Mask mandates being lifted in some places

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I saw a video by the WHO director who said that masks are causing infections now. He didn't say whether they were just skin related or lung related. He did say it is time to put the masks away, they ae not needed. Who knows if he is right or wrong? Confusing contradictory stuff being put out all the time!

I think the CDC director is saying don't wear N95 masks. kN95 is another thing.

Dr. Walensky, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci, are still saying people should wear a mask, but say the general public doesn't need to wear the N95 ones because they're uncomfortable and hard to breathe in.
I have been seeing a lot of posts here and on social media about how of course the information about covid and masks keeps changing because they are still learning about COVID. These posts are usually in response to people saying they aren't sure if masks are still needed or not because the mandates keep changing and are also usually referring to media manipulation. The odd thing to me is that people act like those two things are mutually exclusive. You can absolutely have both. Of course they are still learning about COVID. I think we will be learning about COVID for many years to come. I also expect there is also some manipulation to keep people wearing masks. (There was in the beginning so why wouldn't there be now? I am referring to when they were initially saying we didn't need to wear masks to keep available supplies for medical personnel.) I mean, let's say they come out and say if you have been vaccinated, you don't need to wear a mask. But then you also have a large number of people that will use that as an excuse to not continue to wear a mask even though they haven't been vaccinated. I mean unless you go around asking everyone, you wouldn't know who was who. (And who would have the authority-what a nightmare!) So why wouldn't the powers that be regarding COVID say that we still need to wear a mask after vaccination, even if it was proven (and I am not saying it has) to not spread from those that have been vaccinated. I fully expect they will say masks are needed until a large percentage of the population has been vaccinated. To me the question isn't really "science" vs "science deniers", but really is the manipulation worth it?
Minimum 19.5% oxygen. CO2, maximum levels over an 8 hour exposure is 0.5%. 3% for 10 minute exposure.

The past 2 weeks we've had an ambulance in the plant twice from people passing out. Our manufacturing environment is consistently 20.2% and 0.2% for CO2. I just realized the meter doesn't show units. That would also be in percentages.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans runs between 19.5 and 23.5 percent.

Serious side effects can occur if the oxygen levels drop outside the safe zone. When oxygen concentrations drop from 19.5 to 16 percent, and you engage in physical activity, your cells fail to receive the oxygen needed to function correctly. Mental functions become impaired and respiration intermittent at oxygen concentrations that drop from 10 to 14 percent; at these levels with any amount of physical activity, the body becomes exhausted. Humans won't survive with levels at 6 percent or lower.

What OSHA standards and exposure guidelines apply? OSHA has established a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for CO2 of 5,000 parts per million (ppm) (0.5% CO2 in air) averaged over an 8-hour work day (time-weighted average orTWA.) The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends an 8- hour TWA Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 5,000 ppm and a Ceiling exposure limit (not to be exceeded) of 30,000 ppm for a 10-minute period. A value of 40,000 is considered immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH value). The TLVs are intended to minimize the potential for asphyxiation and undue metabolic stress.

Of course, I am vocal about how masks are causing problems, but yet I am a science denier. That above is science, the science I practice in annual confined space training and measuring air quality several times a month for the past 26 years. No one wants to listen to people who are against the masks though, because, you know, we're labeled as science deniers by those who only read one thing and are told by the MSM what science is. It's easy to be scared of what they tell you to be scared of and turn your shoulder to anything that goes against what they say and just make fun of those against the masks and call them science deniers.

You all can keep laughing at me as you do in threads all over this forum. I'm sure it makes folks feel better doing that because, you know, everyone has so much compassion and empathy, but only if you wear your mask.

I am completely with this, I really think in time they are going to prove all the harm they have done both mentally and physically. Its also not healthy for those that have basically avoided germs for almost a year now, I mean the ones that aren't high risk and have been hiding away or doing everything to avoid as many as possible. Our immune systems work because we get exposed to stuff.

Now that doesn't mean its bad to wear a mask when you are actually sick or going to the doctors sick, but what we are doing as a society isn't doing that much good. Between how many wear them wrong and the constant touching them and the on and off of them stick them on a desk, in the car stuffed in a purse and who knows where. The majority don't wear a clean one everyday nor change them throughout the day as they take themm off to each and such.
I saw a video by the WHO director who said that masks are causing infections now. He didn't say whether they were just skin related or lung related. He did say it is time to put the masks away, they ae not needed. Who knows if he is right or wrong? Confusing contradictory stuff being put out all the time!
I would love to see the source on this. A quick google search turned up this fact check but it cited a WHO quote from almost a year ago (March 30th, 2020):
"There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly," Ryan said at a news conference March 30.

