Marie's 140 by 40 journal (post 19-another new beginning)

Hey marie, sounds like you are having a good trip. Let us know if you get to SHOOT anything. You know what, my family has never done any shooting at all, but my sister went out with her husband about 5 years ago and tried the skeet shooting thing. Well, turns out, shes like a shooting savant. Now shes like , pushing 50, and travels around to these competitons. Shes even ranked in her age group and has been in magazines and stuff. So you just never know.

Have a wonderful cookout tomorrow.

Hey, Marie! Glad to hear that you guys are having a good Father's Day weekend and a good visit back home.

I totally know what you mean about the sister in law thing ::yes:: Except I feel that way about most of my in laws :eek:

Have a safe trip home! :wizard:
Kim~HAHAHAHAHA-no really, you crack me up!!! :rotfl2:
You really don't expect me to do something like that DO YOU!!! Honestly, I can find SOMETHING more creative to do!!! :lmao:
Actually, we stopped by some friends house for a quick visit....all three of their girls were home from college. Love that family! There are 3 girls, the youngest are 19 yr old twins....I met them at thier 1st birthday party!! Damn, I feel old now!! Anyway, had a nice visit w/ them, then went back to sis's and chilled out! Very relaxing! Sunday it stormed pretty bad in the morning, then it got real nice while we cooked out and ate, then it promptly started storming again. Therefore we didn't get to shoot at all! :( Dad and DH was pretty disappointed, as was DS because this was the first year that he was going to be allowed to shoot. I told him next time for sure....unless it's lightening!

DH and I agreed that it was a pretty nice visit. DSis didn't get on my nerves, nor I on hers! The kids all got along amazingly well...which is VERY unusual, and I didn't really stress out at all!! I do wish we could have spent more time w/ my in-laws....I LOVE my MIL & FIL!! They are really great people and don't expect anything of us when we come home. I like going there becuase we can just sit and visit andnot have to DO anything. At my mom's, there is always a project to be done. She had DH redoing her tv/entertainment stuff....all the electronics that she and dad know nothing about. Hell, DH had to go with them to buy a new 42in. TV!! :confused3 :rolleyes1 Anyway, while he was messing w/ that stuff, Dad and I went out and got on the mowers and cut grass. You have to realize that their FRONT yard is about 2 acres! Not a small job in the least! Anyway, we got it done and Dad appreciated the help. It usually takes him about 2 days!

I just realized something....I must be getting old! I haven't had anything snarky to say in a while. What's wrong with me?:confused: Am I getting soft? Do people not annoy me like they used to? Is my hearing that bad that I don't hear the stupidity that usually comes from peoples mouths? Did Alabama give me more tolerance? HMMMM......this is starting to bother me. I'm gonna have to pay closer attention to the world I guess. I don't like the way I've become! I miss me.

I promise I'll be better.....gonna have to go to counseling or something....but I need me back!!

Ok...typing and driving is making me nauseous again....we've got 8 hours of highway ahead of us....I'll check back in a few days!!

Love ya's!!
Hopefully you are home and resting now. ;) Sounds like a busy, yet fun weekend! How did dad like the book? :confused3

I agree, I miss the snarky you. :worried: BRING HER BACK!!!!!:stir:
Ok...we're back home and things are somewhat normal. I had taken Tuesday off as a vacation day as well and got ALL the laundry done and put away!!! :woohoo: DH did yard work and washed the vehicles, then worked 6pm-4am! :worried: I went back to work yesterday and knocked out payroll and all the stuff from the days I was gone. I did save a few things for today.....just to look busy. Work is REALLY slow right now. really liked the book! He was okay that it wasn't completely finished...he know's I'll get it done. He goes for coffee every morning with some other farmers to at the grain elevator and he said he was going to take it with him to show off. Too funny! Mom really liked it too....she was a mazed that I got as much done as I did. now I'm back on the PLAN!
Goal for today & the coming weekend~
I didn't drink enough in Illinois, I never do! I am going to try to get 60 oz in a day. That seems to do me pretty good. I am also cutting back on my portions. I did pretty good in Illinois, and plan to keep it up here.

