Live from Hilton Head (March 29-April 3) (or as long as the wi-fi connection is good)

While you`re there, do you have plans to go to Salty Dog Cafe? We had a blast there! Enjoy! I can`t wait to hear more! It makes me even more anxious to go in July!
I am loving your trip report!!! I am getting so excited for our first trip as well, my DS's are 7 and 10- a little younger but I am sure they will like the same kind of activities. Looking forward to hearing more- Have a great trip!:thumbsup2
While you`re there, do you have plans to go to Salty Dog Cafe? We had a blast there! Enjoy! I can`t wait to hear more! It makes me even more anxious to go in July!

And everyone has to get a Salty Dog t-shirt. It's a must. Jst pick your color (out of the million that they have). You can ever get a bandana for your dog and send in the dog's pic to the Salty Dog website and they will post it 9with your permission of course)
And everyone has to get a Salty Dog t-shirt. It's a must. Jst pick your color (out of the million that they have). You can ever get a bandana for your dog and send in the dog's pic to the Salty Dog website and they will post it 9with your permission of course)

Yes, Simba,
We all got a salty dog tshirt, some tye dye, some pink, also coffe mugs and those beer bottle coolies that look like a t-shirt. But, of course, a bandana for our Disney Pooch! Every time we drink coffe out of our mugs, we can`t wait to go back! Love love love it there!
Monday morning.

We woke this morning at 8:17 to the sound of DH's "crackberry" buzzing in the drawer. Yep, in our "regular" life, things were going on as usual, email being sent, etc. etc. etc. But in our HHI-life, we rolled over and went back to sleep. Aaaaahhhhh.... I did get up and take a picture of the morning; it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day.



DH got up and went for a run down to the Beach House, taking the bike path and getting his bearings. In the meanwhile, I enjoyed the quiet of the morning and emailing my folks who were coming in today (and reading the DIS!). The boys slept. And slept. And slept. Their bedroom was so dark and quiet that they didn't wake up until well after 10 a.m. It was so nice! In fact, they got up just before DH got back from his run.

By then we knew my parents would be arriving by 11:45, so we decided to just hang out at the villa until they got here and then go out for the day. We were watching the information channel when DH was suprised with this birthday greeting:


I had picked up my folks' parking permit when we checked in yesterday as well as their room keys. I decided it might be best if I went to the front of the resort to meet them and let them in the gate, so around 11:30, I walked down to the shuttle stop which is right by the gate (remember how I said everything is about a 2-minute walk from our villa?!). The shuttle was there, so I checked the time to know when it would likely be back. While waiting, I met a nice lady and chatted with her about the resort and restaurants in the area. I find that's the best way to learn about a place.

My folks arrived right when expected, so I hitched a ride with them to direct them to our unit. We got the luggage cart and helped get their things in and gave them the tour of the unit. While we were on the balcony, we saw one of the recreation staff CMs walking along the boardwalk, and he stopped to chat with us. I absolutely love how friendly everyone is here - the CMs and the other guests.

We had checked the activities list and saw that Kids Night Out was tonight, so I called recreation to find out about it. They are seeing Monsters Vs. Aliens, a movie the boys wanted to see, and having pizza, so we signed them up.

Next stop: The Beach House.
Wow! I would love to go. Of course, we are waitlisted for this summer - again. We will get there some day.

Anyone who's been there - are there tennis courts? My teens LOVE tennis and we play at SSR daily when we are there.

I am so thrilled to see these pics you so generously post! I am living through you right now. It seems like your weather is just beautiful! Have a great time, and post... post... post. popcorn::
Oh my gosh!! I love, love, love, those morning pictures. I feeeeel your relaxation through your posts and that is so cool. Keep 'em coming!
Wow! I would love to go. Of course, we are waitlisted for this summer - again. We will get there some day.

Anyone who's been there - are there tennis courts? My teens LOVE tennis and we play at SSR daily when we are there.


