is very empowering. The feeling of camaraderie is beyond explanation.
After telling all of us that we had no right to condemn Twilight until we'd read the books, and not just believe what the media told us about them: isn't that exactly what you're doing in terms of Gay Days? You're judging it and avoiding it purely based on what you've heard.
Actually NO, I know every situation needs somone a group can point fingers at, but please, Im not that passive. I never EVER said anybody had NO RIGHT (lmao at the thought alone) to condem the books, That wasnt even what the argument was about, it was about S.Meyer ( the author) and everybody going against her b/c the advocate ( aka gay bible) stated something that didnt sit right with alot of gay's. SO it was never about reading the books, although I did ask a few times if anybody had, but it didnt go beyond that. Thanks.
Actually NO, I know every situation needs somone a group can point fingers at, but please, Im not that passive. I never EVER said anybody had NO RIGHT (lmao at the thought alone) to condem the books, That wasnt even what the argument was about, it was about S.Meyer ( the author) and everybody going against her b/c the advocate ( aka gay bible) stated something that didnt sit right with alot of gay's. SO it was never about reading the books, although I did ask a few times if anybody had, but it didnt go beyond that. Thanks.

But you DID ask us if we'd even bothered to read the books. Implying that without reading them we couldn't make an informed decision about their worth. (And I agree, I haven't read the books, so I don't make any statements about whether they're good or bad)

So in this case, have you even bothered to go to Gay Days before deciding it was some debauched rave? Or did you give it a chance first?
Zspa<3ariel said:
I actually avoid gay days in WDW for 2 reasons...

A) From what I have seen/heard its more of a "rave"/party-time 24-7, rather than a gathering for unity among gays and lesbians

B) It's WDW, for the past 3 times I have been (July 07, Dec 07 & Oct 08) isnt everyday there a gay day lol?
24/7 "rave"/party IN the parks? Really? How much of this have you personally observed? And, every day at Disney is a gay day ONLY in the same way that every day is Childrens' Day - because if you're basing this observation on, well, actual observation, it is FAR more mathematically correct to state that every day is a hetero(sexual) day. Just based on simple numbers.

b/c the advocate ( aka gay bible)
What? There's a gay bible now? Gays can't/don't even use the same Bible that the straight world does??????????

But you know something? Don't go to Disney on/for (non-Disney-sponsored) Gay Days. Everybody will be happier. Please also don't go in September/October. I don't want to risk being there at the same time as any patently intolerant person - even a DISer.
Ok now, enough fighting already!

We're starting to sound like a bunch of heteros!

But you know something? Don't go to Disney on/for (non-Disney-sponsored) Gay Days. Everybody will be happier. Please also don't go in September/October. I don't want to risk being there at the same time as any patently intolerant person - even a DISer.

You realize I am gay , right? Just making sure, you realize not all gay people think its fun to join throngs of queens flaunting the fact they're different. And I will be going to wdw or any vacation spot I find to my liking any time I may please, you preach how intolerant people are and how hurtfull it is, then you turn around and say you dont even want those who disagree coming to a place you enjoy. I find that hypocritical. This discussion was about gay days, not about what I said on another thread, nor about how I need to plan my vaction to suit your needs to be happy while on yours. I gave my opinion on gay days, in that I dont care for them, and that I dont see anything posititve about them, others disagree obviously.
You realize I am gay , right? Just making sure, you realize not all gay people think its fun to join throngs of queens flaunting the fact they're different. And I will be going to wdw or any vacation spot I find to my liking any time I may please, you preach how intolerant people are and how hurtfull it is, then you turn around and say you dont even want those who disagree coming to a place you enjoy. I find that hypocritical. This discussion was about gay days, not about what I said on another thread, nor about how I need to plan my vaction to suit your needs to be happy while on yours. I gave my opinion on gay days, in that I dont care for them, and that I dont see anything posititve about them, others disagree obviously.

#1 I'm not a "Queen"! My mother is very much alive, so if your going to hurl insults at me or others it's Princess....Thank you very much!

But the fact that you even bunched everyone who goes to gay days together in such a negative aspect speaks volumes.....

#2 When I go to gay days I don't "flaunt the fact that I'm different". As a matter of fact, I'm not different! I go to work, go shopping, take very good care of my home, and I pay my taxes!

