Most Embarressing Moments at Disney

These stories are sooooooo funny!

My first embarassing story was when my Dad accidently asked to order a "Chicken Condom" instead of a Chicken Combo whilst ordering a meal on our WDW vacation :rotfl2: . I was 12 and I burst out laughing and said "I don't think they make Chicken flavored ones." My Mum was horrified first at my Dad then moreso at me because we are really devout catholics and she thought I was pretty innocent at the time and that the comment would have gone over my head :blush: . Oops.

On our 2008 trip we were at Aquatica so not WDW that day. My Mum LOVES the Lazy River and is very nervous about anything fast or anything that a toddler couldn't go on basically. Anyway, Aquatica had just opened that week so we didn't know the layout. I took Mum to what I thought was the Lazy River, thinking it was a bit strange that we had to wear life vests instead of using a tube/dingy. Mum kept saying it looked fast and I was saying no its fine. So we get in....... and its the RAPIDS :scared1:

Straight away, I get swept away and it is kind of fast and the current is strong. I got separated from my Mum and I can just hear her SCREAMING, "Oh, Natalie HELP me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help, Jesus, Help!!!!!!!!!!" really loud. I turn around to try to get to her and see her clinging on to the side getting tossed about, water flying over her head. I try to swim to her, I'm going "MUM!!!!!! I can't get to you!!!!!!!" and she's going, "NATALIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You should never have brought me on this. You should have known. How could you be so stupid?!!!!!" EVERYONE is looking at us :blush: . Then the lifeguard said, "Does she need help?" I said "Yeah, she thought it was the Lazy River :confused3 !" So he blows his whistle and jumps in, meanwhile, they turn the jets off and stop the rapids so it does actually become a Lazy River :rotfl: ironic, huh? I disappear round the corner as, I had to go round again, as he is rescuing my Mum, pulling her out the water to safety!!!!!!!!!!
So there I am, floating away and these teenagers are floating by me. One of them says, "Dude, why is this going so slow, it looked like it was faster before." So they asked the nearest lifeguard to make it go faster. The lifeguard replies, "Sorry, we had an emergency and had to turn it off. It should be back on in an HOUR or TWO :eek: " So EVERYONE starts to complain. Then this girl swims up and says, "Yeah, this lady got in and started having a heart attack because she was scared." Then everyone starts saying what kind of a stupid person gets into a rapids and then chickens out. Girl says, "Well, actually, her daughter told her it was the lazy river." :blush: At which point, I decide to swim by, unnoticed. Then I hear, "Dude, that's her daughter. That's the one that got the ride stopped for the next two hours!" How embarassed can you be? Especially when, as the water was slowed down, it took 20 minutes until I was able to get back to the exit!!!!!" Well, not as embarassed as my Mum. Apparently, the lifeguard was really struggling to get her out the water whilst everyone was watching (she was a little overweight at the time) and then when she was explaining what happened to my Dad............ her false teeth shot out of her mouth!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: What a family we are!!!::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::
On our first trip, we were getting ready to get on the Jungle Cruise and before going on, there was CM there at the beginning of the line. He wasn't moving and so we all started debating whether or not he was "real" or a prop. We decided he was a prop. He honestly didn't even blink. I swear.

Well my dad decided to test out the theory and he reached right up to the CM (who still did NOT move) and grabbed his nose. The CM still did not move. We all were like, "yeah, see he's fake. I knew it!" About 2 minutes later, he moved. OMG, we died laughing. It was the funniest thing ever! My dad could not quit laughing and so the rest of us couldn't either. We wound up cracking up the entire cruise. That got kind of embarassing b/c I felt bad for the people on our boat b/c we totally interrupted their cruise. We just could. not. quit. laughing.

So if you were on the Jungle Cruise in 1998 with a family that was acting like jerks, it was us. My sincerest apologies.
These stories are sooooooo funny!

My first embarassing story was when my Dad accidently asked to order a "Chicken Condom" instead of a Chicken Combo whilst ordering a meal on our WDW vacation :rotfl2: . I was 12 and I burst out laughing and said "I don't think they make Chicken flavored ones." My Mum was horrified first at my Dad then moreso at me because we are really devout catholics and she thought I was pretty innocent at the time and that the comment would have gone over my head :blush: . Oops.

