Makin' Memories... A PTR for a 2022 Thanksgiving Trip. (hopefully)


DIS Veteran
Oct 16, 2015
Welcome to my latest Pre-Trip Report!!!!

I have been thinking of starting this for awhile now. But I just couldn't bring myself to start it. There just doesn't seem like a ton to plan for these trips these days. And as silly as it sounds, I just didn't want to let myself get too investing into a trip and have to cancel. But I have been missing Disney BAD. And really I have been missing vacations, going places, seeing friends, seeing family, not being freezing cold..... you know the normal things at this point. So, at this point, I wanted to start this off to have something to look forward to. Something to keep me going in this long last stretch.

Who: Ariella, Andy, Morgan & Gwen
But I guess you will want to know who we are! Hopefully some of you will be coming over from my other trip reports. All of them are linked in my signature at the bottom. Who am I?
I am Ariella, your trip planner. It really has become my favorite hobby / pass time. which is also why this has been so hard on me.


Favorite Restaurant: Sanaa (BREAD SERVICE!)
Favorite Snack: Carmel popcorn from Germany and Macroons from France
Favorite Drink: All of the drinks... Lapu Lapu at Ohana, Himalayan Ghost from Thirsty River Bar, Frose from Wine Bar George, Moonshine Mash from Homecomin', I could go on and on...
Favorite Ride: Rise of Resistance and Big Thunder Mountain


Andy wasn't a huge Disney fan before we came on our first trip. But slowly over each trip has gotten more and more addicted to it. He works hard and really enjoys that these trips allow him to truly unplug from work. And I have even gotten him to go to Disneyland! He is a big Marvel and Star Wars fan. (Picture from Disneyland) And has LOVED all of the new additions to the park for Star Wars and hopefully one day we will make it back out to Disneyland to see the Marvel additions one day as well!
Favorite Restaurant: Polite Pig
Favorite Snack: Candied Bacon. (It was the pork shank that they had at Gaston's but those have been gone for a long time now)
Favorite Drink: Ice Tea Moonshine from Homecoming
Favorite Ride: Rise of Resistance and Rock n' Rollercoaster


Morgan is currently 12 years old, and will be 13 by the time this trip comes around. (YIKES!) She has adjusted to being "a disney adult" and having to choose off of the adult menu most of the time. She is our smart, quiet reserved girl. She loves to swim and draw. I mentioned to her that a lot of the high schools in our area have Senior Trips to Disney, and she is already looking forward to the day she can go to Disney with her friends.
Favorite Restaurant: BOMA (Morgan loves buffets!)
Favorite Snack: Mickey Pretzels and the Cinnamon Roll from Gaston's
Favorite Drink: She says she doesn't have one, and Gwen is insisting that we find her favorite drink on our next trip.
Favorite Ride: All the rollercoasters, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Rock n' Rollercoaster, Everest


Gwen is currently 10 years old and will be 11 by the time this trip comes around. She is a bit more Disney crazy like her moma than Morgan. And I love her for it. She has changed the most during this COVID times and has really transformed from a kid into a pre-teen. She is slightly more outgoing than Morgan and a bit more spunky. She loves to rock climb and watch YouTube ALL DAY LONG!!!
Favorite Restaurant: Sci-Fi Drive Inn and California Grill (but only for the candy sushi dessert)
Favorite Snack: Candied Bacon and Churros
Favorite Drink: Flying Yak from Thirsty River Bar near Everest
Favorite Ride: Tower of Terror and It's a Small World

What: A trip to Disney! What will be after almost 2 Years!
If you are new to my trip reports, we have been going to Disney on and off since 2013. As with everyone, it started as a once in 5 or 10 years. And quickly we reduced the time between trips each time! We quickly settled into an annual trip in February starting in 2016 and have gone every year since then. So, our last trip to see the Big Cheese was February 2020, literally a week or two before all of the chaos hit the fan. And unfortantly, we are skipping this year's February trip. We as a family don't feel comfortable traveling until the vaccine has been distributed fairly well. (This is just what we feel comfortable with. I am not here to judge anyone else decisions) And personally, I can't take the idea of planning a trip sooner and have the possiblity of cancelling it. Granted that could still be the case... But please! please! please! I hope we as a country have this under control better by the end of this year.

