LuvLuvLuv's Memories TR Starts Pg 73 - Honeymoon Day 6.1

Gratz on getting your ring! I can't wait to see pics of it!!

thanks!! i haven't had time to get a good pic of it yet... let alone post it!! things have been crazy... i can't wait to put it up on the ering post!

I've just caught up on your PJ! I'll definitely be following you along your journey...Love everything so far and can't wait to see the pics of your DIY save the dates and everything else! :thumbsup2

thanks for joining in!!


So.... we leave for WDW in the morning. I haven't packed, I haven't cleaned, I haven't colored my hair or made my last minute Wal-Mart run. I've been in this weird funk and haven't exactly felt that great. I just had a coldish/flu thing 2 weeks ago... but it feels like something is trying to come back. I think it's the weather.

On the bright side. I woke up at 6:00am on Sunday with the time change and DF was just getting home from work. He wanted to go to sleep, but I took him to Cracker Barrell, loaded up on caffiene and noms... was discussing the trip... and mid-caffiene high I told him I wanted a new camera---NOW. I told him that my 2 Nikon digis are old and outdated, and I didn't like his Kodak that his grandfather got him last year at random. I love my Kodak Playsport for playing around with video... but there's no flash. He keeps telling me to save for the Canon Rebel T2i that I want... but even though I want it, I can't see me getting into all that before the wedding. By the time I get the camera, the accessories and a lens or two.... That's pretty much my wedding reception. So after Cracker Barrell, we went to Target and I was looking at the Canon digis... comparing.... and the tech guys were all in a group ignoring us, then I yell out.... Um, can I buy this camera? Then they come running--all of a sudden they were hungry for a sale and wanted to make sure I had memory cards too, lol. Well I got 2 of them just to be safe. I ended up with the Canon PowerShot SD1400 14.1mp. It's very tiny, has great features, takes amazing photos and it was on sale :) This should get me by for a while. It really is a great camera, and its compact--I'm glad I made this choice.

So DF told me the other day that he wants to re-propose to me in the Magic Kingdom. Is this dumb? No seriously, I can't decide. Sure the picture would be cute, but it's already been done. I mean, no one in the crowd would know that we've been engaged for 2 months, but I feel like it's going to bring odd attention and I'm not sure my face can just "act surprised". He really wants to do this, and I think I may be really against it. Do I just go along with it for the sake that he wants to do it? I think when I told him that "this hasn't really been a fairy tale for me" he started to feel bad. Maybe I shouldn't have said that... but maybe he shouldn't have asked me to be his cow. I just feel like he's going to go thru all this trouble with a photopass person and I'm just going to laugh--like hysterically and may even wet myself. I really do welcome any opinions on this because if it's dumb-- I want it to be re-iterated to me. If it's cute or a good idea-- I may need convinced and told to suck it up.

Okay, I'm having a pre-trip panic attack. Too much needs done in too little time and it's making me feel sick and antsy. Does anyone else get this?? I should probably do some work. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!!
Aww, I think another proposal in front of the castle is romantic! :goodvibes
I wouldn't be too worried about drawing in crowds of attention...when fe proposed to me in front of the castle his sister was taking the pictures, when we look back at them now we notice NO ONE is even paying attention! It looks like they've seen way too many proposals in their lifetime :lmao:

Ultimately, the decision is up to you, but I think humoring your fiance is a good thing...and the new pictures you'll have will be nice too :)
Hey, its sweet that he's taken the thought to consider your feelings and want to make it right! Regardless of his screw up with the cow, lol. I think it will make him feel better about it and this way you will have TWO engagement stories, and two wonderful (okay one) wonderful memory of it. And he may say some great things that will really make you glad to hear, if hes not a my DF. I say let him clear his conscience and flatter you at the same time, whats the hurt? Then again, if you are super against it and it will make you angry I vote against it..sounds like he may want to swoon you again though. (insert the cute "awwww") Id give it a try. I wish I had a cute, romantic proposal..:rolleyes1
Aww, I think another proposal in front of the castle is romantic! :goodvibes
I wouldn't be too worried about drawing in crowds of attention...when fe proposed to me in front of the castle his sister was taking the pictures, when we look back at them now we notice NO ONE is even paying attention! It looks like they've seen way too many proposals in their lifetime :lmao:

Ultimately, the decision is up to you, but I think humoring your fiance is a good thing...and the new pictures you'll have will be nice too :)

thanks for the advice!! i think i'm going to let him do it, it'll be great :)

Hey, its sweet that he's taken the thought to consider your feelings and want to make it right! Regardless of his screw up with the cow, lol. I think it will make him feel better about it and this way you will have TWO engagement stories, and two wonderful (okay one) wonderful memory of it. And he may say some great things that will really make you glad to hear, if hes not a my DF. I say let him clear his conscience and flatter you at the same time, whats the hurt? Then again, if you are super against it and it will make you angry I vote against it..sounds like he may want to swoon you again though. (insert the cute "awwww") Id give it a try. I wish I had a cute, romantic proposal..:rolleyes1

I agree with you :) Thanks for putting things into perspective for me!! It wouldn't make me angry... I just would giggle and smirk because I knew it was happening, lol!! Maybe your DF will re-propose to you :rotfl2:
Sooo I'm a little frustrated right now.

