Lots of advice needed..........calling all DL experts!

Debs Hill

DIS Veteran
May 27, 2000
We are hoping to go to DL next year and I need some advice! What time of year is best for a)warm weather, and b) not huge crowds>?!!! Is it possible?! Would you stay at DL Hotel or Grand Californian?
I'd say end of April or early May for the warmest with a moderate crowd. I'd stay at the DL Hotel. I've heard the rooms are bigger than the GC. I stayed recently at the DL Hotel and I give it a thumbs up.

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I would say end of September or anytime after labor day in September. Their
low season states Oct 7th and anytime that month.

The time of year to avoid DL and WDW is summer when all the schools are out.

You can stay at either hotel. They are both great. We always stayed at the DL Hotel but this year we are staying at the Grand Californian.


<font size=5 color=#FF0000 face="Comic Sans MS">
<marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">I am going to
Another vote for September. Beautiful weather, kids are back in school, little waits at the park.

I have had the pleasure of staying at all three Disney Hotels over the years. I think that each hotel offers something special. What type of vacation experience are you looking for?

September can be really hot. If you like warm, but not HOT weather, either spring or fall (October around here) are nice and crowds shouldn't be too bad. Of course, the best days are rainy days! :)

All work and no play makes Lisa a silly girl
October is really nice.

and this is my 2 cents...but at DL its just not the same feeling staying "on property" as it is at WDW. so if you feel like the prices are way out of line I would suggest the Marriott and the Hilton. both across the street from DL and very nice. have stayed at both many times.

avoid Saturdays if possible, they are always busy every month of the year.

have a great time

<font face= "curlz mt" size=5 color=blue> Kim
<img height = "200" SRC = "http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/disneykim/card02s.jpg">

<font face="Book Antiqua"color=#FF0066>
Wyndham Palace 7-92
<font face="Book Antiqua"color=#6600CC>
CBR 9-95
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#FF0066>Dixie 9-98
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#6600CC>Yacht & Beach Club 9-99
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#FF0066>Dixie 9-00
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#6600CC>Poly Concierge 9-2001

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