Where: Yacht Club - Standard View Room

This has become our go to hotel! We love the location, being able to walk to EPCOT and take a ferry boat to Hollywood Studios really has spoiled us. We also love the pool! I mean, you just can't beat the pool! And I do plan on trying to plan some good down time to really enjoy it. We have been doing split stays and picking a moderate for the first half of the stay and then switching over at the end of the trip. BUT since it will have been so long since we have been here AND it will be the first real vacation we will be having in 2 years, I think we will be staying only here. And we actually don't mind staying at the "ugly stepsister" to the beach club. We have always found the staff here nothing but great.

When: Wednesday, November 24th - Sunday, December 5th
These dates are the Wednesday before Thanksgiving all the way through to the following weekend. December 2019 we were lucky enough to visit for the 1st time at Christmas. But we left bright and early on Black Friday. And it was all fine but Thanksgiving felt like we were just going through the motions to get to the part when we could leave. So, I am really pushing to leave the day before Thanksgiving and find a nice relaxing non-traditional day for us. We will see if I can keep to the plan or if I will change my mind a million times!

Why: Follow along?
Please follow along as I try to keep my Disney blues at bay by planning this trip. I am planning in my head a week of Disney meals for February to also keep the blues away. I hope to share some of that here as well. I am not as flip floppy as some folks can be on here, but the parks seem to be changing by the day, so I am sure there will be lots of information to share!
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Yay!! I'm glad you decided to write this even though there isn't a ton to actually plan for a trip to WDW these days. It's just a nice place to keep track of your ideas and thoughts for the trip ahead! :) Plus, I'm here 1st!!!! :lovestruc
Thanksgiving Day:
So, first order of business... I have been thinking about what we should do on Thanksgiving Day.

The plan is to fly out Wednesday afternoon. The girls always have a half day the day before the holiday. So, I hope to get a flight that we get after they are done with school. So, we will more than likely get in late-ish. And with the next day a holiday. I am thinking that we want to have a fairly relaxing day. So, going into the park is an option but I am really leaning towards spending the day at the resort.

The front runner for me really is to just relax at the resort for the day. Take advantage of the pool and maybe even rent a cabana for half a day?

I think renting a cabana may make it seem more "special" of a day. And almost force us to not be tempted to head into a park.
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It would be really nice to have an area for us to relax and not worry about the people around us. And to have a server to get us some lunch and drinks sounds like a dream! It looks like for a half day reservation would be from 10:00 - 2:00 for $150. Not cheap but for a special day I think it might be worth it.

Even if we don't rent a cabana, I do think we will spend some time at the pool. I am sure we will be itching to get into the parks. But I just think that it will be worth waiting a day for it to be less crowded and to let us recharge from travel day.

If we stick to this, where should we eat for dinner? I have a short list that I have been pondering...

Dinner Options:
Chef Art Smith's Homecomin' - We love it here and if nothing else fried chicken is close to turkey, right? I know they had a special thanksgiving slider this past year. And I just love those Fried Green Tomatoes.
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Morimoto Asia - This would be the other option if we ventured to Disney Springs. I would be willing to swap turkey for those rib and sushi.
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Liberty Tree Tavern - We ate here for the first time on our last trip before all of this. And I have to say I was pleasantly suprised by it! I always avoided it because it just seemed so heavy for the heat of Florida. But it would be the most traditional meal we would get. BUT I just don't know if I want to even try and venture into a park this day. And if we wanted to get in later in the day just for a ride or two and then dinner?
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Yachtman Steakhouse - I think this is the front runner. Granted it needs to reopen first! But I do like the idea of just completely relaxing at the resort of the entire day. We have never been here and have been meaning to.
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Does anyone have any other recommendations? Thoughts?

So, the other factor to all of this is that I believe that Black Friday, we will go and visit my grandparents in Sebring, Florida. We rented a car the summer of 2019 to visit them. And it wasn't that bad of a drive. I am thinking if we have a quiet relaxing Thanksgiving we will be able to get up and go fairly early. We would only spend a few hours with them, as that is probably all my grandfather can really handle at this point. But maybe we can be back to Disney by late afternoon, we could possibly head to a park, FINALLY!

Has anyone been in Disney on Thanksgiving? How busy was it? Has anyone rented a cabana before? Do you think it is worth it? What is the best restaurant to go to for Thanksgiving?
I'm here and will be following along.

