October is really nice.
and this is my 2 cents...but at DL its just not the same feeling staying "on property" as it is at WDW. so if you feel like the prices are way out of line I would suggest the Marriott and the Hilton. both across the street from DL and very nice. have stayed at both many times.
avoid Saturdays if possible, they are always busy every month of the year.
have a great time
<font face= "curlz mt" size=5 color=blue> Kim
<img height = "200" SRC = "http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/disneykim/card02s.jpg">
<font face="Book Antiqua"color=#FF0066>
Wyndham Palace 7-92
<font face="Book Antiqua"color=#6600CC>
CBR 9-95
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#FF0066>Dixie 9-98
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#6600CC>Yacht & Beach Club 9-99
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#FF0066>Dixie 9-00
<font face="BookAntiqua" color=#6600CC>Poly Concierge 9-2001