I think the CDC director is saying don't wear N95 masks. kN95 is another thing.

Dr. Walensky, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci, are still saying people should wear a mask, but say the general public doesn't need to wear the N95 ones because they're uncomfortable and hard to breathe in.

They are recommending alternatives to an N95 for a specific reason though:
Dr. Walensky, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci, are still saying people should wear a mask, but say the general public doesn't need to wear the N95 ones because they're uncomfortable and hard to breathe in.

They fear people won't want to wear masks at all after having a bad experience wearing an N95.

"I have spent a reasonable amount of time in an N95 mask. They're hard to tolerate all day every day," Walensky said. "And in fact, when you really think about how well people will wear them, I worry that if, if we suggest or require that people wear an N95, they won't wear them all the time."

"The most important thing is that everybody should be wearing a mask," Fauci said.

With the new COVID-19 variant, many people are wondering if you need to wear two masks.
I am completely with this, I really think in time they are going to prove all the harm they have done both mentally and physically. Its also not healthy for those that have basically avoided germs for almost a year now, I mean the ones that aren't high risk and have been hiding away or doing everything to avoid as many as possible. Our immune systems work because we get exposed to stuff.

Now that doesn't mean its bad to wear a mask when you are actually sick or going to the doctors sick, but what we are doing as a society isn't doing that much good. Between how many wear them wrong and the constant touching them and the on and off of them stick them on a desk, in the car stuffed in a purse and who knows where. The majority don't wear a clean one everyday nor change them throughout the day as they take themm off to each and such.
At the same time this is the first year in a while that I haven't gotten a sinus infection. Almost like clockwork late December to early January I get one. I don't attribute it to any one thing rather a combination of things or it could just be my luck this year after last Feb getting the flu having not had one since I was a kid if that.

That doesn't mean there aren't concerns with our immune systems when it comes to the next flu season but I wouldn't scientifically say either that those who stayed home much more isn't healthy, that sounds more like an opinion.

Mental and physical wellness transcends all that and I won't try and make some anti-mask argument like it would appear you are. Mental and physical wellness during this pandemic is much more than someone wearing or not wearing a mask or getting sick more or less frequently.
Post you quoted stated her claimed "facts" on her patients laying in a bed. I posted "fact" of what the actual reading is under a mask of which we are breathing in a work environment where it is hot, humid, and the worker's effort is far elevated climbing and running around and lifting heavy objects and jumping up and down on forklifts and in tractors and continuously bending over and over.... doing work.

I will go with the fact that if I read over 5000 PPM CO2 levels or under 195,000 PPM O2 levels I am required to GET THE EXPLICIT OUT of that area immediately. So, by all requirements, at work I need to GET THE EXPLICIT OUT of behind said mask immediately with levels of 180,000 PPM and 25,000 PPM.

Yes if you're in an environment with deficient oxygen readings, you need to exit. But one doesn't take such environmental readings right next to peoples mouths where they breath out either. Why? Because that is only representative of what they just breathed out, not of what is in the particular room or environment they are in. So to take such a reading within a mask right next to someone's mouth and compare it to OSHA standards for an environment when we don't measure those standards in that manner would be distorted to the point of uselessness.

Further, the air within the mask isn't the only air breathed in. Not even close. The mask isn't air tight. If it were, we'd all keel over within a couple of minutes. Normal breath is 30 cubic inches per. That's about 80% of a large Starbucks drink by volume, far more than is between your mask and your face. It takes 8-9 breaths on average to breathe over one gallon (by volume) So again, the reading inside the mask only represents a fraction of what is being breathed in and thus not representative of that either in addition to not being representative of the environment. So once again to compare that to a standard and claim he needs to rip his mask off immediately is completely errant.

Still further. Running around and climbing and strenuous exercise lead to oxygen loss. So therefore, He simply needs to stop running around for about 20 seconds to about a minute or so depending upon how in shape he is just as he would if he were not wearing one.