We haven't been in Disney for Thanksgiving since 2002. We were with a group of 15 family members and ate at CRT. They were serving a Turkey dinner.
Having a cabana sounds like a dream, and I love the idea of enjoying a nice, relaxing day fresh off of travel day. But, I am not sure I'd be able to resist getting over to MK for at least a little while! I'm not a lover of traditional Thanksgiving food, but Rob sure is. He really liked the idea of having Christmas dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern on one of our trips, simply for the "traditional" feel of the menu. It could be fun to have a relaxing resort day followed by a Thanksgiving dinner and a few rides in the evening, but I've never been at Thanksgiving, so I can't really speak to the crowd levels at all.
Joining in!

And as silly as it sounds, I just didn't want to let myself get too investing into a trip and have to cancel. But I have been missing Disney BAD
I get it... we were also in Disney at the end of February 2020, just before the shutdown... and back then, we had booked a trip for the first week of March 2021... but our plane tickets got cancelled recently. And being from Canada, our borders are still closed for non essential travel. So I have no idea when we will be back, so I have been loooking through our pictures from last year, watching YouTube videos, listening to Disney podcasts and reading trip reports compulsively for the past few weeks, trying to relive the magic! Disney blues is real!

So, at this point, I wanted to start this off to have something to look forward to. Something to keep me going in this long last stretch.
I get that... I love the planning part almost as much as the real deal! We have also booked a room with our new DVC contract for a long weekend next November... but I can’t wrap my head into planning yet because I figure there is a 50/50 chance we will have to cancel it... (who knows when they open that border again?) fingers crossed!🤞🏻

I will be happy to read about your planning and ideas for a future trip!
Yay!! I'm glad you decided to write this even though there isn't a ton to actually plan for a trip to WDW these days. It's just a nice place to keep track of your ideas and thoughts for the trip ahead! :) Plus, I'm here 1st!!!!
:welcome: Yeah!!! Glad you are here! Isn't it a weird and great feeling when you are 1st?!?!

I'm here and will be following along.
:welcome:Glad you are here!!!!

Having a cabana sounds like a dream, and I love the idea of enjoying a nice, relaxing day fresh off of travel day. But, I am not sure I'd be able to resist getting over to MK for at least a little while! I'm not a lover of traditional Thanksgiving food, but Rob sure is. He really liked the idea of having Christmas dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern on one of our trips, simply for the "traditional" feel of the menu. It could be fun to have a relaxing resort day followed by a Thanksgiving dinner and a few rides in the evening, but I've never been at Thanksgiving, so I can't really speak to the crowd levels at all.
I know! I am not sure I can hold out to actually not go into a park this day... We will see. I do also like Liberty Tree Tavern lunch menu better. I am not a big fan of turkey and all the fixin's. I like that at lunch you can get other things. I do also like the idea of getting up and going to the park first thing in the morning, grabbing lunch at LTT and leave once the park gets busy and spend the rest of the day at the pool...

Joining in!
:welcome:Thanks for following along!

I get it... we were also in Disney at the end of February 2020, just before the shutdown... and back then, we had booked a trip for the first week of March 2021... but our plane tickets got cancelled recently. And being from Canada, our borders are still closed for non essential travel.
That must have been so hard. It has to be hard that you literally can't go!

so I have been loooking through our pictures from last year, watching YouTube videos, listening to Disney podcasts and reading trip reports compulsively for the past few weeks, trying to relive the magic!
Hopefully, we can both pass the time!

We have also booked a room with our new DVC contract for a long weekend next November... but I can’t wrap my head into planning yet because I figure there is a 50/50 chance we will have to cancel it... (who knows when they open that border again?) fingers crossed!🤞🏻
I have my fingers crossed for you as well! I just hope for EVERYONE that by November life will start to o back to "normal-ish" The good news is there is much less to plan right now at least for a trip!
I’m joining in! We have been on Thanksgiving day in 2017, we spent the day at AK and had dinner at Yak and Yeti. It was so nice, the park was not really to crowded at all.
The cabana would be fun for you all.
I am a YC fan as well, we really love it. It is in my top 3 at Disney!
So exciting you've got a trip in the works! I feel your pain of being gone for so long and now it's almost like new again planning a trip. We haven't done it in so long. I can't help much on the Thanksgiving questions as we've never been that time of year, but just joining in and am excited to follow along!
I’m joining in! We have been on Thanksgiving day in 2017, we spent the day at AK and had dinner at Yak and Yeti. It was so nice, the park was not really to crowded at all.
:welcome:I am so glad you are here! Interesting, I didn't really consider Animal Kingdom. But Icould see how that park maybe be the least crowded....I mean Magic Kingdom has to be the busiest by far.

