March 2023 W.I.S.H.- Spring Into Health!

Woowhoo I found a recipe on pintrest that tastes identical to the hamburger helper stroganoff which is an old fave. The kids weren't feeling it but the boys did eat lettuce, spinach and carrots so I'll count it as a win...DD opted for yogurt.
Jumping in with a late WOO HOO and an early THANKFUL...
You all know that I've been working very hard for the past 10+ days dancing around with the same 1/2 pound up and 1/2 pound down. I've been taking your advice and keeping at it even though by now I normally would have reacted badly. I just couldn't understand why these pounds have been sticking to me like super glue.

Drumroll please...

I lost 2.5 pounds overnight!!!:dancer:

I guess I am finally starting to get it. Thank you to ALL of you for your support. I couldn't do any of this without you.
I am so, so thankful for the run of beautiful weather we've been having, and that is predicted to continue in to the weekend. This morning has started with blue skies again, which sure does help offset the hour of morning sunlight we lost over the weekend. I've been getting out for my evening walks, today I'm going to go to a new-to-me trail and tomorrow I've committed to signing off early and joining the walking group for some forest bathing.

I'm also thankful for the good adjustment yesterday and to be getting back on track. It feels good to be feeling good.
Thankful that we traveled safely and timely!
Thankful that DS2's wedding was absolutely beautiful.
Thankful for the people who traveled to the wedding.
Thankful that everyone is now safely home.
Thankful for nice weather. It was in the low 30s when I went to work but almost 60 when I went home!
Thankful that I don't have to eat my meals out anymore!
Thankful that we traveled safely and timely!
Thankful that DS2's wedding was absolutely beautiful.
Thankful for the people who traveled to the wedding.
Thankful that everyone is now safely home.
Thankful for nice weather. It was in the low 30s when I went to work but almost 60 when I went home!
Thankful that I don't have to eat my meals out anymore!
Congratulations on a beautiful wedding and special moments with the important people in your life. These are the days we cherish forever.

I got gradually better at food choices thru the week and each day got in more exercise... and gained a pound. Will keep chipping away at it and making adjustments.

Yesterday I walked a new to me trail, that starts behind the boatyard and goes up along the bay to the papermill. A totally different experience than walking along the straight and sound beaches, and a lovely view of town on the return.


And last night I did my yoga watching a MamFam 'Molly's Favorite Things at Hollywood Studio' video... got a lot more minutes of yoga in. Recently I've started to think she was the tour guide when I did the World Showcase tour, which happened to be the guide's very first tour, so last night I dug thru the photos on my phone to see if I had one that would answer the question. I only had a picture of the guide from the back, but it made me even more certain that it was her.

Plans for the weekend... to soak up the sun! I'm meeting my Neace for breakfast tomorrow, followed by getting a haircut. Then it is back home to do some stuff outside: my must-do chores for the weekend are to unload the storage shed and reorganize it, and to plant the started daffodil bulbs I got last weekend. In the evening we're going to go on a walk together. Sunday I want to get out of town again, but haven't decided where yet,
We made it to Friday! Happy St Patrick’s day to everyone!!

I missed thankful Thursday, this week I feeling very thankful for our church. We don’t just go on Sundays for a hour and leave, there is just always so much going on and so much to do. DD had her baptism testimony recorded last night and it was so beautiful. I held it together but I know on Palm Sunday when she actually gets baptized I am going to be so emotional. Her youth group has kept her on the right path, so far, in her teen years and words can’t express how thankful I am for that.

Weekend has started and I spent my day today babysitting my youngest niece who I taught how to dip chicken nuggets in chick fil a sauce-major life skill.

DD is at a concert with her youth group right now. Tomorrow I have a baby shower to help with/attend and Sunday we have church and our oldest nieces end of the season cheer performance in the afternoon. DD has employee bingo at chick fil a Sunday as well-I will update everyone on the prizes! If it’s anything like their Christmas party the prizes will be out of this world!!


Just finished planting our first batches of spinach and carrots, moved first lettuce into an outdoor pot. The DSs are very excites. Have to make notes about when to plant our flowers as I have reminders for all the veggies already.
Snow White for me.

Today has been our first truly spring-like day... current temp is 63 degrees and it feels so good. When I got my hair cut this morning I had her pretty much shave it off and it also feels so good and spring-like.

I did my first walk with the walking group yesterday, it was pretty intense and fast paced work out and the other people there were really nice, so I'll for sure do it again.

Tomorrow it is supposed to cloud up again. I've decided to stick around town and just take it easy.
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Spent 1.5 hours pulling weeds and I feel like you can hardly tell! Such is the problem with weeds! :headache:Our lovely weather yesterday and today is ending so think I will just go out for 15 minutes after work each day no matter what.

The number on the scale today was to be expected but dismal. I'm feeling down on myself but that's not good, so am just saying from now on I will to make better decisions. Don't think we'll be home next Saturday to weigh, so hoping next time the number will be great.

Amazon music no longer works on our TV so have Hamilton running in the background right now. :cloud9:
Today is primarily about rest. Yesterday I didn't work on the shed as I had planned, but did a lot of little other things so I've given myself permission to not do it today either, if it doesn't make me happy. That leaves my only must-dos to be finishing planting my seeds and to vacuum. I'm headed out to the airport for breakfast in a bit and just got a ticket to see a special showing at the movie theater, 'The Crucible' as presented by the London Theater group. I even took a shower this morning, so I'm feeling very high brow.
I really like the graphic for today.

I’m getting over being sick, so I’m trying to rest. I have not been consistently well in over a month. It was in the 20's when I woke up and is now in the 30's. It's hard to believe that the first day of spring is tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to sunshine and warm weather. I hope it comes soon.


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