I dont recall any tennis courts, but there may have been some near the beach house. I would call member services, or go to the website and look up HHI ammenities. With the bike rentals, and all the planned activities to do, maybe they wouldn`t miss tennis just once.
Hello I heart the mouse,

When in July will you be at HHI? We will check in on the 12th. We were there once before, but only 2 nights. Can`t wait to go back!

We are there the 2nd thru the 9th! I don't know if I should actually write this..but I think I am more excited about this HHI trip in July then for returning to WDW in August. And I loooooove WDW as you can see from my sigature!
The Beach House and rest of the day.

We got ready to go down to the Beach House, taking the shuttle over since if we drove, we would need two vehicles. Our shuttle driver gave us an overview of things and got us to the Beach House in no time. It wasn't very busy over there. We had lunch at Signals (burgers, hot dogs, etc.) and then walked down to the beach to see how it looked. Someone had drawn a Mickey head in the sand which was really cool. I loved that there were chairs already down there, and we marvelled at how packed the sand truly is! We plan to spend some time down on the beach tomorrow, weather-permitting.






We checked out the rest of the Beach House and then got the shuttle back to the resort area. We took my folks up to Big Murggie's Den to show them around a bit, and then walked over to the pool area. DS#2 got last night's movie to return and they picked out another one for today.


Oh yeah - here's the activity list for today.


By this point, we were ready to just go on back to the villa and relax, so that's exactly what we did. For a whole 15 minutes when DS#2 said he wanted to go get a cookie from the lobby since they had told us they would have some at 3 p.m. DH, DS#2, my mom, and I walked down (2 minutes!). DH and DS#2 went ahead and already had their cookies by the time my mom and I made it to the lobby door. They came out, followed by four or five other guests, all with cookies. We got in and there was one cookie left (cranberry nut - and yes, they are absolutely delicious). My mom offered to split it with me but I told her to just take it. Then I held up the empty basket to show the CM at the desk and put a sad face on. She said she would see if she could do something about that, and yep, she magically made a few more cookies appear. I had a chocolate-chip one today!

We're working on a jigsaw puzzle, so we spent some time sorting pieces for the frame, and just hanging out while the kids watched Muppets Christmas Carol on DVD. Then they wanted to go swimming while the slide was still open (10 - 5). It was about 4:15 then, so we went right away and they had a blast with the slide. DS#1 tried his best to break his record from the Boardwalk, but didn't have enough time. So he plans to go tomorrow, only not wait til 4:15 to get started!

After swimming, the boys got cleaned up and ready for Kids' Night Out. Tonight was pizza and a movie, so they needed to be at Community Hall about 6 p.m. I took the boys down, and the Papa John's pizza delivery guy was there with a wagonful of pizza. There were quite a lot of families who were having their children participate, ranging from the young ones through the teens. It's $20/kid for Members. So I got the kids checked in and then met DH and the folks at the car so we could go out for dinner. We went to Longhorn and my mom had found a coupon in one of the visitor guides.

We enjoyed our dinner out and when we got back to the resort, we still had some time before the kids were due back. They made it back around 9:15 and reported that they had a good time at the movies and met some nice kids. Now they are watching The Game Plan. And I'm finishing today's trip report!
Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us!:goodvibes
HHI is on my 'short list' for upcoming trips - looks fabulous!:thumbsup2
What great shots of your family! This is such a great way to start my morning. Would you say there are any buildings that you wouldn't care to be placed? I'm trying to figure if we should make any requests for our July trip. We want to be somewhat centrally located, not a huge walk to the pool or anywhere..Any buildings to avoid or that would be great? Thanks again for the reports!
Sounds like your having a very relaxing trip so far. I haven't read too many reports about HHI, so this is a welcome change. DH wants to try it out sometime. :)
My MIL will be coming this August, and it will be her first vacation in years, too. I am hoping she enjoys it as much as your parents are. But I think she will!

One of our favorite things to do on that flat sand beach was ride our bikes- we all thought that was just the coolest thing!! My DH had the boys having competitions riding the bikes straight into the ocean to see who could get in the farthest- what a riot that was!

