Live from Hilton Head (March 29-April 3) (or as long as the wi-fi connection is good)

So DH was comfortable in the rocking chair on the balcony with his book, doing exactly what he had in mind for the week. Mom and the boys were working on the puzzle, I was trying to decide what I wanted to do today, if anything. I knew it was cooler than I wanted for the beach at that point, but I did want to get out of the room for a bit. DH had been for a run, I knew the boys wouldn't want to go for a walk to nowhere, so I asked Mom and Dad if they wanted to go for a walk by the marina and up by where King Neptune is so I could get his picture. It worked out well as I was right about the boys not wanting to go and about DH staying behind.

We found a cut-through to the pathway by the Harbour and walked toward the front of the Resort. All along the pathway, there are planters filled with a variety of flowers.




It was a pleasant place to walk. We went across the bridge...


and discovered that there are shops and restaurants over there. So we did some shop browsing. They have some nice little shops; one is a Christmas shop so that was fun to look in, and they carry some Disney-themed items made by Jim Shore, a local area artist. I had only tucked a few dollars in my pocket when we left because I had not anticipated that there were shops that close to us, so I'm definitely going to make a trip back over. DH likes the kinds of shops that are in the Shelter Cove Harbour , so we'll probably go over tomorrow. (Note: I just read the brochure and it seems that King Neptune is the World's Largest Figure Sundial... so now that I've seen the World's Largest something, I can definitely say we've been on vacation!)


My boys collect those thimbles and spoons that are so popular, so I thought to look for them. I found them at a shop that had a sign in the front that my dad posed with:


(He's a really good sport!) We found San Miguel's Mexican Cafe and picked up a menu for later in the week. Since that took us to the end of the shopping area, we turned around and headed back to the Resort. Along the way, I got this picture:


and that's without having gone to the Nature Photography class they offer here!

My mom wants to know what kind of bush this is:


We walked back to the Resort only to find that DH and the boys were gone!
King Neptune is my Buddy. At Christmas, they put a Santa's beard on him.

Can't wait til my next visit to HHI.
Love that pic of your dad, how funny!
Pretty flowers! I'll guess azalea for the bush, but I am bad with plants. LOL
ETA: Maybe a rhododendron? It looks like something my mom had and I would swear that was it..
Have your kids check out the 'trivia question of the day' in the Mercantile every day. DD loves to go in there and see if she can get it right. If they get it right the CM's usually give them a piece of candy or something.
Hi NZDisneyMom!
I've been enjoying your blog, especially the part about the cookies! Do they have rice krispie treats there too? The big ones like at the homeland? I am glad to see your pictures and hope to make it to HHI someday. I'm glad to see they have a hammock for Shadow there, I LOVE hammocks! Would it be an appropriate size for a little monkey like me? Cool bird picture too. A word of advice, however, don't try to get too close to the birds to pet them. I had a bad experience once, thinking the birds were tame...not so much. Glad all my fingers are sewn together or I might have lost one. :) Glad to hear your report!

I meant to ask you before, you do plan on making any side trip to Savannah? We are going in July for a week, and I thought about going for a day or two. Didn`t get much time at HHI last time. I simply cannot wait to go again! Can`t wait to see more from you. Thanks for posting!

Hi Cindy! I am just loving this trip report! We love the Christmas shop too! I have quite a few Jim Shore items from there. That bush is an Indian Hawthorne. They come in pale pink, or white I believe. You will love San Miguels. Those snapdragons were pretty too!!:hippie:
I can tell I'm in full vacation-mode because I forgot to mention that on the way back from the Harbour, my folks and I stopped to have a Horseshoe Expedition. Which was really my dad and I tossing horseshoes one way, and my mom and I tossing horseshoes back the other way. Once. It was funny and fun. The horseshoe pit is that dirty sand like you find at campgrounds; at least this morning it had been freshly raked so the oak leaves were out of the pit.

