Maggie & Shanes Wedding TR- Nov 2006- Sea Breeze Point

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Well, I've been looking at the tux places online like After Hours and all they seem to have are black and gray. I really think he should wear tan since it's the middle of the day and the summer, but his mother thinks it's not fair that I get a big fancy dress and he just gets a 'tan suit.' She's so annoying!!! I told her he can wear a big fancy dress if he wants :rotfl: I think that made her more mad :rotfl:

Thanks for the ideas to check department stores!

Sorry too, Maggie! Hey, we're keeping your thread alive!! ;)

thats right!! You never know someone may stumble upon this and have never read it--

So your FMIL thinks its not fair that he wears a tan suit? Whats color have to do with it? Tan is very fancy!! Heck its better than having him wear a whilte button down shirt with khaki's (not that theres anything wrong iwth that-- its always very cute for beach themed weddings!). He will BURN UP in black!!
thats right!! You never know someone may stumble upon this and have never read it--

So your FMIL thinks its not fair that he wears a tan suit? Whats color have to do with it? Tan is very fancy!! Heck its better than having him wear a whilte button down shirt with khaki's (not that theres anything wrong iwth that-- its always very cute for beach themed weddings!). He will BURN UP in black!!

Thank you!!! 'Some people' just aren't logical! Not even close ;)
Ok found your trip report while reading ForKeeps. I'm off to start yours now & can't wait.
I lived in South Knoxville for years so I am quite familiar with Seymour.
Let the magic begin pixiedust:
Hello neighbor! Im sure you are very familiar with Seymour if you are from South Knoxville-- im surprised we havent become a part of South Knoxville yet. Ill be interested to hear your thoughts!! Thanks for taking time to read :):hug:
Maggie i just wanted to pop in and say how beautiful your photos are - **sigh** gorgeous- you've made 10x happier we booked randy!;) The day looked perfect.
Hey Maggie (and Shane)...and belated congratulations!

I can't believe it's taken me this long to post a reply here. I assure you...I've been with this thread since the very beginning. We're getting married at the same spot come October so I followed along with much interest. I should've spoke up sooner. (in my defense, I may still be the first male poster on this thread and while I'll post questions or give answers on this board if I know them I try not to be otherwise I don't want to walk in on you gals party)

For what it's worth though....I loved this thread.

It's bookmarked for reference. No kidding.
(those pictures of the wedding site a few pages in are awesome. It really helped us see what the place was immense help)

Thanks for taking the time to post it all. It was a great read all the way to the end and I'm glad everything went so well for you guys. Everything looked great...the pictures were fantastic. Mr. Chapman really did a good job for you!

I have of course dutifully reported details of your experiences with the assorted vendors you used to my other. I may be the obsessive planner of we two, but matters of hair and makeup make me shrug...*grin*.

Some of my favorites from your report...

*The boat ride Disney gave you - That must have been an incredible sense of the Disney Magic right then :) . I think it was also great you got to share the experience with your parents. Also...I really dig how they wrote the certificate.

*The Scrooge picture - The whole experience of your Disney wedding is one of those great stories you get to carry around forever and chapters like this one are the best. I hope you get to run into him again....he gave you a perfect gift. Isn't is cool what being friendly and talking to people can make happen?

*hehehe...the dinosaur ride picture was classic

Once again...thanks for posting such a great report. I really learned alot from your posts and had fun the whole time.

Maggie i just wanted to pop in and say how beautiful your photos are - **sigh** gorgeous- you've made 10x happier we booked randy!;) The day looked perfect.

I am so happy that you are getting excited about Randy. He was by far my favorite vendor (as everyone here on the boards already know-- all I can do is rave about him). I just *know* that your photos will turn out beautiful. Its a nice feeling walking into a situation where you will know you are being taken care of-- and thats the way it is when working with Chapman Photography!! Can't wait to see those photos girl!!
Hey Maggie (and Shane)...and belated congratulations!

I can't believe it's taken me this long to post a reply here. I assure you...I've been with this thread since the very beginning. We're getting married at the same spot come October so I followed along with much interest. I should've spoke up sooner. (in my defense, I may still be the first male poster on this thread and while I'll post questions or give answers on this board if I know them I try not to be otherwise I don't want to walk in on you gals party)

For what it's worth though....I loved this thread.

It's bookmarked for reference. No kidding.
(those pictures of the wedding site a few pages in are awesome. It really helped us see what the place was immense help)

Thanks for taking the time to post it all. It was a great read all the way to the end and I'm glad everything went so well for you guys. Everything looked great...the pictures were fantastic. Mr. Chapman really did a good job for you!

I have of course dutifully reported details of your experiences with the assorted vendors you used to my other. I may be the obsessive planner of we two, but matters of hair and makeup make me shrug...*grin*.

Some of my favorites from your report...

*The boat ride Disney gave you - That must have been an incredible sense of the Disney Magic right then :) . I think it was also great you got to share the experience with your parents. Also...I really dig how they wrote the certificate.