#3 When I do go to gay days, I see loving people, many of them with children. Just enjoying the day! The only thing different is they usually wear red shirts, are overly polite, and tip exceptionally well for good service! :thumbsup2

#4 And yes, if you are going to refer to gay days as "throngs of queens flaunting the fact they're different" please stay home! If I wanted to hear that slant on the weekend I would turn on Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.

#5 I am saddened that you find nothing positive about gay days. I sincerly hope some day in the future I will be able to read a TR about you and your partner, and your children, and how much fun you had at Disney during gay days!

All the best.....
You realize I am gay , right? Just making sure, you realize not all gay people think its fun to join throngs of queens flaunting the fact they're different. And I will be going to wdw or any vacation spot I find to my liking any time I may please, you preach how intolerant people are and how hurtfull it is, then you turn around and say you dont even want those who disagree coming to a place you enjoy. I find that hypocritical. This discussion was about gay days, not about what I said on another thread, nor about how I need to plan my vaction to suit your needs to be happy while on yours. I gave my opinion on gay days, in that I dont care for them, and that I dont see anything posititve about them, others disagree obviously.

Clearly you've never been to Gay Days. You're judging it without having all the facts or without giving it a try.

Pity. You might like.

But then you'd have to admit that you were mistaken about it, and something tells me that's not gonna happen . . . :rolleyes1
But then you'd have to admit that you were mistaken about it, and something tells me that's not gonna happen . . .

This isnt a "deep down he really just wants to go" situation, I've been around enough gay people to understand the majority of them get on my last nerve, open boxes waiting for society to fill them with the sterotype they are so ready to cling to. There are several reasons why I wont go, Im sure it is fun for those of you who enjoy that type of atmosphere. But you need to grasp not all (even other gays and lesbians) think it looks like a fun time, to some of us it is about as far away from a fun vacation as one could get. Im not trying to preach negativity, although Im sure some on here will disagree.

#5 I am saddened that you find nothing positive about gay days. I sincerly hope some day in the future I will be able to read a TR about you and your partner, and your children, and how much fun you had at Disney during gay days!

If I ever do have a child I would not subject him or her to that.

please stay home! If I wanted to hear that slant on the weekend I would turn on Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.
:thumbsup2 You're good. I'm amused.
This isnt a "deep down he really just wants to go" situation, I've been around enough gay people to understand the majority of them get on my last nerve, open boxes waiting for society to fill them with the sterotype they are so ready to cling to.

I think one of the best things about Gayday is that it makes the other people in the park realize how diverse the gay community is. Yes, you get your stereotypical flaming queens, burly bears, and gym bunnies, but at the same time the majority of the people there are just normal guys and gals looking to connect with others like them.

I think the biggest problem with Gayday is that the media (and by this I mean gay media as much as the main stream) only focuses on those who fit the stereotype.
If I ever do have a child I would not subject him or her to that.

Just an FYI, if you ever have a child, and dont want to expose them to gays at Disney, you had better stay home all together! I hear the place is full of gays 365 days a year! :rolleyes:
You realize I am gay , right? Just making sure, you realize not all gay people think its fun to join throngs of queens flaunting the fact they're different.
Ah, but do you realize I'm not, that the only thing preventing me from happening to be at Walt Disney World the first week of June is that it's', well, the first week of June? But, having met a number of DISers who are I can safely say none of them - including some responding in this thread - is a "queen", flaunting or otherwise?

This isnt a "deep down he really just wants to go" situation, I've been around enough gay people to understand the majority of them get on my last nerve
But that reflects on YOU, not on any of them. If one person irritates you, it's likely that person is irritating. If 'the majority' of some/any demographic irritates you, that indicates your feelings and prejudices. Even in the unlikely situation of 'hordes of queens' at WDW for Gay Days, EACH is an INDIVIDUAL, with his own personality, thoughts, opinions, attitudes...
I am really sad to see that any one of us has such a dim view of our community. It's one thing for ignorant narrowminded straight people to project such a loathing attitude, but to feel that way as a person within our community is just so sad.

Being in my 40's, it has been my experience that people that project the same opinions that you are posting here are usually pretty miserable people in general. No offense. It's just that if the occasional flaming queen or burly bear bugs you, that usually is because somewhere deep inside, being gay bugs you too. There is nothing sadder than a self loathing gay person. If you can't love yourself, love who you are on all levels, then you are a miserable soul indeed.

