Bill and Ted were always on the top of my list no matter how awful they stunk up the show

Yep, we always watched it......and it wasn`t completely dreadful......I just missed the humour and satire from the earliest of years we were watching it.

And yes, I do absolutley wish they`d bring it back......::yes::
2019 is looking good! Some really fun IPs, and love the SAs! I am determined we will make it to HHN soon. It was supposed to be this year, we would have been there now...but I'm sure it will be quite awesome when they are able to get back to full speed. Maybe even supercharged next year?!
2019 is looking good! Some really fun IPs, and love the SAs! I am determined we will make it to HHN soon. It was supposed to be this year, we would have been there now...but I'm sure it will be quite awesome when they are able to get back to full speed. Maybe even supercharged next year?!

Yes, there were some fun houses this year and we did have a blast every was so busy though, we were so glad of EP! I do think next year will be tremendous......mobbed, but tremendous!

Oh I know, what a shame you missed out this year for HHN.....I hope our dates align for next year.......:cheer2:
Anything 80s would be fun in my book!!
Prince, MJ and Freddie....a dream come true :love:

The 80`s was so much fun!!! I miss the clothes, the colours, the music....although Kyle complains that`s all I listen to at times.....80`s

Meeting those three "heroes" was hilarious and they were brilliant. The picture didn`t turn out good though....and Prince was hard to catch as he kind of shimmied around without stopping too often........Freddie and Michael were brilliant though ::yes::
We headed back round to the Chucky zone to see if it was better, but we decided it wasn`t for us at all.

But, they did have some beautiful picture ops in the Harvest area.......the old deserted shed looked gorgeous at night........I told Tom I heard something like voices coming from inside if you listened carefully.....he didn`t hear anything, but it is incredibly noisy all around the parks at night.





We had a quick wander through Central Park where The Harvest was based and it was such a cool zone......



I don`t think we captured the pumpkins lit up in the trees very well, but they were beautifully done and many do believe they should be made put that kind of display up every year. It`s stunning to see and very atmospheric as you walk through the zones.






This little ghost spooked me twice tonight.....once I was actually looking at her at the time......she lunged forward but it was kinda slow and deliberate at the same time.


We did The Scarecrow house again tonight and it was excellent, regular line was 55 minutes and we were in th ehouse with the walk, within 10 minutes. Then we decided to head to Stranger Things.....the regular line was over 100 minutes and the EP liine was too long for was boiling hot again tonight and we just couldn`t be frazzled waiting in line for it. We`d be back Sunday night would do it then.

We did walk back through the Chucky scare zone to see if it was better.

It wasn`t. Although this soldier guy made me yelp a few times......he was one who would come up and hiss in your ear and when you don`t expect


This young lady played a beautiful cyborg ballerina and she is a well known SA. She doesn`t have her right hand and she is brilliant...really knows how to work a crowd.

It was a shame to read someone had thrown a cup of liquid over her later in the event.......hard to imagine someone thought that was funny. Morons. There`s always someone out to spoil the party for others.


This guy was weird.......I thought he was an over-enthusiastic guest at one point.....but, he was indeed a SA.......very exuberant SA.


At this point we headed out the park, but we were looking forward to the next night where we planned to do ST once and for all.
The next night we went it was the Sunday, we usually miss Saturdays as they are so busy, although every night seemed to be busy this year......I blamed Michael Myers of course.......he certainly was a massive draw crowd wise.

Over the last few years they had started doing an extra called Scareactor dining was held in the Monsters Cafe and was something you had to book a day and time, you couldn`t just turn up.

We hadn`t planned to do it, as the reviews were mostly awful. Food was mediocre at best and served buffet/cafeteria style on plastic plates which didn`t appeal, but the attraction was the SA who made an appearance through the meal and you could get pictures with them.

I don`t think I`m particularly hard to please food wise, so it wasn`t that reason I felt it was was just poor. Just serve good food that is warm when it`s supposed to be.

A very good friend of ours gifted this event to us this year. I had no clue as it was a surprise for my birthday, so Tom had to book the thing without me finding a mean feat!!! But, with help, he did it and I had no clue.

