Most Embarressing Moments at Disney

Then there is the interesting commentary going on. I think it is fun to watch those floor or "blacked-out" videos and try to remember what we were talking about. Or who said what "off camera":rolleyes1

Yes, I have to watch everything from start to finish just to make sure I dont miss something when editing!! :lmao:
Sometimes a small snippet of videoless soundtrack over other video can be just as good, especially if promises were made! (TEEHEE)
This is going WAY BACK we were headed home from DW and Eastern Airlines (told you it was WAY BACK) was having trouble with all it L-1011's that were in the NE, seems that they didn't like below zero temperatures.

So in Eastern's infinite wisdom they sent one of their shuttle planes that normally flew from LGA to DCA, every hour on the hour, to pick us up in MCO. These planes were designed to move the most people possible in the space that was available, since they were designed for a 45 minute flight, not 2½ hours. So we knew we were going to be crammed in.

We had to wait 3½ hours for them to get this plane to us, needless to say we got pretty friendly with each other in the airport and there were quite a few feeling not pain and it was starting to be a party atmosphere which was actually quite fun.

As we were getting on the plane we noticed quite a few balloons, attached to people of course, getting on the plane. As we were getting seated we started taking bets on how long it would be before the balloons started popping, even the flight crew was getting in on the fun. Sure enough once we were airborne all these balloons started popping and kids were crying and adults were complaining, but since half of us were drunk we really didn't care all that much.

As we were approaching EWR the pilot gets on the intercom, tells us to fasten our seatbelts, we were approaching Newark, NJ and that the local temperature was 5 BELOW zero. :scared1: At that statement alot of the passengers, pretty much in unison, me included, yelled "TURN AROUND!!!!!!"

My wife and I still laugh about that trip even though it was more than 20 years ago.
Ok, I can't believe I am posting this. We went 09/26 of this year and stayed at ASMu. I didn't really do any research on the AS hotels. We went for the low AP rate. It had already been a horrible day. Had to spend $900 on new brakes, left for WDW 2 hours late, you name it, it had gone wrong.

Anyway, I am stressing about finding the hotel. I didn't realize all three were together, so when all I saw on the signs was All-Star Resort, I kept telling DH I hope I am going to the right one (we had MNSSHP tickets for the evening and I wanted to get there.) DH was busy listening to his book on his Ipod. He finally gets mad at me for disturbing him. So, now the tension in the truck is so thick you can cut it with a knife. We find the hotel and I check in. No problem there. We were to be in building 8. So we drive around and find building 8. It says Fantasia and I know the lady said Broadway. But we get out and search for our room. We were room 4527, but all of these rooms were 4700-4800. Asked a CM, who was no help.

I call the front desk and get put on hold. Another CM comes on and puts me on hold. As I am holding I look around and finally it hits me. Fantasia is a movie. Wait, there is Herbie, a movie. "Oh man, we are at ASMovies!" So we get back in the truck and look for the correct building. DH keeps saying that I checked in at the wrong hotel but I explain they all have the star in the front, but I checked in at the correct one. So, we finally found it. I keep saying I can't believe I did that and DS says this, "Oh don't worry about it, I'm sure a lot of people have done it!"
So this didn't happen to me, but to my dad. We were at the main pool at OKW not long after they added the slide. My dad is, well, not a light weight guy, I guess you can call him pooh sized. So he is going down the slide but the water pressure was not enough to move him, he gets stuck in the first turn. He is trying to push himself down the slide, but this is taking a while. We are waiting at the bottom for my dad to come down, for a long time. I guess the lady at the top figured that the sensors for the red light--green light thing weren't working so she just goes down. She runs into my dad and they both come out together, this lady has her legs and arms wrapped around my dad. I don't know who was more embarrassed, her or him, they just detached and went their seperate ways. But it sure was funny for those of us watching at the bottom.
So this didn't happen to me, but to my dad. We were at the main pool at OKW not long after they added the slide. My dad is, well, not a light weight guy, I guess you can call him pooh sized. So he is going down the slide but the water pressure was not enough to move him, he gets stuck in the first turn. He is trying to push himself down the slide, but this is taking a while. We are waiting at the bottom for my dad to come down, for a long time. I guess the lady at the top figured that the sensors for the red light--green light thing weren't working so she just goes down. She runs into my dad and they both come out together, this lady has her legs and arms wrapped around my dad. I don't know who was more embarrassed, her or him, they just detached and went their seperate ways. But it sure was funny for those of us watching at the bottom.

