MK crowd question

riu girl

DIS Veteran
Jul 8, 2004
Which day do you think will be the LEAST busy at MK:
Mon. Dec. 20 or
Tues Dec. 21

Just fine tuning my itinerary and thinking about making some changes. I assume the Mon. will be busier , but if so, how much busier then Tues???

I have read that the day after EMH day is not so busy (Monday) but have also read that MK is busy on Monday since so many people travel on Sunday and start their park touring on Monday. Basically, I am confused.

Any suggestions would be great.
Thank you
Suzy V.
Tuesday...A lot of people might make it a longer weekend and make monday the final day and tuesday their travel day.
I vote for tuesday too, monday is traditionally a more crowded day at MK no matter what season.... :flower1:
I was there last year on those dates. The 21st was busier. It seemed that as you got closer to christmas the park got more crowded. Our last full day on the 23rd was crazy in the MK, we had to leave by 12:00 pm
Go Monday . We have made 7 visits around Christmas. The closer you get the more the crowded it will be. We will be making a very short 2 day visit and we be at MK on 12/23.
Thanks for all the tips everyone.

Anybody else have anything to add???

Suzy V. :cloud9:


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