However, it wasn`t the best was dreadful and cold, SA were minimal and some we didn`t have a clue who they were, as soon as we sat down we were told we could leave and some of the houses would be open for us....not true......we left to go to one house and were told it was closed but the manager lady told us to go round to the front of the park and get a map with the times.....we never picked up one of them but decided to go get one where we were yelled at by another manager who was obviously very stressed and completely lost the plot with us. It got to the point it was laughable how bad the whole evening was at this think what made the manager more angry was we remained calm as he yelled at not to respond to folks like that.

The SA thing was the main source of contention. There were none of the main houses Stranger things characters which several tables around us were anxiously awaiting, no poltergeist characters, and more importantly for Michael Myers!!!! He was the main draw this year and they didn`t have a SA at the SA dining.

There was a witch, she was from Scary Tales, but as we hadn`t seen this house yet, we had no clue who she was. A vampire who was excellent, there was a guy running around in a white coat, I thought he was a mad scientist or doctor, maybe even Doc Brown from Back to the Future.......he was actually Dr Frankenstein??

Little Sam was excellent......and there was a lady with a green dress draped around her like a toga and a mask.....we had no idea who she was supposed to be......Lady Liberty apparently.

The table behind us asked us if they had missed the Happy Death Day Characters....I said no, hadn`t seen them yet.

Took us a while but we got there in the end that the characters we had seen.....were all there were. Tom went up and asked one of the TM when Michael Myers was coming out and the man from beside us asked where the ST charcters were......she rather quietly said there weren`t of those characters going to be here.

To say we were disappointed was an understatement. But, it was a one and done and we were very grateful for the gift, I was just disappointed the whole experience hadn`t been better, especially as it had been a gift. It`s something we will never book again.

We did take a few pictures, but it just wasn`t a whole lot of fun.........


Before we got yelled at by stressed guy.....Tom managed to snap a picture of the hordes of horror fans waiting to enter the park.

You can do the Stay & Scream if you are already in the park, we had done that a few times in previous years, but it`s a waste of time for us as we can go so often so it`s not necessary. But, it`s ideal if you only have one or two nights as it does give you a slight head start on the crowds pictured below.


Once we had been escorted by Irate manager we wandered down to Stranger Things and the line was already at 105 minutes before the gates had been opened tonight.........but we wanted to do it, so we headed into the EP line and it took around 20 minutes to get inside, which wasn`t too bad considering the regular line.


This house was both excellent and disappointing.

It was very true to the TV series and the characters and scenes were very recognisable, but there were many scenes where they had used dummies instead of we were disappointed in that part, but it was a good house, although we would never wait anywhere near the amount of time they were quoting....for any house.

When we came back out the line was now 150 minutes!

And this is where folks who say you can do fine without EP aren`t always correct. This is early in the season and deemed to be quieter than later into October which is peak time. These lines were horrendous this year.


We wandered backwards to do my favourite house, Halloween.

The regular line this early on a Sunday was around 50 minutes, we were in and out in no time. And this house was especially good tonight. We had seen the "Michaels" go in earlier in their hooded cloaks.......quite the sight to see and in the dark it was quite creepy to see the line of SA in their black hooded cloaks wandering in line either in or out of a house when the groups change for the next set of SA.

So, I left this house happy as I had a lot of scares and therefore Tom got a load of laughs all at my expense.

Going through Chucky was a non event again was just dull, but to be fair, it was a very popular zone....just not for us.

We wandered back down to the beautiful scary shed area again.......



Getting pictures of the characters was so easy when it`s still light......


I said to Tom I thought this SA had tried to attract our attention.....but Tom said I was imagining it.......I wasn`t so sure.........:scratchin





We were headed round to Seeds of Extinction which is one I wasn`t really looking forward to as the theme just didn`t appeal. Anything that involves post-apocalyptic wasteland where the human race has been wiped out.......not for me.



And I really didn`t like this house at all. Tom thought it was ok, and when we spoke to our friend at the hotel later, he had loved strokes.

I hated the drips of water falling from above on us......and it was just a big mish mash of green....that`s my memory of the did have an angled floor which we liked, but I hadn`t expected to like this one a whole lot, and it wasn`t worth the walk at all as this one was another long walk!! And this heat this year was draining us......

