Moved from old board: Parking at MK

SueM in MN

combining the teacups with a roller coaster
Aug 23, 1999
DIS Veteran
From: Georgia
Registered: 02-28-00
Posts: 1322
Please explain to me the Parking at MK and wheel chairs, ECVs.
Tell me, I am so confused. When I went to MK we used the monorail from the Poly and Cont. - if someone is driving to the MK - where do they park and what options do they have of getting to the park?
If they take a bus, where does the bus let them off and how do they get to the park?
Am I right in thinking that you can't "park, and walk to the MK- you have to take some sort of other transportation??"
Contemporary Tower Club 2000
Polynesian Concierge 2001
originally posted 04-25-01 09:55 AM
DIS Veteran
From: Miami, Fl, USA
Registered: 03-14-00
Posts: 466
If you drive to MK you must park in the lot at TTC and take the monorail or ferry. Ferry may not be accessible. I know the ramp is too steep for my wheelchair.
If you take a bus you are taken to a depot near MK and it is a short walk. You bypass TTC unless you are coming from Ft Wilderness or Shades of Green. Ft Widerness guests can also use the boat but it is not accessible to ECVs or power wheelchairs.
Pooh Bear
originally posted 04-25-01 10:10 AM
DIS Veteran
From: Bartlett, IL
Registered: 12-30-00
Posts: 429
If you drive, don't they have handicap parking that's close to the park so you don't have to take an additional form of transportation?

1st trip to WDW Oct. 2001!!!
originally posted 04-25-01 11:52 AM
DIS Veteran
From: Menlo Park, CA, US
Registered: 08-22-99
Posts: 5628
Not at MK, sncbird. You must park at the TTC and take the transportation. Buses can go up to the front, and they are the best way to get close to the gate.

I thought there was an elevator at the monorail station at the TTC... was I wrong? It is an awful climb when you are pushing a wheelchair. I have done that. The ferry will take ECVs if the water level is not too low, but lately that has been a problem.

"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
originally posted 04-25-01 12:00 PM
SueM in MN
From: Blaine,Minnesota,USA
Registered: 08-23-99
Posts: 2759
The last time we rode the monorail from the TTC, there was not an elevator. Only that long, steep ramp.
According to accessibility info about ramps, a ramp needs to be 1 foot long for every 1 inch in height change. So, my ramp at home is 18 feet long for a height difference of 18 inches between the garage floor and the house floor. If the ramp is shorter than that, it will be steep and hard to get up. I would bet that the monorail ramp is steeper than that. Someone pushing a wheelchair up the ramp will notice it more
than someone who is using an ecv.
All the parking for MK requires you to use some other sort of transportation ot get to the MK front gate.
That's why we use the bus; it's much more convenient for that park, even if you drive to the other parks.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
DIS Veteran
From: Bartlett, IL
Registered: 12-30-00
Posts: 429
OK - You can tell I'm a rookie here - What's the TTC? We're staying at the OKW. Would we be better off taking the buses to the Magic Kingdom vs driving and then taking a bus?
1st trip to WDW Oct. 2001!!!
originally posted 04-25-01 04:38 PM
DIS Veteran
From: Westland, MI
Registered: 02-02-00
Posts: 509
TTC is ticket transportation center.
It would be nice if there was an elevator but can you imagine the wait to get on it. Everyone would want to use it.
originally posted 04-25-01 06:50 PM
SueM in MN
From: Blaine,Minnesota,USA
Registered: 08-23-99
Posts: 2759

We are members of DVC at OKW and we always take the bus to MK. It brings you right to the entrance of MK without needing to travel on anything else.
The Ticket and Transportation Center is a place where you can buy tickets and you can also get a monorail or boat to the MK and transportation to other parts of WDW. If you use the MK parking, you have to use the monorail or boats to get to the MK front gate.
SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
originally posted 04-25-01 09:04 PM
DIS Veteran
From: Bartlett, IL
Registered: 12-30-00
Posts: 429
Thanks Michigan and Sue. I had no idea about the parking at the MK. I think we'll take the bus from OKW to MK.
One more question, how early do the buses start running? We want to do breakfast at Cindy's. Hopefully we'll be lucky enough to get a PS!!!

1st trip to WDW Oct. 2001!!!
originally posted 04-25-01 09:50 PM


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