Catalina is great. You just need plenty of money. SherryE has a superthread on Catalina on the Dis. A few of us have posted pictures there.

That place has me curious.popcorn::
Hmmmmm......ya don't suppose they - (Catalina Island Merchants) - accept Disney Visa reward dollars eh??:rotfl:

okokokokokokok.........GOOD POINT -:thumbsup2 -
thank you for the heads up & will do when I go off on my DISneyland adventure; December 2014.:santa:

Now.....about Me & the 'Gang"......ya see we are

(tho I do say they don't 'say' much!!:lmao:) doing some research for our next vacation.........

over a couple of burgers........

and we are
beginning to get a general concept of it being a 'rider' of sorts complimenting my December 2014 DISneyland vacation.......but with a twist.:woohoo:

CLUE #1 on this one is the phrase, "CHOO-CHOO.":cool2:

Will let the cat outta da bag on this one before I head off this SO Cal approx 190 more days. ** I PROMISE **:goodvibes


I will be back in a few weeks -
and will roll out ALL what I am doing on the Dec 31st 2013 :santa:
thru Jan 2nd 2014 section of my upcoming 10-day adventure in SO CAL.........

CLUE #1: It involves A LOT of Dr Pepperpopcorn::
........and wine tasting.;)

Those towel creatures are gorgeous!

Enjoy the research.

Yes they are but........
"Ladybug" has been told that she can not play with them;)
since she seems to have a knack for 'eating' pillows, towels of ANY size, you name it -

COUCHES, END TABLES....:upsidedow
(tho, I still can't figure out why she like to eat grass:confused3)

before I begin to let loose about what I am doing Dec 31 'ish' area of this year in SO CAL, I thought I would share some good news about the outcome of my incident with the Merchant, "Massage Envy."


So a few weeks ago,
after I went through my local bank and the B.B.B. for resolution, I found myself getting nowwhere except spun around in circles on this issue I felt needed to be resolved.

For example, after I felt my hand was forced by the above two institutions, I felt I had to go back through the local Mechant for dispute resolution.


They at first seemed helpful but after they saw what I wanted, (1) a full refund due to me receiving good and services I never intended to purchase and 2) quality of goods and services), they acted conviently niave in their silence.

The local Merchant for Massage Envy even "R.T.S."ed my mail right back to me that I had sent them to review via my complaint.

Now beforehand, (while B.B.B. & my bank got involved), the B.B.B. ALSO got their mail "R.T.S."'ed back as well from the local merchant who in turn told me via email the essense of the following:

"This institution is either not in business or can't recieve mail therefore we are unable to help you. Perhaps if you have an alternative address you can provide us...."

***** HUH ?? ****:sad2:

So, I felt compelled to go through my bank & credit card company (VISA) and initially after receiving my 14 (YES) 14 page email document trail, they conviently mis-spoke back through the merchant that "I never received such good & services, etc."

Thus obviosuly a few weeks later =


Meanwhile, my reply back though to the BBB was to provide them with the Merchant's Corporate Office address in New Mexico.


The legal department of Massage Envy (in a very tersely worded if they have been deluged with complaints in the past) said the essence of:

"This is a matter that can only be resolved with the local Merchant. We are unable to help you."

*** HUH???? **** :upsidedow

Like I said, I just got spun around in circles the more and more I tried to amibiacably & professionally resolve this.


Let's just say when people or businesses treat me this way, I choose to get verry very very creative in my response as I decided to not fight for what is right -

Enstead I fought on behalf of others for what is right & should.:cheer2:

Trust me, this will make sense in a few more minutes.popcorn::

So, BACK I went AGAIN through my local Bank branch office as well as my credit card company (all charges were placed on my Visa card), this time found a young bank Rep who was willing to LISTEN to the Customer (and not try to maximize their profit margin) and this time my case was re-filed with the local Merchant.

:thumbsup2****** AND I WON ****::cool1:

So, the settlement money that I won, combined with the adjustments my bank was willing to step out and provide back through to my accounts with them, helped me even more to see what I needed to do with the money.

I decided to give all the money that I won to -


.....and I couldn't have been any happier doing that.

After all, it was never about the money.

It all had to do with 1) the quality of life and 2) bringing a smile into someone's heart.:tinker:


it's about time I talk about the crown jewell of my SO CAL adventure - N.Y.E. and Jan 1st.popcorn::
(ok...and Napa Valley, San Fran, etc.)....


