Mickey or Minnie Earrings - Where Can I find them?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=aqua>I paid $300 back i
Jul 3, 2000
I would love to pick up dd a pair of either mickey or minnie small gold post earrings. She is 1 1/2. Any suggestions where to buy them from or order online. I wuld like to pick them up before out trip on 3/23.
I have seen whole sets of small childrens earrings with Mickey and other characters at the Disney Store..small enough for a child to wear. I myself have a box of Disney earrings I wear from the Disney store..hope this helps :) :) :)


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Get to purchase them before you arrive, that would be a fun thing to go do on the day that you arrive. One of the gift shops in the Contemporary sells them. (At least they used to) You could do some sight seeing, and buy earrings at the same time. Remember that the Contemp. is a monorail resort, so you could take the trip on the monorail and if you aren't in too much of a hurry, you might ask to wait to ride in the front of the monorail. What a great start to your magical vacation :)

I got a pair of birthstone Mickey icon earrings at a stand in Disney Studios. They had them in a couple of different sizes. Just be careful though...my birthstone fell out within a couple months of being home. My daughter, who was 5 at the time, got the same earrings and hers are still intact!

Sending a little pixie dust your way to brighten up your day!


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