Most Embarressing Moments at Disney

The following year, at the studios, DS was proud to have his own camera. As we were heading to the Beauty and the Beast show, DS and DH went into the bathroom. When they were washing their hands, DS' camera fell out of his pocket and the flash went off. A man standing at the urinal said "Um, I think you just took my picture." DH said sorry and hurried DS out and told us about it. Later, when we developed the film, I couldn't figure out one of the pictures... then realized, it was "the picture" from the bathroom... and luckily, it was just a tipped picture of the sink!

:rotfl: :laughing: :rotfl2: :lmao:
Okay, I have a doozy. My DW and I think this is one of the funniest things that has ever happened to us. In telling it I sincerely hope I don't offend anyone.

A few years ago my DW and I are at WDW and it happened to be during the Gay Days weekend. That day the designated park for Gay Days was MK, and so to avoid the longer lines DW and I decide to go to MGM. We get to the park before it opens and there are a large number of folks (mostly guys) in their red shirts for Gay Days going to MGM instead of MK, and a crowd has formed, waiting for MGM to open. Standing next to DW and me is an older married couple, in their sixties. The wife is sort of gently nagging the husband about does he have this, does he have that, and he mentions something that makes it clear this is their very first visit to WDW. I notice he is wearing a University of South Carolina shirt but I don't think anything of it. The couple is clearly noticing the large number of guys in red shirts but you can tell from their expressions they have no idea what's going on. The wife says, "it must be a convention of some sort."

Then the wife chides the husband that his balding head is going to get sunburned and so he pulls out a baseball cap from his backpack and puts it on. I hear her tell him to put the cap on but I don't look over at him, but suddenly my DW is absolutely convulsed in laughter--the kind of laughter that's like an earthquake but that you are trying not to show. She is leaning against me, shaking, arms around my neck, trying to hold the laughter in, practically in tears. I look over at the married couple.

The gentleman has put on a baseball cap that, like his shirt, celebrates the University of South Carolina. For those of you who don't know, the school teams are called the Gamecocks. (A gamecock is a fighting rooster.) Well, gamecocks is a long word, and his baseball cap had only the *second* half of that word emblazoned across the front of it. IN GIANT CAPITAL LETTERS. And this is what this very nice but clueless man is wearing during Gay Days.

I am also immediately convulsed with crying laughter, trying to hold it in. I keep waiting for one of the guys in the red shirts to comment favorably on the gentleman's baseball cap but all eyes are forward as the MGM gates open and the crowd surges inside. The couple went on their merry, unconcerned way with that suddenly hilarious baseball cap. DW and I have often wondered if anyone ever said anything to him.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Thanks my laptop screen really did need to be cleaned.
Let me begin by saying I'm nearsighted and vain...this means I often do not wear my glasses. I'm with my DD who's 18 at the AK in the petting zoo area where there are pygmy goats (or some such creature) from far away I swear it looked like he had 5 legs and I say so....My daughter, bursting with laughter says "Mom, that's not a leg":rolleyes1 (damn if it didn't reach the floor!!!)

Now I cant see from all the tears of laughter in my eyes!! :lmao: :rotfl2:
My moment happened at Blizzard Beach. It was a relatively warm day when it started to rain. The rain really made me chilled, so while DH and the kiddies continued to play I went off to find a dry chair and wrap up in a towel to get warm.

After a while a group of Brazillians came up to get ready to leave. I believe this group consisted of three families total. I was sitting on the edge of the area and they had the rest, about four lounge chairs.

I tried not to watch them but it was either look over that way or stare at a bush. Some of the time I just closed my eyes and rested and other times I glanced over.

They were changing the little ones' clothes. Having little ones run naked while getting dressed doesn't bother me. The moms sort of put their clothes on over their bikinis. However, the gentlemen were a different story. :eek:

The men got naked and then dressed. One guy was literally a foot from me and was completely naked taking his sweet time putting on his shirt, briefs, and pants. Of course I got an eye full when I opened my eyes and there was Mr. Brazil in all his glory just inches from me. I tried to act like it was no big deal and went back to closing my eyes. :rolleyes1

I mention where they are from simply because this may be how they do things over there. I didn't say anything because it was just me and they probably did what they would have done anway.