So on the main board, someone else was frustrated because they hadn't heard back from Bill in a while. Funny, I emailed him on 10/19 and nothing back. So it turns out he's on an unexpected leave. Which is fine. Things happen outside of work and I get that. BUT!!! No one is calling his people and letting them know who is taking care of them??

So I called. I said that I had heard he was away and that I had a site visit for next Thursday. She said to just show up as normal and someone would take his place, okay? (like we were done here and I was going to accept this answer)

Umm.... yeah.

So I asked who it would be. She said she didn't know, but someone would be there. At this point I was nervous, because I was afraid she was assuming "someone" would be there. I know that Wendy's is the same as mine and that rules out at least one coordinator. She tries to end the conversation again--no no. I asked how this person would know what I wanted to see. I sent Bill all this information, and you just want me to show up randomly when I've had an appointment?? She said that someone could call me if I wanted. I asked when, and she said sometime before my appointment. Okay... well that's in 9 days and I leave in 8. She couldn't tell me who was calling me, or when it would be. :headache: I called back to see if someone else answered, and it was her again... so I disconnected. Let's hope this is not the way the rest of the planning will go.

I have a feeling this is going to be a major disaster.
I'll keep updating.

I had a similar thing happen with the coordinators at Disneyland, CA. Except it happened the day I showed up for the site visit, and I made a nice big scene at the planning office - I didn't mean too.

I try to look at it as "well it happened now so it wont happen when it REALLY matters". Of course this view point came after the anger flushed face and the panic attack, lol.
well we're back--physically. this is my 2nd day back at work and i'm still pretty wore out. i had an allergy attack while we were down there and was trying to be a big girl about it--but i was visibly miserable. i did give my new camera a work out. i took over 1400 pics and i have to go through them all, probably this weekend to give a full report. i'm also doing a dining reviews which will be taking up some time as well. i may wait to do any of this till thanksgiving day. i won't be able to make it home, so it'll be a nice, lazy day for me to do pictures.

quick tr in a nutshell: we hated pofq and moved to coronado the first day--which we ended up loving. the next day, we went to our site visit--saw wendy for a minute--got in there, sat down... and there was bill!! i was so happy to see he was back!! not just happy... ecstatic!! we looked at the wedding pavilion and i fell in :lovestruc. we then came back to franck's and went over some details---he was impressed to see i had already penciled the officiant and makeup/hair. we discussed a few other vendors and i was happy and impressed that he didn't push all disney services on us. i wasn't sure how that would go. we then went to see the napa room which was even better than we imagined. we had just had an incredible meal there the previous night--then seeing the room was just great!! we absolutely loved it. we got the table information and another plus to this room is that wishes is piped in for free since it's located in the restaurant!!! :wizard: this is a major plus because i was prepared to pay for it!! ((sooo, um babe--since we're saving money on the music... can you say confetti cannon??)) it was just perfect for us. i'm so happy.

we went back to franck's and we talked about transportation, menus, tux rental/steaming. when we got to the dessert party thing, i was prepared to say "pass." this was something he didn't want to do, and i wasn't going to push it. we had been over it a million times and he kept saying no. we let bill know that we weren't huge fans of illuminations, and that we were already doing wishes at the reception. then when he brought up fantasmic!--df turned into an 8 year old and was like... that's a great idea, can we do it?? can we do it?? really?? i've asked you a million times and you've shot me down, lol!! it's a long shot--but if fantasmic! runs the night before our wedding, we will be having a dessert party then. it will be cheaper than a welcome dinner, and the fantasmic minimums were pretty low. i forget what they were, but i remember that it was less than what it would cost to feed 50 people dinner. another thing to cross your fingers about is that wishes runs the night of the wedding and that there is no mvmcp. this makes me kind of anxious, but i'm hoping for the best. i love wishes so much that i bought the cd while we were there. i think that's the first cd i've bought in a few years, lol. so the site visit was a success--we can book on july 5. so i need to save my pennies...

in other news--i got jack day's packet of info in the mail while we were gone. i'm really glad i chose him. he's sweet. we caught a glimpse of him while we were on our site visit as well.

i can't wait to put pictures up!! just give me a week or so because next week is thanksgiving and retail is about to get a bit crazy. our suitcases are still in the living room and we haven't touched them yet. i haven't even been hungry since we've been home. i've already lost the 2 pounds i gained while there. which is good because the past 2 trips i gained 7 pounds each time!! so now it's all about getting in shape and getting organized for this wedding!! less than 2 years away!!
I'm happy you had a productive visit as well! The Fantasmic party sounds so fun and different! We can confirm dates on July I'll be counting down the days too hehe

I'm in the exact same boat regarding vacation spending and saving for the wedding. I just paid off our Disney Cruise in February and have to buy airfare and pay off the Disney portion of that trip. I keep thinking that money could go towards the wedding, but Greg deserves to go on vacation too so I'm trying to suck it up. We are doing our e-pics on that trip too. I'm also paying for the wedding on my own...Greg will be paying for the honeymoon. We split all of our bills...but I make significantly more than it just works out better that way.