Next up was Trick`r`Treat. This house was part of the scare zones last year, and I think most folk guessed it would be a house this year.......the film is a lot of fun and had a few jumps in it.......we were both looking forward to this one. But, it was double the walk as we had to come out of the last house, walk all the way back up and then all the way back down for this one. One woman commented they should have added in walking time for the line! It was long. The EP line merged with the regular line near the entrance which annoyed some folks behind us........they were being over the top, the rest of the folks in the regular line of an hour had more to complain about.


It was excellent. We loved this house and the scares started as soon as we got in the many scares and I got everyone of them!! Although I did hear Tom get a massive fright at one point........


We had the huge long walk back up to the next house, only stopping to each down a bottle of water each in around 10 was so hot.

Slaughter Sinema was so much fun! It was original and very funny and best of all we walked on in wait whatsoever. I didn`t notice what the regular line was. But this was a house we`d do again and again.


We passed by Dead Exposure. I don`t have epilepsy or anything like that, but I do find strobe lighting can affect my equilibrium and knocks me for a while, so missing it wasn`t an issue for us. The smoke effect in this house also irritated my eyes like never before, it was completely over the top. Blumhouse was up next and this we again, walked straight on with no wait.....

Happy Death Day and The Purge seemed a strange mix to do in a house, but, it was alright. Purge was boring us to tears, and HDD was ok. I was glad we didn`t stand for 45 minutes to get in to this one.


We wanted to do Academy of Villains.......and it was a good excuse to sit down for a while......but this place is an oven!!! The fans weren`t doing their jobs and it was so hot.......and the show for us wasn`t as good as the first year. That show was so energetic and innovative, but this one didn`t appeal to us at all. This was a one and done for us.


One of the joys af HHN now, is the Potter area is open. JK Rowling had finally agreed it could be opened up while the event was on.

Many who hadn`t been to Universal since Potter opened used this event as an excuse to see Diagon Alley........and they loved it from what we saw.

It was a lovely cooler area to take a break in before heading around the park, and we love the Potter areas at night.







We did plan to go to Finnegans for water and a cocktail, but the line to get into Finnegans was huge!!! We had already stopped off just before Lombards for water, so we bought a cocktail each from the bar they had set up. It`s tradition to buy their signature cocktails every year.......with the souvenir glass of course!

The cocktails aren`t the best.......but you have to. And I think they have got weaker over the years......


We enjoyed the Vamp zone for a while, then did Scary Tales which was a fabulous house and some spectacular scenes within the house which some folks missed unbelievably.....I had said to a few folks about the witch at the beginning flying, and they hadn`t seen was very good.

We did Poltergeist again, and the rain was missing from the start and several of the main scenes were missing this time. It didn`t detract from the house but you did notice the gaps.

It was time for us to turn into pumpkins and head out the park now.....we were whooped!!! We were boiling hot and it showed.....

But, first we stopped in the Universal store where the theme was all about Stranger Things......all the arcade games were set out....not my thing either.



And of course the main man of the evening........


More to follow.......
We’re you there the year that blood bags were being sold?
Such a gimmick but I always had to buy one that first year it started
We’re you there the year that blood bags were being sold?
Such a gimmick but I always had to buy one that first year it started

Yep, we had them.....complete gimmick as you said, and not that nice.....but we had to buy them!!!
One of the best additions to HHN over recent years has been the Tribute Store to the side of The Mummy. The theming has been improving since the first year and was just getting better and better, it was a lot of fun to walk through and see the displays they had on offer. And the TM`s who worked in there were very keen to chat about the dispays and where they came from if folks weren`t familiar with certain movies.




And another chance to purchase the magnificent merchandise that was on offer.


And of course another wander round our favourite scare zone.












Our next visit was a Wednesday and we went in a little bit later tonight, and it was a quietish evening. Wednesdays are recognised as being a quiet night, but this hadn`t proved correct every Wednesday. In other years we had some mobbed midweek visits. But, tonight wasn`t too bad.


We went straight to Halloween tonight and the line was 60 minutes which meant less than 5 minutes for us in the EP line......and tonight they had added some more michael`s......just when I thought I`d memorised where they all were!!

Tonight for Tom it was extra of the Michael`s popped out on me, I screamed, stopped screaming and started screaming again as he did the head tilt on me........he said it was hilarious......for him maybe!!! When we walked out of the house tonight, a man behind Tom told him I was the best person ever to follow in a to be of use!!!