Even though he was the one naked next to me I was the one embarrassed. Needless to say, though I'll say it, men from Brazil are blessed. :lmao:

Just wondered when you were there - I had the same thing happen on Christmas Eve at BB a few years ago.
A few years ago I was at MGM with my husband, mother and step-dad. We were exiting Star Tours, and I guess I got caught up looking at something in the shop for longer than I realized, because they all gave up and walked away without me.

As I was making my way out, I reached out beside me and grabbed [who I thought was] my husband by the hand as I looked around. I got annoyed when I felt him start to pull away, turned to ask him what his issue was, and realised that I wasn't holding my husband's hand, but a terrified teenage boy's!

I quickly apologized and released the poor kid as my husband and family pointed and laughed :P
Several years ago, I went to Blizzard Beach with my DH and his two sons. We were out on the lazy river - my DH and I were laying on our backs each in our own intertube. It is very easy to get separated on that ride with all the commotion, but I wanted to be able to relax and chill . . . so I grabbed my DH's foot, closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sun, the water, everything. After a few minutes, I looked up to say something to my DH. To my horror, I was looking at a sweet, older couple (laying on their backs on their own intertubes) who were grinning at me . . . I had a hold of the man's foot . . . NOT MY HUSBAND'S . . . that whole time. :scared: They were such good sports about it and everyone laughed so hard. Funny, all of a sudden my hand felt a burning sensation in it when I realized it was holding a stranger's foot. :rotfl: have to see it from my eyes. My DH, DS and nephew are riding a very crowded bus home to OKW from MK at 2 am. Now, my DS was about 11 at the time...and he most little boys that age...that public flagulence was.....hilarious :confused3

Well, he must have let out a silent attack that night....

Keep in is 2 am...and very I cannot see them well....but it is what I hear that is so hysterical and....embarassing.....

DH...."Oh holy hell, what is that?"
DH looks at my 16 nephew...he has his t-shirt pulled up over his a makeshift gas-mask

Our Nephew points to DS who is acting innocent and ignoring them.

DH "Man, my eyes are watering!" Something must have crawled up him and died!" :headache:

DH...gaging...says to our nephew..."Why didn't you warn me?"

Nephew replies...."Dude, every man for himself."
These stories have been great, my own was probably more funny if you were there, but I will try to tell it anyways.....
We were eating at Ohana's & my husband & I were chosen to hold the limbo sticks. My husband is not the type to do anything even slightly undignified, former Marine turned math teacher, you get the idea. Well, I convinced him someone had to hold the sticks for the kids, so up we go. The CM leading the festivities then said we needed to do a congo line around the room first in preperation for the limbo... oh, the look on my husbands face was :eek: :scared1: one of pure mortification. He was a sport, though & even attempted to make the hand sign for family that she taught the kids as we went around the room in a congo line. After getting done our youngest comes running up from the back of the line & tells his dad he had the sign for I LOVE YOU w/ both hands the whole time, not for family. When we watch the tape back he does pass by waving with both hands the I love you sign & we just laugh. Needless to say he propably won't be volunteering to hold the limbo sticks again. :confused3
That is just wrong!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: have to see it from my eyes. My DH, DS and nephew are riding a very crowded bus home to OKW from MK at 2 am. Now, my DS was about 11 at the time...and he most little boys that age...that public flagulence was.....hilarious :confused3

Well, he must have let out a silent attack that night....

Keep in is 2 am...and very I cannot see them well....but it is what I hear that is so hysterical and....embarassing.....

DH...."Oh holy hell, what is that?"
DH looks at my 16 nephew...he has his t-shirt pulled up over his a makeshift gas-mask

Our Nephew points to DS who is acting innocent and ignoring them.

DH "Man, my eyes are watering!" Something must have crawled up him and died!" :headache:

DH...gaging...says to our nephew..."Why didn't you warn me?"

Nephew replies...."Dude, every man for himself." have to see it from my eyes. My DH, DS and nephew are riding a very crowded bus home to OKW from MK at 2 am. Now, my DS was about 11 at the time...and he most little boys that age...that public flagulence was.....hilarious :confused3

Well, he must have let out a silent attack that night....

Keep in is 2 am...and very I cannot see them well....but it is what I hear that is so hysterical and....embarassing.....

DH...."Oh holy hell, what is that?"
DH looks at my 16 nephew...he has his t-shirt pulled up over his a makeshift gas-mask

Our Nephew points to DS who is acting innocent and ignoring them.