Per my earlier comment of -
"beginning to get a general concept of it being a 'rider' of sorts complimenting my December 2014 DISneyland vacation.......but with a twist.

CLUE #1 on this one is the phrase, "CHOO-CHOO."

Well....... CLUE #2 is "There are 9 of them & I want #5 or #4 but NOT #9.

Ok..... so ya know me by now. I do a ton of research, reading up on the places that I will be visiting before I choose my adventures.


After some careful thought, and a few emails later from the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce:

(one example of many I received)

"There are usually vendors that have stands by the parade route and some of the coffee shops will be open. We post a list of places that will be open on our website in mid December.

In 2010, the Hospitality part of the pre-football game was held near Lot H at the Rose Bowl. You can check the Tournament of Roses website closer to the game at and they will have that information posted."



popcorn::*************DRUM ROLL PLEASE **************popcorn::

I decided to take the plunge and GO TO THE ROSE BOWL!!:yay: & :woohoo:
(Section 21, Row 8) by Gate F what does all of this mean????


So, to begin with - let me let that 'ol cat outta da bag and say that on December 31st, look for me to have lunch out at the Disney Soda Shop (Hollywood) while our tour group is visiting that area. We arrive back at the hotel early evening. I take a quick 1 hour nap, get up and then hotel hop overnight (checking out the NYE festivities).

Get in to my hotel room late.

GET UP around 3am (possibly 4am), leave the hotel at 5am for the Rose Bowl Parade.popcorn::
(will take plenty of pics & video I promise):goodvibes

......and looks like I will be munching on lots of donuts and O.J. while watching the parade.:upsidedow

Afterwards, leave straight for the game & .........

have fun enjoying the pre-game festivities at the Hospitality Suite (I opted in for this as part of the Rose Bowl game ticket price).

Get back late back to the hotel.......
nibble on a few munchies (and spirits;)) back at the hotel sports bar

Throw myself into my room's bathtub for a hot bubblebath -
grab a few hours cat nap...

Then we leave on our motorcoach a few hours later


"Leave the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles and depart for your tour through California to Santa Barbara, an upscale beach community that is a preferred weekend getaway for Angelinos. We will have a brief tour of the area and stop at the Santa Barbara Mission, one of the famous Camino Real Missions founded by Father Junipero Serra. Continue your tour to Solvang, a charming Danish Replica Village situated in the picturesque wine region of Californias Central Valley. Be sure to taste the famous Danish baked goods sold by many local bakeries in Solvang. The day ends in the San Luis Obispo/Pismo Beach area."

So.........looks like Dr Pepper, O.J. & donuts will be by my side during this time (am on Jan 1st) as I will also be enjoying some wine tasting & scrumptious food as well (late pm on Dec 31st).

Looking forward to all of this & more.:)


Enjoying some wine tasting & other fun stuff out at Grapevine Wine Tours
(Grapevine, Texas) - October 5thpopcorn::

Don't worry - I will pop in every now & then before then.:)


(pic shot while I was visiting NYC last year)

Catching up on your thread. I check whenever you post but there is usually a "Site under Construction" sign up......and then I never do the drive-by! :p

Okay. Firstly, congrats on winning the case with Massage Envy. I definitely do not have a case of Massage Envy there any more! got tix to the Rose Bowl? WOW! I'm mightily impressed. Looks like you're in for a great trip over the New Year and I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Thirdly.....Happy Independence Day. Naturally, we don't celebrate the day in Oz; but I hope you had a great day and caught some fireworks.

Give the Ladybug a cuddle and I hope she's left the towel pets alone.
......funny you should say about "Ladybug" -:tongue:

I have discovered something very unusual about her that I have never ever ever experienced with any Dog in my life........:confused3


that is that she responds to seeing other Dogs on the Television set!!;)paw:

Example: I have the tv turned to channel 5.2 on Sundays (am) while I am out and about running errands in the house or while watching tv & the Guest Host tells the dog (on tv) to 'SIT" or whatever he is doing with the dog and yup!!