*The Scrooge picture - The whole experience of your Disney wedding is one of those great stories you get to carry around forever and chapters like this one are the best. I hope you get to run into him again....he gave you a perfect gift. Isn't is cool what being friendly and talking to people can make happen?

*hehehe...the dinosaur ride picture was classic

Once again...thanks for posting such a great report. I really learned alot from your posts and had fun the whole time.


Hello Pax! I really appreciate you taking the time to post. I also want to say that we (or atleast I) dont think a man will ever intrude on these girls' party-- theres way too many of us out here. I want to commend you on stepping up to the plate and caring for the details that go into your wedding (whether it be site location, vendors, etc). Many men (Shane included) tend to let the woman handle every detail of the wedding, and when asked about certain things-- just agree with what you like. Your soon-to-be wife will certainly appreciate your initiative in this stressful time in your life.

We loved Randy. I think I have said that on nearly every thread here. I feel it is somewhat my duty to my fellow disney wedding planners because if I was in the same boat again, and had never heard of him or seen his work-- I would be very upset had a not booked him. A wedding is forever, and like I said in the post above-- you want to feel as though everything will work out to your satisfaction. Randy did just that and more. Had I never saw Tchan's photos I may not have gotten to book him in time. Now-- I want everyone to have him as well-- everyone needs to be happy with their photographs-- its the one thing you bring home that will last forever.

:goodvibes Thanks for mentioning the boat ride. I am really not one of those girls (or guys for that matter) who cant cut the leash for their parents. But I was happy to share this moment for them... if nothing else than to let them see that we were happy. I dont mind for them to share in my enjoyment-- that was an opportunity they got to have too, and I am pleased with it.

The Scrooge pic was amazing. I really enjoy giving credit where it is due-- and that man was so generous to us. We could have paid for the photo- money wasnt the issue. He was just being thoughtful and using his craft toward good deeds that day. I really hope we meet up again with him soon and give him a big thank-you. :cloud9: People at Disney really know how to go the extra mile to make you feel important.

The dinosaur picture-- haha. I swear if you cant laugh at yourself you might as well hit the road packing (or atleast in our house). Ofcoarse I look nothing short of a 'scaredy cat' but thats the reason we had to have it-- HAHA. Our kids will look back one day-- and when they are scared to ride the rides i'll be able to relate to them. Then, they can laugh it off and not think they look like a fool. Or maybe they can just look at it and laugh too-- :rotfl:

Thanks for reading this and am really flattered that it helped. When i was walking into our wedding I had no idea what SBP looked like from a distance, no idea really about the vendors I had.. nor about the day itself. The unfortunate part is that DFTW does a real foul job preparing you for the day itself-- you dont know anything from 'when am i getting my flowers' to 'whats the delay like from the time i get to the boardwalk till i walk down the isle'... you dont hear anything! Randy prepared me for that and some of the answers even he didnt know. I felt once I was in Disney I was more less just a customer of DFTW and I didnt get much attention from them until the actual arriving at the ceremony location.

This board really helps prepare us for our big day and had I not found it... I would have been in a heap of trouble!!

Thanks again for all your kind words-- they really mean a lot!:hug:
OMG! We've been looking for a tan suit too and can't find one anywhere!!! Let us know if you do :)

Also, at least you girls have/had lists! I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing :rotfl:

I wasn't sure if you ladies were still looking for tan suits, but I found some from Jim's Formal Wear. I don't know if they have retailers where you live, but we almost chose this suit for our March wedding! I think it's pretty nice...


The website is
I wasn't sure if you ladies were still looking for tan suits, but I found some from Jim's Formal Wear. I don't know if they have retailers where you live, but we almost chose this suit for our March wedding! I think it's pretty nice...


The website is

Thank you!!!! I'm going to the website right now to check it out. Do they have one in Orlando that would deliver the suits to the resort?
Maggie, your trip report was wonderful! There is so much I sympathize with you about!!

1. The makeup thing. I got married at home in Pittsburgh and the lady I used came VERY highly recommended. During my trial I said "natural" make up. Like you, natural for me is the eyeliner, blush, whole 9 yards. I feel weird without it. She did natural as in hardly noticable and I wanted natural for me. Yeah, it was my mistake, but I freaked!! Luckily she was cool enough to come and do a second trial for me and it was fine the day of, but I understand how disappointing that can be. You can have a million people tell you you look great, but if you didn't like it, nothing is going to change your mind!!

2. My dad's favorite character is Gaston. Just TRY to find anything with Gaston on it. It's like the quest for the Holy Grail. I bet all the Gaston merchandise is hiding with the Scrooge stuff. :)

And there was something else that is completely slipping my mind right now.... :) I'm so glad you had a wonderful wedding!! Thanks for the TR!
Maggie, your trip report was wonderful! There is so much I sympathize with you about!!