:lmao: :rotfl2: I can just picture it in my head!!
I just finished reading this thread and I'm laughing all the way til end. :rotfl2: We have an experienced but not on my part, I remember one of my friend which is extra big, he got stuck on RocknRollercoaster. We try leaving him just to make fun of it, then he shouted us help, help, help, pull me here. :lmao: Then we all laugh at him. He said that he will go on diet so in our next trip, he won't experienced that again. Everytime we remember that day we still laughing at him. :rotfl:

Have a nice day everyone. :)
So this didn't happen to me, but to my dad. We were at the main pool at OKW not long after they added the slide. My dad is, well, not a light weight guy, I guess you can call him pooh sized. So he is going down the slide but the water pressure was not enough to move him, he gets stuck in the first turn. He is trying to push himself down the slide, but this is taking a while. We are waiting at the bottom for my dad to come down, for a long time. I guess the lady at the top figured that the sensors for the red light--green light thing weren't working so she just goes down. She runs into my dad and they both come out together, this lady has her legs and arms wrapped around my dad. I don't know who was more embarrassed, her or him, they just detached and went their seperate ways. But it sure was funny for those of us watching at the bottom.

:lmao: That is hilarious!!
Splash Mountain, white capris, short shirt, pink thong. Nuff said. Oh yeah and my kids are teenegers. :faint:
my most embarressing moment happend last mack in MK it happend over 2 days.....
the first day we got there my DD was texting on are way in to MK you know the step down walking under the train station to main st. she didn't see the step and fell right on her butt lol her phone hit the ground about 10ft from her ... i asked her if she was ok when she said yes i told her thats what you get for textin in WDW ya know the Mouse don't like it lol

well 4 days later my DD when back for EMH and my DH and other DD stayed back at POP so i was texting them we had made it ..... well yup i hit the ground yes it hurt not sure what was worse having my DD telling me the Mouse must be mad at me or all the good looking guys runing over to help me up.(there was a baseball team there standing on main street):sad2:
Ok...Another one.

We're in line for the Pirates of the Carribean. DW, DD(3) and Me...the victim. The line is longish, about 20 minutes of wait time. As we're standing there, the unmistakable waft of flatulence washes over the crowd. So for the next couple of minutes everyone is playing the "I wonder who farted game". This consists of cutting eyes at your linemates trying to figure out if that smell from the depths of hell could come out of that petite little flower of a lady 3 people down...You guys know the drill...

Well anyway, about 3 minutes into the game, my DD gets the scent....She curls up her face and looks at me and says (LOUDLY) "DADDY! YOU POOPED YOUR PANTS...AGAIN!"

Dammit! I didn't do it...But now I'm the center of everyone's attention...I was fully designated as the "Pirates of the Carribean Farter"...I got framed by my own!

I really wanted to reply "Not me honey, that one was Mom" but I would have faced certain maiming with that comment ;-)

All kids rat out their parents, just like parents embarrassing thier kids when they get older.....remember "paybacks"!!
Several years ago, we were near POC with DS8, DS12 and DH. DS8 has to climb on all the curbs, and this one tried to bite him (he fell off) and somehow wrenched a knee and his back. We made it to the nearby restaurant, got a bag of ice, and a CM was kind enough to find us a wheelchair. He quickly felt better and ran off with DH to ride something. I had been having major foot problems all day, so DS12 offered to push me in the wheelchair. I let him for a while, feeling fairly foolish, but it felt very good to not be on that foot (we all know that we can't judge someone in a wheelchair just because we don't see something wrong with them, right?). It was nearing time for the afternoon parade, and he had to run to the potty before that, so he parked me along the way and ran. A CM came up to me and said, "No, ma'am, we have a much better place for you!" and kindly pushed me to the wheelchair viewing area (and now I'm feeling even more foolish than I was before). I had my pin lanyard on, so that CM ran and got four more CMs with pins all to offer to trade... Now, remember, there really was not much wrong with me, but here i am, in this wheelchair, being completely fussed over... Boy, I felt really stupid, taking up time and energy that could have been used helping people who really needed help! and of course, half an hour later, I realized why my foot hurt so much -- never wear new Dr. Scholl's inserts and walk for 6 hours right away. So since I didn't hurt so much, and now family had all gone somewhere else, I was stuck PUSHING my own wheelchair so I could return it...Should I ever REALLY need a wheelchair, I'll remember all the kindness I received when I DIDN'T really need it!