Ladybug is responding BACK to the TV!!popcorn::



for some silly reason, she likes watching 'The Adventures of Wishbone" (on our local PBS station) -paw:
(i flipped around the tv channels by accident 1 day & saw this & her ears pricked up and she ran to the tv 'talking').....if flipped the channel and the literally "flipped out":hyper: -

so I flipped the tv channel back to "Wishbone" and all was well.:cloud9:

Looks like now I have stumbled into something new with her & will fill you in what's new with the many adventures of 'L.B."
(& nnooooooo!!!! those towel animals of mine are put up HIGH over my master bedroom queen bed bookcase /headboard so I can see 'em but she can't- therefore she can't get to 'em):goodvibes

HHmmmmmmmm........wonder how she will respond when I play for her (for the 1st time) "Jingle Bells" by the Singing cats over the upcoming Christmas holidays.:laughing:


I have been stirring up the airwaves recently & looks like I have come up with a pretty good companion piece to my wine tasting coming up in about 8 weeks -

it is..................


Dublin, Texas that is.;)

SO be on the lookout for me to see:

1) Ben Hogan Museum (I love golf)

(to see how soda pop is made & bottled):yay:
and this is also where Dr Pepper was made until early 2012 when the Snapple beverage Corporation bought it / took it over.
2a) see the history of Dr Pepper soda in their annex part of the building & a huge collection of Dr Pepper stuff.

3) 'Chigger Ranch Food house' (to catch me some lunch)

4) Veldhuizen cheese Family Farm
(to do some cheese tastings, see how the cheese is made & then bring home some cheese to go with my wine):drinking1

*and lastly, I am on the prowl to find some good road munchies to go with this *
(it's a 2.5 hr drive each way)

So as I slowly work my way towards 160 days left & counting until I leave for SO CAL, Also be on the lookout for me to really "let loose and celebrate" me FINALLY stopping paying ahead on my mortgage sooooooo much and relaxing as I move on to bigger on more wonderful things:

Like DISNEYLAND - December 2014:santa:

How cute your LB obedient!

Just can tape yourself and run it on the TV whilst you're out and maybe get LB to do a few chores around the house.

Looking forward to your roadtrip.
How cute your LB obedient!

Just can tape yourself and run it on the TV whilst you're out and maybe get LB to do a few chores around the house.

Looking forward to your roadtrip.

She is is charge of wiping down the living room sliding glass doors....;)
Ah hmmmmm - cough cough........:rolleyes1

Meaning I USED to wipe them down (after SHE happilly "wiped" them down) with a paper towel........

many many daily cleaning of the doors & many many rolls of paper towels later - DUH!!
I finally realized - JUST LET HER CONTINUE TO WIPE THEM DOWN (from the ground to about 4 feet upwards).......with her tongue!!:confused:
(don't worry - once a week I do wipe down properly 'her' section of the sliding glass doors that for whatever reason she likes doing)

I don't get it but whatever makes her happy!!:lmao:
BEAGLES - gotta love 'em!!:goodvibes
(and yes, she picked up this rather 'unique' habit of hers all on her own; away from the tv program).

And speaking of that tv program -
Now if I could just get that TV announcer dog trainer dude to have a segment teaching a dog how to pick up their toys & put them away in 1 place once they are done using them....:laughing:
(I have got to get the name of that program and put in my next installment)

NOW.......about 'that ever dreaded topic of mine & involves:


I know I know BUT.....this is what I always do as a way to enjoy my adventures even more.

January 2009 - I lost 17 lbs heading into my 4-day land /4 day sea WDW /DCL adventure.

Now while at WDW, I lost an additional 14 lbs -
(I had to take in my belt on my shorts 2 whole 'notches')
while on the DCL side, I GAINED 17!!:confused3


So, I decided last Monday to start my diet and am VERY VERY proud to self report in that I have lost

Ending week one weight loss totals: :wishten10 POUNDS!!:thumbsup2

How am I doing this naturally?? Well, will reveal in a few weeks but lets just say that literally I stopped course in mid stream and sent this body of mine in a whole new direction & WOWZERS!! ** IT FEELS GREAT!! **:cool1:

This weeks total weight loss I would like to do is:

3 pounds.
(I am thinking/ guessing I will be eventually hitting a weight loss total plateau.... but until then....:yay: see that's me doing jumping jacks!!:woohoo:

So, I plan on blogging from now on approx. once a week to every 10 days as a motivational not only to me but to all who are kind enuf to be reading my blog and or who are also interested in losing weight.:goodvibes

Now, about my pm on day 7 -

THANK YOU - PrincessInOz:goodvibes
for helping me to see that there is more to San Fran than just Pier 39 (pm of my day 6) so yes, I do plan on taking a tour of Chinatown (pm/evening of my day 7)-

don't know just yet if it would be through YMT or through - will know shortly through via an email repsonse thru YMT.