Speaking of oak leaves, it is amazing how many oak leaves there are around this place, and I'm so glad there was a big rain over the weekend that seems to have taken care of the oak pollen. Our last trip to WDW a few weeks ago had me sneezing my head off from the oak pollen. The groundskeepers are always raking or blowing leaves off the paths.

We didn't make any plans for anything today, including lunch. My mom had leftovers from our dinner out; it's so nice to have a kitchen so when you do go out and have leftovers, the chances are that you'll actually eat them! My dad made a sandwich, and eventually DH and the boys made it back.

DH and DS#2 had Shadow Dogs that they brought back to eat. They had gone to return last night's movie and ended up playing shuffleboard for a while. Every other time we've been down that way, the shuffleboard was being used.

DS#1 wanted to go swimming, so he changed and I walked with him to the pool. We got there at 1:25 p.m. Today is the day he planned to break his
P.R. for consecutive times down the slide (60 at the Boardwalk). So off he went. Each turn down the slide took about 45 seconds from the top of the slide to the top of the slide. There weren't any other kids using the slide and only a few were in the area. There was lifeguard training going on in the pool, so that was interesting to watch and listen to. After 15 slides, DS#2 arrived and joined his brother on the slide. Round and round they went.

Just as DS#1 was reaching 60, the lifeguard asked him how many times he had been. After he broke his P.R., he kept going. And going. And going. DH joined us at the pool at slide-number-75. At that point, the goal was 100. We tagged and I went back to the villa to see if my folks wanted to see if they had cookies in the lobby as it was nearing 3 p.m. (I guess the cookies are no more a well-kept secret since I'm posting about them every single day -LOL).

We walked up to the lobby and went to Big Murggie's Den where we took a look at the newspaper (I only read the comics). They brought the cookies out right at 3 p.m. and I had a cranberry-nut one. Yum. Then we strolled back to the villa. On the way, one of the engineers walked with us and was asking about our stay and if everything in our room was ok. My dad asked where we might find the trash area for our building as we had not been able to find it. We had seen the "Trash Area" sign on the other buildings, but just not on ours. As it turns out, our building is a bit odd and the trash area is on the side. So now we know where to take our trash!

DH and the boys came back with exciting news. DS#1 had not only made 100 slides, he had gone down the slide 151 consecutive times! The lifeguard had told him to go tell the CM at the recreation window and they presented him with a certificate and a card for a free game at the Arcade! How cool is that? He was pretty exhausted and a bit frozen as the temperature had dropped a bit in the afternoon.

After DS#2 had a warm shower, he wanted to walk to the lobby in case they had any cookies left, so DH and I walked with him. I had a letter to mail, so I dropped it off at the front desk while we were there. Then we sent DS#2 back to the villa while DH and I walked over to the Harbour shops so I could show him a couple of things, including what I ended up buying for him for his birthday ( - a Jim Shore (Disney Traditions) Donald Duck figurine.

We walked back over to the villa where we found the boys and my dad heading out in search of a movie. While they were gone, I started dinner (spaghetti, sauce, bread, apple slices). It cooks quick and was ready when they got back with National Treasure 2. We had supper, cleaned up, and then I put some brownies in the oven which got done a few minutes ago and I have boys (and a DH and dad) who were impatiently waiting for me to say they are cool enough to cut without burning themselves.... which means if I'm going to want any myself, I've got to stop typing!
Thanks for the plant info.

Disneymom - my folks live just out of Savannah, so we won't be making a side trip there. We had considered going to Charleston, but decided it was too far and since we'd have to take two cars, we decided to just hang out here!

SSRMonkey - the only rice krispie treats I've seen are on a long stick (like a lollipop stick) with chocolate or other candy coating on them. I prefer the plain ones on popsicle sticks. I've also not been able to find the Mickey Ice Cream Bars at the main resort, but they do have them at the Beach House so we'll make a trip over there tomorrow or Thursday. They have the ice cream sandwiches in both places.

Weather forecast is for storms tonight and rain tomorrow. Linda, I hope we don't have a similar experience with puddling.

