March Trip Report -- Part 7: Hard Rock Hotel -- Where is My Reservation?


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
March 10, 2001

The cast:
Me (the 29 year old)

I moved my car from the parking garage to the Hard Rock Hotel parking lot. I turned into the East parking lot and got a parking stub. I did not see a “Lot full” sign, but I could not find a space. I drove around and around and saw no open space. I saw a back parking lot, but it looked like it was for employees. An employee was sitting back in a golf cart. I then drove back into the parking lot and could still not find an empty space.

I decided to check out the West parking lot. I had to get out of the East parking lot first. I drove back to the employee parking and I saw the same guy sitting in the golf cart. To the left of him was a small service road. I lowered my eyes and drove towards the service road. I expected the guy in the golf cart to chase after me and give me a ticket, but he never moved. The service road went back to Universal Blvd.

I re-entered the Hard Rock Hotel and tried the West parking lot, but the Full sign was up. I decided to throw in the towel and do valet parking. It was better than driving around fruitlessly! I left my car with the valet parking man and carried my luggage into the lobby for check-in.

The time was around 3:30 pm and the check-in line was pretty short. An employee named Dal’Evans checked me in. He tried to find my reservation, but he could not. I showed him the confirmation that I got from, but he still could not find it. He finally had to call Travelocity. They said that they booked the hotel through another hotel booking agency and somehow the reservation did not get into their computers. What? I was kind of annoyed because I book with Travelocity a lot and I’ve never had a problem. Dal’Evans said, “Now you know not to book through Travelocity next time.”

I waited about 30 minutes to check-in. The check-in at the Portifino was painless. I had my key in a few minutes there. Dal’Evans had to get a fax confirmation from Travelocity and I finally was checked in. The line got a little long by the time I was done. Although it was a little inconvenient to wait so long to be checked in, I must say Dal’Evans was calm and professional throughout the entire process. It was so professional that I am tempted to write a compliment letter.

At check-in, I got two keys. I had two keys from last night’s Portifino stay, so I had enough to give Jim and his family front of the line access too.

My room was 2141. When I got to my room, I noticed my room door was not closed all the way. I looked in the room across the hall and housekeeping was working in that room. I saw two other rooms with unlocked door. It looks like housekeeping was doing four rooms at once. I opened the door and did not find housekeeping in the room. I left the door a little ajar and finally closed it after a while.

The room was nice, but not as nice as the Portifino. The view was much better at the Hard Rock, though. The view was to the garden path and nice, lush flowers and grass. I liked the view better than the bay view and I did not have to pay $20 more for it! The bathroom was much smaller than the Portifino’s. It was a bathroom like the ones at other motels. There was a small space to turn around, but this space was much bigger than regular motels. You could actually take a step in each direction without hitting the wall, bathtub, toilet, or door! The beds were pretty comfortable too.

I just rested on the bed for a little bit before I had to return to the park. I wanted to take a shower, but I did not have much time.

At around 5:00, I headed back to Universal Studios for our night meet.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Of my four stays at USF hotels, the ressies have been screwed up on two of them ... and the two that got screwed up were made through Universal, while the two that weren't were made through other methods ... guess that will teach me not to use Universal ...


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