MAW/Big Give Album 2013 - SEE UPDATE POST #229 - new BG family!

If it works for you to wait til closer to August I will do that so I can finish the cards and mail them at the same time. Thanks for being flexible.

If it works for you to wait til closer to August I will do that so I can finish the cards and mail them at the same time. Thanks for being flexible.


sounds good!

I can finish this week. I just need to motivate myself, having a little lost scrapbooking mojo.

no problem...please wait until closer to 8/1 to mail!

I am changing the due date to 8/10, that way my PO won't misplace any of the boxes during our trip!
sorry for not responding sooner. I do have my pages done. I just haven't made it to the PO. But, since you've moved the due date, I'll wait to mail them so that I can include the cards as well!
sorry for not responding sooner. I do have my pages done. I just haven't made it to the PO. But, since you've moved the due date, I'll wait to mail them so that I can include the cards as well!

no problem Stephanie~! sounds like a good idea to save postage!
Hi Lisa, I was going to mail (have the cards too) but then I saw your update. Do you want me to wait even thought shipping sometimes takes long from here?
Hi Lisa, I was going to mail (have the cards too) but then I saw your update. Do you want me to wait even thought shipping sometimes takes long from here?

Tracy, think I'd rather you wait a bit, maybe send it in a week or so just to be on the safe side. let me know when you do send it!

thanks again for joining both the swaps!
Sandy, love all your pages!!!! so cute!

we are home ladies! please update me with your status and if you are going to make the 8/10 shipping date!
Pages are finished and I am trying to finish cards so I can ship everything at the same time. I may be shipping by Saturday, but just found out my great-aunt passed away this morning and I am not sure when the funeral will be and that may throw a wrench in my plan. At the latest I will mail them out early next week. Hope that is okay. Sorry for all the trouble.
Have the pages finished, working on cards and will ship by 8/10.

thanks for the update Anne! but I already have your pages LOL, had to go back and check! if you need more time for the cards they aren't due until 10/1

Pages are finished and I am trying to finish cards so I can ship everything at the same time. I may be shipping by Saturday, but just found out my great-aunt passed away this morning and I am not sure when the funeral will be and that may throw a wrench in my plan. At the latest I will mail them out early next week. Hope that is okay. Sorry for all the trouble.

sorry to hear about your great-aunt :hug:
next week is fine, family always comes first!
Tracy got your package! love your pages!!!!
thanks again for joining in!
I will mail the pages to you tomorrow. I'd hoped to get the cards done to go with them, but I just haven't been able to get them done so will be sending those to you separately later on!

I will mail the pages to you tomorrow. I'd hoped to get the cards done to go with them, but I just haven't been able to get them done so will be sending those to you separately later on!


thanks for the update Stephanie! no problem on the cards, still have a couple of months!

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