Can't wait for you to have more fun- and thanks for posting the activity board everyday- it looks like they've got some new activities to try!:thumbsup2

I am loving your trip report. Thank you so much for posting. Your boys are so cute. The memories they are creating with their grandparents will last them a lifetime. My DDad was killed suddenly 2 years ago in an industrial accident. Since then my DMom has gone on every vacation with us. We have been to Vero, WDW, and will be heading to HH in June. After we lost my dad I decided that life is way to short not to live it to make memories.

Again thank you for the great trip report. :)
Thanks for the kind words - we are really enjoying being here at HHI and having family time. I love that there isn't the feeling of the need to not waste those "valuable Disney minutes" that so many times we might feel when we go to the parks... we are truly relaxing and enjoying not having anything to we feel like we have to do.

We got up a little earlier today than yesterday (9 a.m.) DH went for a run and I put some cinnamon rolls in the oven which the smell of woke everyone else up. The boys are sleeping in the living room to give my parents privacy in the 2nd bedroom. After breakfast, the boys and Grandma are working on the puzzle while the rest of us are just doing whatever (me, I'm reading DIS!).

It's a bit overcast today which is perfect for going to the beach. It's a bit warmer today than yesterday and not much of a wind at all, so we think we'll make it down to the beach in a while. And of course DS#1 wants to do the slide all afternoon.

Regarding a building I wouldn't want to be in, well, we haven't walked around a whole lot, but I think I wouldn't want one of the buildings overlooking the pool because you get more foot-traffic. We're in 15 and I think 16, 17, 18, and 19 all seem like they are in good locations. We haven't been beyond the pool area, but tomorrow they have a Behind the Scenes tour that we think we'll do (weather permitting).
We were in bldg 17- I agree, very centrally located.

Do that behind the scenes tour!:goodvibes I did it- it's GREAT for Disney geeks like us!:rotfl: Lots of whats and whys about the resort.:thumbsup2
Tuesday... at least I think it's Tuesday. When I woke up this morning, I wasn't really sure what day it was. And you know what? I'm on vacation, so what does it matter what day it is, as long as it's not check-out day!

Here's a picture I forgot to post yesterday - it's by the pool, behind where the slide is.


We didn't stay up quite so late last night, but that didn't mean we didn't sleep in this morning. We re-arranged sleeping to let my parents have the 2nd bedroom. They were fine with one of the boys sleeping on the other bed, but both boys wanted to sleep in the living room, so DS#1 got his usual position on the pull-out, and DS#2 slept on the aerobed that my folks brought with them in case we needed it. It actually worked out well because whenever we sleep over at my parents' house, DS#2 sleeps on the aerobed there.

I was awakened around 7:15 by the "alarm" that is DH's CrackBerry that I think I will turn OFF before bed tonight. Thankfully I was able to go back to sleep. I don't think DH even heard it ubzzing in the drawer. Other than that, it was blissfully quiet, and of course the heaviness of the drapes makes it
dark so sleeping in definitely encouraged! DH and I got up around 9 a.m. and he went for a run while I started a load of laundry and put cinnamon rolls into the oven.

The boys started to rouse with the sound of me trying to figure out the oven. My folks came out of their room (I don't think they had been up long, either) and we all got breakfast when the rolls were done. Dad and I ate on the balcony. It started off a pleasant temperature, although a bit overcast, so we were considering going over to the beach. But as the morning progressed, the temperature dropped off a bit to the low 60's which was a bit cooler than I thought we'd be comfortable.

So what to do? What to do??
We were in building 19 which was great for location, but not so much for view. One problem to note though.....we were in 1914 and the path outside our unit FLOODED in the rain on Saturday night. Now, I am not just talking puddle...I am talking LAKE!! It was almost 4 inches deep and huge. There was no possible way around it but to go through it. Luckily I had my Crocs on or I would have been forced to do it barefoot.


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