DH "Man, my eyes are watering!" Something must have crawled up him and died!" :headache:

DH...gaging...says to our nephew..."Why didn't you warn me?"

Nephew replies...."Dude, every man for himself."

I must redeem my poor DS...when I told him I posted that story....he reminded me of a story that was funnier...and which more importantly.... he was the innocent.

As I described in my last son....being a boy....thinks flagulence is just a laugh riot.

But my DH and I really frown on that...especially during dinner time.

This was our 2003 trip. We were at the Eletric Umbrella at EPCOT for lunch. It was during EPCOT's Flower and Garden Festival. We were sitting at a table on the 2nd floor....and right next to us was two gentlemen who were enjoying their lunch and mapping out the gardens they wanted to visit.


We were eating our meal.....and all of a sudden rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiipppppppppppppppppp! My DH and I immediately shot our DS a very dissapproving look....but before we could get even get a word out our DH screams "THAT was NOT me!" :angel:

The gentleman seated with his back to my DS back...gave an uncomfortable glance behind him....adjusted in his seat....coughed...and went back to the EPCOT Flower and Garden borchures. :rolleyes1

Now, my 10 year old DS never had trouble claiming "his own" and was always proud of ones that really echoed like that. So we knew he was telling the truth....and we both were biting our lips trying not to laugh. :o

Now this event must have went right over our DS friend's head...she had no idea what had just happened. She is really an she blurts out, "What!?!?!?" "Did someone FART or something?" :cutie:

That is when we all lost it....pop shot out of some was spit out...and the table erupted in laughter. :rotfl2:

Our Gentleman friend, however, did not appreciate the humor in the situation....and proceeded to turn up his nose at us! :snooty:

At that point we were like...lighten up Pal.... you just can't recover and be coooool after ripping one like that! :cool:
This did not happen in WDW but while driving to WDW from PA on our first trip. It is a family classic. I was 8 and sis was 4. It was the early 80s and my dad had recently gotten his first video camera and taped every moment of our trip. He was obsessed. Well we had stopped at a cousins' house in SC and they lived along a golf course with very sandy soil. It was a sunny day in August and mom had us dressed in matching outfits with shorts and sandals. There was an enormous old tree in the back yard that had been hit by lightning and was very twisted and strange looking. Dad had sis and I stand in front of the tree and say the date and where we were and where we were going. No one else was outside except the three of us. After reciting the spiel sis runs off and you see me looking down and brushing my legs. Dad then pans to film the yard, house, golf course all the while narrating. You then hear screams in the background, "Daddy! Daddy, help me!" Dad continues filming and narrating. This continues for a few minutes. Then he quickly pans back to me standing under the strange tree screaming and hopping around maddly, just in time to see Mom run in, grab me and carry me away. I was being eaten alive by fire ants and Mom heard me from a second story bedroom and saved the day, while dear old Dad stood no more than 15 feet away oblivious. It is all preserved on film forever. Dad will never live that one down. :sad2:
This did not happen in WDW but while driving to WDW from PA on our first trip. It is a family classic. I was 8 and sis was 4. It was the early 80s and my dad had recently gotten his first video camera and taped every moment of our trip. He was obsessed. Well we had stopped at a cousins' house in SC and they lived along a golf course with very sandy soil. It was a sunny day in August and mom had us dressed in matching outfits with shorts and sandals. There was an enormous old tree in the back yard that had been hit by lightning and was very twisted and strange looking. Dad had sis and I stand in front of the tree and say the date and where we were and where we were going. No one else was outside except the three of us. After reciting the spiel sis runs off and you see me looking down and brushing my legs. Dad then pans to film the yard, house, golf course all the while narrating. You then hear screams in the background, "Daddy! Daddy, help me!" Dad continues filming and narrating. This continues for a few minutes. Then he quickly pans back to me standing under the strange tree screaming and hopping around maddly, just in time to see Mom run in, grab me and carry me away. I was being eaten alive by fire ants and Mom heard me from a second story bedroom and saved the day, while dear old Dad stood no more than 15 feet away oblivious. It is all preserved on film forever. Dad will never live that one down. :sad2:

I love old family film footage. That one's absolutely priceless! :surfweb:
Oh my gosh, I just found this's too, too funny! lol I'll have to see if I can remember any embarrassing moments from our two trips to WDW! Thanks everyone who has shared! :rotfl:


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