Thanks for all the great stories! I'm really hoping some other member of my family does something stupid when we go in 2 months so I pass it along!

- Erin:rotfl2: :rolleyes: :rotfl:
Several years ago, we were near POC with DS8, DS12 and DH. DS8 has to climb on all the curbs, and this one tried to bite him (he fell off) and somehow wrenched a knee and his back. We made it to the nearby restaurant, got a bag of ice, and a CM was kind enough to find us a wheelchair. He quickly felt better and ran off with DH to ride something. I had been having major foot problems all day, so DS12 offered to push me in the wheelchair. I let him for a while, feeling fairly foolish, but it felt very good to not be on that foot (we all know that we can't judge someone in a wheelchair just because we don't see something wrong with them, right?). It was nearing time for the afternoon parade, and he had to run to the potty before that, so he parked me along the way and ran. A CM came up to me and said, "No, ma'am, we have a much better place for you!" and kindly pushed me to the wheelchair viewing area (and now I'm feeling even more foolish than I was before). I had my pin lanyard on, so that CM ran and got four more CMs with pins all to offer to trade... Now, remember, there really was not much wrong with me, but here i am, in this wheelchair, being completely fussed over... Boy, I felt really stupid, taking up time and energy that could have been used helping people who really needed help! and of course, half an hour later, I realized why my foot hurt so much -- never wear new Dr. Scholl's inserts and walk for 6 hours right away. So since I didn't hurt so much, and now family had all gone somewhere else, I was stuck PUSHING my own wheelchair so I could return it...Should I ever REALLY need a wheelchair, I'll remember all the kindness I received when I DIDN'T really need it!

Thanks for all the great stories! I'm really hoping some other member of my family does something stupid when we go in 2 months so I pass it along!

- Erin:rotfl2: :rolleyes: :rotfl:

Oh no. This sounds like something that would happen to me.:rotfl2:
(we all know that we can't judge someone in a wheelchair just because we don't see something wrong with them, right?)

That is the total truth. I remember when we needed one for my Dad, but he felt so self conscious about it. At the time my Dad was 71 with bad hips and congestive heart failure, and too much pride. After a while in EPCOT he wanted to push me because I was pushing him all day and he wanted to walk a bit. I could just feel everyone staring at me while my Dad hobbled along pushing me. Granted, I had to switch back as we hit the hill from UK to France, but I understood why my dad felt so very self-concious. I just kept dreading that someone would come along and offer to help my Dad push me. so glad that did not happen.
On our last trip down there my teenage DD was not with us, so I had my two younger ones and a friend of my DD. Well, I had never been on KRR at Ak before because I hate to get wet. This trip, I could not send the little ones in alone, so I had to go. I love this type of ride, I just hate getting wet.Anyway, we get on and we are going and there is a splash here and there, no big deal. All of a sudden I could see it coming and I slipped and said "OH S$$T!!" I was so embarrassed. I'am not sure how loud it was and I hope no one heard me, but I was embarrassed to say that at Disney. I got soaked too!!:rolleyes:
On our last trip down there my teenage DD was not with us, so I had my two younger ones and a friend of my DD. Well, I had never been on KRR at Ak before because I hate to get wet. This trip, I could not send the little ones in alone, so I had to go. I love this type of ride, I just hate getting wet.Anyway, we get on and we are going and there is a splash here and there, no big deal. All of a sudden I could see it coming and I slipped and said "OH S$$T!!" I was so embarrassed. I'am not sure how loud it was and I hope no one heard me, but I was embarrassed to say that at Disney. I got soaked too!!:rolleyes:

:rotfl2: you definitely weren't the first nor will you be the last. Last year my wife had a light pink shirt on, well it might as well have been white, because a wall of water slammed into us and all you could see was her bra through it after we got off.:blush: She had to wring it out in the bathroom by the fountain as you get off.


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