Also, A HUGE THANK YOU cuz your DIS thread about "all things San Francisco" combined with my adventures into seeing just how much total weight I can lose heading into this vacation .....has me now firmly in "VACATION MODE.":woohoo:

P.S. "Ladybug" just had a birthday:bday:
(July 28th) - SHE IS NOW 2 YRS OLD:goodvibes

Weight loss?????

:scratchin Are you sure you're a he-male and not a fe-male? I've given up on weight loss before holidays.

Definitely on a see-food diet (I see food, I eat food).

And I'm glad that San Francisco thread was helpful.
So it's August.
College & Pro football is starting up....:thumbsup2
The temperature outside is averaging 102 degrees.......:eek:

And me??

I am putting up fall decorations out on my front door & lawn.;)
Gotta love it!!

It also puts me in the mood for..........
Wait for it.......
Wait for it -


ONE WEEK FROM THIS THURSDAY - F-i-N-a-L-l-Y...........
finally my DISneyland adventure (Dec '14) gets booked!!

Lots to talk about and lots of fun things happening so I thought I would break it up into three sections with the first one being that ever dreaded topic of weight loss totals::crazy2:

What brought all of this about for me was the accident that happened out at Six Flags Over Texas amusement park a few weeks ago (on the Texas Giant roller coaster) & I strongly feel that that gave me the wake up call to see what I can do to really really tone up my body, lose weight and instead of yo-yoing back and forth with my weight - this time keep it off.

And I owe it all to a TV show called: "Live Big with Ali Vincent" that is on The Live Well Network.:goodvibes

THANK YOU ALI!!:goodvibes

my weight loss totals ending week 2 = 5 pounds:cool1:
Total weight lost overall = 15 pounds!!:cheer2:

and it feels great!!
I woulda had more but I 'flat-lined' over the weekend (had three slices of pizza one day) & WOW!! That took me over to the point that I actually GAINED two pounds - YIKES!!

But overall, I know that this is a journey (with highs, lows & to not get frustrated) that goes beyond any vacation & that even Ladybugpaw:
is getting into the act.

Even she is getting A LOT of definition to her body as well.
(remind me & I will tell ya what happened one morning when she & I spotted a family of 5 raccoons stealing dog toys from someone's backyard.... 2 FUNNY!!:rotfl2:)

What are we naturally doing that getting these kinds of results??

Can't say just yet -
(I'd figure give me about another 3 weeks)

I do welcome any additional low fat /low carb meal suggestions either via on this blog or even via PM.



about those "clues" I was giving out in my earlier postings....:scratchin


(sunset out on Key West, Florida - Jan '12)

Ok......there have been some of you asking me when/where am I going to be taking a rail vacation & after some wonderful suggestions, I still was stumped on the sense of WHEN.
(thank you to all who have given me suggestions on this):thumbsup2

When has me outta luck since I desire to go somewhere to celebrate my birthday somewhere (DECEMBER '15) , be entertained, pampered & to just live life to its fullest.
and what I wanna do , the rail just isn't coming thru for me and for the month of December.

So -
One thing lead to another & finally - VIOLA!!
Something else popped up that grabbed my attention that solved my rather juicy delima.

Something that's 'like' a rail journey; but different.....popcorn::

And it is:
Napa Valley Railway Inn

So, that lead me back to thinking seriously about making a run at
doing the's "Jail & Sail" sailboat excursion while out on the San Fran bay
but -

What about
I thought of something even better to add to all of this

What about a hot air baloon ride over Napa Valley?? How about seeing the Silverado Winery & visit/ do wine & food tastings @ 3-4 wineries daily ??

