magic places in MK


Dec 23, 2002
I thought I would share some of the most magical places to be.

1. Go on splash mountain at night and just before the final big drop, look at the view. You can see the castle all lit up in the distance. ( most people look down )

2. Again at night, watch the last parade in fronteir land nr the end of the route as it is usually less crowded. Then take a slow walk out toward the castle so that you are near the last out of the park. Take a look at the castle constantly changing color, and then turn around and main street is absolutely beautiful all lit up.

3. When on T S island, go to the back of the snack bar and behind is a slope leading towards the lake. From there you can see the river boat going by and also the train racing in and out of the tunnels. It makes a great photo too

Has anyone got anymore favourite places ?
I would have to agree that night time is the most magical time at Magic Kingdom. We have been there for e-ride nights the past 3 years and have been able just to stand on main street about midnight and look at cinderella's castle as it changes colors is breath taking. We took a picture of every color and now have them framed and hanging in our living room. Also took a picture of main street and the end of e-ride night with no one standing on it and just the lights. Hope they start e-ride nights again soon.
My most magical spot is right on Main Street.

Sitting at the bench in front of the castle, and if you sit just right on the bench you can see the statue of Mickey and Walt holding hands and then in the backdrop is the castle. It is great, especially when there are no people walking in front of you. It is just so "sweet". I can just sit there for hours and kick back and look at that one scene and I always treasure it in my mind. :)
I love the view of the Castle from Splash Mountain at night! Amazing!

I also like that little trail between Tomorrowland and Toontown. Very quiet and peaceful!

Another magical place for us at MK is a window seat for lunch at CRT! To be eating in Cinderella's castle with a view of Fantasyland is fabulous. Ours was even better this past summer as the show in front of the castle was going on and so Hook and Pan ran by our window severral times as a part of the show!

Another spot.....riding Dumbo being able to feel like a kid looking around at FL


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