I've had several, but one of the recent ones happened this past summer.
Some friends of my parents invited our family to a play after church. Their daughter was one of the lead roles (this also happens to be my best friend's sister). It just so happened, that we had plans to go down to my brother's that day as well, but decided that we could fit the play in provided we left IMMEDIATELY after it was over. Knowing my friend as I do, I made sure to let her know that we would need to leave AS SOON AS the curtains closed. So, we sat through the play, the curtains closed, the house lights came up, and I got up to leave before anyone, anywhere, anyhow started any form of conversing. My mom said, "Is it over?". I said "yes", and we started towards the door. My dad had to stop at the little boy's room, so my mom and I stood at the doors waiting. Katie came by and commented about us leaving.... something to the effect "Oh, you're leaving already?" Having hung out with her for most of my life, I know that she can be somewhat "judgemental" at times, so I just said "yes, we're going to be late already." She shrugged, wished us a good time and left. Then her mom came by.... "Oh, I didn't know you weren't going to be able to stay for both acts, I'd have waited until next week to invite you." THERE'S ANOTHER ACT????
My dad looks at my mom, my mom looks at me..... I look at my shoes. They are not to blame however, so I am forced to look up..... way up, as I have now shrunk and am quite sure I resemble a small red ant. I wish I was an ant..... maybe then someone would accidentally step on me and put me out of my misery!! My face is getting warm.... very warm.... approaching hot. I giggle.... did you have any other suggestions as to how to escape with any dignity??? We gather up our stuff, return to our seats, and while I attempt to remain anonymous (all of the sudden becoming as inconspicuous as Goliath), my mom explains to everyone we have said goodbye to exactly why we are back, and yes, my name was mentioned (several times as I recall). I didn't even enjoy the rest of the play, by the way.....