Did it get crowded in Disney while you were there? We saw the crowds pick up a lot on Thursday/Friday (I'm guessing it was people coming in for Veterans Day trips). I'm curious if the weekend was busy too.
I'm happy you had a productive visit as well! The Fantasmic party sounds so fun and different! We can confirm dates on July I'll be counting down the days too hehe

I'm in the exact same boat regarding vacation spending and saving for the wedding. I just paid off our Disney Cruise in February and have to buy airfare and pay off the Disney portion of that trip. I keep thinking that money could go towards the wedding, but Greg deserves to go on vacation too so I'm trying to suck it up. We are doing our e-pics on that trip too. I'm also paying for the wedding on my own...Greg will be paying for the honeymoon. We split all of our bills...but I make significantly more than it just works out better that way.

Did it get crowded in Disney while you were there? We saw the crowds pick up a lot on Thursday/Friday (I'm guessing it was people coming in for Veterans Day trips). I'm curious if the weekend was busy too.

Yeah, I'm with you on the vacation thing. If we don't go... that means no vacation for all of 2011 and that would be intense to not to have a break. We deserve it, and I'll make it somewhat productive :) I just booked a standard room at the Grand Floridian on my lunch, which I want to give a try before the wedding anyway.

It was a bit crowded from Thursday-Sunday. It was a combo of the Golf Tournament and Veteran's Day. The weather was amazing though!! We didn't stand in long lines, we shopped around, snacked, used fast passes. Our favorite part of the whole trip was the Osborne Lights. They were so awesome. The next time I see them will be on the honeymoon and I can't wait!!! So funny thing happened on Friday. We had to go to guest services because they didn't transfer our tickets over right when we transferred rooms. We didn't use our tickets on Thursday because we had the site visit, then went to MVMCP. So we are in the line for guest services at EPCOT and DF is like... haha, that girl is trying to look like Snooki. So I look over--I'm like, ummmm that's because it is Snooki. So I took a few pictures just so people would believe me, lol. I'm the paparazzi in training.

I guess I'll tell this story now and add pix later...

We were at MVMCP and we were so tired from getting up early for breakfast and the site visit. It was also quite crowded. So instead of riding, we decided to stand in line and take character pictures. We normally don't do this, so it was pretty fun!! Especially because we had our engaged buttons on. When we were with the step sisters, they asked him if he proposed to me properly. He answered no, but he was going to. They threw a fit at him and said they wanted him to do it now, lol. He was embarrassed. It was right before fireworks, so they said that we were to meet them at the wishing well on the side of the castle at 10pm. I didn't know if they were joking or serious, but we were there, they showed up--he got down on one knee (before we arrived he took my ring), said a few words that choked me up and made me giggle at the same time and it was re-official, lol!! we got a bunch of great pics with the sisters and it was so much fun. i never expected anything like that!! So his new story to everyone was that he proposed in front of the castle, lol. We'll let him live his dream--as far as I'm concerned, I've been engaged since he stumbled in drunk on Labor Day :rotfl:

Those buttons wore me out!! Everyone saying congrats, asking how he did it, asking to see the ring, asking when's the date--- I felt like a celeb all week. The last 2 days, I told Dave I didn't have the energy to visibly wear it, so I put it on my Duffy purse. I fell in love with that soft little bear. I got the stuffed animal and the purse. My dog fell in love with the stuffed animal and grabbed it out of my big bag I take on the plane... but I had to burst his bubble because $25 for a dog toy is a bit excessive.

Okay, I still have massive work to catch up on that I'm avoiding. Maybe that's why I keep typing. Okay.... see ya bye!
I feel like I abandoned my PJ--it's been 12 days, lol. In my spare :-)rotfl2:) time I've been going through my vacation pictures and putting them in folders, cropping, editing etc etc. Most of my time has been going toward my dining reviews and there are minor trip points in that as well... so check it out. (a picture of my ring is also there!) So here's a little update:

The day of our site visit I left the room with:
New, Awesome Digital Camera-- No battery (left on the charger), With Memory Card

Kodak Playsport-- With battery - No memory card (in the carry case that I didn't bring)

I was so mad that I threw a hissy fit on the monorail when I realized what I did. I took the memory card from the digital and put it in the Playsport. All the pictures I took on my site visit day look pretty rough. A couple came out okay and I'll post those soon. We've all seen the Wedding Pavilion and the Napa Room--they are what they are.