AND how about seeing the Walt Disney Family museum

taking a bicycling tour over the Golden Gate bridge???:goodvibes
(I watched a dvd on her the other day & had NO IDEA she is 1.7 miles long)

(what?? there's more?? ;))

YES....also be on the lookout for me to be taking a 'little ride' of sorts.....
:woohoo:**ON THE NAPA VALLEY WINE TRAIN **:cool1:

all of this is a yes for me (December 2015:santa:) as I plan of combining it with a spa retreat somewhere in Napa Valley-

as I enjoy renting a car for the very first time while on vacation.:upsidedow
(I am lookiing at 3nghts/4 days in San Fran & then 3/nghts 4 days in Nappa Valley

Be on the lookout for to get this adventure blog of mine up & started by the time my DISneyland travel documents are mailed to me.:goodvibes

about what's up with me & Chinatown on January 5th 2014......popcorn::

SO, I received an email from "Local Tastes of the City Tours".com about me inquiring about taking an evening tour of Chinatown & Northbeach.

We got to talking quite a bit....:mic:
One thing lead to another you are now looking at me taking the following at 6pm on day two that we are in San Francisco::thumbsup2

Some of the places we will be seeing:

"Enjoy Dim Sum from Chinatown's Oldest Bakery
See How Fortune Cookies are Made
Explore the Real Chinatown
Savor Chinese Teas
Explore the Beat Generation Hangouts
Mosey into Authentic Western Saloons
Indulge in Delcious Pizza and Wine

We meet in front of the Chinatown gate at the corner of Bush and Grant streets. The tour is about three hours.":goodvibes
(afterwards, I am tempted to find a place and grab me a drink & a small snack & just walk around a bit checking out the sights).

looks like I will be taking (I have the paperwork at home) I believe the PM trolley line at Pier 39 on the early evening that day - to & from.
(allow about 45 minutes once there to be able to board)


Don't worry though, yes I do plan on having fun checking out all the eateries in the San Fran area - pics & video where I can.popcorn::


and speaking of food tasting & such, my trek into Dublin, Tx (Saturday Oct 5th) conflicted with me wanting to attend a wine tasting that day so OUT is the wine tasting and Dublin is IN.:drive:

Hence more the reason why I will be making a return to wine December '15.:cloud9:

That Railway Inn looks amazing!

Sounds like your NorCal plans are really coming together.

Congrats on the weight loss.
That Railway Inn looks amazing!

Sounds like your NorCal plans are really coming together.

Congrats on the weight loss.

Thanks!!:goodvibes It is really a nice feeling to be doing this.....
tho I do say this past weekend, I added something new to what I am doing and OMG!!!! MY BODY HURT!! :faint:
But after a while, I am now getting more & more used to it.:thumbsup2

Details on this and more (I promise) in 14 more days.popcorn::

Reason why I am initially hesitant on just spilling the beans asap
on what I am doing (by natural means) is
this is all new territory for me but the more and more each day passes, I am seeing that YES, I CAN DO THIS.:woohoo:

AND I "ain't never looking back.":yay:

with my weight slowly coming off of me (and getting my body more toned up), I chanced it the other day & Googled "Zip-lining Catalina Island" as well as what they have for food tasting tours & VIOLA!!

A zip-lining tour really really really caught my eye as I have never done this before and it really looks like a whole lotta fun. So expect me to email my TA on over at MEI - and see what she can can make happen as this will be my very first adventure on over at the island and I am confused over the time logistics pertaining to getting there and back (from DL's PP hotel) in relation to what I can see & experience all one day.

(psstt!!! I also saw a tv program the other day on the island and their Kelp ocean forest looks FAB!!)

I really really wanna zip-line AND go on a food tour of sorts but if I have to choose one it would be zip-lining. - It just looks like FUN -:cool2:

Speaking of TA's...... YYEEAAAA!!!!

I FINALLY GET MY DEC 2014 DISNEYLAND VACATION BOOKED LATE THIS WEEK!!:woohoo: about that pesky topic of weight loss totals::eek:

My weight loss totals ending three = 6 POUNDS!!party:

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST OVERALL = :wishtwenty pounds PLUS 2 = 22 TOTAL POUNDS!!::cool1:


and yes, even Ladybug is getting in on the act as her whole body now is showing the results of all of our hard work.
It begins by me saying ""WATERS" (& I point to her water dish) and she KNOWS to get hydrated before we begin as we both remain well hydrated all throughout what we are doing with two 3-4 minute breaks - to take a small rest and then get re-hydrated.:)

Tho, I do say that she thought someone was 'getting strangled to death' the other day when she heard this (via my home theatre system) for the very first time:

(From Scarborough Faire; April 2013)


So, I had to patiently explain to her what bagpipes are & well.....don't think she caught on to the concept as all I 'heard' outta her was a howl / yell that would have made any Gypsy proud!!:lmao:

I am now beginning to gear up for my London/Scotland adventure by buying one of their cd's (the band is called Tartanic) as well as Edinburgh Castle's "Military Tattoo" DVD; going to watch that dvd on the way back from Heathrow airport.:goodvibes

And with that, I am off for more fun and excitement this week.:rolleyes1
(that's me whistling, "Hi -Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work I go...) LOL!!