I am a YC fan as well, we really love it. It is in my top 3 at Disney!
YEAH! What are your top 3? Wilderness Lodge, Yacht Club, and .... Grand Floridian?

So exciting you've got a trip in the works! I feel your pain of being gone for so long and now it's almost like new again planning a trip. We haven't done it in so long. I can't help much on the Thanksgiving questions as we've never been that time of year, but just joining in and am excited to follow along!
:welcome:Glad you made it over! It feelssoooo good to be semi-planning something. There isn't quiet as much to plan, that is for sure. But It def gives me something to look forward to!
We as a family don't feel comfortable traveling until the vaccine has been distributed fairly well. (This is just what we feel comfortable with. I am not here to judge anyone else decisions) And personally, I can't take the idea of planning a trip sooner and have the possiblity of cancelling it. Granted that could still be the case... But please! please! please! I hope we as a country have this under control better by the end of this year.
I am the same way... it feels safer to me.
Where: Yacht Club - Standard View Room
Love, love, love the Yacht Club!
It would be really nice to have an area for us to relax and not worry about the people around us. And to have a server to get us some lunch and drinks sounds like a dream! It looks like for a half day reservation would be from 10:00 - 2:00 for $150. Not cheap but for a special day I think it might be worth it.
The cabanas look amazing! What a lovely first day treat! :)
I get it... we were also in Disney at the end of February 2020, just before the shutdown... and back then, we had booked a trip for the first week of March 2021... but our plane tickets got cancelled recently. And being from Canada, our borders are still closed for non essential travel. So I have no idea when we will be back, so I have been loooking through our pictures from last year, watching YouTube videos, listening to Disney podcasts and reading trip reports compulsively for the past few weeks, trying to relive the magic! Disney blues is real!
Another Canadian popping in to agree with you. With our border closure and the risk of new restrictions hanging over our heads, it's just not worth it. I have an August trip booked as well as December but I have no idea if either one will happen. Thank goodness for the Dis and Disney vloggers to keep the magic alive. Plus I am have been buying myself some cute Disney Dress Shoppe dresses to ease the pain of not traveling.


Himalayan Ghost from Thirsty River Bar

Oo I love this one too!

Morgan is currently 12 years old, and will be 13 by the time this trip comes around.

13?! How did that happen?

As with everyone, it started as a once in 5 or 10 years

Yup when I went in 2012 I said it was the only adult trip until I had kids :rolleyes1

But please! please! please! I hope we as a country have this under control better by the end of this year.

Seriously please!

I think renting a cabana may make it seem more "special" of a day. And almost force us to not be tempted to head into a park.

I think that sounds like a great way to start your vacation especially since it'll have been so long in between trips!

What is the best restaurant to go to for Thanksgiving?

As much as I love Homecomin and Morimoto, something about a relaxing day by the pool followed by some time in Magic Kingdom with a "traditional" Thanksgiving meal sounds amazing so I would lean towards Liberty Tree.
Popping over from your current TR. glad you have a trip planned and fingers crossed it happens. It is weird now not to have to plan as much . Looking forward to reading more
Another Canadian popping in to agree with you. With our border closure and the risk of new restrictions hanging over our heads, it's just not worth it. I have an August trip booked as well as December but I have no idea if either one will happen. Thank goodness for the Dis and Disney vloggers to keep the magic alive.
Oh man! I feel bad for all of the canadian's on here. It is just a crazy time we are living in.

13?! How did that happen?
I know! It's crazy! Enjoy your little guy. I alwasy say it goes by fast and slow all at the same time.

Yup when I went in 2012 I said it was the only adult trip until I had kids :rolleyes1
Well, at least now you are at the with kids stage! Ha!