Cha Cha Cha Changes:
Our Aqua and Lime scheme is no more. We aren't feeling them up against our venues now that we're not outside at the YCG. We've decided on Clover as our main color. It is a dominant color in the WP and the Napa Room. I'm a little crazy when it comes to matchy matchy, and I'm at peace with this. It's also a nice, calm color for November. Now that I've seen our places in person and have our main color, it's been easier to look for decorations online. I just haven't had anything jump out at me yet. I'm not ruling the "sparkles and sweets" theme out yet--especially because he's loving the idea now. (at first he hated it, lol) It seems like every time I move on to a different idea because he wasn't sold on my original idea... he ends up liking the first one after I'm "over" it. Ahhh! So Clover it is. I would like to do dark colored tableclothes in the Napa Room if possible--maybe like an eggplant or black? The few people that I ran this by said it would make the room look really dark.... well I like that. I like it a lot. I think it would make the sparkles really shine and having it darker in there would make the fireworks seem brighter. DF really really likes the idea of the glowing sorbet slipper. I told him to get a third job :laughing:

Speaking of deliciousness:
I've been staring at the CG menus they gave us at the site visit and am trying to vision how they'll work since there isn't much they'll work with. Unfortunately, I'm the sick kid with allergies. I'm allergic to tree nuts (including coconut, excluding peanuts), zucchini, and we're both allergic to mushrooms. Almonds, Coconut and Mushrooms are always in recipes it seems. I also have skin reactions to pineapple, strawberries and tomatoes--so unless I pick a photographer that photoshops hives away... I better steer clear. So within reason, they will have to work with me. The menus look pretty good, and I already know their food is great. I'm not sold on the "family style" serving of filet--but what are ya gonna do, right?

As much as I want to do the MK photo shoot, I'll have lots of castle pix from the beach and the reception... we'll see. Maybe there will be awesome new stuff in Fantasyland by then... and hopefully that :headache: crane will be gone!!

Our stay in May will determine how long we want to stay at GF for the wedding and when we will move over to YC for the honeymoon. We've never stayed at a monorail resort before so I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

Next dilemma. Photography. This word is giving me a migrane.

Because I am unable to be at peace with a decision, I have decided to go with a resort (GF) PhotoPass session as our e-pix. It's $125 for a 40 minute session and you get the CD. This is a win. Although I wanted to use this time to get to know my photographer... it doesn't look feasable. I don't think I'll have a decision by then, nor the $$ for a real session. It will also be May and warm, and he will lose patience in the heat. I also need to book a makeup/hair trial with Patricia. We just need a couple good pictures, I don't need a ton of engagement shots. I'd rather have lots of wedding photos!!

I am really stressing over this, I wish my friends were fluent in Orlando photography, lol. Going into a Disney wedding, I thought I knew for sure on who I was going with, but now that I am into heavy research--I am going crazy! I really like black and white, fish eye, and photojournalistic shots. If you have any words of wisdom on this... please PM me. Oh, and we're definately doing a first look.

Dress Steaming and Tuxes....
We're going with Carolyn Allen's for both, should make it easier I think. Thoughts? Comments?

The plan on transportation is to do a limo. We're giving GF, BLT and CSR as room block options, so BLT/GF will be really close (close enough for the healthy to walk) and we'll need a trip or three ;) to CSR. After the ceremony, the limo can take those unable to walk long distances over to CR, and the rest of us will take the monorail because I want pictures!! YC will also be on the room block, but we're not telling because we're just using that for our honeymoon.

We're also still looking at the Fantasmic! dessert party. Of course we won't know about that until 6 months out... my back up plan is to eat at Cape May Cafe or O'hana. Although, I've heard spotty stuff about O'hana in large groups :sad2: Pssh, it's spotty when you go with 2 people :laughing: But it's yummy. I especially like my hot fudge brownie sundae since I can't have the bread pudding (coconut allergy). This is also stressful to not be able to nail it down until times come out.

If you haven't noticed... Christmas is right around the corner. This means I need to get all my :eek: together before I go home and "present" this to my family. Since all my plans have changed, I need to rework the program and get prepared. I would say the majority of my family that I ask will be there, simply because Pennslyvanian's love Disney. I just want to give them time to save if needed. Now my friends from here (Kentucky/Cincinnati) and his family/friends may be a harder sale. It doesn't have to be a million dollar trip people! You don't have to go to a park if you don't want to!! I'm beating a dead horse with that subject.

So the next step:
Start buying things. Yeah... I'll get right on that. Right after I buy Christmas gifts, pay off medical bills, pay off vacation that I upgraded to Sugarloaf for his birthday as a surprise :cutie:. The first thing I want for sure is my wedding band, then my dress/shoes/understuff, lol. I figure I'll pick up little welcome bag stuff along the way so it doesn't seem so crazy later. I've been working on music selections and want to start preparing that as well. After Christmas when those rubbermade bins go on sale I'm going to buy about 5 of them (is that enough?) to cart stuff down there.

What am I missing? Everything, lol?