On our 2008 trip we were at Aquatica so not WDW that day. My Mum LOVES the Lazy River and is very nervous about anything fast or anything that a toddler couldn't go on basically. Anyway, Aquatica had just opened that week so we didn't know the layout. I took Mum to what I thought was the Lazy River, thinking it was a bit strange that we had to wear life vests instead of using a tube/dingy. Mum kept saying it looked fast and I was saying no its fine. So we get in....... and its the RAPIDS :scared1:

Straight away, I get swept away and it is kind of fast and the current is strong. I got separated from my Mum and I can just hear her SCREAMING, "Oh, Natalie HELP me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help, Jesus, Help!!!!!!!!!!" really loud. I turn around to try to get to her and see her clinging on to the side getting tossed about, water flying over her head. I try to swim to her, I'm going "MUM!!!!!! I can't get to you!!!!!!!" and she's going, "NATALIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You should never have brought me on this. You should have known. How could you be so stupid?!!!!!" EVERYONE is looking at us :blush: . Then the lifeguard said, "Does she need help?" I said "Yeah, she thought it was the Lazy River :confused3 !" So he blows his whistle and jumps in, meanwhile, they turn the jets off and stop the rapids so it does actually become a Lazy River :rotfl: ironic, huh? I disappear round the corner as, I had to go round again, as he is rescuing my Mum, pulling her out the water to safety!!!!!!!!!!
So there I am, floating away and these teenagers are floating by me. One of them says, "Dude, why is this going so slow, it looked like it was faster before." So they asked the nearest lifeguard to make it go faster. The lifeguard replies, "Sorry, we had an emergency and had to turn it off. It should be back on in an HOUR or TWO :eek: " So EVERYONE starts to complain. Then this girl swims up and says, "Yeah, this lady got in and started having a heart attack because she was scared." Then everyone starts saying what kind of a stupid person gets into a rapids and then chickens out. Girl says, "Well, actually, her daughter told her it was the lazy river." :blush: At which point, I decide to swim by, unnoticed. Then I hear, "Dude, that's her daughter. That's the one that got the ride stopped for the next two hours!" How embarassed can you be? Especially when, as the water was slowed down, it took 20 minutes until I was able to get back to the exit!!!!!" Well, not as embarassed as my Mum. Apparently, the lifeguard was really struggling to get her out the water whilst everyone was watching (she was a little overweight at the time) and then when she was explaining what happened to my Dad............ her false teeth shot out of her mouth!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: What a family we are!!!::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::
:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: You had me cracking up about the comment you made over your Dad's order, but then when I read the waterpark story. I would have tried to sneak away also. have to see it from my eyes. My DH, DS and nephew are riding a very crowded bus home to OKW from MK at 2 am. Now, my DS was about 11 at the time...and he most little boys that age...that public flagulence was.....hilarious :confused3

Well, he must have let out a silent attack that night....

Keep in is 2 am...and very I cannot see them well....but it is what I hear that is so hysterical and....embarassing.....

DH...."Oh holy hell, what is that?"
DH looks at my 16 nephew...he has his t-shirt pulled up over his a makeshift gas-mask

Our Nephew points to DS who is acting innocent and ignoring them.

DH "Man, my eyes are watering!" Something must have crawled up him and died!" :headache:

DH...gaging...says to our nephew..."Why didn't you warn me?"

Nephew replies...."Dude, every man for himself."

Dude, I just peed my pants!

I`m serious

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Dam Typhoon Lagoon can get the best of us ..I swear..
So a few years back Mom and I took a vacay just ourselves down to WDW
and it was so hot we decided to go to Typhoon Lagoon. ( My Fave!) Anyways I love the wave pool and my mom does okay it in. But I talked her into moving deeper into the water so that she could feel the massive wave hit her. So were swimming in and my mom says " I think I am good here," and I say "come farther it will be fun". I think I should mention that my mom is only about 5 feet tall. So we go farther and she is basically up to her neck deep. And we looking around and you know that siren is gonna go off anytime. I swan a little farther but she was in eyesight.There were a few men around us and I just happen to notice them I am not sure why but One man had a leather Harley Davidson cap on and I thought that was odd in a big wave pool but anyways...So the siren goes off and you know this wave is gonna hit any minute and everyone is laughing and carrying on and SMACK the wave hits me and I lose sight of everything, I come up to the surface and I am laughing so hard and Look around for my mom and can't see her anywhere I am a little panic at this point so I yell Mom , Mom, and about 4 feet from me I see a tussel going on with one of the men but I can't really make it out so I swim closer and there is my mom caught between this guys legs coming up for air now wearing this gentlemans harley leather hat.....She was so embarassed I bust out laughing
and went over ...I was like how the heck did you get underneath that man........ so funny I will never forget that ...
Ok, this is not disney related, but I feel that if there was ever a time to dig up this repressed memory, this is it...