I'll check back in with ya'll later~I have to get ready for work!!

Hey Ree. How's it going so far? I know you can do this!! ::yes::

Have a wonderful weekend. :hug:
Go Marie! Back on the plan! Hope its all going well and you are energized so you can enjoy the summer!


I agree with kim ( and you KNOW i hate to do that)--where is snarky marie? Maybe you need to come to jersey ;)

have a good weekend!
Man o man what a week!! DS has taekwondo every night til about 9 and then showers and a quick bite before bed. I haven't had 2 seconds to get on the computer to check in with ya'll!! Sorry!!
House update~they showed the house last Saturday and the people loved it! They came back yesterday and just looked at it from outside, and then came back again today to walk through it again! Let me tell you~I have been busting my butt on this place!! It looks GOOOOOOOD!!!!!! DH was edging the yard this morning and I was mowing the back yard when they called. They wanted to see it again between 1:15-2:15. No problem...just needed to put up some laundry, sweep, mop, vaccuum, dust....typical Saturday chores! Anyway, DH was doing weedwhacking and edging so I went ahead and cut the front yard too!! (insert hot, sweaty smilie here!) Got done with the yard, then swept and cleaned up the garage, then came in and started on the inside stuff!! I managed to get a shower in and we were out of the house by 1! :hyper: Anyway, we go grab a bite to eat, and stop at the grocery store and come back home at 2:10. Put groceries away and finally sit down for the first time today. At 2:30 the doorbell rings...they were running late!!:eek: No problem, we load up the kids and the dog again and leave again!! Drive around the neighborhood for 20 minutes. They just left! Keep your fingers crossed that they make an offer!! pixiedust: pixiedust:, you guys missed the snarky Marie...let me tell you she was back in full swing yesterday!! Here's a little background info...I get migraines. Sometimes the weather will bring one on, sometimes certain smells will trigger one. My boss is very sensative to smells too. The cleaning company knows not to use ANY smelly cleaning products in the office during working hours. (They actually don't even need to be in the office when we're there!) yesterday (boss took the day off.), the cleaning lady....who is extremely can I say this gently....she's kinda nasty! (Missing a few teeth...overweight...greasy hair....dirty clothes.) So, she comes in the office, goes right into the room that has the fax machine and copier in it. Next thing I know the smell is overwhelming!! It feels like a knife is cutting into my head instantly!! :headache: :headache: I say...loudly so she can hear me, but still politely...."GOOD LORD WHAT ARE YOU SPRAYING IN THERE??!" Co-worker "B" can see into the area where the cleaning lady is and says "She's not spraying anything, she's too busy reading our faxes!!" I looked at "B" and said "WHAT~she sure as hell better not be reading company faxes!!" ( the polite was not as noticable at this point!) Cleaning lady comes around the corner (with the fax paper still in her hand!!) and says....VERY RUDELY~ "I'm not spraying anything in here...I'm using the same thing that I always use!" To which I reply..."Well, it's 3 times stronger than it should be and it is killing need to take whatever you are using and get the hell out of here with it...and you also need to put that fax THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS down and keep your nose out of things that don't concern you!!" She puts the fax down and says "I'm not doing anything wrong! You don't need to be so sensative!" Ok...I'm sitting at my this point I stand up, lean across the desk and say.....through clenched teeth..."You and that stinkin' sh!t that you carry around with you need to get the hell out of this office before I come around this desk and make you wish too hell you had! And you can also rest assured that I will be calling the company you work for and telling them that your attitude sucks, and you seem to have a hard time minding your own business!!" She stood there for a second just staring at me. Then she throws her nose in the air and stomps out of the office. I was FUMING at this point!:furious: :furious: I call boss at home, inform her of the situation (she gets pissed!), then I call another mgr that is more in charge of the cleaning company and tell him the situation. He gets pissed and goes and finds her and fires her on the spot! He escorted her off the lot!! I know it sounds kinda trivial reading it on here, but she was so rude and hateful!! That's what ticked me off!! That and the fact that she does not work for this company and has no business reading anything on the fax machine or copier or on a desk, or anything at all!! It does not concern her! Anyway, after she stomped out I looked at the other 3 girls in the office and asked..."Did I start that? Was I out of line??" They were all shocked at how she responded to me and said no, I was not out of line at all!! Co-worker "R" even called the mgr and told him that the woman was out of line! And no, she won't be out of a job, she just won't be allowed to clean our place of business. They'll send someone else from now on.
I had to go outside for about 30 minutes until the smell dissipated. I even asked the other girls if I was over-reacting and they said no, that whatever she was using was unusually strong. I'm not head hurt for the rest of the day....even after taking 3 tylenol!