Now that I know what I'm kinda looking for, I can share my ideas!! I knew things would come together after the site visit!! I'm so excited!!
Disclosure: The following may be due to the intense-ness of holiday season in retail and working another full time job, and trying to keep up with a household, and having to lay out every wedding detail to my out of town family in 16 days.

I am having a crisis. I just want to be married--now. I think my ticker said One Year, 10 months and whatever...

If you were previously tuned in, you saw my pregnancy/baby dilemma. I am wanting to wait until after the wedding, and he is wanting a child now now now. I need both my jobs to continue to pay down debt and pay for this wedding. Who am I kidding... I need both my jobs and a powerball hit. I will not be able to work 2 jobs with a child, or I will never see it--which will leave him and FMIL :sad2: to raise my kid. no way. i'm also struggling enough to lose my weight. i know it can be done--i just don't have the hours in the day to make it happen. i've been doing a vitamin d thing that i found in First magazine and it seems to be doing something.

so the first half of yesterday, i ran numbers on what dropping to an escape would be, and cutting the guest list. we have 19 family members--so one couldn't come, and not even 1 friend could be there. i assumed we would just get a table for 20 at CG and call it a day. we went to dinner at a local hibachi grill and i brought my research up. the friend thing made both of us sad. i think if it was up to us, we'd only have our friends there :rotfl2: so within minutes we were back to our Wishes wedding and I snuck in a rough question... So how are we going to pay for all this? Now, I know that I can contribute a significant amount, but I'm still coming up short. I obviously will need a little bit of help and his answer of "i don't know" wasn't what I wanted to hear. we were by ourselves at our table, and our chef kind of got the hint we were having a conversation and quit with the tricks, lol. it was delish btw. i think it was when he told me the difference between escape and wishes was ONLY 30 guests. :eek: i had a look of panic on my face, like he didn't get it. I kind of loudly said, yeah... at about $225+ a head for everything all together (food, dessert party, welcome bag, cake, favor, fees, etc) we're talking the cost of a Chevy Aveo, lol.

we've had this talk before and he came up with alllll these ideas--but has yet to follow through. Somedays I get so mad when I look at my finance spreadsheet and see I have $15721 left in debt to pay down and I think of just throwing my wedding budget on that, quitting one job and being stress free. I have paid down over $11000 in the past 16 months and I am making great strides!! (not to mention 2 disney trips :wizard: and still have all the nice things we want) I've tried to imagine a non-disney wedding and truthfully.... I'd rather not be married at all if I can't be married there. So I guess I need to make it happen.

As far as progess goes... I'm on the last page of the newsletter, I probably won't post it on here, because I won't be able to figure out how... if you would like a copy... PM me your address, or if you have Microsoft Publisher--I can email it to you. This is what I will be presenting over Christmas.

Also, after much thought and research--have decided on, and have been in contact with Misty Miotto. She has such wonderful visions and we hope to have her with us on our special day! If possible, I would like to ditch the original idea of the resort photopass session for one of hers. She said she books e-pix a month in advance, so I'll be saving pennies and selling dooneys :laughing: to make this happen. I would feel way more comfortable meeting her first. I think I read on a PJ in the past that she does 15% off for Disney Brides. She didn't mention this... anyone know if she still does this?? That would be another confetti cannon if she does pixiedust:

Ummm so I wanted to order my dress soon.... BUT--the 2011 Maggie Sottero collection is out and I am going to have to try some more on. They are beautiful! She out-did herself this time!! They're all amazing. I still love the Emily dress, but I just need to be sure, for sure, lol!! Plus, I think I just want to try more on :cutie: There's soooo many new ones!!! There's another Maggie trunk show here in Cincinnati in January--so I'm going to that, with hopes I won't be sick again :sick:

I found shoes that I liked last night at JC Penney--they were on super sale and I may go back and get them. DF thinks I should get the platforms that blink different colors that women of "certain" professions wear :lmao: He said that's the only way to make me tall enough. He's probably right :rotfl: I love the pictures where the bride rests her head on her groom.... the problem is that the top of my head doesn't even come to his shoulder--so I need about a 6 or 7 inch bump, lol. We also won't be able to take kissing pictures because I have to look straight up extending my chicken neck, and he hunches over like the hunchback of notre dame---and it turns out awful--everytime. That's what I get for discovering coffee in 2nd grade i guess :confused3 Maybe the lovely and talented Misty can help with this.

I also (in the shower this morning--weird how wedding stuff hits you at the strangest times) figured out what I'm going to do for my Something Old. My dad (who passed away in 2008) made me a little hand painted barrette when I was little. He painted my name on it, and I wore it all the time. I think I know where it's at, but I'm going to hunt for it. Depending on how long my hair is, we can put it in my hair, or I can put it on my bouquet. Something blue will probably be a garter. (or flashing lights on shoes if DF had it his way :rotfl2:) Something borrowed--no clue yet. Something new--well, lol, everything.