I was young, probably 6 or 7, and my family took a trip to our small, local zoo. Being a small zoo, there is really only one path you can take, so you end up walking the zoo with the same group of strangers from start to finish. One of the first couple cages has the monkeys. So we're standing around, checking them out, and I notice one of them, ummm... "entertaining himself." However, being young, naive and clueless, I shout "Look mom, that one's got a worm!"

Now my mom, being the semi-proper woman that she is, tries to quietly pull me away with little "yes dears" and "uh-huhs", but I won't let it go, and keep yelling, "No, look at that one! Do you see it! He caught a...hey, that's not a ...oh. Why is he doing that?"

Now, my mom tried to just rush ahead to the next animal, but the people who were within earshot kept catching up to us. Every single time, they would smirk and laugh when they saw me. I think I was beet-red the entire time. I get reminded of this every time I go back to a zoo with them. Or see a monkey on TV. Or someone makes reference to "monkeying around". Really any day ending in "y."
On my 40th birthday, January 2009, in the parking lot of Magic Kingdom, I took a nose dive. I tripped across the a parking median and fell in front of a tram full of people. Two weeks later, I'm still nursing the bruises, bumps and scraps that I managed to give myself. I can laugh now but it was not funny then. :lmao: At the mire thought of the incident, my husband goes into a laughing fit with tears and all.:rotfl2:
Dam Typhoon Lagoon can get the best of us ..I swear..
So a few years back Mom and I took a vacay just ourselves down to WDW
and it was so hot we decided to go to Typhoon Lagoon. ( My Fave!) Anyways I love the wave pool and my mom does okay it in. But I talked her into moving deeper into the water so that she could feel the massive wave hit her. So were swimming in and my mom says " I think I am good here," and I say "come farther it will be fun". I think I should mention that my mom is only about 5 feet tall. So we go farther and she is basically up to her neck deep. And we looking around and you know that siren is gonna go off anytime. I swan a little farther but she was in eyesight.There were a few men around us and I just happen to notice them I am not sure why but One man had a leather Harley Davidson cap on and I thought that was odd in a big wave pool but anyways...So the siren goes off and you know this wave is gonna hit any minute and everyone is laughing and carrying on and SMACK the wave hits me and I lose sight of everything, I come up to the surface and I am laughing so hard and Look around for my mom and can't see her anywhere I am a little panic at this point so I yell Mom , Mom, and about 4 feet from me I see a tussel going on with one of the men but I can't really make it out so I swim closer and there is my mom caught between this guys legs coming up for air now wearing this gentlemans harley leather hat.....She was so embarassed I bust out laughing
and went over ...I was like how the heck did you get underneath that man........ so funny I will never forget that ...

You captured this moment perfectly---I laughed out loud!
Ok, this is not disney related, but I feel that if there was ever a time to dig up this repressed memory, this is it...

I was young, probably 6 or 7, and my family took a trip to our small, local zoo. Being a small zoo, there is really only one path you can take, so you end up walking the zoo with the same group of strangers from start to finish. One of the first couple cages has the monkeys. So we're standing around, checking them out, and I notice one of them, ummm... "entertaining himself." However, being young, naive and clueless, I shout "Look mom, that one's got a worm!"

Now my mom, being the semi-proper woman that she is, tries to quietly pull me away with little "yes dears" and "uh-huhs", but I won't let it go, and keep yelling, "No, look at that one! Do you see it! He caught a...hey, that's not a ...oh. Why is he doing that?"

Now, my mom tried to just rush ahead to the next animal, but the people who were within earshot kept catching up to us. Every single time, they would smirk and laugh when they saw me. I think I was beet-red the entire time. I get reminded of this every time I go back to a zoo with them. Or see a monkey on TV. Or someone makes reference to "monkeying around". Really any day ending in "y."

MOnkey worms---oh my ---so, so funny! Did you figure things out before the end of your zoo trip that day?
I've been laughing my butt off at everyone else's stories, so I thought I'd better share mine. It's much tamer, but was still pretty embarassing!
My husband and I had season passes a few years ago and went to WDW constantly. We had walked into a shop on Main Street and were browsing side-by-side. I saw something I must have really liked,(don't remember what... humiliation induced amnesia!), grabbed hubby's arm and said," Oooh, honey! Isn't that cute?!?" ... And the charming British gent I had just manhandled replied, "It's lovely, darling." :eek: Now I look before I grab!!
This wasn't at Disney but it was a Halloween pumpkin farm. My wife walked up to "me" and being the touchy feely couple we are with each other, she proceeded to rub my behind. Surprise! It wasn't me! Boy was she embarrassed.:rotfl:
This isn't my story but my sisters (I was there though). It was in the early '90's (I was like 6 or 7), and during the entire trip my big sis was being a complete turd to everyone. So we were going to MGM, and back then they had some "Reven of the Nerd" type nerd streetmosphere characters at the entrance. Well, my dad, the goofball that he is, pulls one over and asks him to yell to my sis using her nickname. Now, that may not have been that bad, had her nickname not been the apt "booger bear". I remember laughing my behind off....the look on her face was soooo priceless.
This wasn't at Disney but it was a Halloween pumpkin farm. My wife walked up to "me" and being the touchy feely couple we are with each other, she proceeded to rub my behind. Surprise! It wasn't me! Boy was she embarrassed.:rotfl:

I have a Typhoon Lagoon story as well. It was awhile back, I was 15 years old, and I try not to think about it too much. Every Disney trip my family goes to Typhoon Lagoon (we love it there). Well, I'm not the best swimmer in the world (I still have to plug my nose when I go under water) and I prefer the little waves over the BIG wave, but every trip I put on a brave face for at least acouple of the BIG waves. So, my sister and I go into the wave pool for our first BIG wave, and I, of course am wearing a cheap two piece swimsuite, that I had my sister tie that morning. She must not have tied it very well because the first BIG wave comes, and it tosses and turns us all over the place, and the first thing I hear and see when my head comes out of the water is my sister pointing and laughing at me!! I look down and the BIG wave had snapped my top of my neck and it was laying on top of the water next to me!! I had never been so embarrassed!!! Now I just laugh, cause it was pretty funny, but then I was sooo mortified I didn't go back in the wave pool for the rest of the day!
My husband and I had season passes a few years ago and went to WDW constantly. We had walked into a shop on Main Street and were browsing side-by-side. I saw something I must have really liked,(don't remember what... humiliation induced amnesia!), grabbed hubby's arm and said," Oooh, honey! Isn't that cute?!?" ... And the charming British gent I had just manhandled replied, "It's lovely, darling." :eek: Now I look before I grab!!

This wasn't at Disney but it was a Halloween pumpkin farm. My wife walked up to "me" and being the touchy feely couple we are with each other, she proceeded to rub my behind. Surprise! It wasn't me! Boy was she embarrassed.:rotfl:

Good thing these both the wives... If some strange man came up and started rubbing my behind I would be pretty disturbed. Somehow I don't think the "oops, I thought you were my spouse" line would be quite as effective. :rotfl:

My DH almost made the mistake with my sister one year at Christmas. We were wearing the same color shirt and have similar hair. He walked up behind her and had his arm just about to grab her around the waist when he realized. :upsidedow The worst part was my sister is extremely shy and was embarassed that we were all laughing. She then walked in on him in the bathroom a few hours later (my parent's bathroom doesn't lock) and was completely mortified.
My DH let one fly on Star Tours. It smelled so bad!!! And the guy next to me was holding his nose lookign at me!
I could have kicked my DH right in the rear!:lmao:
OK, I'll share a couple stories to keep the thread going ... These are both from when I was a teen back in the 80s ... ahhh to be young and dumb again ... :upsidedow

Our high school band did a trip to WDW when I was 15 and we also played a concert somewhere in Orlando proper, maybe Old Town? We left the hotel in uniform and planned to change into street clothes for the rest of the evening. After performing, we went back to the buses to change, at which point I realized I hadn't grabbed a shirt from the motel! I had to wear a friend's jacket, buttoned all the way up, the rest of the night!

Related: A month or so later many of us from the WDW trip were playing another concert, at Knott's Berry Farm in CA. A group of friends and I went on some little ride that was similar to Winnie the Pooh, but with some really cheesy dinosaurs. We got bored in about 30 seconds and decided it would be more fun to sing the Figment song from the old "Journey into Imagination" ride at EPCOT. The ride attendant glared at us when we got off, but she didn't have a clue what/why we were singing.

If you remember the Imagination song, you'll now spend the rest of the night getting it out of your head, just like me!:rolleyes:

This is the best thread I think I've read so far! I know there has to be more funny stories out there! I haven't been to Disney in a while but I'm going for the college program I got accepted for quick service food and beverage and I've never had a real job before so I'm sure I'll be posting on this thread soon! :)
This happened a long time ago, in the 70's, when River County was open. My wife does not swim, but there was a flume ride in River Country that was somewhat calm and she agreed to do it.

Well, about half way down she lost the top of her two piece, (they had two piece bathing suites back then too) and did not realize it until she was getting out of the pool. She was horrified as River Country was pretty full that day.

She quickly turned around and found the top and put it on. Several guests saw most of the incident and were very amused and appreciative of the sight.

Latter that day DW was doing laundry and overhear others talking about the incident. She was still embarrassed and did not participate in the conversation. DW did not go to River Country any more on that trip.


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