Get some therapy and learn to love yourself unconditionally, then you can book a trip to Gay Days, then and only then, will you "get it" and have the right to speak about it with any level of credible authority.
it has been my experience that people that project the same opinions that you are posting here are usually pretty miserable people in general.
It's funny you say that because anbody that knows me, like my closest friends for example, know when they are with me there is nothing but total positivity that I put out. I know it's an easy answer and trendy one to say when someone goes against ppopular belief that they are miserable..quite the contrary. Also it isnt that Im miserable , I just know that I dont enjoy bout 70% of the gay populations company, mainly do to the fact they are no longer real people just carbon copies of some cliche' gay sitcom character.

only then, will you "get it" and have the right to speak about it with any level of credible authority.
So until I "get it" I dont have the right to speak about why I wont go to gay days?
It's funny you say that because anbody that knows me, like my closest friends for example, know when they are with me there is nothing but total positivity that I put out.
Honestly though - putting out nothing but positivity isn't the same as being a positive, or optomistic, or happy, person. But we're not here to analyze one another.
So until I "get it" I dont have the right to speak about why I wont go to gay days?
Of course you have the right - but if your decision is based solely on what you've heard or read, that's not a reasonable um, source. Now, if you've BEEN to Gay Days, and observed rave-like behavior inside the Magic Kingdom at 11 AM on Saturday, or masses of "queens" partying all up and down Main Street at 1:30, that's different. Your personal experience would be what's fueling your decision.

It doesn't seem like that's the case, though. It seems that you're basing your opinion on hearsay.
but if your decision is based solely on what you've heard or read, that's not a reasonable um, source.
It seems that you're basing your opinion on hearsay.
To be honest the only place I get my "hearsay" from is this board. So the only opinions I am able to form are from what I hear from all of YOU and the gayday site which I looked at breifly a while ago. But it never seemed appealing to me to begin with, even when I first heard about it years ago. And I dont know why we're stuck on a rave at 11am? in Magic kingdom? I believe those are your words, mine where along the lines of a "rave-like" or non-stop party atmosphere, I never pinpointed a time or place.

Get some therapy and learn to love yourself unconditionally
Thanks, but just because I disagree does not make me mental and in need of therapy. Its simple, I just don't have the same view on them as you do.

Just an FYI, if you ever have a child, and dont want to expose them to gays at Disney, you had better stay home all together! I hear the place is full of gays 365 days a year!

Your point? I believe a few posts back I mentioned how every day at Disney world might as well be a gay day, your not getting it. It isnt about gay people its about the atmosphere which I think reflects negativley on gay people, Im sure there are some gems to be found among it, but as a whole it isnt something I would ever have a child experience for their first time to Disney World.
Let me begin by saying that it is not easy to be the lone dissenting voice in a crowd. I respect your feelings even if I disagree with them.

One thing stands out for me and is prompting me to respond. You look to be in your twenties, and I am guessing that the 70% population you speak of is your peers. Speaking about my own youthful years I remember when I, too, took a hard line discovering who I was and experimented with all kinds of outlandish behavior...maybe it was just a test to see if I'd be loved for WHOEVER I chose to be. Maybe the people you are meeting fall into this catagory too. Maybe they are just trying to define themselves without any role models to show them that in the end they are just like everyone else (gasp...the bane of being and that's ok. It seems you have found this for yourself and maybe that's why Gaydays doesn't appeal to you. You don't want to be different, don't want to celebrate being simply want to be.

Do you understand my point or did I muddle it?
It's funny you say that because anbody that knows me, like my closest friends for example, know when they are with me there is nothing but total positivity that I put out. I know it's an easy answer and trendy one to say when someone goes against ppopular belief that they are miserable..quite the contrary. Also it isnt that Im miserable , I just know that I dont enjoy bout 70% of the gay populations company, mainly do to the fact they are no longer real people just carbon copies of some cliche' gay sitcom character.

You are clearly and self admittedly basing your opinions strictly upon what you see on posts on the DIS, what's on TV and the very limited interractions you have had in your own microcosm within Ohio. You only see the stereotypical gay men and women that fit that stereotype because you are blind to everything else. Until then, you'll only come across as any other opinionated homophobe.

By the way, you're judging everyone else on the GLBT portion of the DIS as if that were their actual real world personality. There'a a whole world out there. Interract with it. You've even used the term "popular" more than once. This isn't highschool. You're 20 now. You have even compared the GLBT community to a sitcom. You absolutely need to turn off the TV and go outside. A

I truly hope you do get out more and understand one day just how incredibly immature, insulting and disrespectful you're being right now. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, good, bad or indifferent. But you are being incredibly condescending when stating your opinion, hence the reactions.


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