looking for Hannukah pin


Earning My Ears
Apr 30, 2001
I am looking for the hannukah pin released in 2000.

Pin 3205: Disneyland Hanukkah Pin

This is a rack pin and I will trade something from WDW. If you are interested please e-mail me at



The Disneyland Hanukkah Pin is not a rack pin. It was issued in November and was never restocked again.
It is a hard pin to fine. Because the edition size was very low and not very many were
made and it is dated 2000.

I am a Disneyland local pin trader and know alot about Disneyland Pins.

Good-luck on your hunt for the pin.

Totally correct, in2dis, though not listed as an LE, those pins were out for a very short while then gone. If a certain board member and good friend was not so extremely diligent, I wouldn't have any either.

Would be interested to know if anyone actually did find out how many there really are...
A cast member posted on the Dizpins boards that there will be Hanukkah pin this year at WDW. It was listed among the previews at the last Cast Blast.

Hanukkah begins on December 10th. I wonder how early the pin will be available.
I would LOVE to have a Hannukah pin.

I hope the artists are also given the opportunity to create a pin for other cultural holidays such as Kwanzaa and Three Kings Day. :jester:

That same dizpin CM poster mentioned a Kwaanza pin too.

I have to admit ignorance on "Three Kings Day" -- But, I don't think it was mentioned.
Kwanzaa is a tradition created some years ago to encourage African Americans to remember their lineage and strengthen human qualities. There were debates, because many concepts in the celebration come from the eastern side of Africa rather than the western side, or the area where the slaves were taken from. It is, nevertheless, a very beautiful celebration that strengthens African Americans during the holidays.

Three Kings Day (January 6) is one that some latin and many Hispanic cultures share. The night of the 5th of January, kids put grass in shoeboxes and water in containers for the Three Wise Men's camels. They put both items under their beds and go to sleep. In the night, the Three kings come, the camels eat the grass and drink the water. As a gesture of appreciation, the Three Kings leave them presents under their beds.

They are very special traditions I'd like to see represented in pins along with Hannukah.



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