I've been making a list of questions to send to Bill. I know I won't be able to send an email to him until after the holidays when my thoughts are back in order. Until then, I keep a question list on file in my wedding folder. I also want to check in on the status of my date. We've decided to use Ohana as a backup plan if Fantasmic! isn't running the night before. My only super concern is Wishes being on my wedding night. Not that Holiday Wishes isn't pretty--but hearing the Wishes soundtrack on my wedding night would be amazing. I listened to it on the way into work today as a matter of fact :wizard:

Anywho... the moral of the story is that I'm ready to get this show on the road. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way--and that's why we're here! I hope everyone is having a great, stress free, holiday season! Unless something major happens, I probably won't post until after Christmas. Maybe I'll add a few pictures in or something--but I must work on my Dining Reviews! Happy Holidays!
I feel this way ALL the time. I've considered dropping to escape or eloping and doing memories. Or trying to cut my expenses significantly, save more, and cut out the extras so we can move the date up. What keeps me from doing this is that I don't want to rush it because I'm impatient-if I'm gonna get married in Disney it's going to be everything I ever dreamed of- there won't be a chance to go back and do it again. I don't want any regrets or wishing I had done or had something that we couldn't afford. Just hang in there! I'm not going to say time will fly by or it will be here before you know it because I'm living it and time is crawling by!! I've been trying to focus on things other than the wedding. I'm hoping if my brain isn't constantly planning I won't get as frustrated about the wait. I'm trying to focus on short term goals (our February trip is my next project).
I can't focus. I am so excited today, I feel like leaving work and going home to pack :rotfl:

I took my work bonus and booked:

March 18-20 - Pop Century (first time at a value)
Quick Service Dining Plan (this will cover 2 breakfasts, a lunch and dinner)
1 Day Park Hopper (i'm going to see all my favorites in one day)
Bridal Showcase, Luncheon with David Tutera, and Dessert Party!!!!!!

It's paid in full!!!! All I have to do is book my flight--I was going to get a buddy pass, but the flights look kind of full and I don't want to chance flying standby.

I made an ADR for Cape May Cafe for Friday Night (3/18) if anyone wants to join let me know!!!

I'm going by myself so it will be quite the adventure! I hope other ladies show up by themselves so I can socialize!!

I can't even explain how excited I am about this!! I didn't know if I could swing it with our big trip in May... but I worked it all out :) Yay!!

So I may as well add that my shoes are on their way! I found exactly what I was looking for online and they should be on their way this week!! The price was even more attractive, then when my aunt offered to get them--it was a complete win--Free for Me!! When I go home for Christmas, I'm buying my friends crinolene from her... she said it's taking up room in her closet and it could be mine for $30--- sold! I know that I'll be getting Wal-Mart and Target gift cards for Christmas and I'm going to start getting stuff for the welcome bags with those.

In 12 days I can officially say.... "I'm getting married next year!"
:woohoo: I'm so happy for you!!! You are going to have a blast in March! I can't wait to see pictures, hopefully one of you and David Tutera! ;)
How exciting! You'll have a fab time! You'll be there at the same time as me too!
:woohoo: I'm so happy for you!!! You are going to have a blast in March! I can't wait to see pictures, hopefully one of you and David Tutera! ;)

i was just thinking to myself that i may have to buy another memory card, lol!!! i hope he takes pix with everyone... if not, i'll be like... excuse me sir, i didn't pay $50 for this food, i paid $50 for a picture with you! :rotfl2:

How exciting! You'll have a fab time! You'll be there at the same time as me too!

Yay! I'm nervous about going alone! You should sign up for the dessert party!!


So I'm going back and forth about what I'm going to do for food. I love Disney food. I originally booked the DDP, then switched to QSDP, now I may go back to DDP. I don't even know what to pick! Here's what I'm currently hungry for:

OOP: Breakfast - Pop Food Court
QS: Columbia Harbour House, Cosmic Rays, Earl of Sandwich
TS: Captain's Grille, Cape May Cafe, San Angel Inn, Big River Grille

Friday I am going to be on a commando mission, but am thinking I may want to have a sit down lunch when I first get there to unwind from the plane trip. So I was thinking San Angel for lunch, then QS at MK for dinner. Then Captain's Grille on Saturday before the dessert party. Ugh.... I get obsessed so easy with this garbage!! I'm leaning more toward Captain's Grille than Cape May I think. Being alone, I would have to lug my purse and hope they don't clear my table, etc etc etc. Big River has good steak, shrimp, mashed potatoes and chocolate cake :confused3 I have been craving San Angel since we left there so I pretty much have to count that one in. I normally get a kid's Mickey waffle meal for breakfast... I can OOP that.