1. The makeup thing. I got married at home in Pittsburgh and the lady I used came VERY highly recommended. During my trial I said "natural" make up. Like you, natural for me is the eyeliner, blush, whole 9 yards. I feel weird without it. She did natural as in hardly noticable and I wanted natural for me. Yeah, it was my mistake, but I freaked!! Luckily she was cool enough to come and do a second trial for me and it was fine the day of, but I understand how disappointing that can be. You can have a million people tell you you look great, but if you didn't like it, nothing is going to change your mind!!

2. My dad's favorite character is Gaston. Just TRY to find anything with Gaston on it. It's like the quest for the Holy Grail. I bet all the Gaston merchandise is hiding with the Scrooge stuff. :)

And there was something else that is completely slipping my mind right now.... :) I'm so glad you had a wonderful wedding!! Thanks for the TR!

Thank you for reading :hug: . The Lisa thing was just a real bummer for me because I really had high hopes. I dont think I was 'as' upset with the makeup (though i was upset dont get me wrong) as I was with the hair. I think I would have looked better with just a plain blow-dry down. I wouldnt be so upset but in my photos my hair looks like it was pulled back and then brushed (with bumps and whatnot-- like an amature would do)... and I hate seeing that in them.

Gaston? Wow... that would be MUCH harder than scrooge. Ill keep my eye out for ya!

Thanks again!!:goodvibes
Maggie, I just finally got done reading your TR - dreaming of the day when I can have my own DFTW!!. Your wedding was so beautiful! You are adorable as well- you remind me of Reese Witherspoon!

Personally I think you could've been way more bridezilla about the whole hair and make-up thing, I think you really took it in stride and looked beautiful. I love your glasses, btw! It makes me wish I wore glasses :lmao:

And as for sweet tea.. I think I'm one of the few Northerners/Midwesterners in the world that adores it. We can only get it at Cracker Barrel up here so when we go I drink gallons of it! I don't know how I went to college in Baltimore and missed it! :confused:
Maggie, I just finally got done reading your TR - dreaming of the day when I can have my own DFTW!!. Your wedding was so beautiful! You are adorable as well- you remind me of Reese Witherspoon!

Personally I think you could've been way more bridezilla about the whole hair and make-up thing, I think you really took it in stride and looked beautiful. I love your glasses, btw! It makes me wish I wore glasses :lmao:

And as for sweet tea.. I think I'm one of the few Northerners/Midwesterners in the world that adores it. We can only get it at Cracker Barrel up here so when we go I drink gallons of it! I don't know how I went to college in Baltimore and missed it! :confused:

Thank you so much for all the kind words. I really appreciate you reading it.

Yeah, my hair and makeup wasnt exactly the best in the world-- for me that is, but life goes on and that was just one day. DH wakes up to me every morning without nice hair and no makeup-- so it could always be worse:rotfl: !

Sweet Tea is heaven sent! Seriously. We searched high and low for some while at Disney. When we got back I had heard that Liberty Tree Tavern served it, but then stopped and now somewhere else does. I cant remember where it was-- but I'll certainly be doing my research before we go back. Whats a warm hot day without a good cold glass of sweet tea?:drinking1

As for your own FTW-- your day will come, and it will shine!! You just have to believe in it. GL:thumbsup2 And thanks again!:hug:

This is slightly OT, but I thought you would appreciate it :)

Snowglobes are on sale at on and I saw this one and thought of you.

- Diana
Diana, You are awesome!!

I actually bought that one for DH just before Christmas. I bought him the one with the collectors pin with it and got out paying $45.00. I havent seen them on sale that cheap since.

I got the e-mail this morning about the 'up to 70% off snowglobes' and looked to see if it was cheaper than what i paid (im a cheapskate for sure!). Luckily I got out well.

Thanks so much for posting this though. Its a great snowglobe-- it spits gold out of his mouth continuously when you turn it on.

Im considering getting some of those $20-some-odd dollar snowglobes that are on sale. Seems like a good price, I just always wonder if they will ever be lower- ya know?

Thanks so much!!:hug: Seriously that is so sweet and thoughtful of you:hug:
Oooh that does sound really cool and it sounds like you got a great deal too. We are here to look out for each other :hug: even if that means encouraging shopping :rotfl2:
Hi there! What a great read...awesome pics! You two are a beautiful couple!

Now, totally OT, but Maggie, I love your glasses! I wear glasses & need new ones...please tell me where you got them! Thanks!
Hi there! What a great read...awesome pics! You two are a beautiful couple!

Now, totally OT, but Maggie, I love your glasses! I wear glasses & need new ones...please tell me where you got them! Thanks!

d4est-- thanks so much for the compliment! Im so glad you enjoyed it!! I got these not all that long ago (maybe October?) from Lens Crafters-- they have a pretty good selection there. Ive also got some neat ones at Targets optical place-- but definately try lens crafters. Thanks again for reading!:goodvibes
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