All you showed with your facts is that the air we breathe out is Oxygen deficient. Which, most of us already knew without them. You haven't shown a thing about masks.
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Post you quoted stated her claimed "facts" on her patients laying in a bed. I posted "fact" of what the actual reading is under a mask of which we are breathing in a work environment where it is hot, humid, and the worker's effort is far elevated climbing and running around and lifting heavy objects and jumping up and down on forklifts and in tractors and continuously bending over and over.... doing work.

I will go with the fact that if I read over 5000 PPM CO2 levels or under 195,000 PPM O2 levels I am required to GET THE EXPLICIT OUT of that area immediately. So, by all requirements, at work I need to GET THE EXPLICIT OUT of behind said mask immediately with levels of 180,000 PPM and 25,000 PPM.
If that is what you got from my post, then you significantly misinterpreted it.
Yes if you're in an environment with deficient oxygen readings, you need to exit. But one doesn't take such environmental readings right next to peoples mouths where they breath out either. Why? Because that is only representative of what they just breathed out, not of what is in the particular room or environment they are in. So to take such a reading within a mask right next to someone's mouth and compare it to OSHA standards for an environment when we don't measure those standards in that manner would be distorted to the point of uselessness.

Further, the air within the mask isn't the only air breathed in. Not even close. The mask isn't air tight. If it were, we'd all keel over within a couple of minutes. Normal breath is 30 cubic inches per. That's about 80% of a large Starbucks by volume, far more than is between your mask and your face. It takes 8-9 breaths on average to breathe over one gallon (by volume) So again, the reading inside the mask only represents a fraction of what is being breathed in and thus not representative of that either in addition to not being representative of the environment. So once again to compare that to a standard and claim he needs to rip his mask off immediately is completely errant.

Still further. Running around and climbing and strenuous exercise lead to oxygen loss. So therefore, He simply needs to stop running around for about 20 seconds to about a minute or so depending upon how in shape he is just as he would if he were not wearing one.

All you showed with your facts is that the air we breathe out is Oxygen deficient. Which, most of us already knew without them. You haven't shown a thing about masks.
There's no room for logic here. Only taking one small bit of info and extrapolating it to imply things that simply aren't possible.
I am completely with this, I really think in time they are going to prove all the harm they have done both mentally and physically. Its also not healthy for those that have basically avoided germs for almost a year now, I mean the ones that aren't high risk and have been hiding away or doing everything to avoid as many as possible. Our immune systems work because we get exposed to stuff.

Now that doesn't mean its bad to wear a mask when you are actually sick or going to the doctors sick, but what we are doing as a society isn't doing that much good. Between how many wear them wrong and the constant touching them and the on and off of them stick them on a desk, in the car stuffed in a purse and who knows where. The majority don't wear a clean one everyday nor change them throughout the day as they take themm off to each and such.

Are you talking about the "unintended consequences" Fauci talked about early on, where people would touch their mask, their nose, spread the virus? Because he was lying to us about that so we wouldn't buy up all the masks since the PPE was needed for nurses and doctors. Some lies are okay to tell.
Same to all of this, plus I start feeling light headed after about 30 minutes. And I usually end up with a headache.
I'm sorry but this is just incredibly soft if you don't have a physical condition. After a year of hearing the stories from my wife who works retail I am just over the anti mask babies out there. Every couple days they have to kick someone out for throwing a tantrum when they are asked to put on a mask for a couple minutes. You would think it would be the children acting this way, but it's exclusive to adults.