It was brilliant though, we really enjoyed the house tonight as there was a large gap in front of us, so it was just me at the front......ideal victim I think.

Vamp55 time for us........we loved this zone!!! And tonight I danced with Cyndi Lauper and Freddie.......Tom was off taking pictures elsewhere........


I found my favourite Freddie again.......he was soooooo much better than the other guy........

Tonight did seem a lot less busy which was wonderful for us as we got a lot of time with SA and some nice pictures.



Tom had found the biker guys again.......they really were happy to stop for pictures and character of course........


We went on to do Poltergeist, Carnival Graveyard and Scary Tales tonight. Poltergeist was a big disappointment tonight, not only was the rain missing at the beginning, the very cold chill was gone too and there was no atmsphere as you walked in. There were also several main parts of the house missing, including the giant scary doll clown.......

Carnival Graveyard was a miss with scares tonight, but it meant we got to have a good look at some of the scenes we hadn`t observed properly up till tonight.

Scary Tales was excellent and was well up there as one of our favourites.

The food was one thing we never really tried this year. We had been told Benny`s Burgers were very good, but if I`m going to have a burger I can get them in places I know I like them. We did try the pizza fries, but ours weren`t good and we put them in the trash. I think they have improved since then as friends got them last year and enjoyed them. But, from Louie`s they were not nice.

Once we had enjoyed another wander through The Harvest area again, we were ready to leave. We had decided to do the houses at the front end of the park tonight......and glad we had as we had felt it was less rushed than trying to do the back end of the park too....that was a lot of walking and one of the many reasons we love the Rush of Fear ticket......we could go back and do any we missed if it got too busy or too hot........





More to come.......
Your pictures are so clear......and great.

Thanks mac.......I`ll pass it on again to Tom. He is responsible for around 95% of our pictures. If they`re blurry, or look as if they`ve been taken by a phone......they`re usually mine :blush:
We were at Universal that year for Lindsey's birthday with grandma, girls trip!
It was really neat seeing the daytime decorations, especially the hanging pumpkins.
No HHN of chickens, lol!

It's amazing to see the crowds at the gate, wow! Strangely it didn't feel overly crowded at RPR or the parks during the day....maybe everyone sleeps in after those long nights?
There`s a couple of nights images in this post.........


We passed by Halloween as we wanted to do it later tonight so went down to do Stranger Things. Poltergeist and Scary Tales. ST had a long line but we were in the house in 5 minutes, this was poor tonight for many reasons. Poltergeist again had no big excavation facade working at the beginning which was disappointing and the same throughout the house.

Scary Tales was showing as 75 minutes, so we lined up expecting to wait maybe 15 minutes or less. We noticed the lines weren`t moving at all, and again turned out there had been an incident of a SA being hurt by a guest. Someone said it had been a child hurt or badly scared, but whatever it was we waited an extra 15 minutes or so which for us was a long time.......the house was worth it tonight though.



Some may remember a previous night I thought one of the SA was trying to get my attention.......well, he was...very casually of course so not to break character. Well tonight I had asked that same person if we could get a picture.........we have been accused of being too polite at times, but I always ask if it`s ok.......but as Tom took the picture.....I looked again at the SA and we did indeed know him!!!! I knew he had tried to get our attention the previous night.

It`s so funny when you recognise someone.....although, in all honesty you`d never guess it was him. The make up was phenomenal. He completely stayed in character though.








We wandered round to Trick`r`Treat and saw the tag team of SA swap over......I still think those black hooded cloaks look very creepy.

The house was a walk on after the SA swapped over, and we got to take our time tonight with walking through the was super. Apart from the walk.....jeez it was a long walk in this heat......


We slowly walked back to Vamp55 and had a blast there tonight. We had missed the Thriller dance on stage tonight.......but the atmosphere was electric tonight and we stayed here much longer than we planned......


This guy made the best photobomber.......I was right behind him and he just jumped in front of a good photobomber......:rolleyes1


It was busier tonight, but it still wasn`t too late as we tended to be early birds at HHN. We never do a full night from open to close......and one of the reasons we never do a RIP tour....although macraven is slowly working on us taking one of those one year......she describes them so well and always tells me how fabulous they are.


I found Prince again tonight!!!





We did try Chucky.....again......nope. There were some good SA around this zone though so I do feel bad for knocking the whole zone......they are always amazing.