As much as I love Homecomin and Morimoto, something about a relaxing day by the pool followed by some time in Magic Kingdom with a "traditional" Thanksgiving meal sounds amazing so I would lean towards Liberty Tree.
It is def an option! I am worried that we wouldn't be able to get into Magic Kingdom later in the day.

Popping over from your current TR. glad you have a trip planned and fingers crossed it happens. It is weird now not to have to plan as much . Looking forward to reading more
:welcome: Glad you are here! It is weird to not have much to plan but I am confident I can still find things to plan! Ha.
Good Morning Everyone!

I wanted to kick off the "fun part" of this pre-trip planning report. Last night at dinner, we played a little game. I gave everyone a piece of paper and kicked off the questions about our "Imaginary Trip" Morgan did a good teen grumble but quickly got into the game. We took turns coming up with questions and we all answered them. I thought it would be fun for us to answer the questions together!

Imaginary Trip:
How long you would go for?
What time of year would you go?
What resort would you stay at?
What resort do you NOT want to stay at?
What EPCOT festival would you want it to be? (doesn't have to match your time of year)
What is the breakdown of your park days?
What resort would you pool hop to? (assuming it was allowed)

What would be your first ride of the trip?
Where would you eat your first meal, what restaurant?
What would you have as your first snack of the trip?
What is your first drink of the trip?

Pick 3 Fast Passes for the whole trip. It can be across different parks.
Choose one more ride for each park.
What ride do you NOT want to ride.
Choose one Bonus "Extra" (this can be dessert parties, behind the scenes tours, or things like mini-golf, surey bikes, basically anything that isn't what the first timer would do)

Choose 3 additional food items: snacks, desserts restaurants. (we had to word it this way because Morgan made asttink that she hate restaurants)
Choose 1 store to shop at and what would you want to buy?

And then last but not least...
What would be the LAST thing you would do before you leave? This can be a ride, food, really anything goes.

I will put our answers in the next post! Can't wait to read everyone else's answers!
Andy's Imaginary Trip:
How long you would go for? 10 Nights
What time of year would you go? Christmas/December
What resort would you stay at? Yacht Club/Caribbean Beach. - This really has become our 2 favorite resorts, respectively for deluxe and moderate choices. The skyliner really makes Caribbean Beach high up there.
What resort do you NOT want to stay at? Fort Wilderness
What EPCOT festival would you want it to be? (doesn't have to match your time of year) Food & Wine (or Xmas)
What is the breakdown of your park days? 3 MK, 3 EPCOT, 3HS, 1AK
What resort would you pool hop to? (assuming it was allowed) Animal Kingdom - Andy said this was his choose since we haven't been to that pool yet.

What would be your first ride of the trip? Tron / Big Thunder Mountain - This was a "break" in our rules, we had said no rides that weren't open yet, but Andy cheated.
Where would you eat your first meal, what restaurant? Ohana
What would you have as your first snack of the trip? Candied Bacon
What is your first drink of the trip? Sweet Tea Moonshine or Orange Swirl

Pick 3 Fast Passes for the whole trip. It can be across different parks.
  • Rise of Resistance
  • Tron / Haunted Mansion
  • Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway
Choose one more ride for each park.
MK: Tron - Somebody clearly isn't following the directions!
AK: Everest
EPCOT: Ratatouille / Spaceship Earth
- And AGAIN!
HS: Toy Story Mania
What ride do you NOT want to ride. - Space Mountain - This is mostly because it is to jiggly for his back.
Choose one Bonus "Extra" (this can be dessert parties, behind the scenes tours, or things like mini-golf, surey bikes, basically anything that isn't what the first timer would do) - Get a Haircut on Main Street or Rent one of the Wilderness Lodge Cabins! (and then as we talked he added Hoop-de-doo-Review - First, I didn't even know. that he knew about the haircuts on Main Street! And second, YES!!! Can we rent a cabin?!?! I mean seriously, can we do that for the first night or two of this trip? If only we won the megamillions!

