March Trip Report -- Part 10: Secret Emu Man


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
March 11, 2001

The cast:
Me (the 29 year old)

I wanted to do early entry today. 8:00 may seem early, but I am usually up early during vacations anyway. I don’t know why I can’t wake up early for work, but I seem to do it for vacations.

I was up at around 6:00. I was ready by 7:00 and headed down to the Sunset Grill for breakfast. The restaurant was not very crowded. I had the Continental breakfast buffet, which essentially excluded the hot stuff like eggs and bacon. The best part of the Continental breakfast buffet was the price. It was $6.95, compared with the other buffet for $12.95. I didn’t really care what I was eating. All I care about was getting my belly full. I figured I would pay less for something that both buffets would do. My favorite thing of the buffet was the fish by the cold cuts. I’m not sure what fish it was, but it was good! It made for some good filling for a bagel sandwich.

I was adequately full, so I headed over to Universal Studios. I didn’t want to get too full or I would be sick by the middle of the day. As I waited in line, a gate attendant was checking keys. Those who did not have keys had to wait in another line for the 9:00 opening. Two people were not staying onsite. They said that they were staying at the Radisson. The attendant said, “Which Radisson?” and they named one that wasn’t eligible for early entry.

Also while I was waiting in line, I overheard some kids talking about their wake-up call. One kid got a wake-up call from Spider-Man’s villains. One villain said that if the kid didn’t wake up, the villain would come and get him!

The gates opened at 8:00 am. I almost wasn’t let in by another gate attendant until I showed him my room key. I headed straight to Men in Black. The single rider line wasn’t open, so I went into the hydrolator elevator. Two people just slipped in as the doors closed. One person said, “You almost had to wait!”

On my first ride, I scored 560,000. The other car was empty, so I didn’t have people trying to spin me around when I was shooting for the fusion reactor exhaust. However, my car spun around once. No fair! No one is shooting in the other car! Also during this ride, someone finally asked about my DIS shirt. I was wearing a long-sleeved DIS shirt with “DO YOU EMU?” on the front. At the unload area, the ride op stopped me and asked, “What is E-M-U?” I tried to explain emu legs the best I could, but I failed miserably. How do you explain the great emu conspiracy in five sentences or less? The ride op said he understood, but deep down, I knew he didn’t. He was just being courteous.

I rode two more times. It was getting hot, so I took up my long-sleeved DIS shirt in baby swap. On my subsequent rides, I cut through baby swap to get back to the loading area. The lines were short enough and the ride attendants didn’t give me a hassle. On my next two rides, I scored 420,000 and 280,000. During my second ride, a woman had scored 72,000 and she thought the score was impressive until she looked at my score. When another person in her party asked what her score was, she said, “Don’t ask” and quickly got out of the car when we unloaded.

I decided to take a break from alien shooting and took a ride on Back to the Future. As I headed towards the attraction, I saw a group of about 20 Japanese tourists enter. I thought that the lines would get really long, but I decided to go for it anyway. I ended up right behind the Japanese tourists. No one was behind me. As I entered, the ride attendant (who was Asian too) said, “You’re with them, right?” No, I was not! He directed me to an empty single spot.

As a side note, it seems that some people think that every Asian person knows every other Asian person in the world. When some people find out I am Chinese, they ask, “My friend of a friend of a friend in (insert far-off place) is Chinese. Do you know him/her?” No, I do not! We do not have a secret Asian communication network where we communicate and are friends with every other Asian in the world. As a fellow Asian brother, I thought that he would be aware of that. I didn’t even dress like the Japanese tourists. They were in long pants and fashionable clothes and I was in a DIS shirt and shorts. Oh well…enough ranting…back to the trip report!

As I waited, a family was entering and a young boy was throwing a fit that he did not want to ride. The mother squeezed his cheeks and told him that he ought to ride. She asked if he was scared on Hanna-Barbera and he wasn’t. The mother insisted that he ride. She asked the ride attendant and he said that if the kid didn’t want to ride, he really shouldn’t. Finally, they allowed him to wait. The family left their bags and drink cups with him. At the end of the ride, the kid was waiting at the exit. He seemed pretty happy. As for the ride itself, the car was pretty quiet this time and I was in another car on the outer edge of the theater. I saw the screen at an angle again.

I headed back to Men in Black for some more alien zapping. The park was getting a little more crowded, but the ride was still a walk-on. I rode it three times again. The first time I rode, I entered through the elevators. I snuck through baby swap on my second and third ride. I scored 490,000 on my first ride, 372,000 on my next ride, and 339,000 on my third ride. On my third ride, I had some competition from some kids who knew MiB secrets. One kid was pushing his red button throughout the entire ride. Several people were aiming at the fusion reactor exhaust as we passed by the movie theater. One kid and I got the 100,000-point bonus at the same time!

It was getting close to 9:30, so I headed to the park exit and to the Hard Rock Live meet.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Barry, your reports are so funny! I love to read them :)

You wouldn't happen to be going to Orlando anytime between April 20-28 or June 1-9, are you? If so, I would love to go to a meet!

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