Ok....enough whining about that...just thought I'd let ya'll know I can still be pretty hateful when I need to be!!!

Oh...the diet plan isn't going as well as planned. Not NEARLY enough water this week!! I'll do better next week, I promise!! I'm still at around I feel ok. Not gaining, but not losing either.

Ok....I think this post is long enough...I'll try to check in later in the week.

love ya'll!!!!!!
reee~snarky reee!! :rolleyes1
She's back! Like a breath of fresh air!

Very exciting about the house, I have been meaning to ask about it but was afraid I would jinx it again. You have worked so hard, I hope this is it!

As far as getting the obnoxious cleaning lady thrown out:thumbsup2 I get migrains too, and I smell everything, even when no one else does!

Keep us updated!

:hippie:'s good to be back!! I don't feel bad about the cleaning lady at all. Her own fault!

Regarding the house....I'm getting frustrated! Got a call today that we are in the top 3 of her choices, but that the one she really wants is $30,000.00 more than she can afford/approved for....:confused3 Why the heck would you even look at something that far out of your budget?? :confused3 :confused3 Anyway, apparantly she is waiting to find out if she can get that one, then we'll know more. I'm just beyond really caring anymore. I want out of this area, and I guess so does everyone else! There are 3 houses on our block for sale!! The 3rd went on the market tonight! Ours, the one next door and one diagonally across the street. This sucks!! water today. Just stress.
We'll see what tomorrow brings!!

Thanks guys and I"ll talk to ya'll later!!
Hey girl. :hug: Hope you're hanging in there. I know how frustrated you are with the house thing. :guilty:

That cleaning lady episode was crazy! :eek: I loved how you handled it though. You're the best!:love:
Miss Snarky has been showing up more and more lately!
Co-worker R made the comment yesterday that it costs her $10.00 a day to come to work. "That's $50.00 out of my paycheck every week!!"
I looked at her and said, "Well, you have a few a smaller vehicle that uses less gas....(she drives a Ford Expedition 25 miles one way), ask for a raise, that you won't get, to compensate for the increase in gas prices, or just be damn thankful you have a fricking job because right now people are getting laid off left and right and don't have $50 a week to feed their damn families!!" :mad: :mad: She didn't talk to me the rest of the day. :confused3 :confused3 :thumbsup2

Ok....Happy 4th of July ya'll!! We came to Alabama to see my sister and her family for the weekend!! Hangin' by the pool today and tomorrow we are going to the lake to jet ski and water ski. Although I don't waterski, I will enjoy the time in the sun!!!

Oh....the house....:headache: The one woman came and looked at it 3 times so far....still nothing! Also, I got another call yesterday and they are going to show it again to someone else on Saturday. At least we are getting it shown!! And LOTS of good feedback! I think people are just nervous about the economy. I know I am!!!