Choose 3 additional food items: snacks, desserts restaurants. (we had to word it this way because Morgan made a stink that she hate restaurants)
  • Polite Pig for all of the BBQ
  • Morimoto Asia for the Ribs
  • Fillet Mignon & Poutine from Le Cellier - This one was a suprise to me. I knew he liked the meal but I didn't think it would be at the top of the list!
Choose 1 store to shop at and what would you want to buy?
Dok Ondars Den of Antiquities for a Huge Star Wars Bust or Launching Bay for Life Sized Stormtrooper. - I know you are all super jealous of my husband's buying goals... Andy had a small christmas tree on a table set up in the backround of his zoom calls this holiday season and he said it would be awsome to have the strom trooper in the backround instead... sigh...

And then last but not least...
What would be the LAST thing you would do before you leave? This can be a ride, food, really anything goes.

Binge Ride on Big Thunder Mountain at Closing Time
Morgan's Imaginary Trip:
How long you would go for?
Week and a half
What time of year would you go? Winter
What resort would you stay at?
Yacht Club - if nothing we are consistant!
What resort do you NOT want to stay at?
All Star Sports
What EPCOT festival would you want it to be? (doesn't have to match your time of year)
Festival of the Arts - Morgan said this festival just for the drawing class that they do.
What is the breakdown of your park days?
3 MK, 2 EPCOT, 4 HS, 1 AK, 2 Rest Days - I found it intersting that she gave us 2 whole rest days!
What resort would you pool hop to? (assuming it was allowed) Poly

What would be your first ride of the trip?
Rock n' Rollercoaster
Where would you eat your first meal, what restaurant?
BOMA - Morgan said she picked it because it was a buffet... this girl really hates restaurants. You would think we somehow have tramatized her with restaurants...
What would you have as your first snack of the trip?
French Toast Pretzel
What is your first drink of the trip?
Frozone Slushie

Pick 3 Fast Passes for the whole trip. It can be across different parks.

  • Flight of Passage
  • Rockin Rollercoaster
  • Rise of Resistance
Choose one more ride for each park.
  • HS: Toy Story Mania
  • MK: Space Mountain
  • AK: Everest
  • EPCOT: Test Track
What ride do you NOT want to ride. - Tower of Terror - This was not a suprise from Morgan. She does not like the feeling of falling.
Choose one Bonus "Extra" (this can be dessert parties, behind the scenes tours, or things like mini-golf, surey bikes, basically anything that isn't what the first timer would do)
- Jingle Bell Jingle BAM Dessert Party

Choose 3 additional food items: snacks, desserts restaurants. (we had to word it this way because Morgan made asttink that she hate restaurants)

  • Cinnamon Roll from Gaston's. - See no restaurants...
  • Rasperberry Dole Whip
  • Mickey Pretzel
Choose 1 store to shop at and what would you want to buy?
Japan Store for more Nanoblocks, more wooden puzzles and possible anime stuff.

And then last but not least...
What would be the LAST thing you would do before you leave? This can be a ride, food, really anything goes.

Ride Everst at night!
Gwen's Imaginary Trip:
How long you would go for? 11 Days
What time of year would you go? January - Can you tell that we did NOT like our trip in August? Well, just the heat part of it.
What resort would you stay at?
French Quarter - I think me and Gwen like this resort more than Andy and Morgan. Gwen said she likes it because it is like a little town.
What resort do you NOT want to stay at? Grand Floridan
- She said this because it looks too big. :confused3
What EPCOT festival would you want it to be? (doesn't have to match your time of year)
Festival of the Arts
What is the breakdown of your park days?
1 AK, 2 HS, 2 EPCOT, 5 MK, & 1 Rest day - Again another vote for a rest day! I think I might need to plan a rest day smack in the middle of the trip!
What resort would you pool hop to? (assuming it was allowed)
Poly - Something about that volcano, I guess

What would be your first ride of the trip?
It's a Small World - Andy and Morgan found this horrifing. But it is literally what she does each trip, she wants to ride it first thing and we always have to convince her to wait a bit.
Where would you eat your first meal, what restaurant?
Artist Point Character Meal - This was a suprise to me. And if it comes back, I would def do it again.
What would you have as your first snack of the trip?
What is your first drink of the trip?
Flying Yak - She talks about this drink ALL the time.... she is slightly obessed!

Pick 3 Fast Passes for the whole trip. It can be across different parks.