We headed out the park but before we left, we did Halloween. The line showed 75 minutes, but we actually walked on without stopping tonight.....and again, this house reigned supreme for many scares and Tom just laughed all the way did I. This may not have been the best of the houses this year, butit worked for me. Halloween 4 isn`t a brilliant movie and the house did as best as it could, but didn`t beat the first house a few years ago based on the first movie.
This wound up being our last night at HHN this trip. We had planned to go on the weekends, but we moved over to Sapphire Falls for the last 4 nights and our lovely friend had arranged for us to have one of the Hospitality Suites that had a balcony.....yep, so we made the most of it and ended up not leaving it for HHN after all........not a bad reason to miss it.

One of the zones I was really convinced I`d hate was Killer Klowns........and at first they din`t quite work for me.....but over the nights we had walked through it, I grew to really appreciate them and the humour they was a fun zone.





We always ended up in the Vamp55 zone though........this really did capture our hearts this year......




(sorry for the poor quality)








HHN 2018 had been a fabulous year for fun and scares too. They had managed the perfect storm of houses, with the odd dud in there too......but even the poorer houses you could still appreciate the SA including the costumes and make up were phenomenal as they are every year.

The standard of SA just keeps getting better every year. They do an amazing job and we love to see them year after year....

To put them into favourites is quite easy this year.........

Scare Zones........

1. Easily.......Vamp55. This was a classic zone with a 1980`s theme.......amazing!

2. Twisted Tradition.......another amazing zone with the best SA and costumes.

3. The Harvest.......

4. Killer grew on us.

5. Chucky.......dreadful.

Houses were a tough one to choose which was best........

1. Scary Tales....I think I was surprised how much we enjoyed this house, and to knock Halloween off the top took something rather special. This house had it all.

2. Carnival Graveyard. Yep, another one that surprised us with just how good this one was.....

3. Trick`r`Treat.....just so much fun!

4. Halloween......amazing. The Michael`s were top notch. Truly captured him to a tee.....the house itself lacked something. Maybe as the movie was so poor it was hard to emulate into a house. But, it was my favourite for scares.

5. Poltergeist. Although there were a lot of scenes missing from this house, it was still so much fun as all the scenes were so recognisable.

6. Slaughter Sinema......pure fun and a lot of scares and laughs along the way.

7. Blumhouse.....half of it was fairly decent, the other half was poor.

8. Stranger Things was disappointing as a whole. Some good points, but the use of dummies where it should have been real people was poor.

9. Dead Exposure.......this wasn`t the worst house, but the strobe lighting and acrid smoke effect was horrible.

10. Seeds of Extinction. Hated

It was a brilliant event though and we loved every second of this year.......

We had several meets this year not all during HHN. But, we had one meet with macraven and robo before HHN one night and we completely forgot to take a picture!!! But, we can rectify that in the was so nice to catch up albeit briefly.

Thankfully we managed to meet up with mr and mrs keishashadow again. We had a lovely lunch with them at Amatista before they moved over to Disney.....we were glad we could manage to align dates. And it was a lovely meet too.


AussieBritTraveller, or Matt and Rob we had met briefly a few years before. We had kept in touch with them over the next year or so and again managed to co-ordinate a meet together one evening. We had planned to go to Jake`s, but a convention crowd had overtaken the bar so it was nicer up in Orchids.


And we met Vicky and Monyk for drinks in Confisco Grill one lunchtime.....again, managing to get together at a time that suits all is sometimes hard to do, but we managed at least a couple of drinks, and very nice it was too.


Next up........2019........hope you`ve enjoyed our little revisit of 2018!!
We were at Universal that year for Lindsey's birthday with grandma, girls trip!
It was really neat seeing the daytime decorations, especially the hanging pumpkins.
No HHN of chickens, lol!

It's amazing to see the crowds at the gate, wow! Strangely it didn't feel overly crowded at RPR or the parks during the day....maybe everyone sleeps in after those long nights?

I forgot you were there!!! Didn`t you share a picture of your Disney outfits?? It was cute if I remember correctly.

Yes, crowds during the day are or were still light. Sadly I think the September being quiet secret is out......and it`s got steadily busier over the years in September.

Back in 07/08 it was so quiet, even at Disney back then......I miss those quiet


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