So if my calculations are correct, this is 12 weeks away :yay: In busy Deena time that means... tomorrow, lol! This also means that if I want to like my picture with David Tutera that I need to put the McDonald's down and grab an apple :laughing: Luckily my strep and sinus infection for the past 2 weeks has got me 7 lb down :) So I'm on my way!! ((except for the fact that this week is Christmas, lol)) I love when I have something short term to look forward to... it gives me a big kick to get moving!
How exciting for you!! We just got back from our trip a week ago and had a blast. Although me and Mom were freeeezing! It was more of a play trip than a wedding planning trip...oops! But in my defense at this point theres not much I can really do. So it was a nice trip. You are going to have so much fun! Nothing and no one holding you back! Im so excited for you!! :goodvibes
Woo Hoo! Little Update! 10 things for today:

1. My shoes are in --- they are more gunmetal silver than bright silver and that is bothering me.... but they are super cute, great height and I think they'll work just fine! The peep toe is perfect--not oddly shaped like some cheap shoes, lol. Can't wait to take pix! If nothing else, I have the sassiest shoes for e-pix, lol. I am almost 95% sure I'll be wearing these though.

2. Although I booked POP, I was able to rent points for a studio at Kidani for only $43 more!! Sorry POP, I'm staying with the zebras... you can keep your spring breakers :)

3. It was actually cheaper to stay until Monday instead of flying on a Sunday. Go figure. So I'm staying an extra day. Then I added another day of park tickets... and it's more expensive, lol. At this point, I don't care, lol. At least I don't have to go commando in one day.

4. I've narrowed my dresses to 2. Maggie Sottero's Emily and Dominique. I should quit looking, the Emily was made for me.

5. I found a headband on a website that I'm ordering. Can't wait to show you! It compliments the Emily sooooo well.

6. Dave wants me to wear J'adore Leau for the wedding, but I want to wear Philosophy's Unconditional Love. I'm going to get a bottle with Christmas Gift Cards. I think it'll make for an exceptional picture. I wear J'adore Leau all the time.

7. So now that my apparel is coming together, next is to save save save save save. I'm terrible at saving. I'm better at spending. I wish I could send the money to Disney every month when I have it. If it's anywhere with my name on it, I will spend it--foolishly.

8. I've decided to wait on E-pix until the planning session. I'm being tested like a test dummy for hormone issues, and they said once they straighten me out I'll be able to lose weight easier. They drew 5 vials this morning, so maybe tomorrow we will see things a little clearer :) Plus, I want the discount you get when you book a wedding, but if I can't book for sure until the LOA, then I don't get the epix discount.... its a mess--I'll just wait. Plus why do a hair trial, if I don't know what my hair will look like in 2 years. The other day I said I was growing it out. Then last night we were bored at work and I cut the sides into an angled bob and I had my friend stack the back. As you can imagine, we weren't busy.

9. This weekend I am going to try to get together with my childhood best friend. I know that schedules around Xmas are tough, but I want to feel her out to see if she'll come. I'd like her to be my MOH--but I don't know if she'll travel or not. We'll see.

10. HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (or whatever you celebrate :) )

Well I hope everyone had a great holiday. I know I'm behind on adding pictures, but I am never home :( Someday I will add some.

The holidays were prosperous and talks of the wedding were all over the place. Here is a little recap:

1. I am 100% in love with the Maggie Sottero Emily dress, and have every intention on buying it, but just for fun--I'm going to try on the Disney dresses as my local store just called and told me they have them in :cutie: This will be done tomorrow night :)

2. My side of the family is definately a go for the wedding. Although I was of course told it would be cheaper to do elsewhere. The look I gave them let them know that their commentary was un-necessary. After much talk about accommodations--they decide they want to stay off-site. I tried to hold in my hissy fit for the sake of Christmas dinner, but when we left my uncle's, I unleashed on my stepmom advising that at least she and my aunt would be staying onsite if I had to pay for it myself. I think they should all stay onsite for my sanity---but in the end---it's their money.

3. Thru the talks over Christmas, my stepmom decided she wanted to go with me in March. I have to say, I was excited to go alone.... but I think she'll be more willing to help if she sees some of the sights. She's very excited to be going, and I'm pretty excited too. It's the first time she'll be there since my dad has passed, so I'm glad she'll be able to get out any emotions about that before the wedding. I'm also hoping she'll see the importance of staying onsite. I put us on the DxDDP and booked all the meals I want for the wedding festivities so she can try them. She wants to pay for a family dinner at Ohana if she likes it.

((Funny story about the family dinner. I told her the price and the menu, and she's like, okay, so there's ..., ..., ... naming all the family plus me and Dave and she said--where's the calculator?? Talking aloud, she says 12 times... UM HOLD UP!! I had to advise her that Dave had a family too :rotfl2: she wasn't thinking and forgot about his side. We started to laugh--I think that would be a little rude to not include them))

4. Dave is really fighting me on the Clover and Black scheme--and I am angry, lol. I guess I can't win every battle. I was so mad I told him I'm ready to drop all color and have a black and white wedding. He said this was the best idea I've had yet. Le Sigh. Why are things so difficult. So pretty much everything will be black, white, silver and rhinestones. Grrrr... but it'll work out.