  • Tower of Terror
  • Space Mountain
  • Muppets 3D - This came out of no where? But we did do it in December, so maybe it is "fresh" in her mind
Choose one more ride for each park.
  • MK: Tea Cups
  • EPCOT: Spaceship Earth
  • HS: Rock'n Rollercoaster
  • AK: Flight of Passage
What ride do you NOT want to ride. - Peter Pan - she claimed this was a boring ride... :confused3
Choose one Bonus "Extra" (this can be dessert parties, behind the scenes tours, or things like mini-golf, surey bikes, basically anything that isn't what the first timer would do)
- Surey Bikes over at Boardwalk - This may have to be on the list for the next trip, it's an easy item and we can do it on one of the rest days that my children seem to want!

Choose 3 additional food items: snacks, desserts restaurants. (we had to word it this way because Morgan made asttink that she hate restaurants)

Peter Pan Float
Painters Churros (from Festival of the Arts)
Candied Bacon

Choose 1 store to shop at and what would you want to buy?
- Japan store for more "cute stuff" and a lucky cat and the Star Wars store for the new Porge big footie plush - I showed her a photo of the new plush that I saw on twitter and she almost lost her mind...

And then last but not least...
What would be the LAST thing you would do before you leave? This can be a ride, food, really anything goes. -
Rivers of Light - I had to break it to her that they cancelled this...
And last but not least...

My Imaginary Trip:
How long you would go for?
A week and A Half - We all seem to have picked a bit longer than a week trip! Probably because it has been so long. But also I think we just know it is nice to have more time and not feel like you have to squeeze everything in.
What time of year would you go? Thanksgiving into December - I really wanted to see what the reaction was to being in Disney on Thanksgiving would be. And I got nothing out of it. Which I guess is good. If they hated the idea they would have said something.
What resort would you stay at?
Wilderness Lodge - I picked this for theme of staying around the holiday plus I knew most was going to pick Yacht Club. But I would totally do a cabin....
What resort do you NOT want to stay at?
All Stars and Riverside - We are just not sports people, so the theming would just be lost on us for All Star Sports and we really really really did not like our stay at Riverside. And we like French Quarter and Caribbean Beach so much more if we wanted to stay at a moderate.
What EPCOT festival would you want it to be? (doesn't have to match your time of year)
Festival of the Arts
What is the breakdown of your park days?
4 MK, 3 HS, 2 EPCOT, AK: 1-1/2, Rest Days: 1-1/2
What resort would you pool hop to? (assuming it was allowed)
Yacht Club

What would be your first ride of the trip?
Big Thunder Mountain - I always want to ride this first and get over ruled to ride Space Mountain...
Where would you eat your first meal, what restaurant?
California Grill - I picked this since we were at Magic Kingdom. I do want to go here next trip.
What would you have as your first snack of the trip?
Orange Swirl
What is your first drink of the trip?
Drink from Trader Sam's - I should say that I want it to be actually inside Trader Sam's, as we have yet to make it inside the bar.

Pick 3 Fast Passes for the whole trip. It can be across different parks.

  • Rise of Resistance - Clearly we are all big fans of this ride!
  • Big Thunder Mountain
  • Splash Mountain - I said I would be happy with either version old or new
Choose one more ride for each park.
  • AK: Everest
  • MK: Tiki Room - I went nastagic since I had already picked BTM and Splash...
  • HS: Toy Story Mania
  • EPCOT: Soarin'
What ride do you NOT want to ride. - Tea Cups and Mission Space - too much spinning!
Choose one Bonus "Extra" (this can be dessert parties, behind the scenes tours, or things like mini-golf, surey bikes, basically anything that isn't what the first timer would do) -
Behind the Scenes Tour of Elephants - Again I wanted to see the reaction from everyone and it was kind of meh...

Choose 3 additional food items: snacks, desserts restaurants. (we had to word it this way because Morgan made asttink that she hate restaurants)

  • Sanaa for Bread Service
  • Homecoming for Fried Green Tomatoes and Moonshine Mash
  • Any and all Carmel treats from Germany
Choose 1 store to shop at and what would you want to buy? - World of Disney to buy a new Disney bag of some sort and a new mug/cup. - The girls said we were going to need a new kitchen for all of my mugs!

And then last but not least...
What would be the LAST thing you would do before you leave? This can be a ride, food, really anything goes.
- Ride the people mover while eating a rice krispee treat.

So, what do you all think of our answers? Who has the best ideas?


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