Dublin, Texas is still on so no worries there.popcorn::
I officially hate you.

I've been trying to drop some weight. Trying. :sad1:
I officially hate you.

I've been trying to drop some weight. Trying. :sad1:

I can't believe that with my SO CAL adventure ever so slowly creeping up on me (now 134 days away), that I completely forgot about a song to add to my burned cd of music that I listen to and from work (please see posting #23 for a listing of the songs that I feel are relevant to my adventure into SO CAL) and that song is............


SO I went out the other day (via and bought the "Meet Me in St Louis" movie soundtrack and put a few of its songs on my at home computer 'screen shot' of I-Tunes.:goodvibes

it now has been added to my cd of car tunes I listen to daily.

I know I know.....I am sooooooooooooooo:upsidedow 'old school' - don't have the capabilities to download songs off of I-Tunes onto my 8-gig I-pod & moreover, it now has over 2,400 songs on it -
AND.... GAG!! I can't put any vacation pictures on it anymore (I have about 7-8 gigs of pics) since it's only an 8 gig I-pod!!:eek:

But about that movie -
Yes, it has been sooooooooooooooooooooooo long since I have watched that movie - kinds reminds me a lot of MAIN STREET USA at a Disney park; especially how the movie illustrates the changing from gas lamps to electric ones.:)

normally I blog every Monday but since I am hearing you also talk about weight loss, I am thinking it is time to begin to come forth and give a pre-cursor if you will of what happened to me in mid -July 2013 that really shook me up emotionally and hopefully as you go along these weeks leading up to my vacation departure date, I am thinking that some of what I am doing just might be for you as well.:goodvibes

So.....without any further adieu, here I go.

Ok.....and just one more thing - PPPLLEEAASSEE.
What I am about to write may come across as pretty intense. AND - I am doing my best TO LEAVE MY OPINION OUT OF IT and just report what occurred that helped me significantly change as there was also something that occurred in MY life that also helped me to see it was time.popcorn::

Here goes nothing -:artist:

What caused me to choose to lose weight & tone up my body occurred on or about July 22 2013 which was two days after a very tragic fatality accident that occurred very close to where I live at an amusement park. And my incident that triggered the change in me happened while I was out walking with Ladybug.
But to back up a moment, let me give you a small back story that is very relevant to what happened to me two days after that tragic incident:

** INCIDENT #1 **
It was around mid- July 2013 when a Mother and her children visited an amusement park in Arlington, Texas and the children's Mother had never ridden a roller coaster before.
Her children got on the "Texas Giant" roller coaster (at The amusement park called 'SIx Flags Over Texas') with no issue and the Mother was seeming to have issues with the....for better lack of words - the lap bar.
To me, it looks like a big ol donut that is hanging over your head and you the rider of the roller coaster is supposed to bring down that donut-shaped steel lap (with padding) bar 'thing-ee' over your head and down firmly against your torso.

She did just that and at the first clicking sound, she had issues. It would not go any further down towards her torso.

She asked the park attendant for assistance and asked also if she was ok since she heard a clicking sound coming from the lap bar.

The Park attendant said that she was ok as long as she heard a clicking sound.

So off she and the rest of the roller coaster riders went to enjoy the ride.

Her lap belt was only at the first clicking sound position....................
It came undone..................
and she fell 14 stories to her death with her children right behind her witnessing the whole thing.

(PLEASE TAKE NOTE: I am choosing to stay out of this topic and let you the reader decide who is at fault). But I do feel that this incident is relevant to my story.