5. With the new colorless scheme brought changes to my idea for a super colorful, crazy fun mad hatter cake. Our cake will be a 2 or 3 layer square with black ribbon, swarovski crystals and cinderella's castle as the topper accented with silver paint. Things are getting pretty fancy around here.

6. So Mickey and Minnie are a go. Haven't decided on the outfits yet.

7. I only want to do the MK shoot now, not Epcot too.... just too much. I want to request Ty... he has some great photos!!

8. I'm going to contact Basin White to see if I can have the matrimony soaps made with no label. I designed a label that would be really cute on there :)

9. We had planned on getting a Honeymoon Deluxe King at the G-Flo for the wedding and YC-CL for the honeymoon. We're now leaning toward BLT - 1 Bedroom MK View the whole time. We'll miss the Club Level, but will like having the full kitchen, extra space and people being able to come and go without CL access. It's also cheaper. Now that budgets are in full swing... I'm trying to be more in tune with everything.

10. I dropped my luncheon with David Tutera. Since my stepmom is going with me, I used the money for that toward the showcase and dessert party for her. She said she didnt want to be trapped in a presentation for 2 1/2 hours. I don't blame her, when I called Event Services they made it sound really boring and didn't really play it up. They said it was lunch and 2 presentations, and they didn't know what was being served. If I was solo, I would go, but I'd rather spend the time with her. I'm hoping she likes the dessert party and wants me to have one :rotfl:

11. Earlier I said I was going to buy the Unconditional Love for the wedding. Well I'm happy to say that my sinus infection has cleared up... and I will NOT be wearing that. Glad I tried it again, lol!! I may try to weasel a Dolce Vita from my account executive :) I've been a good girl this year!

12. Dave and I are at a crossroads about decorating the Wedding Pavilion. Just petals, Petals and Aisle Runner, Flowers? There is no answer yet. I think the flowers will be White Calla Lilies and Lily of the Valley. I think I've decided against the petal toss because my family and friends are failures and will get 2 confetti cannons for both sides.

13. No decisions on a wedding party. I didn't get to see my friend--I was sick, and her class reunion was on the day I left. I wonder if we'll have one next year?? We didn't have a 5 year, and my class was full of slackers. Doesn't really matter to me.

14. Oh yeah... about those newsletters that took me forever. I was so excited that work let me out early on the 23rd that I left them in my drawer. Awesome.

15. I got personalized bride ears from my DWB secret santa!! she's my new facebook friend too! I hope my secret santa liked her stuff as well :)

In other news...
They finally diagnosed me with PCOS and are medicating me to get it under control which will help with my weight. YAY! We're going vegetarian for January to try to jump start our weight loss. He said he's doing it with me, but I'm sure he'll have burger wrappers underneath his car seat.

As you can start to tell in my posts... I'm becoming more aware of my budget. This is not because I'm cheap, it's because I being a realist. I would rather have Mickey and Minnie, and have a MK Photo Shoot and Confetti Cannons than pay extra for a deluxe room at the G-Flo. I would rather rent points for my aunt and stepmom to stay onsite than make welcome bags. The other truth is... I hate working 2 jobs. I hate both of my jobs equally :laughing: Going from May to May without a break in between will be rough for both of us. We were looking at a picture of the Osbourne lights last night and we both said we wanted to see them again, this year. So that means I'm going in March, May and November?? I like this idea... but it's taking $2000 out of the budget. Would I rather take $2000 out and enjoy our time or spend it on an engagement shoot, hair/makeup trial, and a second wedding band. The answer to that is going to Disney for 4 days in November. I'll get one band for now, he is totally against the E-shoot anyway. I totally believe in trials, but for some reason... I really trust Misty and Patricia. We also dropped from the G-Flo in May to the Contemporary Garden Wing. It's just little things that we cut back on that will allow me to work a little less and have things that are important to us. Like sanity.

I'm very excited about March with my stepmom. I think she needs this trip desperately. I hope she likes Kidani Village... it was one of the only places available for a studio on our dates. I took on much of the responsibility and told her just to pay for her tickets and her flight. I took care of the room, the dxddp for both of us, my flight and I'll get an AP. I'm just excited she's going. I was afraid if the cost elevated too much that she woudn't go. Hopefully the AP rates come out for May and take more of a load off my trip :)

Well that's all for now. I'll let everyone know how the disney dresses look tomorrow night!!
Wow! Talk about an update! Youre on a roll though. It just kind of hit me that Ive got about 9 months til I owe Disney a HUGE chunk of change and so now my budgeting has started. Its a good thing youre doing it so far in advance. I cant wait to see the Disney dresses on someone besides a model! I love the Cinderella one!! Thats wonderful that your stepmom is going with you, Im sure it will make for some great bonding and memories for the pair of you. I cant wait to hear more!! Oh and while the colorless scheme may seem a bit boring I think in the end it will be gorgeous and very upscale...but Im not biased or anything..:rotfl: Cant wait to read more!


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