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It's going to be so hard to sit through work tomorrow night....Fridays are either extremely busy or really slow....There's not usually an in between.....I'm going to be bouncing all over the place. :sulley:




Here is a list of people staying at POP that check in NEXT WEEK! :woohoo: Looks like a popular place!!!

DonaldTutter 5/8-5/15 POP!
LittleMermaidsMom 5/9-5/20 POP!
Aliisa 5/11-5/18 POP!
AllStarMVP 5/11-? POP!
Sherriczyz 5/11-5/14 POP!
Arikababy 5/12-5/19 POP!
DisneyMommyMichelle 5/12-5/19 POP!
HollyB 5/12-5/19 POP!
LakeHead92 5/12-5/19 POP!
LarryAndWendyInNC 5/12-5/19 POP!
MarcyInPa 5/12-5/19 POP!
Mom22Boys 5/12-5/19 POP!
NewCrew42 5/12-5/20 POP!
KatieBell 5/13-5/19 POP!
PtrBryant 5/13-5/21 VWL/POP
ShannonH 5/13-5/18 POP!

Wow...there are a lot of us there. Hopefully I will run into a few of you here and there. Ill be looking for those little yellow button everywhere...:snooty:
Hi everyone. Just spent 6 hours in emergency dealing with another kidney stone attack. Fortunately, it has passed into the bladder and I should be ready to give birth soon. Morphine and Vicadin are here to help me through my upcoming labor.
Other than some soreness and nausea this has not been that bad.

I will let you all know when the new addition to our family has come!

Aw Seacrest! :sad1: As you well know, my DH just went through this, too. I am so sorry, because I know this is just miserable! Pixiedust pixiedust: and prayers that you recover very quickly!!!

Is Katiebell really Tinkerbell? Will anyone spot her in the parks? :tinker:

Uh, just think of me as Tink's much taller, much curvier, much older sister, with curly brown hair :rotfl2:

OMG...I did it I was post 8000


And I owe it all to you Mayers!

Yeah for 8000 and 500!!! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2:

Parents of toddlers:
Have any of you ever used the dreaded "toddler leash" for your dc?
I was always one of those moms who said I never would, but.....Isabella runs away. ALOT. And hides. And it scares the heck out of me and I don't know if she is going to want to stay in her stroller at wdw like she did last time.
So if you have used them before - what did you think? Did your dc seem to mind it? Did you get any dirty looks / comments?

Hon, just do what you think is best for your little one to keep her safe and sound and don't worry about anyone else. I broke down and bought one for my oldest when he was 2 1/2. We were at Marine World, and I had to stop to nurse his infant brother, when Erik decided to climb out of his stroller and throw himself head first into the rows below us (we were in bleachers, waiting for the killer whale show, I think). Don't know what he thought he was doing, crowd surfing maybe? :eek: :laughing: Thank goodness some quick thinking people below us caught him and kept us from having to rush him to the hospital! :scared1: So that was it, I went out and bought a little yellow vest thing that had a mama duck and baby ducks on it, and the words "Stay Close", and yeah, it had a little leash thing that attached to the back of it. We only used it as a precaution when we were at big overwhelming places (didn't know when he was so little that he had ADHD, didn't even know what it was!) that would encourage him to run or wander if we looked away for a moment -- not like we used it to take him on daily walks :lmao: And you watch your little ones the best you can, but the more you have, the more spread out your attention is -- and unfortunately, moms only have two eyes (not counting the extra set in the backs of our heads :laughing:) So, you do what's best for your child, and don't worry about what anyone else says. :hug: BTW, my sons are now 23 (in the Air Force, guess the leash didn't traumatize him too bad), 21 (working full time, part time college at night, has an adorable girlfriend :teeth:), and 16 (makes me crazy over getting him to do his homework, but he's smart, and funny, and kind, and one of the most accepting and non-judgemental people I've ever had the privilege to know).

By the time I'll get home from work it'll be one day!!!! And when I get home from work tomorrow, it'll be NO DAYS!!

YAY SULLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rainbow: :sulley: :stitch: :dumbo: :ccat: :tigger: :goofy: Tell 'em all I said "hi" and I'll see them next week!!!
Mornin MAYers!

Hum, how many bananas are a' dancin' this mornin????

FIVE??????? REALLY???????


:banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana:

I have used the leashes before on a few occasions for DS. In big places like NYC when Belle was a newborn and we were there for the Thanksgiving Day parade with thousands of other people. I have taken them to WDW before and used them on Belle when she wanted to get out to walk.

Honestly, they both loved it. It made them feel like they had some freedom from Mom...they are so used to having to hold hands with an adult all the time. Belle actually asked for it once.:)

As for people giving you looks or comments, may be my personality the Wicked Queen coming out, but I love to enlighten those that dare to look sideways at me. When they carry a child for 9 months , go through 8 hours of labor with it only to bring it home and have to raise it for many years, wiping their noses and their butts, THEN, THEY can do whatever they want to with THEIR child. It's no one's business what you do. At least you care enough to keep them safe.:)

I have seen so many parents not paying one bit of attention to their children while we're there, and it scares me to death.

So, yes, please use them. You will actually have many people say that they wished they had brought one for their child because they are driving them crazy, trying to keep up with them.

I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me start your day for you with a bounce.............

:mickeyjum :tigger: :sulley: :sulley: :ccat: :donald: :Pinkbounc :ccat: :mickeyjum


Okay, went a teeny bit overboard with the exclamations, but dang! She's going!!!!

:sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :sulley: :mickeyjum
Good morning!
looks like the mayers were busy last night- i read through about 12 pages to catch up.

and i loved the new mays of our lives edition!

Good Morning Guys!!

I am a single digit gal now!! Woo Hoo!!

Gotta run. I am leaving work now! Going home. Gotta love working part time. :banana:
morning all! I am getting excited - whooo hooo....going to try and clean house and finish up laundry so when we leave next weekend the house will be clean!
Hey all,

I just cleaned up the house so when my mom comes over to watch the girls tonight. She doesnt feel the need to clean my house. Does anyone elses mom do that? LOL

Dh is home today and is mowing the lawn and then I am off to get my nails done and later straighten my hair(which takes about and hour). UGH

I will try to remember to take a pic of my and dh all dolled up for tonight. I told him we should skip the function tonight and go see spiderman3. He wants to see it so bad but I dont know when we will be able to see it.
hahahah it really wasn't that big of a feat for me, all the clothes and shoes are brand new even the bathing suits, so i didn't have to worry about them wearing anything :laughing: All i had to do was toss it all into the suitcase (but folded neatly or DH would just re-do it later!!)
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