Podsnel - I just realized I didn't get a picture of the chalkboard today. The activities they have on the list today are: Hilton Head Island... Where to go, What to do (3-hr NEW program tour). Naturalist Morning - make cornbread and butter over an open fire. Nature Kayaking Trip. Nature Photography (NEW). Arts and Crafts - Disney Characer Mugs. Meet the Naturalist - Shark's Teeth. Sand Sculptures (on the beach). Sweet Goodnights (bedtime stories with milk and cookies). Also the Edmunds Family Low Country Boil was tonight but we oopted to skip it.

Conan - that's hilarious about the beard.
So, how are those brownies???? Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your family. How nice!! We are hoping to get to HH next year so I am enjoying your report a lot!! Thanks for posting!


You are soooo sweet to post the activities for me!:goodvibes:thanks: Thank-you so much- but please don't go out of your way- just ENJOY yourself!!!

By the way, my DSs are impressed by BOTH of your DS's records- that's a LOT of sliding and climbing!!!:yay:

Thank you sooo much for posting this. I am so enjoying your live report and pics. I am so excited to go to HHI in August and you are adding to it:rotfl:Keep up the great work!
Loving the report!! Love the pics of the flowers, and your Dad looks like a fun guy to have on vacation with you!!:) That bridge in the photo... is it a walking bridge at the front of the resort leading to shops and things?? And then there is a second bridge (or pier) in the back of the resort? I'm trying to figure this out! How long of a walk was it to get to the restaurants and shops?
Well, we've had enough. This place is horrible and I just want to go home. I will never ever ever come back to Hilton Head Island and stay at the Disney resort. It's terrible.

ok, April Fool's :)

It's really fabulous here.

Loving the report!! Love the pics of the flowers, and your Dad looks like a fun guy to have on vacation with you!!:) That bridge in the photo... is it a walking bridge at the front of the resort leading to shops and things?? And then there is a second bridge (or pier) in the back of the resort? I'm trying to figure this out! How long of a walk was it to get to the restaurants and shops?

Hi. The bridge is at the front of the resort - you drive over it to get to the gate to get in. There is not, to my knowledge, a bridge at the back end to bring you back over to the resort... we got down to San Miguel's and just turned around because we didn't see anything to complete the "loop."

My dad *is* a fun guy to have on vacation!

It's raining today which is fine... definitely a day of full relaxation. DH just suggested we go to the outlet mall today but it's kinda far back over there so I think we'll just stop on the way home on Friday. He wants to go to the Nike store to get some new running shorts and socks. Of course he's about to go run in the rain...
By the way, my DSs are impressed by BOTH of your DS's records- that's a LOT of sliding and climbing!!!:yay:

Thanks. He was pretty exhausted, but that sense of accomplishment was well-earned! Good thing he picked yesterday to do it since we have rain today and tomorrow.

I tell you, I am going to be as sad as you when this trip is over. I am living my HHI vacation through you until July when I get there. What are your plans today and tomorrow with the rain? I`m not sure what there is to do with rain, but I bet you will figure something out. Rain isn`t the same on vacation as it is at home. Have a great day.... looking forward to your evening post.

Wow 151 times in a row! That's hard work!
How cool that the CMs did something for him..which reminds me-there's an arcade? I have been to the resort like 7 times and am drawing a blank.
Is it new or am I going to feel really stupid when you tell me where it is? :lmao:
When we were there last June there were a bunch of people in the store and that area taking measurements and saying they were going to be remodeling.
Wow 151 times in a row! That's hard work!
How cool that the CMs did something for him..which reminds me-there's an arcade? I have been to the resort like 7 times and am drawing a blank.
Is it new or am I going to feel really stupid when you tell me where it is? :lmao:
When we were there last June there were a bunch of people in the store and that area taking measurements and saying they were going to be remodeling.

JVL, the arcade is right off the pool area, where the ping pong table is. It`s not very big, so it wouldn`t be hard to miss.

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