Loews First Card


Future Floridian
Aug 18, 1999
I just applied for the Loew's first card online. Does anyone know how long it should take to get it? TIA!

1998 - Poly
6/2001 - HRH & PB!!!
Never got mine. I even called and they gave me the number and said they would send it. Oh well, I guess the number is the important part and for all it seems to be getting you lately, it doesn't really matter.

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Make sure you show your card at the Health Club or else your room WILL be charged for using it!!!!!!!!
KimCon - I remember you from the great 'Refillable Mug Debate'. See my post a few down the list on Loews First Confusion at Universal. They told me that if you use a discount rate, like Entertainment Book, you are not entitled to anything.
I am staying my first 3 nights at PB with entertainment rate, but the last 2 nites at HRH are at rack rate, so at least I should get a little bit from it! That was some debate on that mug! I noticed it was revived again recently too! Thanks for the information!!


Poly 9/98
PB & HRH - 6/01
It took 4 weeks to receive mine, but I needed it sooner to check into HRH, so I called the number on the Loews web page, and they gave me my "number", and that was all the hotel needed.`


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