Millions of people have been wearing a mask every day, all day at work for almost a year and the people that want to go to these places whine if they have to put a piece of cloth over their mouth and nose for 30 minutes.
Exactly. Doctors wear them into a room and toss them for a fresh one every time they leave the room. Not one of us is doing anything close to that. Mine's in my purse or laying in my car. I constantly adjust it. It feels sooo nasty. I'm pretty sure we're keeping ourselves sick because of this. I mean to each their own, but for me it just seems like common sense.
You shouldn't be wearing the same mask all the time. That's common sense.
I'm sorry but this is just incredibly soft if you don't have a physical condition.
Probably could do without this. Pretty sure this poster adheres to whatever mandates or rules on masks (I don't remember them stating they blatantly defy them throughout the threads) so it seems pretty unwarranted. I'm pretty darn pro-mask but it's fairly irritating to see pro-mask people downgrade people who express genuine (and there's usually a way to tell when someone is) thinking out loud thoughts which is what most throughout the threads have done, not all but most. It gives pro-mask people a bad name same as throwing tantrum in stores does for those who are not so gung ho on masks. There are a few posters who stand out in the anti-mask crowd but they usually (though sure not always) get comments because of how they go about expressing their thoughts. The same goes for pro-mask people.
Probably could do without this. Pretty sure this poster adheres to whatever mandates or rules on masks (I don't remember them stating they blatantly defy them throughout the threads) so it seems pretty unwarranted. I'm pretty darn pro-mask but it's fairly irritating to see pro-mask people downgrade people who express genuine (and there's usually a way to tell when someone is) thinking out loud thoughts which is what most throughout the threads have done, not all but most. It gives pro-mask people a bad name same as throwing tantrum in stores does for those who are not so gung ho on masks. There are a few posters who stand out in the anti-mask crowd but they usually (though sure not always) get comments because of how they go about expressing their thoughts. The same goes for pro-mask people.
This is the problem, there shouldn't be a pro-mask side and an anti-mask side. It should have never been a debate that turned into some sort of political statement to wear a mask or not. I'm not 'pro-mask', I'm pro-not complain about every tiny inconvenience I have to suffer to help save a few lives. So after a year of hearing this whining from perfectly functioning adults, I can call some people soft. Because it's the truth, they don't need to be coddled. It's like giving equal weight to people that think the earth is flat. There shouldn't be a debate.

It's pretty frustrating to have a family member that has to put up with these people that come in wanting to start a fight over why they don't need to wear a mask, threatening violence over being told to put a mask on, while she has been wearing a mask all day, every day for a year and never complaining once.

They are either incredibly soft people or they just want to complain about every restriction and/or change that has been brought on by the pandemic. It's likely the second one.
This is the problem, there shouldn't be a pro-mask side and an anti-mask side. It should have never been a debate that turned into some sort of political statement to wear a mask or not. I'm not 'pro-mask', I'm pro-not complain about every tiny inconvenience I have to suffer to help save a few lives. So after a year of hearing this whining from perfectly functioning adults, I can call some people soft. Because it's the truth, they don't need to be coddled. It's like giving equal weight to people that think the earth is flat. There shouldn't be a debate.

It's pretty frustrating to have a family member that has to put up with these people that come in wanting to start a fight over why they don't need to wear a mask, threatening violence over being told to put a mask on, while she has been wearing a mask all day, every day for a year and never complaining once.

They are either incredibly soft people or they just want to complain about every restriction and/or change that has been brought on by the pandemic. It's likely the second one.
I'm not making it a debate. But when you call someone soft for expressing fairly innocuous feelings you turn it into a debate. That poster didn't say they were not wearing a mask when they are supposed to, they just said how they felt when wearing it and in turn you called them soft. Apologies but that gets me on my frustration level. Whether it's people calling other people soft during this pandemic in comparison to those 100 years ago or whatever. It's just another US vs THEM thing and what end result were you hoping for? Your whole above comment is full of just insults. I'm just going to go ahead and agree to disagree and move on :)
I'm not making it a debate. But when you call someone soft for expressing fairly innocuous feelings you turn it into a debate. That poster didn't say they were not wearing a mask when they are supposed to, they just said how they felt when wearing it and in turn you called them soft. Apologies but that gets me on my frustration level. Whether it's people calling other people soft during this pandemic in comparison to those 100 years ago or whatever. It's just another US vs THEM thing and what end result were you hoping for? Your whole above comment is full of just insults. I'm just going to go ahead and agree to disagree and move on :)
It comes across as more than a bit hostile. IMO
I tried wearing a KN95 mask a couple of times last month and couldn't take it after an hour...intense headache & nausea, felt like I was going to throw up any minute. Switched to a different mask and it was much better.

After almost a year of mask debates, everybody will be celebrating when we don't have to wear the darn things anymore.
I saw a video by the WHO director who said that masks are causing infections now. He didn't say whether they were just skin related or lung related. He did say it is time to put the masks away, they ae not needed. Who knows if he is right or wrong? Confusing contradictory stuff being put out all the time!

Wow! Just, wow.
Talk about misinformation and conspiracy theories. This is right up there.
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