I continue -

*** INCIDENT #2 ****

And this one I don't feel that many know about. Flash forward to two weeks later and KXAS tv channel 5 here in the DFW area broke a story about an amusement park Guest, who 1 week prior to this incident, also attempted to ride the Texas Giant and was unable to get the lap bar to the very first clicking sound position nor any closer towards her torso.
And, the Ride attendant told her to (THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE, I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP), "Suck it in Lady, suck it in."

She tried and tried but was unable to and at the last second, got off the ride before it took off.

AGAIN, I stress, I am choosing to not make a comment on these two incidents but let you the reader make your own opinion as to whom is at fault here.

Now please flash back to two days after incident #1....popcorn::


So, I normally go out with Ladybug :tongue:
for our daily walks around the neighborhood but on this day, it was different. She did something on this day that she had never done before.

as we were making our way on over to the Post office area, she's always intrigued by the reflection of 'another Dog' in the building's exterior walls that look like pexi-glass or something like that.

ANYWHO -paw:

On this day, she did the same thing and I always remark back to her "Say! Who is that Doggie in the refelction??" With her tail stright up in the air and her just a sniffing that Dog, it is always funny to watch her reactions.

I always now follow up on this by opening the door to the Post Office and saying loudly the word, "ECHO!"

She would then react by wondering just how in the world can my voice do that & her reactions are .....
well -


on this day, she chose afterwards to look up in the direction of MY REFLECTION.

And -
I saw my reflection.:scared:

For the very first time in the longest of time.:faint:
I looked at myself very quizically titling my head sideways
as if saying, "Is that me?"

YES - THAT'S YOU.:blush:

And in the span of about 5 seconds,
I felt my heart literally drop to my feet......
a chill suddenly run down my spine......

and tears were silently running down my face.

**I knew then for the very first time right there that I was headed for trouble if I didn't change. **

I thought of those two above listed incidences at that amusement park......
and other thoughts since literally since I was born were flashing in and out of my mind that were all bad visuals (this occured in my mind for the next three days; fyi).

These thoughts were saying to me all at once
as if to say, "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING ??"

and I just about lost it right there emotionally.

But the barking of Ladybug jolted me back into reality. I just wanted to hide but I couldn't. I wanted to scream but didn't want to - not in public.

we finished rather hurridly our walk and made it back home safely with me slumping down in our living room recliner.

And there I cried & cried & cried :sad:
for what seemed like about 15 or so minutes with Ladybug by my side on the floor. I could tell barely out of the corner of my rapidly blood shot eyes (cuz I was crying so much) that she looked concerend but I could also tell I was rapidly losing it emotionally.

I felt trapped.
I wanted to vomit.:crazy2:

But with my nose also becoming more and more stopped up (OKOKOK....I KNOW we have had one way or another , this kind of a cry) eyes too blood shot to see, etc., I felt I needed to get myself cleaned up.

So I stumbled into the bathroom & got some cleen-ex and returned to the recliner & fliped on the TV.

I felt low.

I HIT BOTTOM.:faint:

As I was flipping around the TV, I chanced upon a TV show called "Live Big With Ali Vincent" which is on the Live Well Network.:scratchin
(I love that channel; especially the show, "Motion" & if I had one wish, it would be to be a Guest Hiker on that show one day cuz that program rocks!!:thumbsup2 )

No, wait a minute.......I take that back.

What I meant of say was if I had TWO wishes
it would be to not only be one of the Guest Hikers on the Living Well tv Network show, "Motion," my second wish would be to be able to meet Ali in person & sincerely let her know my gratitude in helping me to get this portion of my life turned around.:teacher:

Not only has she provided me with the tools of knowledge to do what Ladybug & I am doing, she has also changed our lives.

:tinker:**** THANK YOU ALI!! ****:thanks:

But in regards to the "Live Big With Ali Vincent" tv show that day,
I was instantly mesmerized. I felt like I couldn't move from my seat as I was watching what she and others were doing on that show.

It was as if she was my:littleangel:.

Just then, Ladybug jumped up on the recliner and got in my face.

I was annoyed. I wanted to see what Ali was up to because was she was doing looked like FUN.:thumbsup2

SO I moved to Ladybug's left........

SHE countered by moving to her right

took her right 'hand' -
lifted it up and came down HARD on my forehead.

(ok......FYI - she would really make a GREAT SPOKESPERSON for the next V-8 juice tv commercial):lmao:


I immediatly looked at her......
She looked at me.....

