lower rates


Earning My Ears
Feb 11, 2001
I'm reading on the hotel forums to keep calling to try to get a cheaper rate.
I have reservations end of May for preferred campsite with AAA discount, $61.94 (includes tax) per night. Should I keep trying to get a cheaper rate?
If so, what do I ask for when I call? Will the price get cheaper if the spaces aren't filled closer to time to go. Thanks
Hi lynnpooh,

The next discounts you could try to take
advantage of are the Annual Pass rates but
in order to do that you have to have at least
one annual pass. It may be worth it and it may
not be. When,and for how long,are you going?
What kind of park tickets were you planning
on getting? If the savings on the campsite
outweight the extra cost of the annual pass
then it could be a good deal. I think AP rates
could save you about another $10.00 per nite.
Post your answers and we will see.

You could also join the Disney Club and get a discount with them! We camped in November and got a price of $30/night with the Disney Club! Obviously, that was off-season, but you can get some pretty good discounts.

If I were you, I would reserve the campsite at the price you were quoted for now, just to make sure you get a site that you want! Then, just keep calling back every week or so to see if there are any other discounts being offered yet.

And, keep your eyes open here to these boards - sometimes people hear of specials and discounts and pass them along!

Good luck!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
Thanks for the replys. We plan to get 5 day hopper pass and will be there over memorial weekend. How much is the disney club membership? how much are 5 day hopper passes with dc membership? thanks
I would go with AAA and not get the DC membership. There really isn't much use for the DC anymore at least from my information. They are about the same price. There is only about a 5% discount on tickets. Go to www.wdwig.com for hopper prices and check www.aaa.com (I think) for their prices. Only a few $$ I think.

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[This message was edited by TinkerbellRules on 03-03-01 at 07:10 AM.]


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