Ok....happy boom-boom day!!!!

love ya!
Boom Boom day, huh? Is that what they call it down there in the South? :confused3 :rolleyes1

I'm glad you're in AL relaxing and getting some sun. What a good way to recharge! That's kind of a bummer that my sisters live so where to go to escape! :laughing:

Have a wonderful 4th and a great weekend!!
Happy 4th of July, Marie!!

Good luck on getting the house sold!!

I love the snarky stuff! It always makes me laugh! :thumbsup2

Have a wonderful weekend!!
Boom-Boom day.....fireworks go BOOM-BOOM!!
(Hey...I shorten Valentines Day to Happy VD...what do you expect from me??!)

OMG!! We had the BEST weekend!!! We are on our way home now and we are all a little/lot sunburned....and tired....but destressed and happy!!
Friday I laid in the pool for 2 hours, then the sun went away and it started raining....just for a llittle bit though. Friday night we wnt with sis and her family and about 8 of their friends to see the fireworks....they were pretty good. Saturday we left around 9:20 for the lake. Got there about 11, ate and got on the water around off the water about 6:30-7. THEN we found out the hot water heater wasn't working!!! :lmao: :eek:
We had the choice of taking an ICE COLD shower or just throw on some deoderant and go find a burger place for dinner.....hope we didn't offend anyone at JACK's!!!:lmao:
When we got back to the lakehouse DBIL had some fireworks so he and the bigger kids set them off and we all managed to crawl into bed around 10:30ish. The storm hit about 11!! Needless to say....I didn't sleep well. I was up and out on the HUGE deck overlooking the lake at 6:10! DBIL got Dsis up around 7:30 and me, DH and Dbil and Dsis all went out on the lake! My god the water was like glass!!! No one was out and the steam/mist was coming off the water!! It was beautiful!!!

Anyway, the kids got up around 9:30, threw some food down their throats and hit the water by 10!! We jetski'd (?) and tubed more today.....needless to say I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!!! Oh....after playing today I told Dsis I HAD to take a shower....I didn't care how cold it was!! (I wasn't driving 3 hrs home with lake funky on me!!....although it was a VERY clean lake!)
Let's just say that once you got over the initial SHOCK :scared1: of the ice cold water hitting you....and your body pretty much went were ok!! I even went ahead and put conditioner in my hair!!! WTH....I was already blue!!! DH couldn't believe i did it and figured it couldn't be that he decided to take a quick one.....Very quick!!!! He made it in and out in 2 minutes!!! LOL!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: (then he told me I was a freak!!) :confused3

Ok....enough rambling!! We'll be back in hell....I mean Memphis in about 30 minutes....I'll check in with ya'll later this week!!!

Oh....btw....did I say we had a good time?? Man it was great!!!

ree~ree :cloud9:
Sounds like a wonderful holiday Marie! Glad you got destressed! Dont you wish it could just last forever? I love vacations!


Today is DH's birthday!! Big 45!! I sent A BUNCH of people texts to call him and wish him a happy one....EVERYONE did (or texted him) and he couldn't figure out how they knew!! The guys at work took him to dinner and had everyone in the resturant sing to him....he hates that!!! :lmao:

Kim....he told me what he responded to you and I cracked up!!:rotfl2: I told him you probably didn't know what he was talking about....I'll fill you in in short form.
You need to rent the movie ACCEPTED. It's about a kid that opens/starts his own college. At one point, a buddy of his is trying to get into a big fraternity and he has to wear a weiner costume and he runs around the campus yelling......."ASK ME ABOUT MY WEINER!!!"
That, of course, is an ongoing joke with DH and I, and he just ASSUMES everyone has seen the movie.
Sorry if he offended you....but I did find it quite funny that he said that to you!!!:lmao: :rotfl2: :rolleyes1
(honestly, he's harmless...strange, but harmless!!)

Ok...DD wants to make daddy brownies....even though he's working til 1am. (I gave him a kiss before I left for work this morning and I probably won't see him till later in the week....awake that is!)

Talk to you all soon!!
Oh...the diet....yeah...right!! :rolleyes1


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