I looked at her -
she looked at me.

I then looked at Ali...


And the rest is history.

Ladybug & I haven't looked back since & refuse to from that day forward as I explained to her, "GET YOUR SHOES ON CUZ THE FUN BEGINS IN 48 HOURS."

And I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Ali Vincent:littleangel:
with Ladybugpaw: also helping out in a supporting role as well.

Day one of our journey began for real on July 24th
(I gave myself 48 hours to clean out the frig, etc....., alter my diet...& to get ready for the FUN:thumbsup2)

Details coming up on what I was doing during my week one.:goodvibes

WhY I feel that that the "Live Big with Ali Vincent" tv show literally saved my life.popcorn::,
my weight loss totals ending week 4 &
updates on my DISneyland adventure & other assorted silliness.

P.S. thank you all for listening.

Sounds like that moment was a turning point in your life. If you can't love the person in the mirror, then it's definitely time for changes. :thumbsup2

Good luck with it all.
Sounds like that moment was a turning point in your life. If you can't love the person in the mirror, then it's definitely time for changes. :thumbsup2

Good luck with it all.

AHHHHHHH!!:goodvibes Ya just made my day! - THANK YOU -

....and so to think this past weekend, I went to my local area Walmart store and bought me (cuz I had to, my current work pants don't fit me anymore) a new pair of pants:

:cheer2:** ONE SIZE SMALLER **:yay:

I tell you what, I was just a laughing and had just one case of the giggles picking out that pair of pants. IT FELT GREAT!!

WHATZ THAT?? How many more size or sizes do I plan on losing u ask??:scratchin

Hmmmmmm..... well - let's just say

Cuz I might just surprise ya!!:goodvibes

Oh - and by the way -

YES, plan on me on or about December 27th (which is VERY VERY close to the date I will be leaving for SO CAl, the LA area & such) to post on this blog of mine what my weight is, approx. # of inches I lost & what I weighed before I started this journey that I really feel I owe it all to Ali Vincent and her tv Show because I really was beginning to feel that I was really heading towards some MAJOR issues (health related, possible stroke, etc - you name it & I feel that that WAS my future:sad2:

Also, look for me to post a few pictures (not NYC related) along with a video (more of my 'BEFORE' PICTURE look) that was shot of me while I was at NBC studios (New York City Sept 2012) and then look at my pics of me while on this adventure....

Since the last 4 weeks have elapsed,
I feel fantastic and YES, every time Ladybug & I head out for our walks to the Post Office (only now in the early am ....will explain I promise) YES - I make it a point to look at my reflection and.....

LOVE IT!!:cool1:

and the whole funnest - (that's the word for the day, "Funnest":lmao:) - part of all of this is that I am getting better gas mileage on my car!!


Per se, I now have approx. 1/3 of a quarter tank of gas now left over in my car's gas tank at the end of every work week!!:thumbsup2

*** LOVE IT!! ***:woohoo:

THANK YOU ALI:littleangel:


And now for that pesky topic of my weight loss::crazy2:

My weight loss totals ending week 4 = 6 pounds:dance3:
Total weight lost = 28 POUNDS!!:dancer:

Total weight loss goal this week = 3 pounds.

Here is a small pre-view of my 'before pics' -

(love those shorts!;)) - me out at Disney's Castaway Cay island; Jan '12

- I will post two more in December along with that video I've previously mentioned -

and here is Ladybug's 'before' pic:

(please take note of the cotton all around her as that WAS parts from a queen-sized pillow she 'attacked' & 'killed')


Speaking of her,
approximately every other time she & I head out for our walks, she is given compliments about how she looks and such - (she is now sooo much more defined in all areas of her body) - but one questions always comes up:

WHAT is she??:confused3

When I say, 'A Blue-tick Beagle,' people often have that 'Deer in the headlight look' only until I kindly explain, "You know, a COON.":goodvibes
(and OMG, A Coon Dog she is!!)...will explain later I promise (I am referring to now how I am getting better at sprinting cuz of her).

Then their eyes light up as they are now remarking how well she looks & such.

To wit this past weekend when we got in from one of our evening walks, I replied to her that she looks like a "HoT lookin' Dog........

No look like a HOT DOG.":goodvibes

She just gave me that look like I had lost my mind....:rotfl2:

More on Ladybug & I....popcorn::



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